Wednesday, November 8, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine, Wednesday, November 8, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine' SECOND IN THREE YEARS: Bench voted MVP in N.L. Michigan holds place in ratings NEW YORK (A) - J o h n n y Bench proved both to himself andi to baseball that he .could come d aily back and he reaped his reward yesterday by being named the 1972i Most Valuable Player in the Na- N tional League. r It marked the second time in three years that the honor had fal- NIGHT EDITOR: len upon the 24-year-old catcher BOB NEUER of the Cincinnati Reds who, after a spectacular 1970 season which! won him the MVP, went into an as the year's top NL pitcher, camee abysmal .238 hitting slump in 1971. in fifth with 124 points.- "I got a little out of shape on The electors named 10 men ande the banquet circuit," Bench said points were awarded on a 14-9-8-7-6I of his 1971 collapse. "I fell behind -5-4-3-2-1 ratio. in my hitting and pressed too Bench batted .270 and led the' much. I kept pressing but s t i 11 league in home runs, 40, and in couldn't catch up. "I said to my- runs batted in, 125. He became the f self then: 'Maybe I'll never have sixth player in the league's history i another good season.' " to. become a repeat MVP winner. The rugged, hard-hitting catcher Others were Stan Musial, 1943, from Binger, Okla., was a strong 1946 and 1968; Roy Campanella, winner of the MVP award this 1951, 1953 and 1955; Carl Hubbell,E year, getting 11 first place votes 1933 and 1936; Ernie Banks, 1958i from the 24-man panel of The Base- and 1959, and Willie Mays, 1954 and ball Writers Association - two 1965. from each league city - and was The only other catchers in the: rated no lower than fourth on any NL to win the honor were Gabby When the Reds slumped to fourth in the standings in 1971, Manager Sparky Anderson called a half-doz- en key men together on the clos- ing day in Atlanta and told them of plans to go to the team's train- lng site in Tampa, Fla., for an unprecedented post-season period of conditioning. "I didn't demand that John go along, I gave him an option," An- derson explained later. "He was eager to go. We worked out for two weeks and no one worked hard- er than Bench." Some say that was where and when the fiber of the Reds' suc- cessful 1972 comeback - and that of Bench - was forged. On his first time at bat in spring train- ing, Bench lashed a hard single. "If I were superstitious," he said to his friend Tom McEwen, sports editor of the Tampa T r i- bune, "I would believe that this is a good sign." It was. Here is the breakdown in the voting jfor the National League Most Valu- able Player award announced yester- day by the Baseball Writers Associa- tion of America with points awarded on a 14-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis from firstathrough 10th places: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pts Bench Cincinnati 11 7 4 2--------------263 Williams, Chicago 5 736 2--------211 Stargell, Pittsburgh 2 5 115 -1 - - - - 201 Morgan, Cincinnati 5 4 53 31 11---197 Carton, Philadelphia 1 1 - 4 9 2 111 - 124 Cedeno, Houston ----125 -43--112 Oliver, Pitsburgh --- 1231313 52 Colbert, San Diego ----_..---2 3 2 7 3 .45 Bulletin Prick Papanek, coach of the Daily's lascivious Libels, told his team in an electricity-filled psych session last week that he had reached an agreement with one Jules Proboscis, coach of the Southern Cal Leaky Tro- jans, official organ of Tinsel Town. Prick and Jules agreed to ex- change game films in anticipa- tion of a December 31 meeting in the second annual Ink Bowl Classic. Prick urged his forces not to look past their next opponent the Frieze Teasers, and as the game began the Libels were as baaad as ever. But early in the second half, a train sped by and whistle made a sound like booooooooooooooooze! Gorilla Greer said it was the voice of God and the Libels hightailed down the track in search of the reapings. Five minutes later the Teasers- scor- ed, but missed the extra point and lost 56-55. But they put up such a good fight that they hit the national rankings. By AP and UPI Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama1 and Nebraska marked the only discrepancies in the AP and UPI top tens as the showdown period for the nation's top college foot- ball teams begins this week This week Alabama takes on sixth-ranked Louisiana State at Birmingham. Next week Southern California defends its No. 1 rating against an old and formidable rival, UCLA, ranked No. 8, and the following week there are two more games with a definite bearing on final determination of the national championship. iI of sports writers and broadcasters and accumulating 978 points. Points are awarded on a 20-18-16-14-12-10- 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ratio. Alabama stayed at No. 2, beating Mississippi State 58-14, but felt the growing pressure of Nebraska; which impressed a national tele- vision audience with a 33-10 triumph over Colorado, the team that previously had upset Okla- homa. Nebraska received five first place votes, Alabama 3, Ohio State and Michigan 1 each. ballot. Bench received, a total of 263 points - 52 more than the runner- up in the voting, Billy Williams of the Chicago Cubs, who got 211. Willie Stargell oftPittsburgh was third with 201 points and Joe Mor- gan, a Bench teammate with the Reds, was fourth with 197. Steve Carlton of the Philadelphia Phil- lies, winner of the Cy Young Award Hartnett, Ernie Lombardi and Sam- panella. In 1970, when the Reds also won the NL pennant, Bench batted .293, hit 45 home runs and had 148 RBI. He cashed in on his honors, making numerous public appearances, hosting a television show and over- seeing a bowling alley, an auto agency and a sports personnel business in Cincinnati. AP Photo WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? That great American sports inven- tion, the scoreboard, takes that great American spectacle, the presidential election, to the patrons of a Parisian pub; spelling out George McGovern's defeat in cruel black and white. But after all, is politics any more than a game to be scored on a chalk board? We at the Daily sports staff certainly don't know. BROYLES BROILS Aggies savoring ups Nebraska's awesome Cornhusk- ers, ranked No. 3 in the AP and 2nd in the UPI, the country's high- est scoring machine, meets tough Oklahoma, No. 7, in 'their tradi- tional Thanksgiving Day rivalry while on Nov. 25-the following Saturday the Big Ten's two un- beaten powers, Michigan and Ohio State, clash at Columbus in the battle of unbeaten powers. Michi- gan is No. 4 and Ohio.State is No.. 5 in the latest AP ratings; while the positions are reversed in the UPI. Southern California, winner over Washington State 44-3, maintained its top position, gaining 40 of the 49 first place votes from a panel t o Hogs. Tie Top 20 The Associated Press Top Twenty, with first-place votes in parentheses, season records and total points. Points tabulated on basis of 20-18-16- 14-12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: 1. Southern California (40) 9-0 97$ 2. Alabama (3) 8-8 821 3. Nebraska (5) 7-1 797 4. MICHIGAN (1) 8-8 708 5. Ohio State (1) 7-8 600 6. Louisiana State 7-0 524 7. Oklahoma 6-1 485 8. UCLA 8-1 81 9. Texas'. 6-1 388' 10. Penn State 7-1 304 11. Auburn - 7-1 225 12. Notre Dame -1 221 13. Tennessee 5-2 165 14. Missouri 5-3 65t 15. Texas Tech 7-1 '54 16. Colorado 6-3 48l 17. Iowa State 5-2 45 18. North Carolina 6-1 15 19. Arizona State 6-2 5 20. (tie) Stanford 5-3 ,;3 DAILY LIBELS Others receiving votes, listed alpha- betically: Air Force, Arkansas, Baylor,' Iississippi, North Carolina State, Washington. UPI POLL acrosse club looks to season; Pro Standings " shoots for varsity sport status NBA Eastiern Conference Atlantic Division By MARK RONAN demands of special skills or prior As was their custom, the white lacrosse experience for prospective settlers of North America took members. Any registered male much from the Indian culture. One student is free to join the team, such appropriation was a strenuous which in the words of coach Kam- game known as "bagattaway," in an, "is regarded as the best la- which the Indians, sometimes crosse club team in the Midwest." flailed with branches held by wom- His claim appears justified, for en, struggled with netted sticks last spring the team compiled an for a small ball as the game 8-4 record and repeated as cham- ebbed and flowed over an irregu- pions of the Midwest Lacrosse As- lar area 500 yards to one-half mile sociation for the second year in a in length. row. In earning a 4-2 league rec- . Believe it or not, something sim-I ord, Michigan shared the 1972 title ilar to this game is presently play- with the Notre Dame Club which ed in Ann Arbor, though it is now managed a disputed sudden-death' better known as lacrosse. A civil- overtime victory over the Wol- ized descendent of the Indian sport verines. and ,a national pastime of Canada, The lacrosse club might aptly be lacrosse is actively persued by one considered a well-organized unit. of thu spat s i tf! University Until 1969 the players had neither L. M. program. the use of a locker room nor a Lacrosse at Michigan has been regular playing field. Now, how- called the ideal contact sport for ever, in addition to those ammeni- the person who desires collegiate ties, they have a training room and competition but who is unable to even a trainer, and the players meet the size requirements for enjoy the best uniforms and equip- other sports, specifically inter- ment available. collegiate football. Expectations for another fine The lacrosse club, as Coach Bob season seem well-founded. Several Kamar has explained, makes no All-Midwest players have been lost to graduation and injuries, but Boston New York much talent remains. Jay Johnson Buffalo is tapped as the starting goalie. Philadelphia Among the principal players are defensemen Tim Cotter and Pete Lodwick along with Don Holman, Houston Dick Dean, characterized by Ka- Atlanta man as "perhaps the best one-on- Cltieland one player in the Midwest," and Terry Cotter, Tim's brother, at thew attack positions. This season's scheduled oppon- Milwaukee ents are comprised of both varsity Chicago and club teams, and the club itself K.C.-Omaha hopes to gain the status, of varsity Detroit sport. Coach Kaman said that the' team "is ready to go varsity," and though a petition requesting var- Golden Stat sity status was forwarded to the Los Angeles office of the Athletic Director some I Phoenix time ago, the club, while most i seattle grateful for the financial support Portland furnished by the athletic depart- ment, still awaits an affirmative response. Golden Stat W L Pct. 10 1 .909 It 2 .846 3 8 .273 0 13 .000 Central Division 7 4 6 6 5 6 4 10 .636 .500 .455 .286 Vestern Conference Midwest Division 9 2 .818 8 4 .667 P5 7 .417 4 8 .333 Pacific Division By BRIAN DEMING In a major Southwest Conference battle last Sat- GB urday Texas A & M upset highly regarded Arkansas - 10-7. Aided by no less than six interceptions and one - fumble recovery, the Aggies upped their dismal sea- 11 son record to 2-6, this being their first Conference victory after three losses. The defeat dropped Arkansas to a 2-2 Conference -y, mark, 5-3 over all. The meager record of Texas A & M 2/ is misleading. Two losses came to Nebraska and LSU 4- and their three Conference losses were dropped by a total of only eight points. Wichita State, had pro- vided Texas A & M their only previous win in the season opener. - - But a combination of skill and good fortune worked ' todown the Razorbacks Saturday in College Station, Texas. The six Arkansas aerial turnovers might in- dicate the ineptitudes of the Razorback passing attack lead by the normally capable Joe Ferguson. z But Ben Hurt, head offensive coach for Texas - A & M attributed the breaks to the defense that 3iz played a "super football game," holding Arkansas to 8 161 yards on the ground, 115 through the air, along with seven turnovers. Hurt had many accolades for defensive coach Mel Robertson stating that he is "one of the greatest secondary coaches in the United States". The Aggie defense under Robertson, who came to Texas A & M after seven years at Houston, has allowed only one score. All of the Texas A & M scoring came in the second quarter on a field goal by Pat McDermott and a two yard plunge by Brad Dusek. Arkansas could score only on a two yard run by Marsh White in the final period. Thedseason for Arkansas head coach Frank Broyles has been disappointing so far relative to the power- house Razorback teams of recent years. Victories have come over Oklahoma State, Tulsa, Baylor, TCU, and North Texas State while losses have come at the hands of USC, Texas, and now Texas A & M. The rushing leader for the defeated Razorbacks was Di7ie Morton who rushed for 88 yards while Brad Dusek lead the rushing attack for the victorious Aggies with 53. 1. Southern Cal (27) 2. Nebraska (6) 3. Alabama (2) 4, Ohio State 5. MICHIGAN 6. Lousiana State 7. Oklahoma 8. UCLA 9. Texas 10. Auburn 11. Penn State 12. Notre Dame 13. Tennessee 14. Iowa State 15. Texas Tech 16. (Tie) No. Car. ......... 16. (Tie) Colorado 342 284 280 245 226 177 170; 98 60 31, 26 19 4 3 2 "1 to 8 10 2 .800 3 .769 $ 5 .500 4 8 .333 1 11.683 Last night's games e at Buffalo 1 l i +. For the remainder of this semes-' ter, the team will prac tlc tvery1 Thursday. But next January, in preparation for the twelve sched- uled contests and a trip to play in Virginia and North Carolina during the Spring break, practice will ex- pand to five daily sessions per week. Houston at Los Angeles Baltimore at Atlanta Only games scheduled Today's games Gridde Pickinigs Golden State at Boston Buffalo at Baltimore Philadelphia at Kansast Seattle at Milwaukee Cleveland at Phoenix Only games scheduled. City-Omaha eooooopoo- I. ANN ARBOR-The Michigan rugby football club has been holding closed practices at Flick's Bar in preparation for their Sunday blood- bath against the LIBELS. After the practice, rugger coach Happy Holloway informed the press that he had been intently drilling his team in the finer points of chugging Strohs and how to pick up a loose waitress in the open field. Displaying the false confidence of the ruggers, Moons Kingsbury verbalized, "Dem LIBELS ain't really never won a game (sic)." If you get your picks to 420 Maynard by midnight Friday, you may be able to enjoy your free Mr. Pizza pizza during Sunday's griddie biggie. 1. MICHIGAN at Iowa 11. Nebraska at Iowa State ._.......... . 5 - -_ __ I "Taking it all together- performance, features, styling, the BSR 810 moves into ranking place among the best automatics we know of. And at its price, the others may well be in f i _....._._..... . i I Have You Taken the Morning After Pill? for a real contest." From HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE-May, 1972 (pick score) 2. Ohio State at Michigan State 3. Minnesota at Northwestern 4. Indiana at Illinois 5. Wisconsin at Purdue 6. LSU at Alabama 7. Georgia at Florida 8. Vanderbilt at Kentucky 9. Tulsa at Florida State 10. BYU at Arizona 12. Missouri at Oklahoma 13. Wake Forest at Duke 14. California at Oregon State 1S. UCLA at Washington 16. Pitt at Navy 17. Notre Dame at Air Force 18. TCU at Texas Tech 19. Central Connecticut at Cortland 20. Daily Libels vs. Michigan Rugby Football Club WE NEED INFORMATION Please contact our study committee M-F 1:00-5:00 p.m. 1517 SAB 662-6598 (next to Pirg im) Advocates for Medical Information I FACT RFICTION? 1 You should avoid exercise during your period. Fiction! The simple rules of good health are always im- portant, especially during your period. Exercise, a proper diet and a good night's sleep go a long way toward relieving menstrual cramps or preventing them alto- gether., And remember, you're not "sick." So there's no reason not to follow your normal routine. 2 ;here's no odor when you use Tampax tampons. Fact. With Tampax tampons, odor can't form. Odor is no- ticeable only when the fluid is exposed to air. With Tampax tampons, fluid is ab- sorbed before it comes in contact with air; therefore, odor cannot form. 3 You should not bathe during your period. Fiction! Contrary to super- stition, water can't hurt you. Daily baths or showers are a must throughout your period. Shampoo your hair, too. And don't deny yourself the chance to go swimming. Tampax tampons are worn internally, so you can swim anytime. 4 Single girls can use Tampax tampons. Fact. Any girl of menstrual age who can insert them easily and without discom- fort, can use Tampax tampons with complete con- fidence. Follow the easy di- rections in every package. Our only interest is protecting you. ti I The BSR 810 offers an impressive group of design innovations for music lovers ... for professional users of transcription turntables ... and for the audiophile who revels in sophisticated high fidelity equipment. It has the tightest specifications for rum- ble, wow and flutter of any automatic turntable made. We would be pleased to send you detailed technical specs upon request. As a matter of fact, few-if any-automatic turntable manufac- turnrs nublish comolete specifications as we do. Only your I U U I