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November 10, 1972 - Image 1

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See today ... for details

Vol. LXXXIIf, No 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 10, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Strike fizzles
Student strikers at Huron High were disappointed yesterday,
when only about 40 people showed up for a protest against the
school district's new discipline policy. Leonard Sklar, a strike
organizer, said that low turnout was caused by student reluctance
to miss classes. Too many absences at the end of the term and
you flunk your courses, or so it seems. The strike was called to
protest a new discipline policy imposed by the Ann Arbor Board
of Education which, students say, does not protect student rights.
Radio ruckus
An argument between the University's student-run WCBN
radio station and Eastern Michigan University (EMU) may be
nearing solution. The problems stem from EMU's request that
WCBN move from 89.5 megahertz to 88.3 MHz so that EMU
could move its station, WEMU, to 89.1 and apply for greater
power and coverage. WCBN demurred, saying the new spot
would have too much interference with WCBN's airwaves. A
test of the 88.3 site got mixed results-WEMU thought it sounded
fine, WCBN disagreed. So now the University is proposing an-
other test, with judges from both institutions joined by an im-
partial observer. The results would be binding on the schools,
and the University has even offered to finance half the test.
Senior power
NEW ORLEANS-A group of elderly militants burned repli-
cas of their Social Security cards Monday as they marched in
protest of President Nixon's vetoes of old-age legislation. About
40 sign-carrying representatives of senior citizens' clubs in New
Orleans picketed the Nixon-Agnew headquarters to protest the
vetoing of the Older Americans Act and the HEW appropriations
bill. The marchers' signs read "Senior Power," "Oldies But
Goodies," and "Can You Afford to Grow Old." Nixon workers
came out to offer them coffee and folding chairs; but unfortun-
ately no social security benefits.
'Dear sir or ms.'
It's "Mr." or "Ms." now on application forms for the
Career Planning and Placement office, following a complaint by
the University's Commission for Women. The Commission said
that the designations of marital status and number of children
were potentially discriminating and had no relevance to the
actual qualifications needed for most positions. In the future,
students applying for positions with companies will check only
Mr. or Nis. and no information on number of children will be
sent to prospective employers.
Happenings ...
Interested in all-day affairs? There's a choice of three
tomorrow . . . The Institute of Continuing Legal Education has
scheduled a program called "Collective Bargaining on Campus II:
What to do when the petition is filed," from 9-5 in the Union
Ballroom . . .,Professionals and students from all over the
country will be gathering on the 4th floor of the Rackham Build-
ing for a workshop on "Architectural Preservation: Its Role in

By CHRIS PARKS political
Daily News Analysis candidat
For members of the Human Rights enough
Party, waking up Wednesday morning ballot.
was like coming out of a bad dream only £ A co
to find it was really true. with th
Around them lay the ruins of a cam- contestt
paign which could only be termed a In th
disaster. "hill do]
They had been expected to sweep the of 'the v
student-dominated 14th and 15th county in this e
commissioner districts. They lost both In stu
by wide margins. fell from
In the 53rd district state representative in mixe
race, they were believed to be ahead north1 si
in a nip and tuck contest. They finished from 51
a poor third. Wedne
The only oasis on the otherwise bleak Democra




landscape was that senatorial
te Barbara Halpert garnered
votes to keep the party on the
mparison of this fall's figures
ose of last spring's city council
tells a grim story for HRP.
e precinct which contains the
rms" they fell from 75 per cent
vote last spring to 40 per cent
udent areas near campus they
n 60 per cent to 36 per cent and
ed student-black areas on the
de of town the figures dropped
per cent to 28 per cent.
sday and yesterday jubilant
ats and dejected HRP members

began going over the figures trying to
piece together exactly what happened.
Three recurring themes in the re-
hashes, recriminations, and instant
analyses of the last two days have been;
(1) the coat tails of George McGovern;
(2) a low level of voter awareness of
the local campaign, and
(3) the failure of the HRP campaign
to communicate successfully to the elec-
An immediate handicap for all HRP
candidates in the city was running under
the banner of a party which did not
support George McGovern.
Given the massive pro-McGovern sen-
timent on campus, HRP worked hard to
convince students to split their ticket.

Although some ticket-splitting did occur,
the vast majority of McGovern support-
ers stayed with the Democrats on the
local level.
Further, the excitement and intensity
of a national campaign distracted voter
interest from the local elections.
Many student voters didn't even know
which county commissioner district they
lived in before entering the voting booth,
and awareness of the issues and per-
sonalities in the state representative'
race was little higher.
Traditionally, a low level of interest
in a campaign favors established par-
ties and this seems to have been the case

z e

this year.

See HRP, Page 10






Harvey fires deputy,
demotes two others
Heads are rolling in the sheriff's department, following
Sheriff Douglas Harvey's resounding defeat in Tuesday's
One member of the department has been fired and two
demoted; four more are allegedly on a "chop list," reliable
sources report.
Joseph Valenti, president of the Teamsters Union unit
which is filing grievances and asking for binding arbitration
in the dispute, says that the firing and the demotions appear
to be politically motivated. All three supported Republican
Undersheriff Harold Owings'

Urban Development." Registration starts at 9 a.m. . . . And
there's something going on from 9-5 tomorrow entitled "The
Drama Triangle in Poetry and Fairytales" (whatever that
means.) It belongs to Dr. Steve Karpmanon, and it's taking
place at the Chapel Hill Clubhouse, 133350 Green Road. Go there,
and tell us what it was about . . . International Folk Dancing
will be happening at Barbour Gym starting at 8 p.m. It's Mace-
donian this week. Teaching lasts from 8 to 9, then dancing til
11 p.m.
Amnesty for hairdressers!
DETROIT-The Hungarian hair stylist who spent three
months in a Canadian prison for allegedly attacking Soviet
Premier Alexi Kosygin in Ottawa last year entered the United
States yesterday, hoping to be granted political asylum. Geza
Matrai, -28, told reporters he has been the subject of "political
and police persecution in Canada." He crossed the Windsor-
Detroit border without incident when he showed customs agents
his Canadian passport.'
Dope notes
Is the Catholic Church letting the grass grow under its feet?
In the cathedral square of Mar del Plata, Argentina, marijuana
j plants were discovered growing in. the flower beds. The police
think they've found the real culprits though; they've charged the
fifteen local youths (flower-children?) who run a nearby street
market . . . Meanwhile, undercover agents in Grahamstown,
South Africa report that drug pushers were peddling marijuana
cigarettes 91/2 inches long. That's two times better than Benson
and Hedges.
NOW asks investigation
The National Organization of Women (NOW) has demanded
a federal crackdown on topless and bottomless bars which it
says exploits female nudity to please men. Wilma Scott Heide,
NOW president, also demanded an investigation of organized
crime connections in massage parlors. She also charged that
some corporate executives write off their excursions as business
expenses, receiving tax deductions.
Never say die
WASHINGTON-Sen. George McGovern's hand-picked head of
the Democratic National Committee said yesterday she will
resist any efforts to oust her as head of the party that suffered
a landslide loss to President Nixon. "Jean Westwood is alive and
well and intends to remain on the job," she told a news conference
at party headquarters. Her announcement came just two days
after McGovern's colossal defeat, and one day after Sen. Lloyd
Bentsen (D-Tex.) called for her replacement. Some long-time
party members have labelled Westwood "too close to McGovern"
to be effective in the post.
On the inside . . .
Take a sentimental journey to Sioux Falls, S.D., and
points east, all you frustrated voters, with former Daily
feature editnr Jonathan Miller Tht's nn the Editoria l

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB

It was "up, up and away" for the 40 contestants who entered the creative balloon contest yesterday. The contest was sponsored by
WAAM and the 5th Dimension who are performing at Eastern Michigan University this weekend. A grand prize of $100 was awarded
to Julie Kvarnberg of Ann Arbor for submitting the most artistic masterpiece. Pictured here are two less fortunate, but talented con-

unsuccessful candidacy for
the sheriff's office, he Nays.
Fired is deputy Carol Compton,
dismissed by Harvey for allegedly
ripping up a Harvey bumperstick-
er, an act which Compton denies.
Demoted are Lt. Tom Dorrance
and Sgt. Richard Coppernoll. The
two are now jail guards.
Harvey, who ran a poor third in{
the election on the American In-
dependent Party ticket, reported-
ly left town for two weeks after
taking the actions Wednesday and
is unavailable for comment.
Owings denies knowledge of
Harvey's reasons for the firings
and demotion,' adding that Harvey
left town without informing him of
the actions he had taken.
Pending arbitration, the union
may try to get Compton back on
the payroll and maintain Copper-
noll and Dorrance at their former
rank by obtaining a circuit court
inj unction.
The union may also sue Washte-
naw County, in an attempt to en-,
join the sheriff's department, for
violating the First Amendment.
Fred Postill, the Democratic
candidate who won Tuesday's elec-
tion, thinks Harvey just "blew off
the handle" because of the election
results and "took it out on the first
people he saw." ,Postill becomes
sheriff Jan. 1. It is within his pow-
er to restore the three to their'
former position, if he chooses.
Postill refused, at this time, to say
whether or not he would rehire
Observers attribute part of the1
reason for Harvey's poor showing
to an investigation into his admin-;
istration by County Prosecutor
William Delhey, the results of
which were announced just before
the election.
Delhey revealed various irregu-
larities in Harvey's methods for
disposing of stolen property re-
covered by the sheriff's depart-
ment. Harvey denied any wrong-
doing, but Delhey called his actionsj
"illegal" even though he could
find no grounds upon which to pro-
Cheapo f





By DANIEL BLUGERMAN dent assessments. Sloan feels they ent, about 25, into five committees,
Low-priced food, including organic are just "stalling for time," hop- loosely organized around the dif-
foods, came closer to being a ing to "kill interest" among stu- ferent operational strata of the
reality last night at the first organ- dents. co-op. There is the "looking for a
izational meeting of the non-profit Alternative funding plans were store" committee, which has a
student food co-op. discussed, including: starting a very clear objective. The "food
Cliff Sloan, SGC's vice president meat co-op or a buying club sim- sources" committee will seek the
in charge of the co-op, was very ilar to the one that existed last best and cheapest sources of sup-
optimistic about an organization year, but operating at a slight plies and stock. The "structures
that is beginning with its funds profit; selling coupons, redeem- group" committee will set up and
being held by a hostile body. able as food after the store is administer all legal and business
The Regents have taken control functioning; or taking an SGC loan. dealings.
of the $17,500 gathered from stu-' Sloan divided those people pres- According to Sloan, Tom Bent-

ley, an attorney recently hired by
SGC, has volunteered to help the
co-op get off the ground.
The "structures group" commit-
tee is not to be confused with the
"internal construction" committee,
which oversees and implements all
physical preparations in the store,
once it is found, Sloan said.
The board of directors of the
co-op is made up of one represent-
ative from each of the five com-
mittees and the next three most
interested persons.
The board will be "purely for
communication between commit-
tees and responsible for publishing
a legal audit, as required by law,"
Sloan remarked.
Sloan expressed interest in "try-
ing to stay away from being
a student - affiliated organization,"
with the University pulling the
However, he admitted having no
qualms about taking the $17,500
from the Regents, rationalizing that
the money is really from the stu-

SGC rules
on dorms
Two major allocations and a
proposal designed to reform the
present University and off-campus
housing boards were passed during
last night's Student Government
Council (SGC) meeting-the first
for six new Coundil members.
Reportedly, a motion to remove
Council Treasurer Dave Schaper
from office was postponed until
next week.
The new housing board plan,
which passed unanimously, will re-
organize housing services within
two weeks.
University housing, previously
controlled by a unit committee of
the Office of Student Services
Policy Board (OSSPB) would be
controlled by the University Hous-
ing Council (UHC), under the plan.
Off-campus h o u s i n g matters
would be consolidated under a new
Off-campus Housing Policy Board.
At present, it has not been de-
termined who will be appointed to
the Board or how the Board will
be appointed.
In other action, Council approved
a $1,500 allocation to the Commu-
nity Research Internship Program,
designed to "make the University's
knowledge and skills more acces-
sible to active members of the
community," according to a state-
ment released by the group.
The program presently is under-
taking three projects-updating in-
formation to welfare recipients,
surveying corporations which con-
trol rental housing and investigat-
See SGC, Page 10
9od feeds
may obtain more nourishing fare
than' your body at the coffee
hours, but just keep reminding
yourself that you haven't got a
On Thursdays, you can make
it over to the Ilopwood Tea. The
Tea is held ,inthe Hopwood
Room, of all places, 1006 Angell

Krishna swami chants at MLB


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna;
Krishna, Krishna;, Hare, Hare;
Hare Rama, Hare Rama;
Rama, Rama; Hare, Hare.
Last evening Kritanananda Swami spoke and
chanted to about 30 people at the Modern Lan-
guage Building. He is the chief disciple of His
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta, the founder of
the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
"You are not the body. The body is only matter;
the person is not the body but the spirit soul, the
conscience." oreached Kirtanananda.

"The love of god is lying dormant in the soul
of every living thing. In our human form we can
manifest this love by meditation, concentrating
on the supreme by hearing god's name," Kirtan-
ananda informed the audience in a soft reverent
He then invited the group to participate in a
conscienciousness raising chant. "Hare Krishna,
Hare Krishna . . ." he slowly intoned, accompanied
by the rhythmic throbbing of a drum and cymbals.
After each repetition of the chant, the pace
quickened until it reached a frenzied rate. Kirtan-
ananda continued for several minutes. his face

"Feed me, feed me," im-
plores the whining stomach.
"Feed thyself!" the starving
wallet screams back.
A pang-fully familiar conver-
sation? If you have nary a clink
in your pocket, then it's time to
try out some alternate dining

Since the store will
Sloan said they will
"escape unionization"
form wages for all

be a co-op,
be able to
and set uni-
people who


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