Wednesday, November 1, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a paid political advertisement Page Seven Finney: Resident Composer I NONPARTISAN BALLOT . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 I - - Friday and Saturday r SI the original uncut King Kong starring FAY WRAY -PLUS- personal appearance by KING KONG and Gorillas 7:30 and 10:00 DE BY SIDE Friday and Saturday (Continued from Page 2) cert? What can I say?" he ask- ed. "The concerto was finished in June, 1968. It is not a commis- sioned work. I wrote it because I wanted to. It has three move- ments: 'Entrance and Crescen- do' seems as if it almost doesn't get started, and there is a ser- ies of crescendos to the end; and 'Ornaments and Dialogue' is con- concerned with sonority, but ev- en so, it sings. My music tends to sing; I can't get rid of that melodic business. It hasn't always been a popular thing to do, and I've faced criti- cism because of it. Not that the work is really romantic, but it does sing." The final movement 'Cadenza and Climax' is highly rhythmic, with a lot of percussion, and be- comes quite violent at the end." Speaking about a rehearsal earlier this week, Finney com- mented, "It's awfully exciting to hear it. It sounds just exactly the way I knew it would. It was writ- ten with Doppmann in mind." William Doppmann, the soloist, teaches at the University of Tex- as and has performed and com- missioned other Finney works. "He knows my style. It is con- ceivable that he would play wrong notes, but he plays them the way I like it." About his other composition on the program, Finney said that Remorseless Rush of Time was commissioned by Wisconsin State University at River Falls, and was first performed in 1970. "I wanted it to have something to do with my concern for man's destruction of his environment. I had in mind passages from Thomas Wolfe's You Can't Go Home Again, but I couldn't get the right to use, so I had to Reefer Madness PLUS- FIRESIGN THEATRE in "Martian Space Party" 6:00 8:00 10:00 Aud. 4 MODERN LANGUAGES BLDG. Aud. 3; $1 contribution -- Friends of Newsreel WANTED:f Volunteer Section Leaders For Future Worlds Class Looking for several dynamic, wel-grounded persons from a wide range of backgrounds who have an in- terest in future-related topics to work with small sections of undergraduates. Some of the guest speakers for the Future Worlds Program will include: Murray Bookchin, Arthur C. I Clarke, Buckminister Fuller, John Lilly, Dennis, Mea- dows, J. B. Rhine, B. F. Skinner, Leslie Stevens, as I well as U-M faculty. Call the Department of Geography, 764-0340 for an appointment Interviews will be Friday, November 3, 2-5 p.n SEE YOU AROUND, FRIEND Health Service INPUT is now operating without one of its co- founders. Rob wi l be exercising his Journalistic talents at the University Medical Center as of 30 October. It goes without say- write my own text, which is no- where as poetic. "Since a chorus tends not to project the words c I e a r 1 y enough, I have also used a speaking voice, which gives clues to the meaning of the chor- al portions. "I'm very pleased that they're playing some of my music dur- ing my last semester. It's aw- fully nice of 'em." Symphony Orchestra (Continued from Page 3) love music to the point of ob- session, there is no other choice. This obsession is not a tangible or even a describable thing. Un- derstanding can only come through the music. If you attend tonight's concert, be sure to con- centrate .on the music. Realize that in the University Symphony Orchestra one navigates on a different Polaris. Guarneri Quart et (Continued from Page 3) knows the music beforehand, the more one will appreciate it when one hears different approaches, different ways of shading a phrase. This is why live per- formanceshcan be invigorating and with great music and the best,artists, it is a safe bet that a concert will be an enriching experience. The amount of gold that can still ne recovered from the earth is es- timated at 31,250 tons, more than half of it 'in South Africa, and 625 tones in the United States. T1V, WCI3N listings (Continued from Page 3) 50 Dragnet 8:30 4 Banacek 7 Movie "That Certain Summer" 50 Merv Griffin 56 Playhouse New York 9:00 ?Medical Center 9 Ne~ws 9:30 9 People of the Seal 10:00 2 Cannon 4 Search 7 Julie Andrews i0 Perry Mason 10:30 9 This Land 56 Soul! 11:00 2 4 7 9 News, Weather, Sports 50 Mancini Generation 11:20 9 Nightbeat 11:30 2 Movie "The Seven Little Foys." (1955). 4 Johnny Carson 7 Dick Cavett 50 Movie "The impossible Years." (1968) 12:00 9 Movie "Dead Heat on a Merry-Go- Round." (1966) 1:00 4 7 News 1:30 2 Movie "Bowery Champs." (1944) 3:00 2 News wcbn today fm 89.5 iiI READ VAGINAL POLITICS 9:00 12:00 4:00 7:30 11:00 Morning After Show Progressive rock Polk Rhythm & Blues Progressive rock (runs until 3) I I I 11 I A I_ L' a I - I~~~ypotnIeI.,tica worisa w