THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 7, 1972 Page Five. TH,.HGNDAL aeFv reaching out from the ivory tower serving I city'Is yoi BY SHERRY COTTIER "People used to stumble on us Py mistake," says Thomas Moorehead, director of Project Community. "'Oh,' they'd say, 'this is what you are.'" "This," is 540 student volun- teers working in different com- munity projects ranging from a Black Liberation School to day care centers. Started in conjunction with the civil rights movement in th e early sixties, Project Community has evolved from a one to one black tutorial with 25 volunteers to a community-wide program for educational change. Project Community works with youth from pre-school to college now in the process of becoming educational - so it will start an accredited "institution." Sol- in September. By December stis is run by its members cn when people start getting their their own time and volunteers W-4 forms they'll know what to help teach the courses ! ;udents do." want and aid in general admin- Students who volunteer f o r istration. Project Community may gain With better financial, faculty some incentive from the f a c t and administrative support the that a number of the ,piofes- project has begun to redefine sional schools on campus, in- its community. "We try to look cluding the School of Education, at surrounding areas and estab- Schol of Social Work, and the lish a rapport with the differ- psychology department, now of- ent organizations and systems fer course credit. age, participating in public and around us," says Moorehead. Innovative Tutorial Experience free schools and providing re- Project Community already op- is currently one of the best sources to help other people de- erates programs at Washtenaw known projects. Accredited by sign their own educational 'Sher- Community College, Willow Run the School of Education, it's a natives. Students also volunteer High School, Maxey Boys Train- "training program for new meth- at the Halfway House, helping ing School and Green Oak Cen- ods of teaching." mental patients readjust to the ter. Financing Inovative Tutorial community. This year volunteers will also Experience and the other ten The Black Liberation School, work with patients at Ypsilanti projects, depends largely on which the project operates dur- State Hospital. donations. The University pro- ing the summer, gained national Locally, a community center vides the initial base budget, recognition as a result of i t s for income tax assistance a n d but as programs expand and a average attendance of 125 child- a tutorial program for t h e larger part of the comumnity is ren a day. Run by parents and Washtenaw County Jail are slat- included, costs rise. black high school and University ed to start this year. The in- Many donations come from students, the school was found- come tax program will be "set foundations, at times being as ed "to overcome the detrimctal up in the community where peo- high as $12,000. Because of Pro- influences of the school a n d ple can come in and have their ject Community's national repu- community." tax returns filled out without tation, donations come from New Project Community also helps charge," Moorhead explains. York, Chicago, and elsewhere support the Solstis Free School, "We'd like the program to be throughout the country. "Our goal is to help people to become better observers in real life situations of which they are a part--to become intimately involved." By NANCY ROSENBAUM Students who participate in the psychology department's Project Outreach obtain a rare oppor- tunity: the chance to emerge from the stilted classroom and relate their experience to the real world. Project Outreach now involves from 600-700 University students during each academic term in projects ranging from weekend T-Groups to tutoring in 1 o c a l elementary and junior h i g h schools. Outreach coordinator John Ringwald, says that the pro- ject represents an important al- ternative to traditional modes of education. "Our goal is To help people to become better ob- servers in real life situations of which they are a part - to become intimately involved." Spurred on by the political ac- tivities of the 60's, Prof. Dick Mann, former coordinator of +he introductory psychology pro- gram, initiated Project O u t- reach in 1965 in an effort to show "how psychology might relate to the problems of the real world." "We were concerned with the question of what happens to the student after he leaves college?" explained Prof. William Mc- Keachie, then director of the psychology department. "Col- lege should be an intellectual- conceptual set of experiences that tie learning to doing and feeling - that engage the whole human being. Our aim is to have students come out think- ing about and understanding be- havior in a new and different way." Among the oldest and' most established programs are pro- jects at Northville and Ypsi- lanti State Hospitals where stu- dents work with mentally u l peo- ple who may be neglected by overburdened or unconcerned staff. One of Outreach's prime func- tions, said Ringwald, is to help break the monotony of the lives of patients in state institutions. A student who has worked with- emotionally disturbed children for two years in the Yorkwo'ds project at Ypsilanti State Hos- pital said that whiile his work in the Outreach program h a d been very gratifying, it still had its disappointments. "It can be an awfully discouraging exper- ience. People go in thinking they have all the answers and that they're really going to cure some kid - it's just not that easy." Coordinators of Outreacn ad- mit that the project's main prob- lem is that students don't al- ways see the relationships be- tween their Outreach experienc- es and the psychological princi- ples that they have absorbed in the classroom. Ringwald said that Outreach has been important in generat- ing positive responsibility feel- ings among Ann Arbor students. "There has been a movement to be less exploitative of the insti- tutions of the community -- peo- ple are becoming more willing to provide a service to the com- munity as opposed to mere con- tact." The community's Child Care Action' Center for pre-schioolers from University affiliated famil- ies is staffed entirely by Out- reach people. In addition, Outreach s t u- dents work with adult retard- ates at Ann Arbor's Adult Ac- tivity Center, teaching t h e m social and work skills. Outreach students -also work in conjunction with theFriendly Visitor Program operated by the Dept. of Social Services in Ann Arbor aiding and socializing with some of the community's semn citizens. Each project has a set of ;up- ervisors that meets regularly with the students to discuss their experiences. In addition, students are. re- quired to keep logs in which they write down and describe what they observe happening around and within themselves as it relates to their Outreach ex- perienee. Outreach is no longer an in- tegral part of the introdctory psychology course. An autono- mous two-credit course, it now goes by the name of Psych;logy 201. The program is still run n- der the traditional grading sys- tem although coordinators have tried unsuccessfully to be allow- ed to place the course under tne pass-fail option policy. Most of the Outreach supbr- visors are graduate students, although some undergraduates who have participated in a given program several times have gone on to become supervisors. Coordinators are hoping that next year they will be able to have an Outreach Project set up with each of the dorms. Project Outreach has served as a model for similar programs which have been developed at other colleges around the nation, including Eastern Michigan Uni- versity in nearby Ypsilanti and Yale University. U- BREAKFAST? LUNCH? or DINNER prison reform drive acerts By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN "We're going to raze the prisons, raze the prisons down."--Joan Baez, 1972. Prisons in Washtenaw County are not in imminent danger of being razed,; but that does not mean there has been no interest in prison reform locally. In the wake of the bloodbath at Attica, where some 46 prison- ers were slain, prison reform proponents across the country have accelerated their cam- paigns. Locally, efforts toward prison reform took two directions last year; they aimed at specific changes in nearby jails as well as increasing consciousness about actual jail conditions. Three inmates of the Wash- tenaw County Jail last February charged in a court suit that the jail facility was "illegally and unconstitutionally" administered. The plaintiffs' complaints in- cluded "illegal overcrowding," "unlawful restrictions on com- munication and privacy," "gross- ly inadequate medical care," and "total lack of an exercise facility." The suit contended that inade- quate sanitary facilities and overcrowding violate both the city building code and the state Correctional Institutions Code. A state inspection in 1971 had revealed certain inadequacies in the jail's physical plant. All these inadequacies were men- tioned in the suit. Sheriff Douglas Harvey, one of the defendants named in the suit, is directly responsible for administering the county jail. Harvey has denied the validity of all the charges put forth in the suit-calling them "definite- ly not true," except for the lack of an exercise area. Harvey did not elaborate in denying the charges except to explain the practice of opening inmates' mail - which could be simply a memorandum from an attorney. Harvey said the jail officials "have no way of de- termining whether an address belongs to a lawyer." Harvey also said last spring that an exercise area was being organized and that plans were being formulated with a local hospital to provide medical serv- ices. A request last spring by the plaintiffs for an injunction to halt entirely the jail's operations failed. One reason the suit met with a sluggish response is that the county hopes to build a new jail soon. With the budget crisis, however, soon may be years in the future. In the meantime, the aged fa- cility on Ann St. continues to house over a hundred persons, most of whom simply have not enough money to post for bail. They thus await their trials in the county jail. Besides the specific suit against the county jail, more general actions on behalf of pris- oners came about last year. Not only the massacre at Attica, but also the increased flow of news about political prisoners and their t r e a t m e n t encouraged these activities. The birth of the literary col- lege Porgram for Educational and Social Change brought with it a course on community con- trol of prisons. The course form- ed one section of an American social history class, and was led' by Rainbow People's Party lead- er John Sinclair. Sinclair was released from jail last winter after serving two years of a ten year sentence for possessing two joints of mari- juana. Sinclair's release followed enactment of a more liberal state drug law. Last spring, the Committee for Equal Justice initiated a pro- gram which would allow priso- ners who cannot afford bail payments to be housed in Uni- versity dormitories rather than jails. The spring work was mostly preliminary - present- ing the proposals to the various dorm units for consideration. Gwen Johnson, " a spokesper- son for the committee, says she is hopeful the trial program "will lead to official University recognition and participation." This fall, each dorm must vote on the proposal before any prisoners could be considered for the experiment. Then, be- fore prisoners are assigned, they would each be screened by the County Defender's office, the committee ' and representatives of the particular dorm involve,. No legal responsibility would be attached to the dorm or any resident. During spring term, the Com- mittee for New Understandings of Justice, designed to help "those in conflict with the law," established several task forces among which was a group studying prisons. 338 S. STATE HOURS: 7 A.M.-2 A.M. Every Day WE ALSO FEATURE SEAFOOD, CHOP STEAKS & SPAGHETTI Ii Eat at STADIUM RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA 50c OFF on any med. or large pizza offerexpires Sept. 13, 1972 DOWINTOWN H 0 N D A USED TEXTB OOKS UP TO ' OFF ULRICH S ANN ARBOR'S FRIENDLY BOOKSTORE ENJOY BEAUTIFUL MUSIC WITH A.. . HARMAN KARDON 330 A - 45 watts RMS .AM/FM v y - . 2 yr. full warranty %h. under $200 PLUS: all new computer design JENSENy LOUDSPEAKERS . 6 models . $30-$1985y¢. .5 yr. full warranty Ann Arbor 11 - - - - - - - - -_ _ -____________ ..-I ARE DELICIOUS AT MISTER 'S'! TRY OUR: " ice cream cones 0 floats chocolate, vanilla or " milkshakes combination A ,__ i WORLD'S BIGGEST SELLER! Sales-Service-Parts-Accessories Hiking-Hunting Camping Equipment U? -IT,-ra-,.-- .---a.e D--- Ic a I I