Page Two
Wednesday, November 5,.1972
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 8, 1972
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the Universty of
Class postMag paid at Ann Arbor, Mich
Gr e enr epo r tr e l e a sdMichigan. Newsphone: t4-0562. second
ienan O420 MeayardSre.AnA
-%d Michigan 48104. Pbished daily Tue-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
By TED STEIN I It is unclear what will now hap- probably decide whether to accept' carrier (campus area): $11 local mal
A even-member chemistry de- pen to the report. At last night's or reject its recommendation. (other states and foreign).
Ssmver-mesionrpublisedtruysday FSTIV(AL OFlFIMS
partment committee recommended meeting, the chemistry faculty de- Also hazy in the wake of the simmer session published Tuesday FESTomAe ercFndd
last night that Prof. Mark Green cided only to make the report committee's report are the broader hrouSti urte $a0y carrier canp
be permanently reinstated though public. implications of the Green case area); $6.50 local mail in Mich. or
the slide show which prompted his Chemistry Prof. Charles Rulfs, such as the academic freedom of Ohio: $7 50 non-local mail (other
suspension from teaching Chemis- who chaired the meeting, said that the individual professor in deter- tates and foreign). TUES. WED.
try 227 represented "an inappro- "as far as I know, that's the end mining relevance and the power A WOMAN
propriate use of class time." of it" for the committee. of the department chairman to
The 18-page report submitted last "It's my feeling that (LSA Dean limit that freedom. IS A WOMAN
night to the chemistry faculty at Frank) Rhodes will not feel any According to Brockway, the de- DMr. Jean-Luc Godard 1964
large, also criticized Department additional action is required," he partmental committee didn't feel Anna Karina, Jean-Paul
Chairman Thomas Dunn for re- added. it had the power to deal with I%ajr er Bemond & Jean-Claude
assigning Green without personally Dunn said last night he would larger issues. W were given Brialy provide some love
confronting him with "a fuller de-'not take further action but abide limited jurisdiction," he said. ly acting in this triangle
lineation of the basis for reassign- by the committee's recommenda- Brockway said that he was con-
ment." tion. fident other groups-such as OU story which rs more funs-
The report represented 70 hours However, chemistry Prof. Law SACUA-will concern themselves uan ar
of meetings and more than 500 rence Brockway, review committee with issues arising from the Green wally are.
pages of recorded testimony since chairman, said he thought the reassignment. U~Scr
the committee began its investiga- chemistry faculty would discuss "We didn't recommend formally osthedea of a musca
tion Oct. 16. the report at a later date and that guidelines in cases-like this comedy." Godard
-_-_one for instance-be established, THURSDAY
because we know other groups willT-
whether we do or not." Pro Greeno Femi st Movemen
lMlc~o'tvern at homte: The committee attributed the Shorts
clash between Dunn and Green to context and manner" in which it
a lack of communication. ".. . the was handled, "including, the lack -0558 ARCHITECTURE
exchange of memos and the sur- of adequate definition of purpose AUDITORIUM
S m ile s, U neerounding .events had hardened the beforehand and the fact that an
positions of both Profs Dunn and outside spokesman was allowed to 7 & 9 p.m. 75c
Green; still it is strange that no present the material and lead the
By JONATHAN MILLER trail. He merely reiterated his serious attempts at reconciliation discussion afterwards, emphasized
Special to The Daily philosophy of a "moral America," were made by either party." the political nature of the presen- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT
MITCHELL, S.D.-If this was a and looked forward to his version The committee moreover said tation."
losing candidacy, it didn't look that: of a generation of peace. that ''some action by the Chair- The review committee was cre- Wed. & Thurs.
way on the surface yesterday when But McGovern did depart from man was indeed required, since he ated in response to a request Oct. 9 :30-2:00 T ROKE
Sen. George McGovern brought his his now-familiar speech for a last- felt that the welfare of the stu- 10 from Rhodes. In a memo Rhodes
campaign home to his tiny prairie minute thank-you to his campaign dents of Chemistry 227 and the asked the chemistry department Fri & S T
birthplace. workers and the American people. entire chemistry staff was now at to pick an ad hoc departmental Fr & at. STO N E F RONT
Both McGovern and his aides in "The thingththassustndsstake."committee to "review Prof. Green's 902:00
sisted in interviews that the elec- "h hn hthsssandu tk.
tion would be won, and they stead- has not been the opinion polls, not "Whether removal from teaching performance ofnteaching duties
fatl dcind odicusth ps this new book 'How McGovern duties was the best option is a assigned to him in connection with Id428W Huo
fastly decned to discuss the pos- won the presidency,' not our matter of judgment," the report Chemistry 227." 208 w Huron
sibility of defeat.t friends in the press, or the advice stated. '"Dunn suspended'Green-from
The talk was all about the 'rec- teaching Oct. 9 after he showed
ord turnout" in Dallas, the "rec of professional politicians, but the The report said the slide show his three organic chemistry classes LUNCHES DAILY
turnout" in New York City, and'glow that I saw on the faces of was inappropriate because "the a slide show depicting the air war
the alleged tidal wave of support th s o ounds of pel in Vietnam.
for McGovern that has swept thesaid. Green was then temporarily re-A -------
naioa fotedioennoe teftmaohvmbenafrntfrd isatdoyDunec.n3.d__over_________the______________________
pswekIt may have been a front for ar
past week.._
The senator himself was calm defeat which the polls have called
,. inizhih t m r irayi xa ..
Four more years?
Some of the city's voters await the chance to exercise their right
to the. Burns, Park School polling place yesterday. At
this time, 6 p.m., there was a three to four hourwait,- typical
of many of the city's polling places.
Roth has coronary
DETROIT (UPI)-U.S. District! some 780,000 students in 53 school
Court Judge Stephen Roth, 64, systems.
whose massive cross-district busing! The massive busing order was
order for Detroit and suburbs has being held in abeyance by the U.S.!
greatly affected yesterday's elec- 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ine
tion in the state, suffered a serious Cincinnati, Ohio, while a state ap-
heart attack last night. 1 peal was being considered. Any1
Roth was rushed to Henry Ford I decision was expected to go to the
Hospital here in "temporarily U.S. Supreme Court. 1
serious", condition with a myo- However, the prospect of cross-
cardial infraction, according to hos- district busing between mostly
pital spokespersons. , black inner-city Detroit schoolst
Roth, who has spent 20 years on and white suburban schools af-1
the bench, ordered into effect last fected the political races in Michi-t
June ,the nation's most sweeping gan. In some congressional races,
school desegregation plan involving it was the only issue.1
and outwardly confident as he inevitauie, uLmriO eiit.was
toured Main St. here. genuine.
There were smiles and warm It may have been somewhat
handshakes, and when McGovern platitudinous, and that would be!
said "How are you?" to old friends fitting for a former preacher-butt
greeting him on the street, it seem- it seemed real.
ed as if he really cared. And on this last day of the cam-
There were loud ovations when paign, most of the press who have
he told a rally of students at his covered this man agree that if his
alma mater, the 450-student Da- campaign has been nothing else,
kota Weslvan University that he it has been sincere.
1-96 and Grand River-227-6144
would surely win the presidency.
There were buoyant expressions
of support and optimism from boy-
hood friends as he toured the!
downtown in the early afternoon.
McGovern said nothing new in
his final day on the campaignI
:/- .
...................................~ *~.*.. .. ... .. .. ..............
The Daily Official Bulletin is an Botany-Geology Seminar: H.P. Banks, lumbia Univ. Grad. School of Bus,
official publication of the Univer- Cornell Univ., "The Search for the Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., & Mich. Civil
sity Oa ItM m0. NoticS 4wbe Earliest Vascular Plant," Lect. FIm. 2, Service; Nov. 10, Deering Milliken, Inc.
sent in TYPEWAITTEN FORM to Mod. Langs. Bldg., 4 pm. SENIORS:- The new School of Social
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of Statistics Seminar:. S. Kimbleton, Work at the Univ. of Minnesota, Du-
the day preceding publication and "Probabilistic Models of Computer Sys- , luth is currently recruiting students
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and tems," 3227 Angell Hall, 4 pm. for their 18-month MSW program be-
Sunday. Items appear once only. Physics Colloquium: D. Wilkinson, ginning in January. Nov. 30 is dead-
Student organization notices are Princeton Univ., "Status of Cosmic Mi- line for completed applications,
not accepted for publication. For crowave Background Measurements. Do UNITED NATIONS TRAINING SER-
more information, phone 764-9270. They Indicate a Primeval Fireball?" VICE - TRANSLATORS E X A M S
WENSAY OEME , P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm. 'SCHEDULE FOR 1973: Spanish (Jan,
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Psych. 171 Film Series: "Great Amer- 17-18) deadline for application, Dec. 1;
ican Novel: Babbitt;" "Ersatz;" Very., French (April 4-5) deadline, Feb. 9;
DA CALEnDAR c. non:1Homer Very Nice," UGLI Multipurpose Rm., English (May 9-10) deadline, Mar. 23:
CHeaitioonne wc, non: Ho mer 4 pm. Arabic (June 6-7) deadline, April 20.
Anatomy Lecture: R. Baker, "Cu. Student Lab Theatre: Stein's "Three Test will be given in New York. In-
taneous Involvement in Development of Sisters Who Are Not Sisters," Richard- quire for add. info.: The Secretariat
Cutaneous Reflex Behavior in Skin- son's "Gallows Humor II," Arena Thea- Recruitment Service, Office of Person-
Grafted Anurans," 4804 Med. Sci. II tre, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 pm. nel Services (Room 3601 H), United Na-
1:10 pm. Computing Center: W. S. Gerstenber- tions, N.Y. 10017.
ger, "Blocked 'Tapes & Labeled Types ORGANIZATIONAL NOTICES
Architecture &.Design Lecture: J. T. in MTS," Seminar Rm., Comp. Ctr., Physical Therapy Club Meeting. Nov.
Lee, "China: The Rebirth of a Nation," 7:30 pm. 9, 7:30 PM, refreshments - 7:00 PM,
Aud. A, .Angell Hall, 4 pm. Washtenaw District Nurses Assoc. & W 5603 University Hospital. Speaker:
Dental School & Dent. Res. Inst.: STT Nursing Honorary: W. Pierce, R. Mr. Dick Koch.
A. Boyde, Univ. College, London, "Scan- Block, J. Guy, & B. Horn. "Legal As-
ning Electron Microscopy of Dental pects of Uniform Licensure for All
Enamel," 1033 Kellogg, 4 pm. Health Professions," 6th level Amph.,
Zoology Lecture: R. Schlaer, North- U. Hosp., 7:30 pm.
western Mem. Hosp., Chicago, "The Grad Coffee Hour: E. Conf. Rm., GIVE !NB OOKS
1400 Ohem. Bldg., 4 pm. Musical Society: Yuval Trio frolp
Industrial & Operations Engineering Israel, Rackham Aud., 8:30 pm.
Lecture: M. Warner, "Scheduling Nurs- Rive Gauche: China Workshop: Edu-,
ing Personnel," 311 W. Engin., 4 pm. cational Policy in China, M. Fonte,
Religious Affairs Lecture: Arthur speaker, 1024 Hill St., 9 pm. BORDERS
Greene, founding member of Havulat CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENTB D
Shalom, Cambridge, Mass. & Max Hie- 3200 SAB Bo k "h
rich, "New Communes and the Relig- INTERVIEWS ON CAMPUS: Nov. 8,jBook Shop
ious Community", Aud. B, Angell Hall, Mich. Civil Service & Harvard Grad
4 pm. School of Arts & Science; Nov. 9, Co-
Admission $1 .0
Theatre Club ID cards-75c
(for sr. citizens and students)
for student regular evening
admission at $1.25
Eve, shows start at 7:30
3020 Washtenaw Dial 434-1782
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