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November 12, 1972 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-12
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Page Two


Sunday, November 12, 1972

Sunday, November 12, 1972



.... . .....
- .s.
Now serving
--- - --- - - ~~-- - - - -~

pg. 1 Whatever happened to baby hippo?
by Arthur Lerner
pg. 3 Books: Film and society
a review by Nigel Gearing

(continued from page 17)
hood of George Jackson ... the
sisterhood of Angela Davis" - a
phrase I used at the close of my
analysis & suddenly I'm be-
ginning to get oh so hip. Then
comes the classical curbside allu-
sions of the gutter to my partner
Marie, mother, family, etc., &
finally the inevitable search for
a familiar jacket: "Are you a
communist, homosexual,*'!% $* ! *
& so on, ad nauseum. I say in-
terrogation - why? And then we
get to the point. Reeves says the
same thing Barber originally did
-no sealed letters to the press.
Not true No. 2, give me the let-
ter back, he says no - "evidence
for possible prosecution: slander
(Nixon); obscenity (fuck); at-

gation baseds on A2S, RPP -
the usual commie purge. And
then - dig this - Buswell walks
in & he's dressed just like Bru-
tus, only I shoulda known cause
he never was my friend. And
don't you know these chumps
start going on & on about every-
thing they know 'cept my god-
damn letter, which is why I
thought I was there in the first
place. Buswell's telling Beaver
"oh, this man is not responding
to treatment, he's disruptive, &
his image of an anti-establish-
ment author is not corollary to
that image which my program
wishes to promote." Accuses me
too of writing of Pun Plamon-
don's article in RT, & another
anonymous number in PDI. Dr.
Beaver's nodding his head now

bury awhile back on account of
a strike situation there. Name
is A. B- . He's a C.O., and
was pretty well known out East
and as on off-Broadway actor and
writer, I understand. Anyway,
the brother's huge and typically
(righteously) proud and arrogant
and the man never did know
what to do about him. Anyway,
on Tues. nite he was standing
in front of G-Block trying to or-
ganize the other Black brothers
to demand protection for t h e
brothers being dragged into the
hole - demand they weren't
beaten, etc. Then he was herded
into our unit with the rest of us
and he told me before they lock-
ed us up to listen thru the vent
between our cells if anything
happened and they came -for
him. Well, they came, brother -
15 or 20 of those perverted low-
life sadists and they beat on him
and shot this gas in his face we
been talking about in the state-
ments - totally in violation of
all the stated "safety" precau-
tions they were to take. Then
they dragged him off, man, and
the gas fumes coming thru my
vent were so foul I was crying
out the window and nearly puk-
ing. They shot him right in the
face! . . . And I don't know if
this is true or not but I heard
next day they just all beat un-
mercifully once they got him in
G-block. Whatever, ain't noone's
seen him since and I don't see
why we sould expect to. And I
wonder what that shit did to
his eyes
Federal Penitentiary
Terre Haute, Ind.

"They are constantly trying to rehabili-
tate us here, to change us, to change our
way of life and our way of thinking. But, I
find myself asking, if this rehabilitation or
change does take place, from what to what
will be have been changed?"

Toyota Ann
907 N. MAIN ST.
*Mfg. Suggested Retail Price fc
Excluding Freight, Local Taxes, De


5 Mellow Bella
by Martin Porter

pg. 7 Can it be? Are festivals lowering the blues?

pg. 10-11

by Alan Neff
Photo essay: Were Those the Days?
by Tom Gottlieb and Karen Kasmauski

pg. 13-15 The fate of a poetess and Two Poems
by Joseph Brodsky
pg. 16 On living in a cage . .
by James Hoffa
pg. 17 Letters from prisoners
To our readers:

- " EAST
* - -t

ITH THE publication of this magazine,
a past journalistic feature of The Daily
is renewed and a personal goal realized.
Several times in the not too distant past,
The Daily has attempted to compliment its
Sunday news pages with something more
creative, a short journal appealing to a va-
riety of interests.
But producing such a magazine was not
easy - as I hasten to confirm with my own
experience. Few famous writers are philan-
thropic-they ask, if not demand, more than
the pittance this "gem of the college press"
is able to afford. The proverbial "struggling
writer" is a more likely candidate, but alas,

when one is involved in a struggle, we sense
that the outcome is by no means certain.
So it is here. A host of struggling writers
and a lone struggling editor.
Enough. I have not inquired about what
the long-range effects of this endeavor
might be (aside from forseeing brickbats
tossed in among the plaudits). Let's just say
that it could be enlightening - if there is
communication between readers and au-
thors. So we'd like to know what you think-
even if it's just to say how we've helped to
wrap your garbage.
Magazine Editor

tempting to incite riot (down
with prison walls)." OK, I'll
write a letter to the warden. OK,
you do that.
I do. And on Tuesday the 18th
I get this note from Alldredge
(new warden) talking about how
Beaver (new associate warden)
is gonna see me on Thursday the
20th to handle the situation. OK/
COOL, so in the meantime
word is travelling around this in-
stitution relative to the incident
mostly among all my guardians
& they just talk about radical
this, communist that, "anti-es-
tablishment authors," & do-lang-
do-ra-day. On Wednesday the
19th I'm walkin down the hall-
& suddenly I'm accosted by the
Super Human Crew. "Empty out
your pockets, take off your
shoes, etc." They shake me
down, go thru all my books, pa-
pers & shit I been carryin. They
don't find anything to take/they
don't take anything away. I head
on to my cell (K-unit), get there,
walk in & the fucker's been turn-
ed right upside down I can see.
Hmmm . . . (I say this to my-
self thinkin all the time about
Buddy Holly & O what's gonna
become of me). Meantime my
cell aint lookin any too tuff &
I got things hangin offa every-
where - lotta stuff's just plain
gone outta sight. I go to the man:
"What's the deal on my cell?"
Oh fine & he hands me this in-
credible list of "contraband"
confiscated from my cell-3 pr.
=xtra socks, 2 pr. extra under-
wear, 2 typewriter erasers, 2
felt-tipped pens, 11 paperclips, 1
bedboard, my super-suck sweat-
belt, 1 pork bone & chain (Reno),
1 extra ashtray, a spoon, & a
street corner with a hot-dog
stand. Plus - DUST ON THE
FLOOR!! And Buswell comes up
screamin about "this is it, this
is it, the straw that breaks it,
Clayton!" OMIGOD & his eyes
are sure enough twisted, but he
don't say no more than what I
already told you he said. Just
"this is it, this is it, etc," & I
feel like maybe I'm sposed to go
to bed without any supper or
So it's still Wednesday the
19th, right, and on this day Sis-
ter Ginny Ray happens to call
Alldredge & Beaver raging about
how they better quit fucking with
my mail (specifically a letter she
sent that I never received which
was torn-up in the mail room)
or she's gonna ride down on this
gate with a band of Sisters all
dressed in army boots & greens
with hairy legs & pits & stuff &
they're gonna stand t h e r e
screaming until I get the letter,
whew! And next day the 20th
Beaver's real glad to see me by
He says so. Says "so you're
Clayton" all the time tearing the
wings off this fly & acting like a
doctor whose first leper just
crawled in. Says, "so you want
a policy clarification, OK, but
first - I understand you got a
dirty room." We fall instantly in
love. He proceeds with interro-

with these fly legs all around
the corner of his mouth. He's
wearing a stethoscope that looks
like a stiletto set to spring, it's
all attached to a tape-recorder.
Me, my love just grows. Sud-
denly the door bursts open &
Harry Dwyer ina Nurse's suit
slithers all across the carpet
(chief classification & parole).
And Harry certainly does have
this hors d'oeuvre tray all fill-
ed with paroles which he holds
high above my head while he
stalks around me in this fast-
closing circle talkin about mus-
taches, haircuts, New World Cul-
ture Studies & what the patient's
"proper image" should be.
"What's the deal on my let-
ter?" And Beaver says, "Oh yes,
of course, your letter" & he
hands it on back sayin "well, it's
hard to keep up with all that's
changing (??), you understand,
so why don't you just re-seal it,
pal, & send 'er right on out
again . . .
August 4, '72
...NOW, WHAT DID I mean
above by "especially due
to recent events?" - well, pri-
marily this: Monday morn (8-
21) some of us were in the
chow hall copping slop when a
blacknbrother got stabbed in
the neck, immediately after
which about five or six other
black brothers began chasing
around and hurling chairs and
tables at the brotherwho did the
stabbing. Finally they cornered
him near where they always got
the milk cans and beat his brains
all over the floor with chairs.
Also he too was stabbed three
times in the process. The man
was hanging o#}t in the shadows
somewhere and didn't show till
the dudes doing all this shit left
the other dude in a nasty bad
heap and split. Well, as far as I
know, the brother didn't die and
a whole bunch of others got lock-
ed up behind the whole event.
But then next day, Tuesday (8-
22), four black brothers jumped
a white brother on the yard in
what is rumored to be a related
incident and piped the side of
his face off, including an eye.
Also he was shanked a few times
while on the track (stretched
out, etc.) and also he didn't die
too. But right after that hap-
pened about a hundred b 1 a c k
brothers got together in a group
on the yard with golf clubs and
shit trying to protect (hide or
shield them from the man) the
brothers who worked on this guy.
So the pig, he right off labels the
whole thing as a "racial disturb-
ance," and out comes the pick-
ax handles and gas and shit -
the usual honk hoopla - anal just
like the shit that jumped off last
summer, they lock the whole
joint up tight as ten thousands
bank vaults and then ride down
in squads on every unit - beat-
ing and gassing folks. Now this
brother in the cell next to me,
he's in AACS (Afro-American
Cultural Studies), you dig, and
he transferred here from Dan-

oomowp w-

Select from
these famous
" Verde
" Florsheimn
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" fry
" Clarks of England
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" Bori Carlton



Editor............Mark Dillen
Advertising .......David Burlesn
Books Editor.........Ed Surovell
Grateful acknowledgement is extended the
many staff personnel of The Michigan Daily who
aided in the production of this magazine.
Writers are encouraged to submit feature length
articles for future issues.
Vol. 1, no. 1. Published by The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.

Creits .
Cover: David Margolick
Photos: Pg. 1-Ann Arbor Sun, Terry
McCarthy, pgs. 5, 12-Martin Porter, pgs.
6-8---Denny Gainer, pgs. 16, 17-Associat-
ed Press.
Artwork on pages 13, 14 and 15 is by
Karen Smith.
Artwork for advertising is by Bill Free-
mire; Louis Lozon and Rich Weitlert.

* Nunn Bush
" SRO Imports


1 M



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