Polls close at noon for all-campus elections NATIONAL EMERGENCY! See Editorial Page LY Sir Ct~~ 411Y-A& Aft- ila tt DRIPPY High-42 Low- y6 For details, see "today . . Vol. LXXXIII, No. 49 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 2, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages ' . today... . if you see news happen call 76-DAILY RAP says what? In the final days of the SGC campaign, the conservative Respofisible Alternative Party has been circulating a leaflet proclaiming its support for the candidacy of George McGovern. It all comes as somewhat of a surprise considering that one RAP SGC candidate works 'actively for the ultra-conservative Libertarian Party while other prominent party members sup- port the American Independent Party's nominee. Leading cam- pus conservative and RAP mogul Bill Thee claims the leaflet represents the opinion of the majority of the party's candidates. Free money The Ann Arbor Bank is giving away money. No kidding, crisp new greenbacks. The idea behind the scheme is to demon- strate the new cash dispensing machine at their Liberty St. branch. Today obviously decided to investigate, so one of our intrepid legmen legged it over to Liberty to help himself to some free cash. The, man in line in front pushed the button and out popped a dollar bill. Now for the bad news. When it came to our man's turn, the machine simply flashed the sign: "Please do not use. Machine temporarily out of order." Them's the breaks. Arson at Huron The band played on as the school burned down yesterday when an arsonist's tricks forced the evacuation of Ann Arbor's Huron High School. Alice Cooper would have giggled, and most of the students seemed amused as a half dozen fire trucks careened to the ultra-modern 1,500 student school building on the Northeast side shortly after noon to extinguish a blaze in the auditorium. Police said they suspected arson. The school's march- ing band played on at a nearby athletic field as firemen fought I the blaze. No estimate of damage was available. An apology Well, we really blew it. We're sorry and we'll try not to do it again. We are refering to two recent Today items describing the cancellation by "person unknown" of an HRP campaign ad in The Daily. In fact nobody tried to cancel any HRP ad. What happened was that a woman from the University Democratic Caucus came in to cancel an anti-HRP ad. The Daily business staff misunderstood, and thought she was illictly puling an ad for N. VIETS LAUNCH OFFENSIVE S igns of early settlement dim U.S. decreases B-52 stri kes in N.Vietnam By The Associated Press and Reuters While hope for a quick settlement in Indochina faded yesterday, the battle pace quickened on several fronts. North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao troops launched a general offensive in Northern Laos to cut links between Vientiane and the royal capital of Luang Prabang. North Vietnamese troops supported by tanks concen- trated near Muong Suoi (about 100 miles northwest of Vien- tiane), were ready to launch an offensive in the direction of Slap Houkhoun in order to cut liaison between Vientiane and Laung Prabang according to a Laotian army spokes- person. Communist troops meanwhile stepped up slightly their ground attacks throughout ---- ---------- South Vietnam, bomber strikes reduced. but U.S. B-52 were sharply (Police)man's best friend A policeman uses a dog to subdue a demonstrator outside Boston's Commonwealth Armory Halloween night. Inside the building, cans munched away at a $25-a-plate dinner presided over by Pat Nixon. An estimated 8,000 protestors blocked Boston streets un men arrived with their dogs and arrested several on disorderly conduct charges. PARTIAL LIST ONLY: The Saigon High Command re- ported 126 communist-initiated in- I cidents throughout the country yes- terday, compared with 121 com- munist attacks in the previous 24 hours. U.S. B-52 bombers flew only 13 missions against suspected com- munist positions in South Vietnam., the lowest number in over six months. AP Photo The U.S. command also reported; a sharp cutback in B-52 strikes' over North Vietnam-only two com-' Republi- pared with Tuesday's record of 13. til police- In other action, 22 Americans were killed in the crash of a U.S. helicopter into a flooded Mekong Delta rice paddy. The crash was the worst Ameri- can loss since May 10, when an-' other Army Chinook helicopter went down due to unknown causes' 20 miles northeast of Saigon, kill- ing 32 U.S. troops. Meanwhile, North Vietnamese was other- spokesperson Nguyen Thanh Le ing any of hit out at South Vietnamese Presi-a fied before dent Nguyen Van Thieu's state- RAP suit dismissed by C&R By CINDY HILL Explaining that he "feared his good name was at stake," Student Government Council (SGC) Presi- dent Bill Jacobs called a closed meeting before the Credentials and Rules Committee (C&R) last night to answer charges that he had vio- lated the all-campus election code. The hearing was called in re- sponse to a suit filed yesterday by Responsible Alternative P a r t y (RAP) president Howard Victor charging Jacobs with tearing down RAP campaign posters. During the hearing, Jacobs de- nied the charges andsmaintained that "It makes no sense to rip down-two or three RAP posters." He added, "Every window in the HRP. We regret our reportorial sloppiness any embarrassment caused to those concerned. and apologize for 'U' bus drivers stoned Some idiot has been getting his rocks off lately by throwing stones at University commuter buses. At least three rock-throw- ing incidents have been reported to police and University secur- ity so far, and in each case the rocks appear to have been aimed at the drivers. So far nobody has been hurt seriously, though one driver was slightly cut by flying glass. The rock- throwing is occurring near the Northwood Five apartments on North Campus, and has taken place late at night. Happenings .. . ...r it's political times and it's a political day. If you aren't interested in politics then skip most of this and go on to the bottom of this item . . . if you want to talk to Sen. George McGovern you can, toll free, when he appears on a statewide telethon at 8 pm. of WILX, Channel 10. Just call 1-800-840-2900 ... McGovern will be around and about the state for the next day and a half, but perhaps the best place to go see the man is the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, where he will address a noon hour rally on Friday . . . if you are more interested in the abortion referendum than Presidential politics, then go to a statewide press conference of the Youth For Life Committee at 10 a.m. in the Residential College .. . State Supreme Court candidate Bob Evans will speak in the Lawyers Club lounge at 3:30 p.m... . Edward Finch (Fast Ed- die) Cox, son-in-law of you-know-who, will be bouncing around the state today to boost his "dad's" re-election campaign. The clos- est he'll get to Ann Arbor is Jackson, where he will appear at Nixon-Griffin headquarters, 411 S. Jackson, at 11:30 a.m.... the biggest happening of all is Steven and his elusive Caravan. 49 of them are in town and they will be at the Peoples Ballroom tonight at 7:30 p.m. and at the Union Ballroom tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Along with Seven's peculiar view of life, you can pick up on the official Caravan band. Havea niceday. Pound dead at 87 Ezra Pound, praised for his esoteric verse and condemned for his "fascist leanings," died yesterday ,in a Venice Hospital. He was 87. Pound, who had broadcast, propaganda for Musso- lini during the second World War, was one of the world's most enigmatic and influential writers. T. S. Eliot once described him as the "greatest craftsman." Most known for his "Cantos," an 800-page series of poems covering the thoughts of man from the age of Confuscious to the modern day, Pound was also re- nowned for his translations from Chinese and his influence on writers such as Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce and Robert Frost. Vote for Mickey Mouse WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Mickey Mouse has been accepted as a candidate for the Palmerston North seat in New Zealand's Nov. 25 General Election. The returning officer decid- ed that the nomination of Mr. Mouse, representing the Mad Hat- ter's Tea Party, was in order despite a recent electoral amend- ment which allows for refusal of certain nominations. Mr. Mouse, who changed his name from Christopher Lawrence, is unemploy- ed and campaigns with a rock band .and showers of jelly beans. He will oppose the sitting Labor Party member for Palmerston, Joseph Walding. I th II®n _1n Q 1 l4 Nixon By the AP and Reuters WASHINGTON - President Nixon's campaign finance com- mittee yesterday agreed in an out-of-court settlement to disclose the identity of campaign con- tributors who made donations before last March 10. The consent decree agreed to by attorneys in the case and signed by U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Waddy does not cover still unreported contribu- tions given between March 10 and April 7, when the new cam- paign contribution reporting law went into effect. The order was issued in a suit br'ought by Common Cause, a self-styled citizen's lobby, which is seeking disclosure of all Nixon campaign contributions. A spokesperson for Common Cause said the order means about $6 million in previously un- disclosed funds would be account- ed for. Another $10 million do- nated between March 10 and April will remain secret, accord- ing to the spokesperson. Litigation aimed at forcing dis- closure of the source of the rest of the money will continue, but it is not likely to come to trial be- fore next Tuesday's presidential election. The decree does not require disclosure of expenditures, but only contributions. The dispute centered over con- tributions funneled into the Nixon campaign prior to April 7, the to disc lose date on which a new federal statute took effect requiring full identification of political contri- butions. Common Cause contended the old federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1925 required the ,sameextent of disclosure, and that the Re- publicans were thus under an ob- ligation to name the donors whose gifts were received before April 7. County Under the compromise; ment, the Republicans will ify contributors whose gift made between Jan. 1, 197 March 9, 1972. The Republicans will al knowledge publicly that erred in refusing to identif ors through March 9. The spokesperson said Co Cause was willing to co board donor! agree- mise, because therev ident- wise no chance of gett s were the contributions identi 71 and the election. The GOP had mad so ac- that even if they lost they they would appeal th fy don- all the way to the Supr assuring that disclos 3mmon ever came, would be mpro- election. hopefu e it clear in court, e decision eme Court, ure, if it after the iS offer voters diversity mIent onTuesday that hne would Nat Sci Building has at least one never accept a peace that offers 1 RAP poster. Every tree and tele- South Vietnam to the communists." phone pole has one." Le accused Thieu of deliberately Victor, however, claimed, "It sabotaging any peaceful settlement was 11:10 in the afternoon. The of the war, as the four delegations area was very busy. Mr. Jacobs prepared for a new session of their would have been a fool to rip peace talks in Paris today. down 50 or 60 posters." Le's statement came after "TetmaioofM.Jcb rhieu's attack in Saigon on the . s Washington-Hanoi agreement as a to rip down two or three posters is' sellout and a surrender." The four delegations-the U.S., Community Coalition SGC can- 3outh Vietnam, North Vietnam and I didate Sandy Green, who alleged- the Viet Cong-remained tight- ly witnessed the violation, was lippediabout what they expect never called to testify, and the from the session of the semi-public hearing was dismissed due to lack peace talks at the International of sufficient evidence. Conference Center in Paris. Jacobs justified his demand for In Washington, the President the closed hearing saying he had conferred with National Security "avoided a circus atmosphere," in advisor Henry Kissinger on the a trial in which "it was just my public stalemate between the two< word against his (Victor)." sides. The White House refused to In other action, C&R granted a say if any progress had been made temporary injunction to bar the in secret contacts or to predict display or distribution of any elec- when a final negotiating session tion issue of the Michigan Student between Kissinger and North Viet- News from within 50 feet of all nam's Le Duc Tho will take place. polling places, for the final day of Meanwhile, Chinese Premier the all-campus elections this morn- Chou En-lai said he has been in ing. contact with the United States and North Vietnam over the stalled 1-rC&R ruled that there was suf- By CHARLES STEIN "I decided to run as a Republi- can in this town because the Re- publicans were the only ones who have really helped my area. We don't want any more of those mis- sionary liberals telling us 'lowly people' what to do." The area referred to is the black community of north central Ann Arbor and the "missionary liber- als", according to Letty Wickliffe, are her Democratic and Human Rights Party (HRP) opponents. Wickliffe, an elderly black wo- man, is the Republican candidate for the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners in the new 14th district. She is running against Group sues Harvey, char ges'defamation' Democrat Kathy Fojtik and HRP. representative Susan Newell. The race's unusual composition -an elderly black conservative woman facing young white liberal and radical women - makes itj one of the most interesting of this election. Created only this past spring, the 14th district closely parallels the city's First Ward. It encom- passes a large number of student areas including the Hill dormitor- ies as well as major parts of the black community. Despite the fact that the board of commissioners controls t h eI purse-strings for all of Washtenaw County, or some 22 million dol- lars, the commissioner's races have in the past attracted little student attention. With the creation of the pre- dominantly student 14th and 15th j district, however, campaigning for commissioner seats has for the first time beens directed at stu- 1dents. Newell, a University graduate, is a low key but articulate cam- paigner. The major thrusts of her campaign are support for the ra- dical HRP platform and the fact that she is bound totheparty's collective decision making process. While realizing that radical change may be impossible at the present time, Newell favors in the meantime, drastic reordering of the commission's financial priori- ties. She advocates cuts in the bud- get for the sheriff's department with the extra funds being redi- rected into various social welfare government issues iinqusintmeith i- s.JVC1IIRR1~1It ~ cease-fire talks, and although he's ficient question to merit the in- A totally different approach to ( still hoping for early signatures, junction and a preliminary hear- the campaign is taken by Repub- 'the news is not so good." ' ing on the validity of the charges lican Wickliffe. Charging her op- Chou told a group of British re- was set for Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. ponents are too closely connected porters yesterday that Thieu had Community Coalition candidate with the University, she styles her- objected to seven of nine points in Bob Black claimed the publication self as the only candidate who an agreement drafted secretly by was discriminatory giving better See COUNTY, Page 10 Americans and North Vietnamese. coverage to the Integrity party. aimed at implementing social change now. Accordingly, Fojtik has a num- ber of specifically detailed pro- posals she would like to see en- acted. Most deal with the area of health care where she has a cer- tain measure of expertise. Fojtik criticizes Newell for not making similar proposals and charges the HRP platform does not address itself directly to county By DAVE BURHENN Members of the Washtenaw County Jail Community Treat- ment Program (WCJCTP) filed a $2 million law suit against Sheriff Douglas Harvey yesterday charging "defamation of personal and business reputations." WCJCTP members said Har- vey falsely accused program teachers of drug smuggling and plotting with inmates to take over the facility. The group had conducted edu- cational and rehabilitative ser- vicesforinm inte in the in Harvey is running for re- election on the American Inde- pendent Party ticket against Democrat Fred Postill, and Re- publican Undersheriff Harold Owings. In a press release, treatment program members said that Har- vey had "gone to slanderous ex- tremes to exclude any form of public scrutiny (of the jail) . .. They said they had gone to Harvey early last spring to offer a rehabilitation program for in- mates, which they said the jail lacked. Harvey agreed. and the ::. ::: .