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See Editorial Page
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4:3 a ii
See today . .. for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 53
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 7, 1972
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Daily endorsed Burghardt
Despite pamphleteering implying the contrary, The Daily has
in fact, endorsed HRP candidate Steve Burghardt for state
representative. Democratic candidate Perry Bullard's supporters
yesterday circulated a leaflet carrying an article on Bullard
by a Daily staff writer transposed under The Daily masthead.
The pamphlet deleted a disclaimer which had originally ap-
peared with the article, explaining that The Daily staff had
endorsed Burghardt. A condensed version of that editorial ap-
pears with the other Daily endorsements on today's Editorial
Page. Bullard media man Gene Farber disagreed that the
leaflet was misleading but agreed to cease distribution at The
Daily's request.
George's Grand Gourmet' wins
Though Gallup, Harris and Yankelovich offer little hope for
George McGovern in today's election, all may still be peaches
and ice cream for the South Dakotan, at least according to one
poll. The Miller's Ice Cream "Soda Straw Vote," conducted
over the last month, shows "George's Grand Gourmet" sundae
topping "Dick's Double-Dip Delight," 1,291-393, or a hefty 76
per cent of the vote. The accuracy of the poll is debatable, how-
ever, owing to the fudge factor.
If you forgot ...
If you forgot to change your voter registration address when
you changed apartments over the summer, never fear, you can
still vote in this election. Vote according to your old address,
but since precinct boundaries and polling places have been
shuffled since the April election, call the City Clerk's office,
761-2400, if you have questions. Note: His phone will probably
be pretty busy today but the League of Women Voters and any
of the party headquarters will be more than willing to help you
figure out your predicament.
Green case
The controversial case of Prof. Mark Green's suspension
will be thrown into the lap of the chemistry faculty today. The
departmental cormittee reviewing the case will submit its
recommendations to that body in a 20-page report. The chemistry
faculty will then meet tonight at 7:30 to either reject or accept
the recommendations. The committee was to have released its
report yesterday but Prof. Peter Smith, member, said that "the
mechanics of getting it typed, duplicated, and revised" held it up.
Happenings .. .
it's that time of year. Polling places are open from
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. HRP is providing child care and rides to the
polls. Call 761-6650 if you need either. Then there are always
the nighttime victory parties at various locations around town
In the meantime, the LSA coffee hour will be featuring
the botany department at 3 p.m. in 1139 Natural Science Bldg.
. ..and if you don't like politics, see the best of last year's
Astronomical Film Festival, 9 p.m. in East Quad Auditorium.
Tonight's offerings include "Apollo 11", "Mariner-Mars, 1969"
and "Universe" -you can also celebrate the 55th anniversary
of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Boggs, Begich victories expected
Hale Boggs, House Democratic leader, and Congressman
Nick Begich, missing since Oct. 16 on an airplane flight over
Alaska, will be on the ballot today-and both are expected to
be reelected. Congressional sources said Boggs' wife, Corinne,
is considering running for the seat if her husband is not found
alive and a special election is held next year. Boggs has no
opposition in his congressional district in New Orleans. Begich
is expected to keep his district in Alaska, where he faces a
Republican opponent, State Senator Don Young.
On the inside .. .
The Daily endorses Marjorie Lansing for Regent and
provides a summary of its previous election endorsements
on the Editorial Page . . . Jan Benedetti reviews the
Phoenix Repertory Company's production "Great God
Brown" on the Arts Page . . . Sports Page rehashes Big
Ten Football . . . Check where you're supposed to vote
on Page Six.
The weather picture
It looks like good weather for a hanging, but bad
weather for an election day: cloudy, with rain likely by af-
ternoon and continuing through the night. Temperatures
will hover around 60, with winds from the south about 15
mph. Tomorrow will be mostly cloudy - like some faces
+ at election headquarters around the country.
govt. still
appeals court yesterday delay-
ed for two days a lower-courtv
order for the arrest of an
estimated 400 Indians w h o
have occupied the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) building
since Thursday.
The Indians are demanding the
firing of Asst. Interior Secretary.
Harrison Loesch, s a i d . Dennis
Banks, field director of the Ameri-
can Indian Movement. Banks said
the demonstrators would destroy
the building unless concessions:
were made.
The demonstrators are protesting
the U.S. government's treatmentI
of American Indians.
"The negotiators have strictin-
structions to lay down an ulti-
matum by midnight," Banks told.
newsmen. "If we receive no com-
mitment by midnight, then the In-
dian negotiators have no alterna-I
tive but to remove ourselves from
the building and leave nothing."
Asked if that meant the building
would be destroyed, Banks replied,, Some of the more than 2000 Mc(
"There has been no business con- the campus picking up support.
ducted in this building for years
and I am sure there will be noUR A VO E D
business conductedhere after the URIAN VOTE DE
Indians leave."
However, there was no unusual
activity around the building at mid-
night.° Several Indians walked in
shortly after midnight with sup-
Splies of food.BERCSH H
One Indian source said the four- By ERIC SCHOCH
story building had been wired for The State House of Representa-
destruction by explosives Sunday tives, controlled by the Democrats
night but the system was defused. for the last two legislative ses-
He indicated that it had been re- sions, may be up for grabs today,
activated and was ready again to and neither party wants to predict
be touched off. the outcome.
Meetings with Indian negotiators BY this time in a normal cam-
inside a big tepee pitched on the paign, notes a Democratic organ-
Sfront lawn of the BIA were In- izer, it is usually possible to nar-
Govern backers
(See related st
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Truckin' for George
who marched last night, cheer for their candidate. The candlelight march criss-crossed
ory, Page 10).
>e: Who gets control?
call move
District Court Judges San-
dorf Elden and Pieter Thom-
assen yesterday dismissed
charges of malicious destruc-
tion of property against per-
sons accused of digging bomb
craters on the Diag last sum-
The craters were dug during May
and JT'me as a protest of the
stepped ip air raids over North
The dismissal came one day be-
fore the general election, an elec-
tion in which Elden is running for
a Circuit Court seat.
Elden and Thomassen were to
announce the dismissal of the
charges last Monday, but the death
of former Circuit Court Judge
John Conlin postponed the matter
a week.
Local attorney Donald Koster,
one of the defense lawyers for the
craters diggers, compared the dis-
missal to an earlier ruling by
Elden which voided the city's $5
fine for marijuana.
"Once again I'm more impressed
with the political timing of Judge
Elden's decisions, than with his
judicial abilities."
Elden said the charges that his
and Thomassen's dismissal was
politically motivated were "the last
accusations that I ever expected
to hear"
1"They said my last decision (re-
ferring to the voiding of the pt
law) was politically inspired."
He said, "I'd either lose the
votes I gained on the last one or
lose the votes I gained on this
one," referring to both the pot law
and the bomb-crater decisions.
"I guess the best thing to do,"
Elden added, "is to fold your
burnoose and not make any de-
cisions 90 days before the elec-
The judges' opinion concluded
that provisions of the statute un-
der which the defendants were
charged did not cover the offense
allegedly committed.
Specifically, under the malicious
destruction of property law, de-
fendants are charged with the
damaging of a structure or its ap-
An appurtenance is something
that is connected to or necessary to
the use and enjoyment of some-
thing else.
The prosecution claimed that the
sod and soil of the Diag was an
appurtenance to University build-
ings. The defense disagreed, and
filed a motion to dismiss the
In accepting the defense motion,
the judges wrote, -"the court finds
that the Diagonal of the University
of Michigan is in fact part of the
University in and of itself . .."-
and therefore not appurtenant to
University structures.
See ELDEN, Page 10
tenior Secretary Rogers Morton,
BIA Commissioner Louis Bruce and
Frank Carlucci, associated direc-
tor of the Office of Budget and
Banks said the prime topic of
discussion was the firing of Loesch.
If the White House gives assurance
that Loesch will be dismissed,
Banks said, the Indians will evacu-
ate the building and then other
points will be discussed with thet
Earlier yesterday, a three-judge
panel of the Circuit Court of Ap-
peals stayed until 9 p.m. tomorrow,
a lower-court order that the In-
dians vacate the building, located
on Constitution avenue near the
Lincoln Memorial.
A justice department spokesman
said that"the appeals court deci-
sion barred the government from
forcibly evicting the Indians while'
~the stay is in effect.
{rDistrict Judge JohnPratt had
ordered earlier in the day the
arrest of the Indians and had di-
rected the government to give
them notice of the order by 6 p.m.
EST yesterday. Pratt orally gave
the government limited discretion
as to the actual time for the
None of the Indians would elabo-
rate on how they had wired the
building but they said that at least
four Black Panthers reported to be
specialists in demolition met yes-
terday in the building.
row the field down to five or six
"swing" races which will deter-
mine voting trends in the elec-
S hriver
special To The Daily
ROMULUS - Vice presidential
candidate Sargent Shriver wrap-
ped up the Democratic presiden-
tial campaign in Michigan yes-
terday with a short press confer-
"The American peo
full of Nixon, and in a s
him out."
ence at D e t r o i t Metropolitan
In a hard-hitting attack on
President Nixon, Shriver, visibly
worn, told reporters "the Ameri-
can people have their stomach
full of Nixon, and in a sense they
want to vomit him out."
But this is not a normal cam- tage in many districts could be ov-
paign year. Both Republicans and ershadowed by a heavy pro-Re-
Democrats agree that the election publican vote in the Presidential
has narrowed down to no less than Senate races.
twenty such races. The result is As might be expected, the plan
that there have been no real pre- favors Democrats, but only slight-
dictions about who will control the ly. In many districts, Democrats
now have a slim advantage but a{
State House, only guesses. Nixon landslide could cause the
Although the state adopted a reapportionment to work dramat-
Democratic reapportionment plan ically in favor of the Republicans,'
redistricting the state for this if many Democrats vote straight
election the Democratic advan- Republican.
tells press at Metro
'0 pie sick of Nixon
"It seems quite clear now that that there was "no net increaseE
President Nixon has bungled the in jobs" as a result of higher car
management of the war . . . the production and citing a 10 per
war has been bungled and now cent unemployment rate in De-
they (the American people) have troit.
With allusions to Nixon's recent
seen that the peace has been rash of legislative vetoes, Shriver
bungled," he said. asked "can you imagine a Pres-
.ident who's in favor of dirty
water? Well, we've got one."
ple have their stomach If McGovern wins, Shriver
promised, the country would have
ense they want to vomit "clean air, clean water, and-
for the first time in four years-I
a clean White House."
-Sargent Shriver Shriver also reiterated McGov-
Shrie eer nm's vow to end the Indochina
.... ...................... . war "on J n. 21" if elected. In-
Continuing his assault on Nixon cluded in that vow were promises
policies, Shriver blasted the Ad- for an immediate cease fire, a
ministration's e c o n o m i c pro- release of POWs, and the idop-
grams, using Detroit as an ex- tion of a refugee program in
ample. Southeast Asia.
"Michigan has record automo- "I'll be over there personally
bile production-and record un- to arrange the details," Shriver
employment," he said, adding said. "The troops will be coming
A Democratic victory, Shriver
said, would bring "peace abroad
and the beginnings of prosperity
at home."
Throughout t h e conference,
seShriver seemed optimistic about
tory despite the latest Harris
ity of Illinois, has one precinct poll, which forecasts a Nixon
0 voters-reportedly the largest in victory.
e. "Something extraordinary is
vern supporters are counting on hAmeric across hthesaid,cepre
udent registration to boost their dicting a McGovern win in Cali-
te, and it appears that whoever fornia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mass-
vote for, registration drives have achusetts and Michigan.
fective. Nationally, 80 per cent of Shriver wasa conmnanied h
Of course, it is still questionable
how much "coattail effect" the
President would have in Michigan.
Few, if any, Republican candi-
dates are taking it easy because
they expect to be sweptinto the
State House in a Nixon landslide.
The effects of ousing and the
18-year-old vote also remain un-
clear, if indeed theywill have any
effect at all.
Democrats hold a narrow lead in
number of incumbents, forty-five.
to forty-one. Both parties expect
most of their incumbents to win,
but they admit that several in-
cumbents in both parties are not
finding re-election easy.{
Although quite a few incumbents
in both parties squared off against
each other in the primaries last
May due to reapportionment dis-
trict changes, only one race in-
volves two current representatives
in the general election.
In Flint's 79th District incumbent
Republican Robert Edwards and
incumbent Democrat Theodore
Mansour h a v e found themselves
in a closely contested campaign.
The race has taken an interesting
twist as Edwards is trying to win
the normally Democratic back vote
in response to his opponent's anti-!
busing campaign.
Not surprisingly, the Democrats
are hoping Detroit districts will
repeat their usual voting patterns,
along with other traditionally pro-,
See STATE, Page 10 I
The students, they say, are apathetic
about today's presidential election. Even
at places like Yale, one observer has
called student involvement "disappoint-
However, the general election activity
at campuses contacted by The Daily re-
interest subdued
Polls at various universities have shown
some disparity, with traditionally activist
colleges such as the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley, Stanford University
and the University of Massachusetts piling
up McGovern victory margins of 50 per
It is in the South that the Democratic
campuses nationwide with between 60 and
65 per cent of the vote. According to the
Democrats' national student press coordi-
nator, "a couple of hundred" student
newspapers have endorsed McGovern, and
a swing to Democratic ranks is in pro-
In Cleveland, he reported, there has
with 260
the state
large st
been eff