Cornmttee affirms Green reinstatement See story, Page 2 EDITIN 3k i~an E ITION Vol. LXXXIII No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 8, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages * * Ballard ca HRP fares badlyi t for student vote Democrat Perry Bullard appeared headed to certain vic- tory in the state representative race as returns were tabulated from a majority of the city's precincts early this morning. Bullard led his neares opponent Republican Mike Renner 16,688 to 11,829. Human Rights Party candidate Steve Burg- hardt came in a poor third with 6,830. Conservative party entry Alan Harris was a distant fourth. *k ptures * * * * * state * seat rep 62 PE G CNT * m 11 President Richard Nixon swept to a second day with nearly a 30 per cent margin of Democratic challenger George Mc"0vern. term yester- vic tory over Massie The results camne as a surprise to .many local observers who had ex- pected Bullard and Burghardt to run very closely in student pre- cincts. Returns from heavily student youthxoteprecincts showed Bullard enjoying a comfortable margin over his HRP opponent. In the third. pre- am1s polls cinct of the Second Ward, for ex- ample, Bullard won 2-1 over Burg- Voting was a time-consuming pri-hrd. vilege in Ann Arbor yesterday as Renner did poorly as expected some people waited as long as in student areas, but carried tra- five hours past the 8 p m. closing ditionally Republican areas. + time to get their chance to vote. At Democratic party headquar- Lines were worst in student pre- ters, Bullard said, "The Republi- cincts where unprecedented voter cafns spent a lot of money on their turn-out swamped poling places. mpgn ndntwey-th's An abnormally long ballot requir- camaig an o iey-ta' ed more time than usual so a state why we're going to win. / law limiting each person to two Hie attributed the tightness of SEN. GEORGE McGOVERN (rig] minutes in the voting booth was not his race with Renner to student beaming President and Pat Nixo enforced, voters getting discouraged by iong "h know ththere eare lne d abut lines at polling places. S TA TE REFEREN] it," City Clerk Harold Saunders I oceigdfabt e- said early in the evening. "I had ner and Burghardt cited the coW- no wa of k nowing thre swould tai refc of thvee candidacy of I intiet re oevtn "'In a presidential year there is Despite the hassles at City Hall, a large percentage of apolitical people waiting in lines were calm people who tend to vote 'the and relaxed. They read, played straight party ticket," Burghardt re K chess, and ate innumerable pieces said. of pizza with lots of beer to help "TeM~vr oei ey Wt 0prcn ftevt e pas the long hours. Monopoly gam- Th Mc venveisvy Wth4prcntfthvtee- es and card games were also seen. strong and it's pulling Perry (Boi1' ported, Proposal "B", the abortion As some local voting lines stret- lard) along with it," Renner com reform proposal was losing early ched to moed th 70tr peope a mented. ' this morning 764,725 to 471,262, ac- Judge William Agar in a futile at- RenrasbamdBrhdt crngtNC. tempt to keep the polls open four weak showing for his defeat. Proposal "B", if it had passed, hours past the 8 p.m. closing time. "We came in with about th would have made abortions legal The judge reportedly denied the same percentage we thought we'd .-within the first 20 weeks of preg- motion because hesaid it was out come in with," he said. "Steve nancy. The current law, dating of (Bishardurisdidct'ion.a "The Ann Arbor suit was based (Brhrt. js dintpy asfrom 1846, allows abortions only if The President rolled up immense totals while carrying every Southern state and winning by near-record amounts in Northern industrial states where his opponent had focused his campaign, At 3 a.m., McGovern led only in Massachusetts, Minne- .*~+~\ ~.4sota and the District of Columbia - leaving Nixon with a probable total of 511 electoral votes. With 47 per cent of the precincts reporting, Nixon led with 35,434,204 (62 per cent) to McGovern's 21,457,916 (37 % ~Nixon sadin hsvictory state- meat that he had tried to behave in the campaign "in a way which - a would not divide the country." He could be the greatest generation of peace . . . that man has ever two seats Itowa~s the first time a Republi- can, had carried all 13 Southern -states.. Arkansas, for example, 'ea Swent ,Republican for the first time L . Bu it wast the large, urban state Democrats decisively retained vote in the Midwest and Northeast control of both houses of Congress that dashed hopes for an upset yesterday, as President Nixon's victory for McGovern. He had landslide coattails proved too short counted on carrying New York, for most of his party members. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and -Republicans had concenrated Illinois for a victory, and concen- their efforts on the Senate - the AP Photo Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM trated his efforts 4i those states. major congressional block to Nix- hit) casts his vote in Mitchell, S.D. yester day. McGovern conceded the election at 11:30 last night. A Results in West Virginia, normal- on's foreign and domestic policies n (left) arrive in Washington last night to await election results. ly a Democratic stronghold where - presently controlled by the Nixon garnered 60 per cent of the Dmcas5-5 Flying toWashington to await Early this morning it appeared the results, Nixon found that the the Democrats would, in fact, gain traditionally Democratic cities of two or more Senate seats, and eSChicagoWNew York and PhiNsdelt would retainntheir majority in te publcancongressional candidates 'from the Democrats to take con- beefttdsignificantly from the trol of the House. Early reports Nixon victory. Returns at midnight were too scattered to make a firm showed an overall Democratic lead prediction, but it appeared the in Senate and House races that GOP would fall far short of the Anti-reform groups mounted an 0 Proposal "C," which would 231,183 votes, according to CBS. 'majority in either body.- Republicans might take 12 House extensive media campaign during limit the use of property tax for These totals represent 16 per cent The last comparable presidential seats from the Democrats, barely the last weeks before the election. support of state schools, was los- of the state vote. defeat was Alf Landon's in 1936eat a third of the number needed. The The latest Detroit News poll pre- ing 281,257 to 201,542 votes. The Un: the haooaclcswl n ds4 yo Franlin Rooslt. o verwhelming trend in House races dicted defeat for the reform pro- rferendumh would lowererthetaxon- be moved forward one hour in the per cent of the vote against Ani- Rpbiaswr inn e poal hre rviu pllco-from a maximum of 50 to a maxi- spring to allow an extra hour of zn'he.BryGdae. atcrat-held Senate seats in N e w ducted for the News, gave the vic- mum 26 mills. daylight. The clocks will be moved nis conessn spechs a stnMxco kaoa Vrii n toryto efom sppoters Curenly 15milltaxis sses- ack ne ourm te fll.was an effort that "will bear fruit posibly North Caroline. They con- The proposal for improvements of: ed statewide, though voters in a Business interests in the state for years to come." Sending his sidered these states crucial to a coutyhelt cae acliieswa dstictma aprve p o 5 d-supported the proposal, while full "support" to the President in GPSntmajoriy. cont halh ae acliie wsditrctma apov u t 3 a-farmers and rabbis opposed it. See FOUR, Page 10 But Democrats captured Repub- passing by a narow margin, less ditional mills. If Proposal "C" ' ~ __lican seats in Colorado, D e I a- than 2,000 votes at last report. passes, the resulting loss in rev- ware, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine and enue is estimated at over $1 bil- T)1)F-South Dakota. Official Democratic ~ lin. u r t em~victories in these six states would hon. meat a net Democratic gain of two * Proposal "D," which would seats. ; rif finremove the state constitutional ban: l c o i~ ,Ty o Democrats pulled a major upset on a graduated income tax, appear- l in Iowa, where Richard C 1a r k ed to be failing. Totals showed narbrowlydefeated icmbent Re- ta te ra c e ~ ~~~~306,119 to 146,322 votes. rrt ~.i. ~ iA'A ~ 1Tnn'TnhTTP ~ .~ t1~, d pblca Sen.erWini JackHP Milr. An t on a substantially identical motion in Detroit,'' said Dennis Hayes, the lawyer who fi-led the local suit. "Identical rights were infringed on and the federal authority comes from the same place." In Detroit, Wayne County Cir- cuit Judge James tCanham order until 10 p.m. - two hours later than usual. Canhamn's order was based on an emergency class ac- tion suit filed by Wayne County Democratic Chairman Bruce Mil- ler. Robertc Gifn' officeuas theyS at- tempted to have the decision over- L thrown, but the Michigan Supreme Court, by a 4-3 vote, declined to in- tervene. Griffin's office then cal- led in the Court of Appeals, who or- dered the polls closed immediate- ly at 9:15. many votes. away from Perry as the woman's life is endangered by we hoped he would." the pregnancy. Earlyreturns sho ( leadin iigaS n se Sen. Robert Griffin held onto a slim lead early this morning over Democratic challenger Atty. Gen. Frank rKelle. As pDetroit precincts gan cutting into Griffin's lead: enough to leave the outcome in question. .Unofficial returns showed Griffin: with 1,141,162 votes to 1,077,834 for Kelley, with about 62 per cent of Posil wins in sheriff Harvey is third behin *Proposal "E," which would the precincts reporting. enough of the outstate vote and 1 A delayed vote count in Detroit, enough critical blue collar Detroit allow the state to borrow $266 mil- where Kelley led by more than area support to slide into his sec- lion to provide veterans of Viet- 150,000 votes, left the final outcome Iond six-year Senate term. nam and other wars with tuition uncertain. A victory would leave Griffin's funds and bonuses, was winnng. American Independent Party weltnecd nbhemd Houeo e According to NBC, totals wvere candidate Patrick Dillinger col- resetatesi16ad to the fR- 198,383 "Yes" and 176,290 "No", lected nearly 16,000 votes and Hu- settvsm 96adtote . man Rights Party candidate Bar- Senate ten years later, votes. bara Hlalpert received 10,496. .'This was Kelley's first attempt * Proposal "A," which would! Griffin may have captured atrsnational office an woul be hswic h tt oDyih - ete.ings Time, was winning 241,731 to Because voters were waiting as '5 race;, lngas thee hours to vot~e i dsevergl Detri oln places, Owings ens refused, saying that currentSw stae lws rovide adequate pro- ttinfrvoters. Incumbent Republican Rep. Mar- State law allows all voters, in yin Esch was elected to a fourth line when the polls close, to cast term in Congress, defeating Demo- A their ballots, no matter how long cratic State Rep. Marvin Stempien ittks in the 2nd Congressional District However, Wayne County Circuit~ Waith 48prcn ftevt a similar sut Cana orderDetroit counte, Esch polled 57,343 votes polls to remain open until 10:00! toSepe'367 Democrats K a t hi y Fojtika Elizabeth Taylor won election to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners last night, in the 14th and 15th districts. The results could be viewed as a setback for the Human Rights Party, as its two candidates', Susan Newell and Susan Winning were given a good chance to win the seats. Incomplete returns had Fojtik leading Newell 1,274-514, while Taylor held a commanding 2,346- candidates about 12:30 conceded a.m. At HRP headquarters Newell said, "The voting totals show a great falling off of our supp:>rt that wasn't e vid e n ced pre- viously - Taylor, who was piling up an impressive lead was, in her own words, "completely amazed. 1 though~t people would buy t~he See HRP, Page 10 defeat at upset d LJas emoIcat 1'iy U as kell's victory over Colorado Sen. Gordon Allott, who headed the Re- publican Senate Campaign Commit- tee. One of the biggest surprises in the Senate contests was the threat- ened upset of incumbent Margaret Chase Smith (R-Me.) by Demo- cratic Rep. William Hathaway. Smith had been expected to win the race handily. bn CPowerful Se en a te incumes See DEMS, Page 10 CONGRESSIONAL RACE ins race over Stempien Democrat Fred Postill was de- dlared the winner last night in the race for Washtenaw County sheriff over his opponents Re- publican Harold Owings and in- cumbent Doug Harvey of the American Independent Party. th 64te aper cet of he vote 1lclmD wiih 324 Q74 OwAins fnl- .The outlying districts were ex- pected to throw their support for Harvey, with the remainig vote going to Owings. However, this would not be enough for Owings to overcome the lead held by Postill. The campuien has been a vola- District are independent in their thinking and want a congress- man who is also independent." Esch, first elected to the House in 1966, is a member of the House Education and Labor Committee and the Committee on Science and Aeronautics. Stempien wa selected to the Incumbent John Conyers Mich) won re-election in the Congressional District soundly feating Walter Giradot. (D- 1st de- Rep. Donald Riegle, the Repu- blican incumbent in the 7th Con- gressional District defeated Eugene Mattison, a Wallace Democrat. U Homonn