See Editorial Page
See today ... for details
Vol. LXXXiII, No. 50
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 3, 1972
Ten Cents Twelve Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Student voting
1 peace
Green investigation nearly over
The chemistry department committee reviewing the sus-
pension of Prof. Mark Green says it will complete its report on
the case by Monday. According to a progress report, the com-
mitte has met for 60 hours since it began the investigation Oct.
16. In that time, it has assembled 500 pages of recorded testi-
mony from Green, Department Chairman Thomas Dunn, other
chemistry professors, 15 of 18 organic chemistry teaching fellows
and 70 students enrolled in Green's Chemistry 227 course. The
committee added that it will examine the "conduct" of Chem-
istry 227 this term, the actions of chemistry professors involved
in the decision to suspend Green, and "questions of assignment
or reassignment of teaching duties."
HRP's attacker revealed
Human Rights Party state representative candidate Steve
Burghardt is upset by a series of small display ads which have
appeared in The Daily this week, tying his candidacy to the
Nazis. Even Burghardt's Democratic opponent, attorney Perry
Bullard, has issued a statement decrying the ads as unfair.
Today has determined that the ads have been placed by a self-
described "retired soldier" named Allen O'Brien. O'Brien is
spending some $150 on his personal campaign against HRP.
College papers support McGovern
Twenty-five college newspapers have endorsed an editorial
which ran in The Daily Wednesday, calling for "energetic sup-
port, in every conceivable way, for the candidacy of George
McGovern." The editorial called next Tuesday's presidential
election a "national emergency" and urged voters to turn out
for the Democratic candidate. Among those papers supporting
our statement are all the Big Ten college papers, the Harvard
Crimson, the Daily Texan, the Daily Californian and the Yale
Daily News.
Happenings .
"The Woman Play" by the Streetcorner Society, Room
126, East Quad, 7 p.m., donation $1.50 to the U-M Students for
Abortion Reform . . Guild House's noon luncheon is on abortion
this week . . . Pulitzer Prize winner Jack Anderson speaks at
Hill Aud. at 8 p.m.
Kiss his what?
It's been a long, long campaign trail for George McGovern
and it showed when a young Nixon supporter in Battle Creek
yesterday told him, "Senator, Nixon is going to beat you so
bad, you will be sorry you ever left South Dakota." The usually
unruffled one-time seminary student reportedly replied, "Kiss
my ass." Meanwhile, Vice President Spiro Agnew, up to his
knees with heckler problems of his own, told a crowd in Los
Angeles that legislation may have to be enacted to protect a
speaker's right to be heard.
The show must go on
Those folks out In California may hear that President Nixon
is the projected winner of next Tuesday's election before they
go to the polls. The Federal Communications Commission yes-
terday rejected a request by Gov. Ronald Reagan which would
have barred the networks from broadcasting in the Far West
elections returns from the East before the polls close out there.
Reagan claimed that such projections "undoubtedly tend, where
polls have not yet closed, to influence many potential voters in
their decision to vote or not to vote, much like the weather." In
a key state like California, maybe it could make a difference.
Briefly no .ed...
Ugandan President Idi Amin announced yesterday that all
Asians remaining in the country after his Nov. 8 expulsion dead-
line must leave the cities and go live in the villages. Amin also
said their business would be taken over by black Ugandans.
A Democratic congressman charged yesterday that the
Price Commission reversed a price rollback order on McDon-
ald's hamburgers after the company's board chairman donated
$208,000 to President Nixon's campaign . . . Argentina's national
electoral tribunal yesterday upheld the validity of a decree which
would bar former President Juan Peron from running for the
presidency again.
If I only had a heart
Shades of the tin woodsman. Marcel Champoussin, a 39-year-
old Frenchman, decided he wanted a heart transplant. So he
sold everything he owned, took the $25,000 and traveled to Cali-
fornia for the operation. But, alas! The "wizards" at the Stan-
ford Medical Center told him his heart was too sound to qualify.
A recipient, they said, must either face imminent death or be
totally incapacitated to receive a new heart. But Champoussin
is still hopeful and is staying with friends in Stanford for the
time being. Maybe they'll give him a watch instead.
results delayed
Due to confused student balloting and general computer
unpredictability, this week's all-campus election results were
not available last night.
According to election officials, they may not be tabulat-
ed until late tonight, if then.
At the Rackham Bldg., where ballots were being pro-
cessed for the North Campus Computer Center, Credentials
and Rules Committee (C&R) chairperson Bob Stephens re-
ported the scanner, which converts the ballots to computer
cards, was taking some ballots and rejecting many others.
The scanner, according to Stephens, has been catching
on some of the new election
stickers and ripping ballots
State Rep in half.
The new $5,385 election system,
approved by SGC in September,
uses stckers to certify ballots and
supposedly prevent fraud.
On many ballots, the scanner
was unable to read the sticker
number and ID number simul-
s srulare y a lataneously, and the stickers had to
be removed and placed closer to
the I.D. number by hand.
By CHRIS PARKS Other problems have resulted
ocal candidates for state repre- from "people doing weird things
sentative clashed last night in a with their votes," says Stephens.
tumultuous finale to what has be- In the SC elections students
come an acrimonious series of pub- were allowed to vote for ten dif-
lic debates. ferent candidates. Some students
voted ten times for the same
Republican Mike Renner was candidatenand their ballothwasre-
largely pushed into the background jected. In the LSA race students
as Democrat Perry Bullard and were allowed to vote for five can-
Human Rights Party (HRP) can- didates. Some students- voted for
didate Steve Burghardt took center more than five candidates. Their
stage in a meeting before over 50 ballots were also rejected.
residents of Alice Lloyd Hall. Some students also filled in the
Conservative Party entry Alan wrong sticker number on the bal-
Harris was unable to attend. lots, and others put their stickers
Bullard opened with what has on backwards.
become the theme of his cam- Elections officials are hesitant
paign-a strong identity of his ef- about recopying the numbers with-
fort with the campaign of George out a ruling from C&R first since
McGovern. "Everybody and his brother is go-
Bullard stressed his view that ing to scream 'Foul!' says Ste-
not only issues, but "a question of pHe estimates that roughly ten
effectiveness underlies the choice" He stmesharogltn
frstteressnerie.theh e per cent of the cards have been re-
for state representative. jected by the computer.
He said his campaign was based By 9 p.m., three-quarters of
on "the right of everyone to a de- the ballots had been processed.
cent life," and added, "not much The rest are expected to be
will get done if Nixon is elected." completed sometime today.
"HRP seeks to destroy and dis- Although the exact number of
credi.t the Democratic Party," he ballots cast is still unavailable,
said, "and I seek to take it over Stephens estimated the total to be
and change it-like George M- an "incredibly bad" 3,000, one of
Govern." the lowest turn-outs in recent his-
He had strong criticism of HRP tory.
and others who he accused of SGC President Bill Jacobs blam-
'turning their backs on Me- ed the low turn-out on the rain,
Govern." what he termed poor Daily cover-
Burghardt opened his remarks age and student apathy.
Biharowed issiono rkshe One point generally conceded
with a low key discussion of the by the election officials is that
aims and goals of HRP. fraud would have been "impos-
Noting that he had opened his sible" in this election.
j campaign at A.. Lloyd, Burghardt "The only place I can see where
said, "I started here as a person there could be fraud is right in
and became a politician. I came this room," said Stephens at the
back here tonight to be a person Rackham Bldg.
again. A guard has been hired to insure
"Politicians have always said 'I against fraud within the Rackham
will work for you and think for office.
myself' when what they meant "We've asked him to watch us
was they will think for you and very closely," said Stephens.
work for themselves."
"The idea of HRP," he con-
tinued, "is not just getting people S
in office. It's getting people active D ~ ~ y
in the community on things they
care about. HRP is taking on the
myth that one man or small group p osecu
of men or one woman or small-
group of women can bring about
necessary social change."
Renner made a stock campaign Tradin verbal broadsides and
speech calling for "making the outlining new proposals and past
prison system one which will truly achievements, the two candidates
rehabilitate," and suggesting a re- for Washtenaw County prosecutor
evaluation of the worth of the Republican incumbent William Del-
Michigan National Guard hey and Democratic challenger
He also made a little-heeded ap- George Sallade, met in a radio
peal for a reduction in the level of debate last night on WCBN FM.
campaign invective. The program, "Talk Back" was
Soon after the opening state- hosted and moderated by the sta-
ments, the evening degenerated in- tion's public affairs director, Ralph
to another slugging match between Bernstein, who also fielded ques-
Bullard and Burghardt. tions from the radio audience.v
Bullard hammered away at the Sallade called the prosecutor
McGovern issue, at one point "the number one elected official"
charging, "I happen to know that of the county. He also called for
the greater part of the HRP lead- an end to prosecution for victimless
See REP., Page 12 crimes, citing what he considered
Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
Spreading the word
Stephen Gaskin, spiritual teacher and commune leader, delivers his message of "love and
religious awareness" at the People's Ballroom last night. Gaskin, who arrived here yesterday,
will speak again tonight, sharing the bill with the Farm Band, in a free program at the Union
Trudeau to retain post
despite party setback
Peace talks
By the AP and Reuters
President Nixon and the Hanoi
government gave two differing
views on the status of the pro-
nosed peace plan yesterday, with
North Vietnam declaring there will
be no further negotiations until
the United States commits itself to
signing the document, and Presi-
dent Nixon calling the plan a major
breakthrough needing only a few
more clarifications before 'being
For related story, see Page 7
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
speakers denounced the Nixon ad-
ministration for what they called
"a breach of promise" in failing to
sign the accord by Oct. 31, the
deadline set by Hanoi.
However, the President told the
American people last night in a
paid political broadcast supporting
his re-election campaign that a
major breakthrough had b e e n
achieved toward his goal of 'peace
with honor' in Vietnam and that
substantial agreement had been
reached on most of the items of a
The settlement he was ready to
conclude, he said, would accom-
plish his basic objectives-the re-
turn of American prisoners, a
ceasefire in Indochina, and safe-
guarding the right of the South
Vietnamese people to determine
their future without having a com-
munist or coalition government im-
posed upon them against their will.
"There are still some provisions
of the agreement which must be
clarified so that all ambiguities
will be removed," he said. "I have
insisted that these be settled be-
fore we sign the final agreement."
Meanwhile, highly-placed admin-
istration sources last night denied
a report that Henry Kissinger
would hold another round of talks
with North Vietnamese negotiators
before the end of the week.
The report, run in the New York
Daily News, said Kissinger was
expected to fly to Paris today. The
sources said the report was in-
accurate and that they did not
know when or if Hanoi would re-
spond to Nixon's call for another
negotiating session.
Sen. George McGovern, speaking
on a television program screened
throughout the state last night, re-
sponded to Nixon's nationwide ad-
dress by saying he was very, very
much disappointed with what Nix-
on said on iVietnam, and that this
disappointment was shared by mil-
lions of Americans.
While McGovern has said he
would r e j o i c e if peace was
achieved now in Vietnam, the sen-
ator has displayed increasing skep-
ticism in the past two or three
days that the U.S. government will
override South Vietnamese Presi-
dent Nguyen Van Thieu's opposi-
tion to the terms of the agreement
worked out between Washington
and Hanoi.
McGovern, in asserting he now
thought peace was not near after
all, recalled Nixon's statement on
the eve of the 1968 presidential
election that a President who could
not achieve peace in four years
did not deserve a 'second chance.
McGovern also said during the
program: "It appears the efforts
See PEACE, Page 7
OTTAWA (IP) - Pierre Elliott
Trudeau said last night his Lib-
eral government will stay on
and face Parliament despite the
stunning electoral setback that
chopped away his majority.
The prime minister acknowl-
edged in a televised news con-
ference that his Liberals' show-
ing in the Monday elections "re-
flected the view of a good many
Canadians that government for
the last four and a half years
has not been satisfactory."
"The continuation of my gov-
ernment will depend on the Par-
liament," he said.
Processing of election results
developed yesterday into an ex-
act tie between the Liberal and
Conservative parties at 109
seats each in the House of Com-
mons, with recounts still under
way in several tight races. Pre-
viously, Conservatives had held
a one-seat lead.
The balance in the 264-member
house is held by the socialistic
New Democrats, with 30 seats.
David Lewis, the New Demo-
crat party leader, pledged his
support for the Liberal govern-
ment on condition that the gov-
ernment does not introduce legis-
lation the New Democrats cannot
' allade debate county
ps role, other issues
Lewis, in a news conference
held after Trudeau's, said the
New Democrats would not seek
to obstruct Parliament and throw
the country into new elections,
but he added that no Canadian
believes the new Parliament can
last a full term of four years.
Trudeau said Monday's elec-
tion indicated to him "that there
have been some failures."
But Trudeau said he is not go-
ing to "govern for any particu-
lar party" and added that he
does not believe the Liberal gov-
ernment needs the New Demo-I
Trudeau added that he has not
been able to account for the Lib-
eral decline but hopes to present
legislation that will respond to
complaints indicated by the elec-
An economic package, he said,
will have to be placed before
Parliament that will fight unem-
ployment without causing "gal-
loping inflation."
The prime minister said he
will ask the governor-general to
convene Parliament as soon as
possible after the final election
results have been established.
This is expected to take about a
Official vote tabulations now
coming in must be recounted in
each district where the margin
between the two leading candi-
dates is less than 25 ballots.
Some official tabulations differ
from earlier unofficial counts.
On the inside . .
Two views on the controversial daylight savings time
question are given on the Editorial Page . . . Cinema
Weekend on Arts Page . . . George Hastings writes about
sophomore tailback Chuck Heater on Page 10.
The weather picture
So we blew it yesterday. But today it's supposed to
drop to the mid-40's, and be windy, cloudy and colder with
a 20 per cent chance of precipitation. Almost makes you
want to stay indoors and study for your hourlies, doesn't it?
a, misdirection of the resources of sold and licensed much like liquor.
the prosecutor's office. He says he would go to Lansing,
Sallade, if elected, would estab- if elected, to push for legalizationI
lish a unit of the prosecutor's of- of grass.
rice to investigate consumer law Sallade attacked the recent raids
violations, which he called "white on massage parlors, equating them
collar crime." to "staged theatre," a "Keystone
The D e m o c r a t i c challenger, Cops operation cooked up for the
while acknowledging his opponent's election."
integrity, said that Delhey has The Democrat challenged Del-
"completely lost touch with the hey to arrest persons alledgedly
world of the 1970's and is probably selling Quaaludes "in front of my
closer to McKinley's world." office on State Street," instead of
Delhey replied, citing his 16 years busting the parlors.
of experience as both assistant If he had wanted publicity out of'
county prosecutor and then prose- the raids, the prosecutor said, "I
cutor. He says he sees the rising would have stood in the door" of
crime rate in Washtenaw County= See DELHEY, Page 8 j
now the second highest in the state - ---
-as a result of the addicts' need
to fulfill their expensive habits.N i e b t
He described the separate nar-
cotics unit of his offic'e and whatj
he called its success-the unit has
f confiscated over $100,000 worth of
h:::oin." in State
I ehysaid he was "reasonably i tt
confident that future statistics will
show a decrease in crimes for By TED STEIN
monetary gain," such as larceny.
Both candidates were asked for If you're expecting a little r
their opinions on marijuana laws bottom of the ballot when you vo
by Bernstein. Replying first, Del- look for it in the state Supreme Co
hey said that when he became There are nine candidates vying
prosecutor in 1964, he thought the seats and some of the names and
then 20-year mandatory sentence doubtedly be unfamiliar to many
for the sale of marijuana was too
harsh, and would not prosecute In the past, as much as a thi
under that statute. vote for President haven't voted in
[le for two vacancies
Supreme Court race
issue in
15th district
With the city's 15th commis-
sioner district carved out of a
bastion , of student voting
strength, it comes as no surprise
that the Human Rights Party
(HRP) itself is the biggest issue
in this year's race for county
The two principal antagonists
in the chate nver ther ole of
the race, as she has maintained
time and again that she is not
simply running as an individual.
"Unlike my opponent," Win-
ning comments, "I am running as
a representative of HRP. I am
therefore bound to its platform
and the collective decisions the
party makes at its mass meet-
According to Winning this
elief toward the
te Nov. 7, don't
ourt race.
g for two vacant
parties will un-
rd of those who
n the court race,
The election of two justices, however, is very
The state Supreme Court will be hearing cases
in the next few years that involve drug, penal, cor-
rectional and judicial reform, civil liberties, abor-
tion, and much of the existing consumer and en-
vironmental legislation.
Here are the candidates:
* Charles Levin has been a judge on the state
Court of Appeals since 1966 and is running under