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September 07, 1972 - Image 63

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-07

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Thursday, September 7, 1972


Page Nine


In the Summer of '32, 25 hun-
gry and barely alive boysat the
University got together and
rented a house, forming the
first student housing coopera-
tive in the country.
By buying produce collective-
ly and doing their own house-
work, they cut room and boar
costs down to two dollars a
By 1941, eleven houses, eight
for men and three for women,
had been organized. The or-
ganization of the rented houses
became known as the Inter-
Cooperative Council (ICC).
Then in 1944, with the pur-'
chase of its first house, ICC
"This semi-communal liv-
ing situation, where house-
mates are more like broth-
ers and sisters than friends,
appeals to many students,
w h e n compared to other
x campus lifestyles.'
formed into a non-profit cor-
poration where members were
sharekeepers and paid "dues"
for the houses' expenses, food
and upkeep.
Since then, ICC has evolved
into a two million dollar organi-
zation of 23 houses in the Ann
Arbor area which offer a inex-
pensive alternative to dorm life
for over 700 university stu-
By doing their own cooking,
cleaning, maintenance and gov-
erning, co-opers save around
$400 a year when compared to
dormitory costs. Room and
board in a co-op averages $96 a
month, including meals, in be-
tween snacks called "guff",
laundry facilities and shared
subscriptions to magazines and
newspapers. After paying the
forty dollar membership de-
posit, a co-oper becomes offic-
ial owner of the house he lives
At house meetings, members
vote on house policy, rules, de-
cide on work schedules and elect
the house officers. Each mem-
ber has one vote in all deci-
This semi-communal living
situation, where housemates
are more like brothers and sis-
ters r'than friends, appeals to
many students, when compared
to other campus lifestyles.
Each 9ember works four to
six hours weekly, depending on
the individual house's policy.
Do you remember a time when
guys swallowed goldfish?
Or when girls "dressed" for

These activities are part of a
dying Greek tradition that once
thrived at the University.
If you were to visit a local
fraternity: or sorority house to-
day, you wouldn't see the for-
mality of past years. Most sor-
ority houses no longer have din-
ner dress codes-jeans are worn
fore often than not. And the
traditional "hell week" has been
dropped by most fraternities.
Today's Greek system offers
an enthusiastic social atmos-
phere. There are Hawaiian Is-
land parties,, TG's and pledge
formals. And both sororities and
fraternities alike participate in
intramural sports, ranging from
ping pong and basketball for
the guys to powder-puff foot-
ball for the girls.

Luther Buchele, who has
worked for the ICC 4for 20
years says he is "amazed at how
many people come in who are
really intense about getting into
a' co-op."
Waiting lists are sometimes
months long. Many s t u d e n ts
are disappointed when a co-op
hasn't room .-for them right
away. Entrance is on a first
come, first-serve basis.
The increased responsibility
does have its pitfalls, though.
An outsider ran up a $1500
phone bill for phone calls to
Australia before the two involv-
ed houses found him out.
And with the houses' tradi-
tion of between-meal snacks or
"guffing" many co-ops find
themselves keeping the bellies
of Ann Arbor's street people
full, many times while shelter-
ing them' in their basements or
in members' rooms.
The co-op concept is based
on the Rochdale principals es-
tablished in 1844. Twenty-eight
people set up a small store on
Toad lane in Rochdale Eng-
land after a weavers' strike.
They sold , basic household
goods, and the co-op's members
shared the savings.
Co-ops have come a long way
since then if you consider that
in 1969, the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) loaned ICC $1.24
million to build the first stu-
dent housing project in the na-
tion. The nine dorm-like build-
ings built in Ann Arbor's north
campus area are the first struc-
tures to be originally designed
as co-ops.
But more recently, HUD has
backed away from financing
student, housing and turned
.down a $750,000 loan request
from the ICC to acquire more
co-ops in Ann Arbor.
Most of the first local coop-
erative houses were one-family
dwellings that were first rented
and then purchased by ICC.

More recently, ICC has been
buying defunct fraternity and
sorority houses.
Most Central Campus coops
offer single, double and triple
rooms. Room priority is given
to older members.
Atmospheres range from Os-
terweil co-op, whose relaxed
lifestyle .might seem somewhat
untidy to outsiders; to the larg-
er co-ops which maintain a
better hold on cleandom.
dorm itori1
If you're a gourmet or a stick-
ler for absolute peace and quiet,'
a University dormitory probably
isn't the best place for you.
Nevertheless, approximately
97 per cent of each year's in-
coming freshmen have consist-
ently chosen to live in Univer-
sity dorms, despite last year's
ruling that no student (over 18
years of age) be required to re-
side in a University-owned fa-
Dormitories are now run on a
democratic nondiscriminatory
basis, resulting in a more relax-
ed and informal atmosphere.
Each dorm's governing hier-
archy includes a building direc-
tor, resident directors, resident
advisors ' and student dorm
Although dorm residents are
now free to come and go as
they please 24 hours a day, old-
er students still recall the days
of surreptitious curfew dodg-

ing prior to the 1968 "hour
power" campaign and the sub-
sequent elimination of the cur-
few policy in 1970.
Most dorms now have a "24
hour open-open" policy, mean-
ing that residents are free to
have guests of the opposite sex
in their rooms all day and all
night long.
The vast majority of the Uni-
versity's dormitories have gone
Fletcher Hall is the last all-
male stronghold. Close -to the
athletic facilities, the dorm
houses 80 students in large two-
room suites.
All-women dorms on campus
number four. Betsy Barbour,
Helen Newberry, and Martha
Cook are the smallest and the
most conservative.
An old brick Tudor-style
building housing 430 women,
Stockwell is the largest non-
coed dormitory on camnus.
OverlookingPalmer field, on
the Hill area of campus, Stock-
well is famous for its sundeck
and elegant lounge with large
fireplace, pianos and organ.
Stockwell girls refer affection-
ately to their dorm as the "vir-
gin vault."
Next to Stockwell is Mosher
"MoJo" is known for its warm
friendly atmosphere which gives
it the flavor of an old country
home. "Most dorms have loun-
ges, we call ours the 'living
room," comments one resident.
Mosher Jordan was such a
popular dorm for returning stu-
dents this year that its house
council had to hold a lottery to
determine which students would
get the few open spaces avail-
East Quad, Alice Lloyd, and
Couzens have each adopted spe-
cial programs designed to sup-
plement the academic interests
of their individual students
East Quad located at E. U.ni-
versity and Hill Streets houses
the University's Residential
College and Alice Lloyd located
on the hill is the home of the
Pilot Program.
The Couzens program spon-
sors activities which are gear-
ed especially to the dorm's
many nursing, engineering and
architecture students.
Most residence halls offer a
wide range of activities and re-
sources. Many have libraries,
snack bars, film programs, tele-
visions, p h o t o g r a p h y dark-
rooms, language labs, and meet-
ing rooms for hobbies and spe-
cial interest groups.
In addition to reflecting the
myriad interests of their resi-
dents, University dorms repre-
sent a diversity of architectural
styles and sizes.
The newest and most luxuri-
ous is Bursley Hall, located in
the heart of the University's

rapidly expanding North Cam-
In a wooded picturesque sec-
tion of Ann Arbor, Bursley at-
tracts many engineering and
music students whose schools
have expanded out that way.

Bursley Hall residents com-
mute to central campus via -a
free University bus service.
Mary Markley, or "Merry"
Markley as its sign says, is one
of the University's more mod-
ern residence halls and has the
distinction of being the closest
dorm to the Arboretum.
South Quad, conveniently lo-
cated two blocks from the Diag,
sparked a great deal of contro-
versy last year when it was se-
lected,along with two corridors
in Stockwell, to be the site of a
proposed Afro-American cultur-
al living unit.
Plans for the Afro-American
living unit were abandoned,
however, when the Regents fail-
ed to approve the proposed pol-
icy. .
Adjacent to South Quad and
attached to the Michigan Un-
ion, West Quad has the advan-
tage of being the closest dorm
to the diag.
Last year, despite protest, the
University again raised dorm
fees. And, as an austerity mea-
sure, breakfast was eliminated
from the dorm meal plan.
Dorm food plans in general,
however, have improved over
the past few years, with most
dorm cafeterias offering salad
bars, yogurt, soft-serve ice
cream and soft drinks.

traum a
"Fixing a hole where the rain comes in
to keep my mind from wandering..."
-The Beatles
So you think you might like
a nice small one-room place
just for yourself - not too far
fromn campus and not too ex-
You probably won't find it.
Ann Arbor has one of the
highest cost of living averages
in the country. Housing, espe-
cially near campus, plays a ma-
jor role in driving student ex-
penses up.
Money hungry management
companies have taken some of
the city's finest homes and par-
titioned them with cardboard
walls to pack in as many col-
lege kids as possible.
They have also invested in
one of America's finest crea-
tions - the Modern Apart-
ment Cubical. These complexes,
encircling the campus area,
have a number of things in
common. They are all equipped
with modern conveniences, all
havefancy names displayed out
front, all look the same, and
all are expensive.
Some will tell you its all not
true, that they have a really
nice place. Be sure to ask them
when they started looking for
their ideal home. To find a deal
in Ann Arbor, you need to start
looking almost a full year in
There are a number of rea-
sons for Ann Arbor's housing
problems, including the Uni-
versity, the management com-
pany monopoly, and, a lack of
city housing code enforcement.
The University has refused
to acknowledge its obligation to
provide low-cost single student
housing. The University has
built married (excuse me, this
year they changed it to "fami-
ly") student housing, but it is
neither cheap nor near campus.

The University's refusal to
'compete" with area landlords
has allowed these landlords to
deal with students as they wish.
During the past year. many
management companies raised
their rents in violation of Presi-
dent Nixon's wage-price-rent
Although they did this in
clear violation of the President's
freeze, most students were un-
familiar with previous rent
rates and unaware of their
rights under the freeze guide-
There is one organization -
the Ann Arbor Tenants Union
tTU -- which has had some
success in battling the power-
ful local housing forces.
Established in the spring of
1969, TU organized what was

then the country's most success-
ful rnt strike. The strike forc-
ed some management companies
to providA tenants with better
sera. ice. some' to lower their
rents and forced a few out of
La4t y ar TU remained rela-
tively inactive until the rent
freze violations were made
pub-c. By hping to familiar-
ize tenants with the freeze
guid lines, filing complaints on
b0half of tenants and even su-
ing th^ University for raising
its dorm rates, the TU again
b'came a strong active organi-
The Tenants Union office, lo-
cated in the Student Activities
B!d., is ready and willing to
answer all quostions regarding

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Academic concern is also evi-
dent in fraternities 'and sorori-,
ties. Many houses keep exam and
term paper files with informa-
tion concerning a variety of
The Greek system affords the
opportunity to help others
through service projects, includ-
ing bucket and clothing drives.
Fraternities and sororities us-
ually - sponsor at least two ac-
tivities of this nature a ,year to
help handicapped childrenaday-
care centers, senior citizens, or
people abroad.
The houses have capacities of
anywhere between 20 and 80
people. They range from dingy,
sparsely furnished and uncar-
peted houses to beautifully fur-
nished structures with carpeted
bedrooms, color televisions and
Most houses offer room and
board facilities to non-mambers,
at prices comparable to 'dorm
To officially join a fraternity
or sorority, however, you must
participate in "rush."
As the Greek lifestyle has
changed, so has rush.
Although rush is still an elim-
ination process used by the
houses to select students they
feel will be most compatible to
live with, rush is no longer stig-
matized with pressure to im-
press members.
The atmosphere is personal

and relaxed. Barbecues, Charlie
Chaplin movies, sundae parties
and pizza get-togethers play an
important part in sorority rush.
And fraternity rush usually con-
sists of inviting rushees over for
dinner, parties, or intramural
There are presently at least
30 undergraduate social frater-
nities and fourteen sororities
that operate houses on campus.
Additional fraternities and sor-
orities function without houses.
The number of Greek owned
houses on campus has decreased
over the past few years, with
many sold or rented to coops.
This trend, however, may soon
reverse, according to Robert
Rorke, Assistant Director of
University Housing, who cites
two fraternities that will move
on campus this fall.

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