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For details see ''today"
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 47 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 31, 1972 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Introducing Reuters and UPI
The Daily this week introduces two new wire services,
Reuters and United Press International. Reuters, a British news
agency, will complement our existing Associated Press coverage
of national and international news. United Press International
will replace our existing Associate Press state service, providing
coverage of state politics, government and general news. In
addition, UPI will provide The Daily with selected news dis-
patches from Agence France Press and Deutche News Agency,
French and German news services. These new news wires will
put The Daily in touch with news bureaus in Peking, Hanoi, Ha-
vana and other world capitals presently not covered by The
Associated Press.Wehope they will make The Daily a better
newspaper and we look forward to hearing your comments on
the change.
To stay or not to stay?
About 30 persons tried unsuccessfully yesterday to oppose a
proposal to move St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital from Ann Arbor
to Superior Township by attempting to speak with area hospital
planning consultants at a closed meeting in Detroit. The group,
which represented such interests as the Free People's Clinic and
the First Unitarian Church, was barred from the meeting, but
there are indications that the consultants will talk with the pro-
testers at another meeting in the near future.
Election muck
They're calling it the dirtiest election of the year, and
yesterday -there were charges and countercharges galore to
liven up Ann Arbor's State Representative race. First the Human
Rights Party discovered that someone-they accuse the Demo-
crats-called The Daily and cancelled an HRP campaign ad for
candidate Steve Burghardt. Later in the day, Democrat Perry
Bullard announced that he had caught HRP second ward coun-
cilwoman Nancy Weschler in the act of ripping down one of his
election posters. Weschler later said she took down the poster
only to read it.
Who's bankrolling who
In the second of our continuing series on local campaign
financing we are able to reveal today some of the big spenders
of the Human Rights Party. The biggest spenders, though, con-
tributed a mere $50 each. Surprise of surprises, former Univer-
sity Vice President for Student Services Robert Knauss, now
dean of the Vanderbilt University law school, contributed a
hefty $25 to the candidacy of State Representative candidate
Steve Burghardt. Mark Levin, a former Daily editor and a long
time Democratic biggy gave Burghardt another $20. Richard
England, a former University history professor, gave $15.
Census strikes again
We got a groovy anonymous tip the other day that goes like
this: On the official census map of Ann Arbor, the gnomes of
the federal government show that a triangle of earth at the foot
of Glen street (near the emergency entrance to University Hos-
pital) has a certified, government approved-population of 43.
Not so, investigation determines. The area is in fact inhabited
by only a few trees, grass and a chipmunk. Is this what we pay
our taxes for?
Happenings. . ..
...if it's a nice day you may want to demand that Presi-
dent Nixon sign the Vietnam cease fire agreement. There will
be a demonstration at 11 a.m. on the Diag to demand just that.
The demonstrators will march to Nixon's re-election headquar-
ters at the Ramada Inn downtown . . . otherwise give blood
to the student blood bank from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. today and to-
morrow at the Union ballroom . . . State Representative can-
didate Mike Renner, a Republican, and Alan Harris, a Conser-
vative, will debate the problems of the community at 7:30 p.m.
in the faculty lounge of the Union . . . if you haven't sent your
card it's too late, but it's Chiang Kai-shek's birthday today.
Helpful hint
LANSING-If you want to get your shiny new blue and white
Michigan license plates without standing in a boring line, fill
out those funny forms you will soon be getting from the Secre-
tary of State's office and mail 'em in pronto. You'll have your
new plates on Nov. 15, the same day that lesser mortals start
lining-up. And they come in the mail.
Agnew to visit sewer
WARREN-Vice President Spiro Agnew will be in the state
today -and the highlight of his visit will be a trip to the sewage
treatment plant here. After arriving at Selfridge Air Force Base
at 11 a.m., the vice president will motorcade to the Warren
Sewage Treatment Plant for a noon dedication of a storm water
retention basin. The basin was built with $6.5 million of state
and federal funds. Agnew will leave Michigan in the early
afternoon for campaign stops in Texas and California.
By CrORDON ATCHESON including the
financing of vocational.
On election day, voters may radically
change the tax structure of this state
by approving two state referenda.
Proposal C would curtail the use of
property tax for support of schools and
proposal D would remove the constitu-
tional ban on graduated income tax.
Currently property taxes of up to 50
mills are levied to support the opera-
tion of counties, townships, and schools.
A 15 mill tax is levied statewide and
the voters of each district may assess
themselves up to 35 additional mills.
If proposal C were adopted, a 14 mill
property tax would be instituted to sup-
port county and township operations
Local voters could approve an addi-
tional 12 mill property tax to be evenly
divided between county and township
operations and a school "enrichment
The 50 mill property tax provides a
tax rate of 5 cents on every dollar of
assessed property value.
In effect, proposition C lowers the
constitutional limit on property tax from
50 mills to 26 mills. According to the
League of Women Voters, the loss of
revenue by reducing the property tax
is slightly over $1 billion statewide.
Replacing that lost revenue could be
a serious problem. In a pamphlet sup-
porting proposal C, Gov. William Mil-
liken states, "I am proposing that prop-
erty tax losses from business be re-
placed by a payroll and profits tax of
2.0 per cent and that the tax losses on
residential properties be replaced by
increasing the flat rate state income
tax from 3.9 per cent to 6.2 per cent.
Steve Burghardt, Human Rights Party
candidate for State Representative
from the 53rd District, says the flat
rate tax would have to be increased to
nearly 8 per cent.
He also contends "most business tax-
es are passed on to the consumer by
price increases and become hidden
sales taxes."
Another shortcoming, according to
Burghardt, is that proposition C pro-
vides no rebate for renters, and accord-
ing to his estimate up to 20 per cent
of all rent collected is used to pay
property tax. Proposal C contains no
mechanism preventing landlords from
charging the same rent despite a sub-
stantial reduction in property tax.
According to Republican candidate
for State Representative Mike Renner,
voter approval of the measure may
even be unnecessary. "The court will
probably throw out property taxes if C
doesn't pass," he says.
According to the League of Women
Voters, p r o p o s a l C is designed to
See TAX, Page 12
Gov. Milliken
deman d
<">From Reuters and AP
SAIGON-North Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen
Duy Trinh warned last night that if the United States con-
tinued to delay signing the draft accord to end the war, it
would never reach an agreement.
Trinh, speaking at a reception for a visiting delegation
of the pro-Communist Pathet Lao, reiterated the North's
position that the United States must bear all responsibility if
it puts off signing the accord today, Hanoi radio reported.
The radio, heard here, quoted the minister as saying:
"If the Americans are not going to end these delaying tactics
and (keep) insisting on changing what has been agreed upon,
then they will never reach an agreement to end the war and
restore peace in Vietnam.
Trinh said: "The Americans are
now deceiving public opinion by
saying only one more session is
needed beforena final agreement
is reached."
He said the United States had
said some small problems remain-
ed to be discussed with North Viet-
nam, "but the problem now is not
small or big problems, but to sign
the draft agreement immediately."
Diplomatic sources said last
night thatnthe UnitedStates and
North Vietnam will resume talks
this week. These sources said Kis-
singer will meet Le Duc Tho, Ha-
noi's top negotiator, for a signing
expected by Saturday or Sunday.
Hanoi has said the United States
after air
hi a en
TEL AVIV (,P)-Israel launched
its jets yesterday against Arat
guerrilla bases and an army instal-
lation in Syria following a guer-
rilla air hijack that won the re-
lease of three Black Septembe
Firemen and spectators mill about the wreckage of the worst train a
Railroad commuter collided with a second commuter train, killing 44 p
facuity co
Green in
A group of literary college facul-
ty members yesterday joined
Prof. Mark Green in his efforts to
guarantee a fair hearing before
the ad hoc committee investigat-
ing his suspension.
A petition calling for a special
faculty meeting on the matter was
released yesterday. The petition
asks the faculty to empower the
Joint Student Faculty Affairs
Committee to look into certain as-:
pects of the review
Green was relieved of his teach-.
ing duties earlier this month by,
Thomas Dunn, acting chemistry
department chairman for showing
an anti-war slide show to his
Chem. 227 class. He was later re-
instated by Dunn pending an in-
vestigation of the incident.
Specifically cited in the faculty
petition, is the question of whe-
ther the committee has violated
agreed to sign the accord in Paris terrorists awaiting trial in Wes
; today. Washington, however, has Germany for the Munich Olympi
- nied this and says another nego- massacre.
-'ting session is necessary to re- Resentment against W e s t Ger
- ecertain points. many spread across Israel an
Earlier yesterday optimism was Foreign Minister Abba Eban sai
AP Photo expressed concerning a peace release of the three Arabs wa
disaster agreement even as presidential ad- a "desecration of the memory" o
ccident in twenty years. Yesterday in Chicago an Illinois Central Gulf viser Henry Kissinger sat in his the 11 Israelis killed at the games
iassengers and injuring more than 200. See related story, page 2. White House office, far from the "Three . . . experts in murde
s pe 2final meeting he says is necessary and robbery have been set fre
to wrap up details blocking the . . . who knows how many Israeli
signing of the agreement. and others have been condemne
Tuesday, Paris timewas .set by to deatheor injury by the release
the North Vietnamese as the date of these three from prison?" Eban
to sign a peace pact, but White told the Israeli parliament.
m m ; ittee backs House Press Secretary Ronald Meanwhile, the three command
Ziegler said yesterday, "We would held animprompthreconde
sign such an agreement until the ence in Tripoli to recount th
conditions are right. events of the Munich tragedy.
Meanwhile, in an apparent ges-
ture of goodwill, the Seventh fleet The hijackers and commandos
earing uttem p t stationed in the Gulf ofeTonkin, flew to Libya Sunday night aboar
was removed to a position below the commandeered Lufthansa jet
the 20th parallel, 85 miles south of liner. The passengers and creW re
certain procedures of due process testimony to the committee. Hanoi. turned safely to Germany aboarc
which are mentioned in particular Green has offered to make pub- The State Department declined the plane yesterday. None was hur
sections of the Faculty Code. lic all his testimony to the com- comment on the report, which during the hijacking.
The Faculty Code is a body of mittee, including all the memo- came from foreign diplomats. Israeli jets swept into Syria twicE
rules which applies specifically to randa passed between Dunn and Criticism of the tentative set- during the day-once to attack fou
the faculty of LSA. himself. tlement, which would end the guerrilla bases within seven miles
Section 5.05 of that code, the one "Not being allowed to be present fighting within one day of a sign- of Damascus, the capital, anc
referred to in the petition gives a when my colleague's testify about ing and bring home all American again in response to a Syrian ar
detailed series of due process pro- me is an extremely serious mat- forces in conjunction with the re- tillery barrage.-The second wav
cedures which are to be followed ter," Green commented. "It is lease of U. S. prisoners in the fol- of attack planes poured rockets an
in cases of dismissal, demotion particularly serious because some lowing 60 days, continued from machine-gun fire into a Syriai
and terminal appointment. of these same men will be involved Saigon. . armored base and military ware
Those procedures include the in making tenure decisions about In an often sarcastic broadcast, houses near Homs, 80 miles nortl
right to a review with both the de- me." the official Saigon radio said of Damascus.
fendant and counsel able to cross- "Without hearing from me the North Vietnam was trying to get Israel's chief of staff, Gen. Davi
examine witnesses. ne rya quick agreement from President Elzar, deed that the attack o
At the present time neither See LSA, Page 12 See U.S., Page 12 See ISRAEL, Page 12
Green nor his counsel has been
sallowedto attend. the committee ELECTION BEGINS
hearings. _________________
While conceding that the Green
case may not technically fail un- "I'
der one of the categories mention-teso e o n Ut
ed, a spokesperson for the facurl-:ii L rvtgouwo isetoemn
anonymous, said that the issues
were linked closely enough to jus-
tify some notion o ue process.
s m noi n o du pr s.This same spokesperson con-
tended that the whole Green affair By CINDY HILL A third proposal would establish a Credentials
f ciencies in the Faculty Code and A variety of issues will be presented to student and Rules Court to rule on any complaints in the
the petition asks the committee to voters in the all-campus elections that will begin elections procedures and results. Seven judges
further investigate this question. today and run through noon Thursday. with one-year terms would be elected.
The Student Faculty Affairs Advisory questions on the ballot include the Two Michigan Union proposals, will, if passed,
Committee was chosen as the for- future of ROTC on campus, grading reform, and make women eligible for membership in the Union
um, he added, because it is an student parity on LSA student-faculty commit- and turn control of the Union to students through
elected body with an equal number tees. a Policy Board. The ballots on this question will
of student and faculty members. While none of the votes is binding on Univer- also be sent to all alumni of the - University, for
d100 faculty signatures would be sity policy, it is hoped that a demonstration of their approval.
needed on the petition in order to student sentiment will influence future decisions. Women have already been members since Feb-
reqnest a special meeting of the There are three Student Government Council ruary, - according to Paul Johnson, assistant mana-
faculty. n r,,,fAnna r-,cnir tn he ,th rnniAreA in th e or nf the ininn The referendum is designed to
Nix MSU law school
LANSING-The State Board of Education has gone
against a third Michigan law school-projected for
State University-because a board study indicates it
be worth the public investment. Among other things,
showed decreasing enrollment at the University of
and Wayne State University law schools since 1969.
on record
would not
the study
Can~ada elects new
Neither rain nor sleet . .
PHILADELPHIA-A man' set out from here yesterday on a
horseback ride to prove the Pony Express would be faster than
the Post Office. "Give me that old-time delivery," called James
Boren, 46, as he mounted his horse and started a ride to Wash-
ington, D.C. to see which is faster-the pony or the post. In
his saddlebag were letters for President Nixon and Postmaster-
General E. T. Klassen. Letters to the same parties were dropped
in mailboxes at the same time as Boren's departure. "The slow-
ness of the postal service is interfering with bureaucrats' right
to shuffle paper," commented Boren, a former State Department
bureaucrat. Boren is now president of the so-called National
Association of Professional Bureaucrats and author of a recently-
published book entitled, "When In Doubt, Mumble."
On the inside . . .
. . . Daily Editor Sara Fitzgerald writes on The Mich-
minority government
Ottawa (Reuter) - Canada
wastheaded for a minority gov-
ernment following yesterday's
federal general election.
Results of Canada's elections
had changed by 12:30 a.m. this
morning, giving the Conserva-
tive Party 106 seats, a one
seat lead over the Liberals' 105
seats. However, at that time,
the Liberals were leading in
three additional seats.
At 10:45 p.m. E.S.T., with the
in a minority position untilI
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
swept them to a majority victory
in 1966.
The Conservatives picked upj
strength today at Liberals ex-
pense in the populous Eastern
industrial Province of Ontario.
They were also making a strong
showing in western provinces.
There was jubilation at the
headquarters of Conservative
leader Robert Stanfield in thej
East Coast port city of Halifax.
Party workers were even specu-
lating that the Conservatives
might be in a position to form a