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November 10, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-10

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Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

George 's fall: A


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Dept. blasts Green

AFTER PO RING over hundreds of
pages of testimony and meeting doz-
ens of hours, the chemistry department
committee reviewing the case of Prof.
..Mark Green finally reported its findings
And it probably would have been bet-
ter if it hadn't.
For in the process of its investigation, it
has performed an incredible disservice to
the cause of academnic freedom, which it
in fact doesn't understand.
The report 'is extremely critical of
Green in his presentation of an anti-war
slide show to his Chemistry 227 classes,
but merely glosses over the disgraceful
action of Acting Dept. Chairman Thomas
Dunn in suspending him.
What the committee fails to see is that
academic freedom means bending over
backwards to allow the individual pro-
fessor wide latitude in determining rele-
vance in his course.
The burden of proof therefore is on
Dunn to demonstrate that the slide show
is irrelevant.
But in fact Dunn never did this. In-
stead, he prejudged Green's action and
stated as much in a memo, Oct. 5, the day
of the first slide show.
"Under the circumstances I regard it
as completely inadmissable to utilize this
time for purposes inconsistent with those
of Chemistry 227," Dunn wrote.
But in testimony; the committee re-
ported, Dunn said, "I had not at that
time, nor did I until much later, even
suggest, much less assume that the ac-
tual material was inappropriate."
FACT that this glaring inconsist-
ency did not figure prominently in
the committee's report points up the
drawbacks in having an ad hoc in-house
committee investigating the case.
As law Prof. Robert Burt who repre-
sented Green in the case, "The commit-
tee was very concerned with the impact
of the report on Dunn."
This is the problem with having a
departmental group review the case. For
whether they realize it or not, they have
a bias.
To0day's staff:
News: Dave Burhenn, Beth Egnoter, Tom-
my Jacobs, Debbie Knox, Sue Step-
henson, Paul Travis
Editorial Page: Denise Gray, Fred Shell
Arts Page: Richard Glatzer
Photo technician: Tom Gottlieb
PAT BAUER....Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY...............Editorial Director
MARA DILLEN..........Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN........Associate Manging Editor
TAMMY JACOBS.................Managing Editor
ARTHUR LERNER.................Editorial Director
JONATHAN MILLER.................Feature Editor
ROBERT SCHREINER ............ Editorial Director
GLORIA JANE SMITH................Arts Editor
ED SUROVELL.....................Books Editor
PAUL TRAVIS .......... Associate Managing Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Di-
ane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles
Stein, Ted Stein.
COPY EDITORS: Meryl Gordon, Debra Tha,
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Jim Kentch, Marilyn
Riley, Judy Ruskin, Eric Schoch, Sue Stephen-
son, Ralph Vartabedian, Becky Warner.
Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Penny
Blank, Dan Blugerman, Bob Burakoff, Beth Eg-
nater, Ted Evanoff, Cindy Hill, Debbie Knox,
David Stoll, Teri Terrell.

That's why people aren't convinced by
the army's investigation of its own civil-
ian snooping, or the justice department's
report on the Watergate bugging case.
Yet from the beginning of the Green
controversy, administrators who could
possibly have instired a fair hearing of
the matter refused to get involved.
This "hands-off" policy extends the
hierarchial chain of command - literary
college Dean Frank Rhodes, Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan Smith,
and finally, President Robben Fleming
failed to provide any leadership in this
matter, which admittedly had no prece-
ACADEMIC freedom, however, is not
merely departmental. It is of con-
cern to the entire University community.
The crisis of initiative, however; has a
more immediate impact on the career of
Mark Green.
For not only has the handling of the
case thus far set an intolerable prece-
dent, but it has denied Green due pro-
The committee has maintained that it
could deny Green basic legal rights-
such as the right to face his accusers -
because it was not a tribunal, but could
only recommend further investigation.
But this is not what has happened. The
committee has rendered specific judg-
ments such as that the slide shows were
"an inappropriate use of class time." Yet
basic rights were denied.
The committee, for instance-accord-
ing to Burt-never presented Green with
a list of the particulars it was investigat-
ing. Such considerations as Green's
"handling" of the slide show which
were important to the committee, Burt
said, had never been discussed with
Green as a prominent issue.
IN LIGHT of the unfortunate committee
report, three important goals re-
-To insure that Green gets a fair ten-
ure hearing;
-To establish some guidelines for ad-
judicating similar disputes in the future;
-To raise the larger questions under-
lying the controversy, such as a clarifi-
cation of the academic freedom of the
professor and power of the department
chairman to limit it.
GREEN must face official-sounding
judgements from the review commit-
tee at his tenure hearing, and one can
only wonder aloud whether these pro-
ceedings can now be fair.
The committee stated that it was only
concerned with "the actions of October 5
through October 9" and not with Green's
performance in general as a professor.
But how can you separate the two?
Certainly those professors who were
involved in the case or who sat on the
review committee, must disqualify them-
selves from participating in the decision
to grant or not to grant tenure.
To complicate matters, it is not clear
where Green can appeal his case.
Both Smith and Rhodes were consult-
ed by Dunn before he suspended Green
from his teaching duties. Their impar-
tiality on any appeals from Green is
FAIR TREATMENT for Green is at this
point regrettably not ensured. Hope-
fully it is not too late.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Nov. 7 - IT BE-
GAN in New Hampshire, newsmen and
Senator, freezing to the bone, handshaking,
plane hopping, shivering all the while.
The mood was grim then and the polls not
so good. It got worse when the Senator
moved South to Florida, and found George
Wallace had gotten there first, and the
polls grew worse and the votes, when they
were counted, were a disaster.
But it was early days yet. Plenty of time
to catch up, to win the recognition, even
the respect, of the elusive electorate, so
it was back North to Wisconsin, where
radicals can win. It was cold there too, but
it seemed, suddenly, as if the campaign
was moving. Hundreds of kids fanned out
across the state and knocked on doors for
the Senator, and when the vote was count-
ed it was clear who had won.
FROM THERE ON it was a positive
steamroller. State after state fell to the
Senator's legions. The plane got bigger
and the number of column inches grew.
Here was the media's candidate. The Demo-
crat's man out front, the winner. The Sen-
ator took it all very seriously. He thought,
he knew, he would prevail.
"What are your chances of winning the
presidency," I asked the Senator on a GEORGE
frosty night in April as we flew in a tiny pair ofs
plane from Green Bay to Milwaukee.
"Oh," the Senator said as he sipped a and the S
7-Up, "I think if we can win this primary, graphed r
beating Nixon will be the easy part." by the sc
Then I believed him. Very nice,
The Summer came and McGovern mov- good and t
ed West, the steamroller in front of him, moil. This
the delegate counts mounting. Things got polls, butl
somewhat sticky out on the Coast, but The money
it seemed as if the convention was his, coffers.
locked-up, so to speak, before it even
started. Then th
Well, it didn't turn out that way, and in paper rep
Miami things began looking sticky. They started ch
were sticky. But the Senator's troops pre- Senator fo
vailed once again, though it may have been and few f
a pyric victory.
papers gav
THINGS MOVED to the up once again critical w
Ph ilosophy,

bi tuary
IT HAD TO END this way and it finally
did tonight. It ended as it began, with
newsmen shivering to the bone and the
Senator predicting victory. The faithful were
all around, and they believed, believed so
hard they would triumph that even when
Cronkite told America at 7:30 p.m. that
it was a "landslide of record proportions,"
no-one was ready to believe him, him, the
most trusted man in America say the polls.
In the sweaty Sioux Falls Coliseum a
large crowd of the Senator's friends had
gathered to bid him well in his term of' of-
fice. They looked sullen now, as they wat-
ched the television monitors and saw the
results coming in.
In the corner a rock band played, but
few people danced. Most of them stood si-
leritly and watched the small screens light
up with the numbers that spelled defeat.
And then, almost before it had started, the
band stuck up Woody Guthrie's This Land
is Your Land," and while the dozen tele-
vision cameras took the scene to the world,
the Senator mounted the steps and conceded
THE FACES were damp, but it was
hard to tell the tears from the sweat
from where I stood. The Senator looked
brave, and he told his . people that they
had moved the country to peace, and they
should be thankful. Then he left, and so
did everyone else. A lot of hope had died.
My notebook tells me that, at the time,
I wasn't sure if "this is the end of an era,
or the start of one." But I did write then,
and I still feel now, that things could
get very ugly.
The humor of the campaign has gone
now. The laughter on the press bus and
the ribbing of the aircrew on South Dakota
Queen II.
The press is back in Washington, and
in Ann Arbor, Austin and Cambridge. All
that remains are the political obituaries.
They will be written by better than I.
And there will be plenty to write about
in the next four years.
Jonathan Miller is Feature Editor of The


Doily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM

E McGOVERN, worn out from "hoofin' it" for 22 months, tries on a new
shoes at home in South Dakota on election day.

enator came home to be photo-
iding a horse in the Black Hills
;nic backdrop of Mt. Rushmore.
very, very nice. Things looked
he Republicans were in some tur-
joker might be behind in the
he looks as if he can catch up.
y started flowing into the enemy's
ings started going bad. A news-
orter in Detroit got a call, and
ecking on some things, and the
und himself with no running mate
riends left in the world. The news-
ve him hell for three weeks, three
eeks when he needed credibility

more than anything else, and he lost it
From then on it was a forgone con-
clusion. Lou Harris and George Gallup
couldn't be that wrong. It wasn't 1948,
it wasn't Dewey vs. Truman, it was 1972
and digital computers and a Presidenf with
a $50 million war chest and a lot of talent
-so he was at little crooked, Americans
have never minded that.
Things moved from bad to worse and
the Senator's denials of imminent doom
rang true only to himself. The election
seemed over before it had begun, and the
.Republican keynote loomed as reality:
Four More Years.

jams and psychic ecology

LAST WEEKEND, our commun-
ity was treated to a lot more
than just some pretty finerock &
roll as Stephen Gaskin and the
Farm Band swept through Ann Ar-
bor on their nationwide tour of
major campuses. Both nights they
performed before packed houses,
but for those of you who couldn't
make it, I'd like to set down here
some of the things that were said
on those occasions.
To begin with, Stephen has a true
understanding of the real purport
of a philosophy; it's not just a way
of looking at the world or think-
ing about it, but a way of living, a
practical day by day, minute by
minute approach to dealing with
the here and now. There is con-
sistency in the approach, but he
knows that it is far more import-
ant to be real than to-just be con-
sistent. As he says, "It isn't hard
to get high, but it's staying high
that's difficult. Truth is the only
way." Or as Jesus put it, "The
truth can set you free."
ples Ballroom was a mild bummer,
Stephen came on to a lot of people
To The Daily:
Are 62 per cent of the American
people totally wrong? In Wash-
tenaw County McGovern surprassed
Nixon by about 5,000 votes. A r e
these 55,190 McGovern supporters
in the right?
It appears that the campus has
been in the grip of "Blind Liber-
als" who derive satisfaction by
playing upon the emotions present
in a college-type situation, Their
George McGovern is portrayed as
a sort of knight-in-shinging armor
who has all the answers for t h e
ills of society. Of course, Richard
Nixon is set up as an inhuman
political machine. Beyond a doubt,
the "Blind" have logical insight

in a negative way and these peo-
ple responded with verbal hostil-
However, Friday night in the Un-
ion Ballroom was a different af-
fair. After the hand opened with
some really mellow jams, Steph-
en took the mike, paused to give
people a chance 'to settle down and
after a few minutes of meditation
he began, but this time on a
much more positive note.
He explained that he came here
to share some of his experiences
and to tell us about the farm; be-
ing an excellent word man, he
touched on a lot of things: uni-
versities, religion, karma, levels of
consciousness, etc.
Apparently, Gaskin sees many of
the large formally structured re-
ligions as "social clubs with far
out tax privileges" and as hav-
ing "lost contact with the spirit."
He later said, "religion is not
something conceptual you get out
of a book, but from people. There
is some stuff you can experience
yourself, and nobody can tell you
HE CAME DOWN even harder
on the universities as being para-

sites on the rest of the social bolv.
"a place where by the time you
hang around long enough to get
your degree, your mind and bo: iv
have probably rotted to the point
where you can't work for a living
and you can no longer think - -
where are you?" Sound familiar?
He mentioned that in beginning
work on the farm, they all real-
ized how incompetent they were
and that eventually of the hund-
red or so degrees they had walking
around, only 2 or 3 were really
useful - one an electrical engi-
Yet for all his word jugglery
and apparently overstated opan-
ions it was impossible for anyone
to miss the deeply spiritual, tota:lyv
involved man behind the personal-
ity. That Stephen truly believes
in what he is doing became evi-
dent as he took us on a tour of
the farm - via the media of slide
projector and slides of the 1000
acre farm, a sort of Walden 2 sty-
led community of 500 people in
He said that after seeing huge
utopian attempts come and go, he
decided that the only approach was

to go in their "like .he whole thing
was a heart transplant, to make a
contract with yourself that you
could keep - it is not enoughbto
see how the universe works, but
you gotta spend the rest of your
life putting what you know into
practice - that's the price you
pay, all you got."
GASKIN SAID that the problem
is most people figure "they're just
passin' through, but you gotta take
responsibility for your activities."'
The philosophy used on the Farm
is "tell the truth, be spiritual, and
treat folks real", and also in
connection with the farm, he em-
phasized the saying, "we have no
art, we just do everything t h e
best we can."
wholesale religion and secular uni-
versities was probably justified,
though the trend, as Robert Bellah
pointed out last week in his lec-
ture, in both is away from the
formal, dogmatic approach, and :s
moving towards receiving the "in-
ner message" by direct personal
However, I think that for the
seriously inquisitive disciple (one

who is following a discipline like
Zen or Bhakti (Yoga) the signifi-
cence of what Gaskins& Co. are
doing pales tremendously.
Stephen should not be mistaken
for an enlightened man or as a Guru
in whom one should place all ones
trust and confidence. His books
(Monday Night Class, Caravan)
contain bits and pieces of old
truths phrased in a new way, but
for the advanced 'tudent they
merely represent a hodge-podge
patchwork of various systems of
Buddhist and Vedantic thought, a
curious blend of fact, fiction and
Stephen's rhetoric is tailor-wade
for this generation and the al-
ternative approach he offers, that
of rural communaluliving, based
on a common spiritual bond is be-
ing sought often by more and more
young Americans.
As he says, "I really know how
the universe is working, and I
know it gives you a fair shake."
Peter LaFreniere is a local resi-
dent who will be teaching a
Course Mart class on Indian phil-
osophy next term.


Voters complain about lines


when representing their Nixon il-
lusion - Nixon is the incumbent.
Since the McGovernites are in the
majority in the 'U' they are able
to, without fear, apply various pres-
sure techniques to the non-Demo-
crat and the undecided voter. One
of their more popular methods of
coercion is executed by door-to-
door workers. If the Democrats
had any sense, they would not go
out of their way to use their rhe-
toric to force people to vote for
McGovern; a voter is pushed to
decide alright - "anyone but Mc-
The clever McGovernites meti-
culously collect names of stubborn

How co c


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voters (undecided or otherwise)
under the guise of pollsters. Next
thing you know, there is a knock
on the door. The "Blind Liberals",
are they deaf too? They have never
heard of a secret ballot.
The most recent flagrant exam-
ple of the Democrats fascist tac-
tics occurred on Election Day in
Detroit/ From here, hundreds of
them poured into Detroit. In effect,
these "concerned" students drag-
ged the poor out of their homes
and into the polling places, but un-
fortunately events prove that this
wasn't so simple as that. Certainly
the McGovernites pressed t h e i r
propaganda upon these unfortun-
ate souls.
Senator George McGovern's re-
mark on Nov. 3 is painfully true,
for it appears that the University
of Michigan is kissing his ass
1,000 per cent!
--Bill Heenan
Nov. 8
On abortion
To The Daily:
AFTER WAITING five long hours
with many other students I fin-
ally voted. I asked the "election
officials" why it was that there
were only three voting machines
at the Union where a large num-
ber of students had been voting all
day. I was told that in the summer
primary less than a hundred peo-
ple had voted there all day. Most
university students however, work
in the summer and therefore are
not present to vote in Ann Arbor's
summer primaries.
For me, however, this was nct
the worst part of the election. Ra-
ther, it was the outcome of Pro-
posal "B" - the abortion reform
proposal. The defeat of this pro-

or "no" decision on issues that
affect most people individually-i.e.
daylight savings time. In cases
such as these the outcomes are
understandable. However, with the
abortion proposal the voters of
Michigan decided an issue which
would have permitted individuals
the freedom of a personal choice.
Monies would not have been levied
on taxpayers had the proposal pas-
sed; no one would have had to take
advantage of abortions if they did
not so choose; in short, no one's
righs would have been infringed
upon. As it is, the voters have de-
cided that whether a woman wants
an abortion or not - she can't
have it in Michigan. (legally!)
To deny an abortion to a woman
who wants one and cannot afford
to go to a distant state (for exam-
ple New York or California) and
therefore must keep the child with
neither family, affection or financ-
es to support the child is a restric-
tion of personal freedom. Often in
cases like this both mother and
child end up being cared for by the
state. A further consequence in
some such cases, (although admit-
tedly an extreme one) is the pos-
sibility of suicide on the part of the
pregnant woman as a resuilt of de-
spair. For both situations, the vot-
ers of Michigan must take respon-
sibility for they have made the de-
There are still alternatives open
to women - one can make a costly
trip to another state where abor-
tions can be secured - or one can
have an illegal abortion performed
in Michigan (obviously this has
drawbacks). To allow legal abor-
tions in Michigan would have
meant better facilities and care
for those involved. Furthermore, as
abortion becomes more widespread

contently reading of the abortion
proposal's defeat would be shocked
to discover that their own daugh-
ters have made the decision to
have an abortion.
Progress - perhaps it really is a
-Valerie Kuehn '73
Nov. 8
Vote denied
To The Daily:
I AM A WORKING person,
therefore I was effectively denied
the right, not the privilege, of vot-
ing last Tuesday. I went to vote
twice, but the waiting periods (2
hours during the day and 4 hours
during the evening) were longer
than I could afford to wait.
Let's take a closer look at this
issue. By state law there should
be one machine for every 600 vo-
ters. Let's assume that it takes
every voter two minutes to vote
and that there is no time loss due
to people's leaving and entering
the voting booth. That means that
it should take the 600 voters 1200
minutes, or 20 hours, to vote. If
the poll is open for 13 hours, then
35 per cent of the voters will not
be able to .vote during this time.
They may wait to vote after the
poll has closed.
But some people cannot wait the
two to four hours it frequently took
to vote last Tuesday. They were
effectively denied the right to vote.
Who are they? Mothers with chil-
dren, students with tests the fol-
lowing day, working people.
Please write to your Michigan
Congressman and demand reason-
able changes in the voting laws, so
that all people who wish to ex-
ercise their right to vote have a
reasonable chance of doing so.

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