14e £ fifi i aIhj Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Four more years of 'tricky' surprises 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all-reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1972 THE WATERGATE AFFAIR AND ALL THAT IS JUST POUITICS! SO - WHAT'S NEW? 1L AND S LOG A IT OES T WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS THAT YOU'RE NOT WELL ENOUGH INFORMED TO INTELLIGENTLY DISCUSS THE SUBJECT ... THERE*S NO LAW AGAINST PUBLIC IGNORANCE Y'KNOW! THE MiLWAUKEE JOUJRNAL "iTM0 ASlrl ghts resered Publishers-Sall SyndicarA WE LEARNED yesterday that we are midway through the Nixon presidency. And in that light, it wo-ld be wise for us to analyze our nrospects for the next f o u r years. According to most c mentary on the Nixon years, th President has taken "radical" measures both in foreign and domestic spheres. Cited are his visits to China and the Soviet Union and his announce- ment of wage-price controls in Aug- ust, 1971. From now till 1976 wp can ex- pect more of the same' - "sur- prises" from the White House bas- ed on political reality, but achiev- ing no shattering bounties. Apart from symbolic agreements on pollution and space, N'on's trip to Moscow resulted in n& substan- tive agreement. And the strategic arms limitations agreement signed is none too broad, and, moreover, faces a rocky road to realization. The China excursion, as well, was important for symbolic reasons than for any concrete returns. Nonetheless, the two trips were greeted with great fanfare - not to mention instant satellite trans- mission - in the country. Sudden- ly, Richard Nixon had become the great peacemaker, one capable of flirtation with the Nobel Peace Prize. THE POLITICAL career of Rich- ard Nixon has been founded on anti-communism. He has certainly not grown fond of his arch-enem- ies. On the contrary, a new world situation has forced the President to accept new terms for Amer- ica's international relationships. No longer is China an impover- ished country ,straining merely to feed its people. Nor can the United States view the Soviet Union as a temporary quality, an experi- ment, bound to fade from the world scene. And perhaps most import- antly, no longer is this country un- challenged in the world economic arena. Much has changed since the end of the second world war. Japan and West Germany, originally with American aid, have risen from the ruins of the war to becorne the most successful capitalist econom- ies in the world. In Southeast Asia, Japanese sight- seers are supplanting Americans as the mainstay of the tourist indus- try, while Japanese car rental agencies are moving in on Hertz and Avis. AND THESE developments have not been without effect on Ameri- can posturings on the world econ- omy and "free trade." U.S. Undersecretary of the Trea- sury Paul Volcker remarked re- cently that Japan's payment sur- pluses were "the major single force of disequilibrium in the w o r 1 d economy." He drew an angry re- sponse from Japanese officials. As European nations gradually band together economically, the United States is bound to feel the crunch. The Nixon moves - in- cluding last December's devalua- tion of the dollar - assume a spec- ial meaning. In the face of lessened U.S. glo- bal dominance, Nixon has respond- ed with political pragmatism. AS A REPUBLICAN president committed to the ideals of free en- terprise, Nixon has moved decis- ively, if awkwardly, toward incr-as- ed federal involvement in economic affairs - with both wage-price controls and the loan to the Lock- heed Aircraft Co. Nonetheless, Nixon will be faced with further diplomatic and domes- tic hopskotch in the next four years. The United States' economic problems will not go away, a n d European and Asian nations will become more powerful. "The grow- ing dependence of the United States on imported raw materials," Ihe New York Times reported Sunday, is becoming a matter of national concern." IS WORLD HARMONY around the corner? The answer is as plain to the President as it is to the casual observer. The President was correct last February when he fore- saw "the end of American tutelage and the era of automatic unity." But it will be with difficulty that Nixon attempts to jive this realization with his victory speech Tuesday night: "We are on tie eve of what could be the greatest generation of peace - true peace - mankind has ever known." Zach Schiller is a staff writer for The Daily. JACK ANDERSON 'o .1 :/ I I ..AND AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY YOU'RE NOT CONCERNED ABOUT IT\ I AP Photo I Confettibility gap: Ticker tape Iixon No& Election '72: Issue apathy TrE PEOPLE have spoken. And they said "Richard Nixon." Richard Nix- on has again been chosen to head the country's government, and for this he de- serves congratulations, given in the spirit of good losers. But supporting him is another matter. In the past four years, many have been disenchanted with the behavior of this administration, and thus look forward with trepidation to "four more years" of the same antics. NIXON SOON starts a second term, fairly confident that the majority of Americans are behind his every move. He may become less receptive to public opin- ion. Hopefully not. The crushing victory, anti-climatic as it was, came as a shock to those who felt that George McGovern was making some leeway in his attempt to catch up with the President. That McGovern lost by a Today's staff: News: Tammy Jacobs, Eric Schoch, Char- les Stein, David Stoll, Terri Terrell Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, Arthur Lerner Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith Photo technician: Denny Gainer %01r ftrilnDal Business Staff ANDY GOLDING Business Manager BILL ABBOTT........Associate Business Manager FRANCINE SCHERGER.........Personnel Manager PAUL wENZLOFF ...............Promotions Manager STEVE EVSEEFF:............,..Circulation Manager margin of about 25 per cent appears to mirror an attitude of "issue apathy" among the electorate. The issues? An unended war in Viet- nam. Unexplained government scandals, High prices and unemployment. Rising crime. A loss of direction for many of the country's young. These issues and more should at least arouse discontent in the average citizen. Few presidents have ever won, or deserv- ed, a victory based on such a record. Unfortunately, issues did not seem to be the voter's chief concern this year. Rather, media images seemed to have a heavier influence. The choice was be- tween Richard Nixon, in all of his Madi- son Avenue splendor, and "wild-eyed radical" George McGovern. "The Selling of the President-1972" has occurred. But, that's the American way, and what's done is done. One can only hope that President Nixon is sincere in his campaign pledge of bringing us together. NIXON PROMISED that his victory "will be a victory for America, if in these next four years we, all of us, can work together to achieve our common great goals of peace at home and peace for all nations of the world. And for that new progress and prosperity which all Americans deserve." Nixon also said, in 1968, that "those who had had a chance and could not pro- duce peace should not be given another chance." Nixon has another chance and maybe, just maybe, he won't abuse it this time. If not, there's always 1976. -MARTIN STERN WASHINGTON - Tons of con- fetti hit the fan when President Nixon paraded majestically through downtown Atlanta last month. The litter poured out of office windows as the President passed by. The President was delighted, but at least one Southerner, 19- year-old clerk Marian Landis, was appalled. Once the downpour had begun, Mrs. Landis tried to put a stop to a confetti operation in a building near where she works. She trooped up to the tenth floor of the William Oliver Building where she expect- ed to find employees throwing pap- er snow. Instead, she found an office suite filled with a half-dozen or more men in shirt sleeves hauling bags of confetti in front of a huge fan. The man who greeted her at the door was armed with a pistol in a shoulder holster. "I was surprised," Mrs. Landis told us, but she was still angry enough to deliver a stinging anti- litter speech. "When I asked him to quit, he refused," she said. "When I asked him who he was, he said he was a Secret Service agent. I could tell. they weren't volunteers." The Secret Service denies that any of its agents were in the room, but it admits that it frequently uses local law officials to moni- tor confetti operations along par- ade routes for security reasons. But the only apparent security involved here was making sure the President 'was well received. TRAGIC DELAYS Disabled citizens who have been turned down for Social Security benefits are encountering h u g e delays in appealingetheir cases be- fore government hearing examin- ers. A serious shortage of hearing examiners, we have learned, has caused delays of six months to a year for thousands of citizens across the country. Right now, there are 33,000 dis- abled citizens awaiting hearings and only 336 judges authorized to listen to them. That adds up to a backlog of about 100 cases for every hearing examiner. And every day, the backlog gets worse. In Cleveland alone, hearing examiners are falling behind at a rate of 35 cases a month. In human terms, the delays can be tragic. Paula Hanley of Akron, Ohio, for example, has suffered from inultiple sclerosis since 1970. She has been bedridden for at least 12 months of the last two years. A mother of two, she and her hus- band can't pay the mounting medi- cal bills. She has waited six months for a hearing date and still none has been set. In another documented case, a 35-year-old father of three became so upset over his poor health and failure to get a response from Social Security that last month lie simply dropped out of sight. The man had been out of work since last January whenhewas forced to quit his job because he had emphysema - a chronic lung con- dition. His family is now almost penniless. The Bureau of Hearings and Ap- peals has requested money f o r twice as many examiners to handle the backlog of cases. But we have learned the request has been de- nied. A YIPPIE REVOLT Young radicals, dejected by their failure to whip up anti-establish- ment sentiment this election year, apparently have turned against three elders of the Yippie move- ment - Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rug bin and Ed Sanders. Four years ago, the three Yip- pies led the youth demonstrations in Chicago against the system. But this year they are urging followers to work within the system and vote against Richard Nixon. Their views are spelled out in a new book, "Vote," which they co- authored after covering the poli- tical conventions in Miami Beach last summer. Since their return from Miami Beach last August, all three have been victims of harrassment by former followers. Here are some examples which we have carefully verified: * Jerry Rubin's car has been vandalized - or "trashed" as the radicals put it - on two different occasions. The last time, damage was so extensive he junked it. Three days later, someone threw a rock through Rubin's front win- dow in the middle of the night. 0 Ed Sanders has had similar car trouble. His car windows were smashed, the tires were slashed and a foreign substances was pour- ed in the gas tank. Sanders, fur- thermore, has been threatened with physical harm. * Abbie Hoffman went on tour to promote the book and every- where he went letters mysteriously preceded him. The letters, written on Yippie stationery, denounced the three co-authors as over-the-hill hippies who are trying to exploit the "movement." Their publisher, furthermore, has been innundated with hate mail. One envelope contained h u m a n waste. The zany trio refuses to discuss who is after 'them. But "crazies" - as the young anarchists are cal- led - now regard Abbic Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and Ed Sanders, of all people, as establishment capitalists. Copyright, 1972, by UnitedFeature Syndicate, Inc. 1 r t Letters to The Daily HAS RENNIE the New joined Abbie the Old (left) and Rennie the Very University student)? hnd Jerry and forsaken Rennie bId (right, as an early sixties Zero growth: A capita list conspiracy? Bustline blues To The Daily:t EVERY TIME I go shopping in Ann Arbor, I cannot find a dress that is suitable for my figure. I also have trouble finding makeup and cosmetics. Does this sound n- usual? Not when you take into consideration that I am black. For one thing, like most black women and some white sisters I have a full bustline (39) and fairly full hips. I am not fat - just well built. I have found that it is very difficult for anyone who has a bust- line larger than 36 to find a dress that fits. Companies such as "Funky" of California make clothes which are designed for women with larger busts, but most of the stores do not order many of these styles or any separates that really coordin- ate and fit. Everyone is not skinny and flat-chested. I believe that this is a not-so-sub- tle attempt on the part of the archaic female "establishment" (white) to discriminate against black women and to dictate what full-busted white women should wear. They have no right to do this. This helps to perpetuate the stig- ma that black women do not try to look nice unless they are pros- titutes. This is a damned lie. What can you do when the entire city refuses to carry makeup, cosmel ics or clothes for black women? -Carolyn Brown Nov. 7 'Environmental sin' To The Daily: IT IS BAD enough that the sru- dent governments at the University have decided to spend vast sums of money on an unnecessary stu- dent newspaper. But that they have seen fit to inject into America's al- readyamonumental garbage prob- lem an additional 40,000 isses The 'paper-mongers' To The Daily: SPEAKING as a transfer sta- dent at the University I am con- stantly amazed at the voluminous amounts of paper distributed by "interest groups" at the University in the form of advertising, c a m- paign literature, or whatever. In the Diag, in class buildings, in the library, in my mailbox, there is no escaping the omnipresent paner- mongers. There can be no doubt that a University student government elec- tion constitutes a major threat to the nation's forests. -Richard Livorine Nov. 2 Libertarian Party To The Daily: RE YOUR ARTICLE in the "to- day" column Nov. 2 characterizing the Libertarian Party as "ultra- conservative:" I realize that glib epithets are es- sential to journalism, and t h a t newspapers specialize in quick and simple formulations. I also realize that The Daily is not sympathetic with the ideals of the Libertarian Party, as is made all too obvious by such editor- ial positions as approval of the recent repression of Ann Arbor massage parlors, and political en- dorsements of looters and crypto- tyrants. Therefore it would seem inevit- able that any reference to the Lib- ertarian Party in The Daily must be . accompanied by a derogatory remark. However, such derogatory remarks would betmuch more ef- fective were they true. So rather than use the epithet "ultra-conservative," which is both derogatory and false, I suggest that in any future reference to the Libertarian Party, it is in the self- interest of The Daily to use the following descriptive phrases, which are derogatory (from The Daily's point of view) and true: anti-statist: advocates of the free market; proponents of peace ard freedom; opponents of the initiation In my opinion, the NARMIC slide show on the Vietnam War is as relevant to a lab course in chem- istry as it would be to one in con- tinuum mechanics or sky diving. Therefore, Prof. Green's argument that he was not doing anything wrong because of the show's rele- vance to the subject matter is ra- ther weak. On the other hand, since a teach- er must follow the dictates of his conscience regarding his own con- cept of what 'education' means, he definitely has a right to take up class time for activities like this. But then he must also have the courage, to stand up and be counted when the decision of his peers and students goes against him. The proof of the strength of one's con- victions only comes out when one is willing to accept the consequenc- es with grace. I must confess that I would have considered this slide show 'edu- cational' if any of my instructors had shown it to any of my classes! --Dinesh Mohan, Grad. Oct. 27 Inequality To The Daily: ACCORDING TO the League of Women Voter's Study, as much as $1,427.32 public tax money was spent per child on -somechildren's 1970-71 school year in Michigan. As little as $540.63 was spent on others. This is a difference of $886.69, meaning that some child- ren receive less than half, almost two-thirds less in education funds than others. Why this gross inequality? Are some kids more deserving? Smart- er? Better citizens? Richer? Heal- thier? Do their parents pay more taxes? No, not necessarily any of these. What, then, is the determining factor in the preferential treatment of some children? The answer is hard to believe. Although circumstances differ, the sole final reason is because of that child's zip code, his address, where his parents happen to live. Some- By PETER RUSH IN CENTURIES past, learned men com- puted how long ago God created the Earth, and argued over how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Today, quackery of the same order parades as science, as a growing legion of "learned men" attempts to compute how many years longer man can sur- vive on today's economic resources, and how many people should be eliminated in order to prolong the survival period - organized under the twin banners of "zero economic growth" and "zero pop- ulation growth." These latter-day scholastics would pro- vide us no more than comic relief, were it not that their ideology of zero growth coheres with the political needs of a capitalistic class desperately trying to stay in power, even as that class is sinking us into a new Great Depres- tion" is to strangle all further economic growth, prevent population increase, and attempt to stretch current resources. This is the general recommendation of the recently published The Limits to Growth by Dennis Meadows of MIT. The sponsor of the "research" project is the Club of Rome, a loose group funded by the Volkswagon Foundation and the Pre- sident of Italy's Fiat Corporation] The book is representative of a burgeoning collection of such studies, and its no- growth conclusions are being widely ac- cepted by the public. THE REACTIONARY policies being advocated by "zero heads" are epito- mized in a slogan used by the Zero Po- pulation Growth (ZPG) organization. Ac- companying a picture of a factory belch- ing smoke are the words "Too many factories produce too many goods for too manv nenl " ."Reductinn r the mtps kind continually faces "survival crises". The progressive invention of agricul- ture, of irrigation, and of steam pow- er, all solved crises no less severe than today's. The problem today lies in capi- talism's refusal to invest in the future. Today, factory equipment is becoming ever more obsolete, our technology is staginating, and fusion power research, is not funded. For in fact it is the promise of fusion power which can solve the energy crisis, allows for nearly total recycling of ma- terials, and through desalination on a large scale - solve the food short- age. WE FACE a capitalist-induced crisis, not a natural one. The capitalist class can no longer maintain a sufficient rate of profit on socially useful production. So instead, we see "investment" in waste of all descriptions: military ver o- sace. useesffie honingR rPq P- nomy, and operate it for human use. The vicious mythology of the inevitabil- ity of zero growth is already being used to try to prevent such a movement from being organized. BUT A DEPRESSION would create even more sinister problems. In order to finally brevent any possibility of popu- lar resistance, the capitalist MJass must organize one stratum of the population, normally drawn from the middle class, into a fascist movement, which is to be used to destroy all possible working class action. Zero Growth is the perfect ideol- ogy for such an incipient fascist move- ment. This reactiopary charlatanry must be exposed for the fakery it is. In its place must be propagated the real nature of the crisis, the real direction raquired for its solution; and the rea1 means for rir- i. *I 1.