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November 08, 1972 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-08

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Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesdoy, November 8, 1972

Indans age



By AP and UPN
WASHINGTON - Protesting In-.
dians agreed last night to leave the
Bureau oInian Afar ulig
they held for almos t t wee afte
ernment negotiators, the White
House said.
The provisions of the agreement
were not immediately available,
but Cheri Phillips of the White
House press office said: "An
agreement was reached and the
Indians should be leaving Wednes-
day morning."-
The meeting with the Indians
had started at around noon yester-
day and went on into the evening

hours, the White House spokesman
Earlier, the Indians had tight-
ened security around the federal
building as talks began. The
White House identified its nego-
tiators as Interior Secretary Rog-
er Morton, presidential aides
Leonard Garment and Frank Car-
lucci, and Indian Commissioner
Louis Bruce.
"We're supposed to be negotiat-
ing an agreement for our depart-
ure," from the Bureau of Indian
Affairs Building said Hank Ad-.
ams, an Indian lawyer, moments
before the talks began at noon.
But Adams cautioned that long-
standing Indian grievances, as well

as for "provisions for allowing
our people to return to our com-
munities," would also be brought
up by the Indians.
tThe Indians came to Washing-
improvement of Indian life. Prin-
cipal demands included stripping
Indian affairs duties from Assist-
ant Interior Secretary Harrison
Loesch and restoration of $50 mil-
lion to the BIA budget.
"Our civilization has been all
but, destroyed by this bureaucra-
cy,"' Bellecourt said.
The Indians, frustrated in their
initial attempts to meet Morton,
seized the BIA Bldg. last Thurs-
day. Coming from all parts of the
country, they called their journey
the Trail of Broken Treaties.
As many as 500 Indians have
occupied the building at various
times during the demonstration.

The meeting with government of-
ficials was scheduled after a U. S.
District Court ordered the govern-
ment to oust the protestors. The
ouster, ordered on Monday, was
extendled to 9 p.m. today, but it
appears the Indians will be gone
by then.
Unconfirmed rumors had cir-
cuited that the protesters have
planted explosives or gasoline in
the building and plan to destroy
it if they are forcibly evicted.
Asked whether the rumors were
true, one Indian replied, "All I
know is they restricted smioking to
the first floor."
Scores of curious onlookers
walked down Constitution Avenue
to oview the symbolicanteepe i
dians sitting on the front steps.
Some brought food and blankets
which were passed over barricades
and taken inside the building.

Fighting continues as Viets
await U.S. eleto eut

SAIGON (Reuter) - Fighting
continued on several fronts in
South Vietnam today, but there
was no sign of -the all-out com-
munist attacks forecast to coin-
cide with the U.S. presidential
Saigon has been rife with ru-.
mors for weeks that the Com-.
munists would stage spectacular
attacks on either the capital or
against remaining concentrations
of American servicement in a
bid to influence U.S. voters.
But North Vietnam's disclosure
last month of an agreement with
the United States to end the war
is thought by military observers
here to have removed the neces-
embarrassing blow against South
Vietnam and its American ally,
timed for the elections.

The South Vietnamese govern-
ment, although anxious over the
ceasefire and political terms of
the draft peace agreement, fs
confident that President Nixon
will be returned. It is pleased
that Nixon has not signed tie
agreement before the elections.
Saigon believes that a re-elect-
ed Nixon would be less likely to
make concessions to Hanoi and
pressure to achieve a q u i c k
peace would be eased.,
Although there is also some be-
lief that Nixon, beginning a nlew
four-year term, might be less in-
hibited in forcing a settlement on
Saigon President Nguyen V a n
Thieu is known to view the alter
disasterous. McGovern has ad-
vocated immediate withdrawal of
all U.S. support for Thieu, saying

it was not worth spending one
more American dollar to bol-
ster his regime.
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Lansky returns to
U.S., gets ar reste

MIAMI - Meyer Lansky, reput-
ed underworld financial genius,
was taken into custody *by FBI
agents and later released on $650,-
000 bond when he returned to the
United States yesterday after a
futile quest on two continents for
sanctuary. '
He left Israel late Sunday, five
Allende to
speaka UN
By the AP and Reuters .
Santiago - Chile's Marxist
President Salvador Allende will go
to New York about Nov..,20 to ad-
dress the United Nations General
Assembly, a foreign ministry
spokesman said here today.
Government sources said Allen-
de would not avoid a meeting with
Nixon if Nixon suggested they dis-
cuss matters of mutual concern.
The foreign ministry spokesman
said it was unlikely that Allende
would criticize U.S. policy at the
U.N. but that he might come out
with a fierce attack on U.S.-based
multi-national companies.
"President Allende wishes to
go," the spokesman said. ."One
could even say that he has already
decided to do so. But before board-
ing the plane he must analyze
what he is going to say."
Meanwhile, a bleak economic
outlook faces the Chilean people
in the aftermath of a three-week
strike that ended Monday, the gov-
ernment says. -
First estimates put the econo-
my's loss from the strike at about
$200 million.

days before authorities said they
would deport him if he did not
leave voluntarily.
. Lansky's arrest ended a 12,700-
mile flight in search of a new
home, where he could find asylum
outside the United States. His last
bid failed, when Peru joined Israel,
Switzerland, Argentina and Para-
guiay in rejecting him.
After being questioned for near-
Iy wohorsatthe FBI buildng
charges of tax evasiOn and illegal
gambling and bond se b .S.
Magistrate Michael Osman.
"He is not a well man," said
his elawyer, David Rosen. "It be-
comes rather apparent there is no
place for him to go now.''
Lansky had lived in Miami until
going to Israel as a tourist t w o
years ago.
Once there, he applied for Israeli
citizenship under the Law of Re-
turn which allows any Jew to be-
come a citizen unless the courts
decide he is a threat to security.
The Supreme Court did so in Lan-
sky's case. The government argued
that if Lansky remained in Israel,
the country could become a haven
for Jewish criminals.
Lansky's lawyers argued that he
wanted only to live peacefully in
Israel for the rest of his life. When
he left, he told a newspaper he
wanted to be buried in Israel.
As long as he remained in Israel',
he was safe from American law be-
cause the two countries do not
have an extradition treaty.
During his search for a new
country, Lansky refnained silent.
Only in Buenos Aires did he leave
his plane - and then only to read
a local English language news-
paper and sip a Scotch and soda.

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