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November 11, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-11

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Saturday, November 11, 1972

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 11, 1972

By the AP and Reuters
WASHINGTON - The head of
the U. S. Navy yesterday sum-
moned about 90 admirals to the
Pentagon and ordered them to
stamp out racial discrimination
in the Navy.
Naval Chief of Staff Adm.
Elmo Zumwalt called the meet-
ing after three shipboard inci-
dents, the latest Thursday when
124 crewmen, mostly black, re-
fused to board the aircraft car-
rier Constellation in San Diego,
The crewmen were called in to-
day for possible disciplinary ac-
tion over their protest against
alleged racial discrimination.
They began their protest a
week ago while the ship was on
m a ne u vers off the Califor-
nia coast.
Capt. J. D. Ward brought the
Constellation in to port last
Tuesday to take a personal hand
in negotiations with the dissi-
dent sailors.
Thursday, he promised the men
that if they boarded the ship
their problems would be worked
out. They refused to go aboard
until their grievances were dealt

orders end


The crewmen claimed discrim-
ination in promotions, frequent
job transfers, low-work perform-
ance marks and administrative
discharges for under - achieve-
ment ratings.
The Navy yesterday ordered

dent sailors, Electrician's Mate
Fireman Leroi Templeton, said
the men believe the Navy took
the action in order to break a
situaton that might have result-
ed in violence.
"We were afraid for our per--

"This issue of discrimination must be faced
openly and fully . . . it is my view that these
current racial incidents are not the result of
lower standards, but are clearly due to failure
of commands to implement (minority) pro.
grams with a whole heart."'
-Adm. Elmo Zumwalt
:;.: msmnsmemasmnsmsmn

He cited pressures of pro-
longed sea duty and working long
hours with aging equipment and
increasing demands as being
among other reasons.
"It was in recognition of the
" possibility that these duty pres-
sures might burst forth in black-
white confrontations t h a t I
sought through my racial pro-
grams to forestall such explo-
sions," the naval chief said.
He said he was not urging per-
missiveness and discipline must
be maintained, but added: "This
issue of discrimination must be
faced openly and fully . . . it is
my view that these current ra-
cial incidents are not the result
of lower standards, but are
clearly due to failure of com-
mands to implement (minority)
programs with a whole heart."
The trouble on the Constella-
tion followed other racial inci-
dents Oct. 12 and 13 on the car-
rier Kittyhawk and Oct. 16 on the
oil tanker Hassayampa.


AP Photo
Call for unity
West German Chancellor Willy Brandt praises his country's new treaty with East Germany Thursday, describing it as imperative for
"a new era of secure peace." Brandt said, for Germany, "The cold war is at an end."

individual trials for sailors charg-
ed with unauthorized absence.
Known as captain mast, the
hearings began with each man
going before the commanding of-
ficer at a Southern California
naval air station.
. There was no sign of trouble
involving the other 3,500 crew-
men who remained aboard the
A spokesperson for the dissi-

sonal safety aboard the boat,"
he said. "Conditions have not
changed aboard."
At the meeting with the admir-
als in Washington, Adm. Zum-
walt blamed senior officers for
not implementing programs de-
signed to stop discrimination.
The Admiral, said many inci-
dents aboard ships were only
characterized as racial because
that was their most obvious as-


House committee chairpersons


to be replaced

before Jan.





WASHINGTON (AP) - One-third of
the House's 21 standing commit-
tees will have new chairpersons in
the 93rd Congress convening Jan.
Five of the changes are the re-
sult of election casualties. The
other two stem from retirements.
Two of the committees involved
are so-called major committees-
Rules and Judiciary. The others
are Interior and Insular Affairs,
Merchant Marine and Fisheries,
Science and Astronautics, Veterans
Affairs, and District of Columbia.

The most significant change will
be in the leadership of the Rules
Committee. This is the panel which
decides whether and under w h a t
conditions the House considers bills
approved by other committees.
The retirement of veteran Wil-
liam Colmer (D-Miss) paved the
way for Ray Madden (D-Ind.) to
become chairperson of the 15-mem-
ber committee composed of 10
Democrats and five Republicans.
It will be the first time since
1952 that the Democratic H o u s e
leadership can expect better co-
operation from the committee

created to serve as a "traffic cop" lican, Rep. Allen Smith of Cali-
for the leaders by deciding w h a t fornia, is retiring. A more moder-
bills to send to the House and ate member, Rep. John Anderson
what bills to pigeonhole. of Illinois, will be the ranking
Often in the past 20 years, the minority member.
committee has either balked out- The shift in leadership of the
right or required the leaders to re- Judiciary Committee resulted from
sort to bargaining or compromise. the primary election defeat ofvet-
The most recent liberal chair- eran Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-N.Y.)
person of the committee was Adol- It put Rep. Peter Rodino, Jr. (D-
ph Sabath.(D-Ill.) who died in 1952. N.Y.) in line for the chairperson-
Since then its chairpersons be- ship.
sides Colmer, have been Leo Al- The committee has jurisdiction
len (R-Ill.) and Howard Smith over civil rights, impeachments,
(D-Va.) both conservatives. and constitutional amendments,
The committee's senior Repub among other things.
It was Celler who squelched pro-
posals to impeach Justice William
jDouglas. He and the committee's
esenior Republican, Rep. William
McCulloch of Ohio, teamed up to
push major civil rights bills through
-The two youngest people ever the House. McCulloch is retiring.
to serve in Vermont's house of rep- The primary election defeat of
resentatives were elected. They Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) could
were Michael Obuchowski, 18, a result in two chairmanship chang-








Youth vote has som

Send Answers on a postcard or letter with
phone no. to UAC offices, c/o Mich. Union,


name and
Arbor, Mich.

(Continued from Page 1)
per cent more support than the to-
tal electorate, which went to Nixon
by a 61-38 margin. While the youth
vote had little effect on the out-
come, it would have been extreme-
ly important in a close race.
"The most you can say is that
young people are maybe 10 per
cent more liberal than the rest of
the voters," said Edward O'Don-
nell Jr., McGovern's youth vote
coordinator. "You can't lose the
rest of the population and win with
what you pick up in the youth
McGovern did well in districts
with a high percentage of college
students, a group representing only
about25 per cent of the first-time
Appproximately 14,000 under-21
voters gave strong support to Dem-
ocratic candidates in Washtenaw
County, enabling McGovern to be
among the few Democratiic presi-
dential candidates to ever carry
the county. They also played a sig-
nificant role in allowing Democrats
to gain 8-7 control of the county
Board of Commissioners for the
first time since the Civil War.
The under-21 vote was influen-
tial - and perhaps decisive - in

handing the sheriff's job to Demo-
crat Fred Postill, and also strong
student support of Shirley Bur-
goyne may have secured her nar-
row victory in the Circuit Court
judicial race. Gary Owen, elected
state representative from the 22nd
district, has credited his win to the
student vote and all the candidates
in heavily student state representa-
tive district 53 were under 30.
McGovern staffers in Massachu-
setts said the campus vote con-
tributed to his victory there,, the
only state McGovern carried.
Ken Reitz, who headed the young
voter effort in the Nixon campaign,
said recognition of the President's
accomplishmentswas responsible
for what he called Nixon's good
showing among young voters.
The impact of young voters in lo-
cal elections was visible in elec-
tions around the country:
-With all but absentee ballots
counted, Steve Fowler, 22, a Uni-
versity of Nebraska student, has
apparently unseated state Sen. Wil-
liam Swanson, chairman of the leg-
islative council executive board.
Fowler will have to drop out of
school next term to assume his
legislative post.


2. All entries must be postmarked before midnight Monday, Nov.
3. In case of a tie the winner will be determined by the earliest
postmark or if a further tie occurs by a drawing
4. Decision of the judges will be final

Vermont resident now attending
Harvard University, and Gregory
Reed, 19, whose campaign staff in-
cluded many people too young to
-Archie Hapri III, a 26-year-old
Vietnam veteran, toppled the old-
est member of Hawaii's house of
representatives, 68-year-old Mindro
Inaba, and
Lottery to
begin soon
(Continued from Page 1)
the post numbers of the winning
horses in those racestwill decide
which of the ten cups is selected.
The association with the horse
race is needed so that the state
can avoid paying a 10 per cent
federal tax on all lottery pro-
The two winning numbers will
be posted at all ticket selling
locations, at the drawing loca-
tion and published in newspapers.
Agents who sell winning tickets
will get bonuses: $5,000 for selling
a winning $1' million dollar ticket,
$50 for a $5,000 winning ticket, and
varying amounts in between.
M$L was approved by voters in
last May's primary. It is predicted
to show a profit of up to $60 mil-
lion per year and thus help to
provide revenue without raising

eslMiller heads the Science and As-
tronautics Committee. Slated to suc-
ceed him as chairperson is Rep.
Olin Teague (D-Tex.) who now
is chairperson of the Veterans Af-
fairs panel.
Since House rules forbid any
member from holding two chair-
personships of standing commit-
tees, Teague's shift to the Space
panel would put Rep. William Jen-
nings Bryan Dorn, Jr. (D-S.C.) in
position to take over the Veterans
Affairs Committee.
Defeats also removed the chair-
person of the Interior and Insular
Affairs and the District of Colum-
bia committees.
Rep. Wayne Aspinall (D-Colo.)
will be replaced as chairperson of
Interior by Rep. James Haley (D-
Rep. John McMillan, (D-S.C.)
will be replaced on District of Co-
lumbia by Rep. Charles Diggs,
(D-Mich.) now the fourth-ranking
Democrat. Reps. Thomas Aber-
nethy (D-Miss.) and John Dowdy
(D-Tex.) who ranked ahead of
Diggs, are retiring.
Retirement of Rep. Edward Gar-
matz (D-Md.) chairperson of Mer-
chant Marine and Fisheries, will
give the House its only woman
chairperson, Rep. Leonor Sulli-
van (D-Mo.)
All the advancements are sub-
ject to approval of the Democratic
caucus when it meets in January.
However, no opposition to the rou-
tine promotions is expected.

1. What was the serial no. of Clutch Cargo's plane?
2. In My Little Margie what was the name of the old woman who lived across the hall?
3. What was the cook's full name on Wagon Train?
4. Who played the first Clarabel on Howdy Doodie?
5. What was the name of Sargent Preston's dog? Of Dudley Dooright's horse?
6. What was Juliet Prouse's TV series?
7. Who was the only member of the Little Rascals who is still involved in movies?
8. What was the name of Sky King's plane?


9. Who was Jet Jackson's

(formerly Capt. Mightnight) sidekick?

10. What was the shortest T.V. situation comedy?
11. Who was the original sponsor of I Love Lucy?

Derelict dogs roam city

12. What was the food that Wally
Harriet show?

(Skip Young) ate that made him smart on the Ozzie and

(Continued from Page 1)
which they are put up for adop-
tion if the owner isn't found," a
Humane Society official explains.
"The period of adoption de-
pends on the adoptability of the
dog or cat; we get a lot of mon-
grels that are in good health but
they just aren't adoptable," he
In the first nine months of 1972
over 3,200 dogs were brought in
by the police, the county dog war-
dens, individuals and the society
Last year over 518 dogs that
were not claimed or adopted, were

Police and Humane Society of-
ficials recommend that Ann Arbor
dog owners license and ID-tag
their pets to prevent the disap-
point of losing their furry friends.
To obtain an ID tag, dog own-
ers can send their name, address,
phone number, along with the
breed, color and size of their dog
and one dollar with a self-ad-
dressed, stamped envelope to the
Huron Valley Humane Society,
3100 Cherry Hill Rd.

13. Who played on the TV series Adam & Eve?
14. Who was the male star of the Thin Man?
15. Who was the TV star of National Velvet?

North Campus Cooperatives
Male and Female Openings
about $120,/mo.-room, board, laundry, and
a lot of fine people



Full name of Dobbie Gillis' rich friend and the girl
played by Tuesday Weld?

18. What was Robert Serling's TV series after Topper?

FI. 2:+ '2::r"rri:i3:3?::?":'.::+{+?.g"+r:i"i'' ""r, Y"?v" rPdS4." :? fr::rr.r.yr.api"?':?~rvr+r."


What were Walter Brennan's 4 TV series?

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 I the office of Career Planning & Place-
Rugby: Michigan vs. Univ. of Miami GRAM: Summer experience for stu-
of Ohio, Palmer Field, 1:30 pm. dents interested in conservation & en-
Education School: Saturday Semi- o ntal quality. Stipends ofup to or caI 662-44 14
nars, "Institutional Structures for ; $500 avail, for positions as Park or For-orcl624 14
New Constituencies in Higher Educa- est Assistants. Brochure available in
tion," Rackham,. 10 am. this office.
International Folk Dance : Macedon-
ian folk dance workshop with Pece An-
tanasozski; WAB, 10 am.-1::30 pm. &
2-4:30 pm.
School of Music: K. Krazewski, so-
prano, SM Recital Hall, 2:30 pm.
Rive Gauche: Greek night, 1024 Hill
School of Music: CoLegium Musicum,P,
T. Taylor, director, music of the sev-
enteenth century, Campus Chapel, 8
pm. from3to5o.m.
School of Music: C. Moon, harp, SM ' 180

23. Who played the husband in the TV series I Married Joan?
24. Who was the original Circus Boy?
25. Who played Jingles on Wild Bill Hicock?
26. Who played Cheyenne Bowdie?
27. Who played Sugarfoot?
28. Who played Bronco Lane?
29. Who played Eddie Haskel on Leave It To Beaver?
30. Who brought Spoach to the U of M Campus? (Bonus Question)

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