IPoge Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Sunday, October 29 1972 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 29, 1972 Communists occupy 12 hamlets as cease-fire deadline nears (Continued from Page 1) for the ceremony had been agreedsinger has virtually ruled the Oct. The French informants said the upon. 31 date out, however, because oft preparations were precautionary Meanwhile, North Vietnamese differences remaining to be nego-1 and centered on accommodation, kept the pressure on President tiated. Nixon to sign the agreement by In Stockholm, Viet Cong foreign' press facilities, communications Tuesday, a deadline publicly set minister Nguyen Thi Binh told a and the like. There was no word by Hanoi. rally of 5,000 that Nixon must bear from the French that a firm date Presidential advisor Henry Kis- full responsibility if the draft treaty is not signed by Tuesday. that the McGovern forces mass for last try (Continued from Page 1) it going to "twos" and "threes." are expected to turn out at the leaning toward McGovern; three Debbie DeSchweinitz, a key fig- polls. is for undecided voters; and four ure in the local McGovern polling Local McGovern headquarters is is for voters definitely favoring forces, terms the operations "per- polling only the student-dominated Richard Nixon. suasion canvassing." She says the Second Ward, while other area The McGovern campaign will purpose is to identify the voters Democratic offices are canvassing concentrate on voters rated two or who might be influenced, and get the rest of the city. three, reasoning that those are the them to the polls to vote. DeSchweinitz says the focus is only voters likely to be influenced Latest polls indicate that voter not on percentage figures of voter at this late -date, turnout may be a key to Mc- support for McGovern, but on ob- Teicher says that the McGovern Govern's chances. An estimated 75 taining the names and addresses forces plan to distribute nearly a per cent of all Republicans are of undecided voters. million pieces of literature in the expected to vote, while only about However, sketchy figures col- state before the election-most of 50 per cent of Democratic voters lected on the Second Ward indicate BEER VAULT FIRST AND OLDEST IN U.S. DRIVE IN FOR BEVERAGES FOR PARTIES-PICNICS-OR HOME JUST DRIVE THRU 303 N. FIFTH AVE., ANN ARBOR MON.-SAT. 9 to 12 SUNDAYS 12 to 12 668-8200 - 1 Blackslform Council (Continued from Page 1) work at the Gregory speech. of the community to get together that rate, by the end of the ye an dicuss y probles facet by we could have 1,000 people," G and discuss problems faced by speculates. "If everybody brin minority students at the Univer- a friend, just- think. With 2,0 sA ording to director Gill, the concerned, aware people, you cou turn the University upside down CBC performs a unique function CBC has scheduled Julian Bo within the University in that it Jesse Jackson, and Ossie Da tries to serve the needs of minority for appearances later in the ye students, including poor whites, and plans to present an off-Bro who find themselves in a largely wypa TeBakEprec upper - middle' class white col- way play "The Black Experienc lege.a multi-ethnic show. "The University has done noth- ing in terms of changing the me-" chanisms it uses in dealing with minority students," Gill explains. The tensions that result from this situation, according to Gill, (Continued from Page 1) could lead to racial problems, al- tended to inform faculty where t though such tensions may have majority of literary college s just originated out of misunder- dents stand on grading reform. standings about differences in life On the ballot the first questi style asks, "Do you favor grad Although Gill admits that those changes?" If your answer is "ye who might benefit most from CBC- you are asked to vote on one sponsored programs may not both- three proposals. er to attend them, he is optimis- A curriculum committee propo: tic that even large-scale events gives students and faculty mu can foster some'interaction. , ple grading options. Instruct He reports that over 100 peo- could grade A, B, C, D/no rec ple, for example, signed up to with optiomal pluses and minu -____ _----or on pass/no record scales. Students would have severalc Few issues in tions concerning the recording this grade by the registrar, inch ing A, B, C, D/no record, A, student election C/no record and pass/no recor In a proposal presented by t (Continued from Page 1) Committee on Undergraduate E Community Coalition also offers cation,(CUE), all 100 and 200-le the most detailed plan to combat courses would be graded pass, sexual discrimination, seeking a record. Students in their first t free child care center for all wo- years would be allowed to t men who work for or attend the other courses either pass/no rec University and urging the publi- or A, B, C, D/no record. cation of staff salaries to prevent Juniors and seniors would a "sexist policies." have limited pass/no recordc Unlike the other parties, how- tions. ever, Community Coalition have A "merger proposal" would co further claims that "the University bine the first two. has an obligation to assist those All three proposals specify ti women who choose to terminate failing grades will be abolished their pregnancy." Members of the curriculum co Another new party, Students mittee feel that their propo United for Rational Effort (SURE), allows greater freedom for b suggests no programs or outline for action, and discusses only the - need for an effective Council. Independent candidates include Margaret Miller and Curtis Stein- hauer. Miller advocates a stronger role in} child day care centers, feminist t activities, and the establishment of a sexual information center. Like members of the establishedn parties, she wants to "tclean up" SGC politics. Steinhauer has emphasized the need to curtail spending on special groups and instead concentrate on projects designed for all students. Although most of the parties, de- S spite bickering, agree for the most part on the basic issues. David Hornstein's Bullshit Party, unde- batably offers a real, if unusual, alternative. Promising to do "nothing of con- sequence," he favors moving SGC meetings to local bars, "where they really belong," and settin M up a student marijuana coopera tive. promise of an early cease-fire could be "another bluff by the N~iv drmnertn toivri T~nn cin 1. 1 At ar, Jill gs 00 uld I'' nd, Nis ar ad- ," l xon aa mustration -to cover up ,wn continued criminal aggressions after the Nov. 7 elections. Besides the actual fighting for . (Continued from Page 1) territory, communist c o m m a n d with his teeth snarling. I slowly, doryents capturedin Binh Dinh slowly backed away. Then I ran as documents capturedindinhtDibt fas as I could to the gate." province last week indicated both The canvassing game is an ex- sides also are waging a flag cam- citing one; you never know what paign. adventure lurks behind the next Viet Cong -soldiers have been or- door. dered to carry at least two flags Colgan discovered an unknown and political cadres have received relative while in Warren. "As I instructions to stockpile 100 flags was leaving a house there I- men- for each hamlet they control and tioned to the lady that her last 1,000 flags for each village. name was the same as my grand- )n the doors Of course, such extraordinary incidents are infrequent. Canvass- ing, however, is far from dull, for it carries its own rewards. "I talked five ladies in Warren into voting for McGovern," re- lates Al Balaka, a McGovern worker and University student. "Although five out of thousands isn't much, I felt like a accom- plished something. That's nice to know." i McGovern support to be almost eight times that for Nixon, the difference mainly due to the ward's large student population. DeSchweinicz says that although some respondents are reluctant to talk to canvassers, she thinks opinion trends that the canvassers discovered are "very accurate." Partial figures indicate other wards will be far less decisively pro-McGovern than the Second Ward. For example, Terry 0'- Rourke, Fourth Ward canvassing coordinator, predicts that the Fourth Ward voting "will be very close. The Fourth Ward is traditionally Republican, but O'Rourke claims the canvassers have found an un- expected amount of McGovern support in the area. Local party headquarters have begun sending canvassers to the more conservative portions of the county, such as Livonia and Milan. Much of the McGovern forces' emphasis until election day will be placed on these areas. WHAT WAR? ACH DU LIEBER i f t 19319I 11 LSA ballots father's. She replied, 'Oh, hi! I'm your great aunt!" students and faculty to create the D the best possible atmosphere for edu- tu- cation and grading. They believe that the CUE pro- ion osal would not adequately re- - pare a student for the "shock of s in the last two years ATTENTION STUDENTS: Applica- ofgrading"i h at w er tions have arrived for exam for Civl of when grading counts for admission Service Summer Jobs. First exams in to graduate schools and for jobs. Jan.; you must apply by NOv. 24 for )Sal JAN. 6 Exam. lti- Literary c o 11 e g e government City of Portland, Maine: Summer ors president Jay Rising and Educa- IPlanning Intern Prog. open to grad ord tional Change Advocate John Re- with following background in public ses vitte charge that the curriculum admin., govt, law, poi science. Applies committee proposal will merely fo- and info avail. op- cus more attention to 'getting INTERVIEW: of grades and less on actual learn- a lu-ing. Camp Mataponi, Maine Girls. Will interview Thurs., Nov. 2, 10 to 2. Open- B, Students, they say, will spend ings cover waterfront, handsports, fine d. even more time searching through arts, camperaft and tripping, super- the catalogs looking at courses for visory Group Heads, age 20 plus. Reg- du- "grade appeal" rather than edu- aster by phone or in person. vel cational value. However, with the - -- /no CUE proposal requiring all 100 wo and 200-level courses to be graded ake pass/no record, students could ex- ord plore areas of study that ordinar- Have a flair for ily would be avoided for fear of artistic writing? lso doing poorly, they say. If you are interest- op- All four proposals, including the drama, dance, film, side favoring no grading changes poetry, and music. m- at all, will be discussed in an opena or writing feature metngMndya-8:30 p.m. in= stories about the meeting Monday at :3 m narts: Contact Arts hat Aud. A Angell Hall. E d I t o r, c/o The . Each side will outline its pro- Michigan Daily. m- posal and state arguments for sal adoption and later answer ques- oth tions. Canvassing in pouring rain is certainly not a appealing sport, but it too, has its positive side. "People feel like you really believe what you're doing if you are will- ing to go door to door in the rain," says Balaka. "They appreciate that. Even Nixon people invited me to come inside." Most audiences are receptive to the McGovern workers, according to Ron Arlas, a campus coordina- tor for the Second Congressional District. "Though having a door slammed in your face is common," Arlas says, "reactions on the whole are reasonable. People who are unsure of whom they will vote for appre- ciate our answering their ques-} tions about McGovern and about the literature we send them." As well as serving the second district, Ann Arbor McGovern- Shriver headquarters sends can- vassers to Adrian, Detroit, and several Detroit suburbs. H RP-The "Silent" Pa rty Shall Burghardt Be Silent for You -paid political advertisement Subscribe to The Daily The 1972-73 iversity of Michigan IDENT DIRECTORY on sale onday,, October 30 Diag and at the Engin Arch} .....:...,v~v :x::; ... ..: ..: :!''ii 'r +.. IT I VAGINAL POLITICS is coming # on the ..-.. f I't. '.'r.. ......-.... .:.wl>rs >r:+r:, : r9S :::f : THE OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS AND THE PROGRAM FOR STUDIES IN RELIGION Present A CONFERENCE ON RELIGION IN THE AMERICAN ACADEMIC SCENE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR I IS TB LICKED? NO!~ As ancient as the Pyramids,: : but millions of Americans : : are still Involved with It: : 50,000 240,000 : * are are re- " noncovered " to have patients; activema " « disease might 0" " relapse " * s * " M + * " * . * " g " " "S WA4 iAi/rle /ur91ne? I I Tuesday, October 31 Wednesday, November 1 4 p.m. "Religion in the University Today: a Panel" with: Professor David Noel Freedman, Michigan Professor Krister Stendahl, Harvard Professor Theodore Gill, C.U.N.Y. Professor Robert Bellah, Berkeley Mr. Theodore Kachel, Moderator 8 p.m. "The Future Role of Universities in the Education for Religious Ministries" Professor Krister Stendahl, Dean of Harvard Divinity School 4 p.m. "The New Religious Consciousness and the Secular University Professor Robert Bellah, Sociology Department, Berkeley 8 p.m. "Religion as an Aesthetic Discipline" Professor Theodore Gill, John Jay College, C.U.N.Y. Wednesday's sessions are in Auditorium 3 CAROLYN BENEDICT PETER ZETLIN "It is important to have an extremely competent woman on the bench. Shir- "Shirley Burgoyne believes that sexual preference and possession of mari- I Ii 11