Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Letters: Election day round-up 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1972 Election endorsements t GEORGE McGOVERN FOR PRESI- DENT. In a race featuring the most explicit choice in four decades, McGov- ern clearly and fundamentally repre- sents change rather than ossification; peace rather than war; the people rather than big business; integrity rather than corruption. * BARBARA HALPERT FOR SENA- TOR. In order to remain on the state- wide ballot in the future, the Human Right's Party's candidate running for the highest political office needs at least 15,000 votes. She should have little trouble taking them away from her two lackluster opponents. * STEVE BURdHARDT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. D e s p i t e Demo- crats' protestations to the contrary, it is quite clear that Burghardt can win. This wave calmed, voters should go about electing the best qualified ac- tivist-legislator - and that is Burg- hardt. * FRED POSTILL FOR SHERIFF. A liberal criminology student and for- mer deputy of Doug Harvey (fired for union' organizing and insubordina- tion), Postill says he will not chase after marijuana law violators, and will clean out the cobwebs in the sheriff's department. . NOBODY FOR CONGRESS. Neither Marvin Esch or Marvin Stempien shows much promise of effectively representing the people of this area. A consistently progressive policy-maker is needed, and clearly Nobody is it in the 2nd District. * YES ON PROPOSAL B. Passage of a liberalized abortion law is long over- due to give women ultimate control over their own bodies, and allow all women to do what wealthy women have been able to do all along, and would continue to do. S''YES' ON PROPOSALS C AND D. Approval of these two measures would greatly improve the state's tax struc- ture. It would allow low and middle in- come working people tax relief and force those with higher incomes to as- sume their rightful share of the tax burden. 0 ZOLTON FERENCY AND CHARLES LEVIN FOR STATE SUPREME COURT. These two stand out from the field, Ferency for his general capability and refreshing judicial perspective, and Levin for his scholarly and activist reputation. * GEORGE ' SALLADE FOR PROSE- CUTING ATTORNEY. S a 11 a d e has pledged to direct the tenor of county law enforcement away from "victim- less crimes", such as marijuana cases, and concentrate on fighting more serious crimes, * SUSAN NEWELL AND SUSAN WIN- NING FOR COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS. (14th and 15th districts). Both women are knowledgeable and articu- late individuals committed to the ideas of radical change both on the board and in the community as a whole.. " PATRICK CONLIN FOR CIRCUIT COURT. To go along with his solid re- cord as a district judge, Conlin has presented a substantial and straight- forward platform, devoid of the fluff which many campaign dreams are made of. These endorsements, run through- out the weeks preceding today's election, represent the majority- and in some cases unanimous-opin- ion of The Daily's editorial staff. Humphrey To The Daily: MANY VOTERS, among whom are some supporters of Hubert Humphrey, are disgusted with the course of the 1972 presidential cam- paign, and have declared a "plague on both you louses," deciding that abstention is the better part of valor. As a state Humphrey staff member, and one whose loyalty to Hubert Humphrey is unquestion- able, I appeal earnestly to the sen- ator's friends to "think it pos- sible they might be wrong." I urge them to reflect thought- fully upon the comparative merits of Richard Nixon and George Mc- Govern. Then, I believe, any Hum- phrey Democrat will feel compelled to cast a vote for Senator Mc- Govern. That vote needn't be cast with joy, for there is much that is dis- turbing in the McGovern campaign. However, Senator McGovern h a s much to recommend him, and Pre- sident Nixon's record is known to all. In his twenty-seven years of fighting for the people, Humphrey has shown us that it is better to compromise and gain a little bit of the Kingdom of Heaven, than to prissily insist on wandering pure in the wilderness. Humphrey has urged his supporters since July not to abandon this philosophy of ef- fective, pragmatic liberalism. Only the President and his corporate friends can profit from an unbe- coming fit of self-righteousness. If the choice is unhappy, it is still clear-we must elect George Mc- Govern. I submit it is a betrayal of all that Hubert Humphrey stands for to give aid and comfort to this sorry administration. As Democrats and democrats we must not be uncritical of the par- ty's standard-bearer; we must offer constructive criticism when neces- sary; we must offer him our ad- vice, but we must also give him our votes. After next Tuesday there will be time enough for name-call- ing and mud-slinging. In the mean- time it is wise for dissatisfied Democrats to remember that Hum- phrey cautions us: "There is little that is now." He also calls: "Come Home, Democrats!" -Alexander Bensky, '73L 18th Dist. Co-ordinator Humphrey for President Nov. 2 Burghardt To The Daily: I PLAN to vote on Tuesday for Steve Burghardt for State Repre- sentative. I do so because Steve Burghardt offers the citizens of Ann Arbor the opportunity to send to Lansing a representative who has a strong activist background and clearly defined politics. He repre- sents a party which operates with an openness and democracy unpre- cedented to Ann Arbor politics. Through his work with the Ten- ants Union and other local organiza- tions Burghardt has proved his ability to translate political beliefs into effective action. Burghardt's Democraic opponent has advertised a long list of caus- es he has purportedly aided. It is interesting that so many of these activities have been within the last year while he has been running for office. It is also interesting t h a t three of these groups - the Ten- ants Union, Michigan Marijuana In- itiative and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War - have endorsed Brghardt. Far more important than activ- ist credentials, however, is a can- didate's political viewpoint. Burg- hardt has had for along time a, consistent radical outlook on what is needed to correct the injustices and inequalities in our ' society. These views are represented in the HRP platform on which he runs. Burghardt's Democratic oppon- ent calls himself a radical. But like so many other self-styled leftists in the Democratic Party, Perry Bullard has co-opted radical rhe- toric and programs. The Demo- cratic Party and its candidates have a history of making cam- paign promises and then backing down in the crunch. Bullard is a j . I , , Ity ' .C I t ' ; When this election's over, Dick Nixon won't have the press to kick him around anymore!" representative of, and controlled by, the same party that put us in Vietnam, the same party that local- ly has blocked HRP efforts for meaningful change, the same party that contains such "radicals" as Mayor Daley, John Stennis, James Eastland, Frank Rizzo, Lyndon Johnson and so on. Burghardt offers us responsible radicalism and an effective HRP voicein Lansing. I am sure that Ann Arbor voters will recognize this next Tuesday and send Burg- hardt to the Legislature. -Dave Chudwin Nov. 2 It was our first convention at which it was recognized that our candidates would win. Debate was intense. The four days of open dis- cussion was an experience; mist valuable, some unfortunate. I feel some structural methods of how we discuss the issues and nom- inees need to be improved. In the next few monthe the HRP will grapple with this and new items such as how HRP will develop as we enter primaries, expand to oth- er Michigan areas, and refine our platform. Yes, the HRP isn't per- fect. As a nominee who narrowly lost to Steve Burghardt for t h e Marjorie Lansng for Regent ii g. Niooic o4 <4r . XCnO CS At 3-4 weeks the heart is pump- ing. At 6 weeks all organs are pre- sent. At 8 weeks there is readable brain electric activity. At 10 weeks there is spontaneous movement, that is movement which is independent of mere stimulus response. At 11 weeks there is thumb suck- ing. At 12 weeks electro-cardiograph readings are present. At this point the brain structure is complete. At 12-16 weeks we have "quick- ening", that is the mother can readily feel movement. In m a n y legal systems this is where the fetus acquires legal status as a person and is possessed of legal rights, At 16-20 weeks the baby's heart can be heard distinct from t h e mother's heart. At 20 weeks premature birth can take place. At this point the baby merely grows larger; all systems are complete and operating. You go on to assert that it is at the 20th week, that is at the end of five months, that many judicial and medical authorities have found to be a reasonable stage in fetal development to mark the difficult legal distinction of when life be- gins. That is totally inaccurate on your part and most likely a pro- duct of your own wishful thinking. The fact is that medical science and jurists know quite well that human life begins at conception. The problem is when does that hu- man life acquire the status of be- ing a human person? You continually dismiss s u c h questions as mere philosophical ar- gumentation, as if they were in- teresting topics for a rap-session only concerned with how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Intelligent and thoughtful dis- cussion on the subject is crucial and not to be so cavalierly dismis- sed either by you or by anyone else. Whether or not we -will be terminating the lives of human persons simply because they are unwanted is of immense sigifi- cance. What is at stake is the balancing of the rights of pregnant women with the rights of the human life that they have conceived. Fetal human life is not without rights and the legal systems of our coun-. try and many other countries re- cognize that fact. You cannot, in this regard, divorce law from mor- ality, the two necessarily overlap, much to your evident discomfort. -Rev. Fr. Charles E. Irvin St. Mary's Student Chapel '59L Proposal C To The Daily: TODAY Michigan voters have the opportunity to voice their opinions concerning the future of Michigan's public education. The issue at hand involves the present inequitable and unfair tax system whereby many taxpayers pay more and re- ceive less educational benefits than those residents within a prosperous industrial area. Such is the reasoning behind Pro- posal C. Michigan's elementary and secondary public school districts will be insured an equal and qual- ity educational opportunity for all students under this proposal. We are not alone in our concern for quality in our educational system. Much of the success of our cam- paign came from the non-partisan support of many organizations in cooperation with students through- out the state. The diversity of support in favor of Proposal C is demonstrated by the endorsement of the following: MEA, Michigan State Chamber of Commerce, League of Women Vot- ers, Michigan Committee for Qual- ity Education, Detroit Board of Education, Michigan Milk Produc- ers Association, Michigan Commis- sion on Aging, Michigan Real Es- tate Association, Detroit Chamber of Commerce, State Board of Edu- cation, Mary Stempien, and Gov- ernor Milliken. We all urge your support with a YES vote on Pro- posal C in today's election. -Students for Equal Educational Opportunity Nov. 6 Burgoyne et al. To The Daily: THERE ARE THREE candidates in local races who might well at- tract a number of liberal and rad- ical votes, but whose liberal cre- dentials are highly suspect, at best. They are: Herb Ellis, David Byrd, and Shirley Burgoyne.; Ellis and Byrd are both black, both Reublican, both candidates for re-election as county commis-. sioner. From that point on, the sim- ilarities are not as easily discern- able. Ellis, who is running in Dis- trict 12 against Barbara Peacock and Dave Cahill, has longbeen identified with local conservatives. Of the three, he is least likely to 'be mistskenly labelled as a liberal. Byrd is quite another matter. He is both opportunistic and clever, and is fully capable of reflecting whichever'philosonhy is appropriate to the occasion. He is the Repub- lican nominee in District 13; his only opponent is Ray Shoultz, a McGovern Democrat. Byrd frequently masquerades as a liberal, but usually'votes with the conservative majority on the Board of Commissioners. Furthermore, branches of organized labor view all branches of organized labor view him as blanantly anti-labor. His closest ties appear to be with the highly conservative Black Con- tractors Association. Shirley Burgoyne, candidate for Circuit Court judge against Pat Conlin, Edward Deake, and S. J. Elden, is the most troublesome of the three. She is a former 'presi- dent of thehRepublican women's club, and was once enjoined by the courts to cease firing some manner of weapon early every morning for reveille during a daily flag-raising ritual. She claims that since then she has become a liberated woman, and both the thrust and tone of leer campaign would lend credence to her claims - if her campaign man- ager were someone other than School Board President Ted Heu- sel, nominal -leader of the board's conservative majority, who h a s revealed his intention to gear his candidate's campaign toward cap- turing the student and women's vote. Her past record and her pre- sent organization strain the cred- ibility of her claims of reform. -Penny Martin Nov. 2 FOR THE FIRST TIME, most students at the University will have a role in the election of their Regents. While the race has not drawn a great deal of in- terest, it does have a great impact on the well-being of the students. The candidates for Regent have often been awarded their party's nomination as a political plum for good service in the past. Knowledge of the University, per- sonal involvement with its workings, and concern for the rights and desires of the students have unfortunately not been sought as prerequisites. It is time that the forgotten constitu- ents of the University-the students- should show concern for how his Univer- sity is run. Of the six candidates running for two open seats Marjorie Lansing, a professor at Eastern Michigan and a long-time resident of the city, is alone in showing the concern and knowledge we feel is necessary for the job. LANSING IS AN avid proponent of a grocery co-op and open Regent meetings. She is a strong advocate for strengthening affirmative action pro- grams for women and minorities and pressuring University departments to end discrimination. She originally fa- vored publishing faculty salary lists without names. However, after discussing the issue with voters during the cam- paign, she now advocates the publication of the lists with names included. Lansing believes students should have an active role in the policy-making pro- cess of the University. Moreover, she knows many faculty members, and as a professor herself, will understand many of that group's concerns, as well. LAWRENCE LINDEMER, an incumbent Republican, appears sincere in his desire to work with the University com- munity. However, he has shown in the in the judgment of students. He voted against the grocery co-op this summer and war restrictive research policy last winter. The other two candidates, Thomas Roach, a Democrat, and Deane Baker, a Republican, show a startling lack of knowledge of the University and its stu- dent constituency. Although both believe that they will eventually learn the work- ings of the University, a two or three year learning process is too long to wait. In addition, -their opposition to such things as significant student par- ticipation in decision-making commit- tees and a grocery co-op show little un- derstanding for the concerns of the stu- dents. THE OTHER TWO candidates on the ballot, Vito Delisi and Joseph Toth of the Socialist Labor Party, offer a radical alternative to voters. However, they op- enly admit that they are running to dis- cuss the Socialist-Labor Party platform and are primarily concerned with re- structuring society. The Board of Regents requires the best possible members to serve the interest of not merely residents of the state, but the students and faculty as well. For this reason, The Daily wholeheartedly urges that you vote today for Marjorie Lan- sing. This last in a series of election en- dorsements represents the majority opinion of The Daily's editorial staff. The big sleep? ONE OF THE LEADING New York de- partment stores is holding an elec- tion day "sleep sale." Headlines across the country scream of a Nixon landslide -"the biggest in history." To The Daily: I WANT TO quash und both within and outside of tt that I am displeased with t ust 24 HRP convention. In e HRP was forced by state have our nominating conve late August, which was a date (most people were v, ing, The Daily stopped tw before we met, and the Ani News had no advance sto IL ti _. HRP state rep nomination, I do not want any person to use temporary HRP structural deficiencies as mn a j o r points of attack on Steve or other ertones HRP candidates. The open ,onven- he HRP tion decided that the HRP candi- he Aug- dates were the best people for essence, their offices. I wholeheartedly law to e e nonin are [ntin in Quite different is my distress terrible with the way the University Demo- acation- cratic Caucus "used" the lettuce vo days boycott. In other statements HRP n Arbor has responded to the Caucus' mis- ry). takes/lies. Here I want to explain how Anglos should aid the Chi- cano struggle, not use it. Simply, when Chicanos ask for specific as- sistance, Anglos should respond as best they can. Thus, happily, I wish to ask your support for Gumecindo Salas, a D emocratic candidate for the State Board of Education. You can vote for two people. The HRP has one excellent candidate, Howard Jones. As I'm not presently an HRP of- ficial, I urge you to vote for Salas also. Out of the migrant stream, he has taught and helped organize the Southwest Detroit's Latino, Black and Anglo community. Jones and Salas would help Michigan's education system. -Bob Alexander Nov. 1 _. - /A Proposal R To The Daily: I I ' 611 IVVVf U - "viwoLIkM"ZV Yf