Saturday, October 28, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three CHAVURAT ALIYA-ISRAELI STUDENTS UNION BET CAFE Enjoy Israeli music, food, discussions in an informal atmosphere. 4 THIS WEEK'S HIGHLIGHT: Film: LET MY PEOPLE GO ! SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 7 P.M. 936 DEWEY (off Packard) 761-3161 Greeley reads at RC By ROB HORWITZ During one of his several read- ings, right in the middle of re- citing one of his early works, Robert Creeley exclamed, gen- uinely surprised, "Hey, I like this stuff. This guy's good!" Coming from a man like Creeley, this remark cannot be taken as immodesty, but as an indication of the feelingĀ° for the life of his poetry. Robert Creeley has been read- ing, teaching, and rapping with Residential College students and faculty for the past three days and will be here until Monday. He refuses to fit one's precon- ciates of BMC. In essence, the theory, termed projective verse by the late Charles Olson, is based upon: automatism, the natural flow of perceptions from one to the other, and, as Creeley said, "Form is never more than an extension of content." In this way, there -is no classic structure to act as a distriction or barrier between poet and reader. In Creeley's work, the struc- ture is unique to each poem, based on variable line length and punctuation. This permits the lyric flow of fragments to "MOVE, INSTANTER ON AN- OTHER-" as a high energy dis- why not,1 car buy a goddamn big TONIGHT! UAC-Doystar presents STEVIE WON DER Sal., Oct. 28 8 p.m.-HiII Aud. $2.50-4-4.50-5.00 The Stevie Wonder stage show is something very different from what audiences expect from Motown performers. The great hits are still there ("For Once In My Life," "Ma Cherie Amour," "Heaven Help Us All"). But his new music isn't calculated for Top 40.;Backed up by the Wonderlove Band and singers- dancers, the Stevie Wonder show is a full evening of entertainment. MICHIGAN UNION M-F 11-6, SAT. 12-3 SALVATION RECORDS M-S 1 1-9, SUNDAY 1-4 COMMANDER CODY on Sale Union only sorry, no personal checks Robert Creeley ceived notions of the aloofness of "famous" poets as masters of a very personal, introverting art. Rather, Creeley thrives on personal interaction and, as his poetry attests, maintains a keen sensitivity for the pains, terrors, pleasures, and joys of human relations. He is overflowing with tales of past experiences with poets . . . Ginsberg, Olson, Duncan, Ber- rigan and others . . . who have remained close friends in their struggle to the forefront of American poetry. It is at Black Mountain College in the late 40's and the 50's, where he received his B.A. and later taught, that Creeley formu- lated the style of his poetry. Here he and other students and faculty were branded "derelicts, Communists" by the neighboring community, but continued to live and study together until finally, in the mid-50's, the college was forced to close its doors due to lack of funds. But during this time, Creeley, Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, Ed Dorn, and others who came to be known as the Black Mountain School, borrowed some poetic influences and ideas from Ezra Pound and W. C. Williams to create a theory of verse which has been a dom- inant trend in American poetry since. This concept has even fil- tered into other arts, music and painting, via John Cage and Robert Rauschenberg, also asso. i 231 south stieI charge. "Art is the natural ex- tension of everything that is human." Greeley feels that the poet must live his poetry and attempt to pass the experiences to the reader utilizing a com- plementary style. As I sd to my friend, because I am always talking-John, I sd, which was not his name, the darkness sur- rounds us, what can we do against it, or else, shall we & 0 0 tonight 6:00 2, 4, 7 News, Weather, Sports 9 This Is Your Life 50 Hee Hlaw 56 Thirty Minutes With 6:30 2 CBS News 4 NBC News 7 Safari To Adventure 9 Beachcombers 7:00 4 Explorers 7 Michigan Outdoors 50 Pro Hockey 56 Family Game 7:30 2 Young Dr. Kildare 4 Adventurer 7 Town Meeting 56 Playhouse New York 8:00 2 All In The Family 4 Movie 4tsa Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad f TH MEANS OF + PERSUATION 217SASH 2PM.t-2AM drive, he sd, for christ's sake, look out where yr going. Also, Creeley often allows words to stand alone in their uniqueness as "sound" and "note" in song. The car moving the hill down which yellow leaves light forms declare In reading his poetry, Creeley's voice and percussive accentua- tion of the final work of each line combine with occasional rapid cuts with his hand through the air to produce a stirring of poetic energy in fragmentation. He believes that real poetic unity may only occur through the kine- tic interaction of these various fragments. Creeley, currently teaching at the University of Buffalo, is a prolific writer; six books of poe- try, a collection of short stories, a collection of notes and essays, a novel, and has edited numerous other works in the past decade. Next month, another book of poetry, Day Poems, will be re- leased. An edited version of his Thurs- day afternoon reading will be broadcast over WUOM (91.7 FM), Sunday, November 12, at 4 p.m. In his short stories and novel, Creeley seems to make the tran- sition toeprose relatively effort- lessly. He has no problem with content and employs the same vibrant flow of fragments style, in this case, molded to the par- ticular novel or short story. The Residential College Liter- ary magazine's staff and Dr. Betsy Fifer arranged his visit as part of a writer-in-residence pro- gram. Each writer reads, holds, both group and individual tu- torials and seminars, and visits classes. In January, novelist John Hawkes, author of Lunar Landscapes, The Cannibals, and Blood Oranges to name a few, will visit. world" (?) First time on TV! A madcap comedy. 7 Alias Smith and Jones 8:30 2 Bridget Loves Bernie 9:00 2 Mary Tyler Moore 7 Streets of San Francisco 56 On Location 9:30 2 Bob Newhart 9 Document 50 One Step Beyond 10:00 2 Mission: Impossible 7 Sixth Sense 9 CBC News 50 Lou Gordon-Discussion 56 Profile in Music: Shirley Verrett 10:15 9 News 10:30 9 East Side/West Side 11:00 2, 4, 7 News, Weather, Sports 1:30 2 Movie "Seven Days in May" (64) Political thriller about military take-over in U.S., starring Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, and Ava Gardner. Could it happen here? 4 Johnny Carson 7 Movie "A Guide for the Married Man" 67) Walter Matthau and Robert Morse star in this blockbuster of a comedy. 9 Movie 50 Movie "Frankenstein-1970" (58) Boris Karloff plays the Baron's grandson. Boo! 1'00 4 News 50 The Baron 1:30 2 Movie "The Crimson Canary" (45) Singer murdered; band mem- bers suspected. A real mystery. Daily reviewer Rich Glatzer says about this film: "I've never seen it." 7 Movie "The Seven Year Itch" (55) A comedy with Marilyn Monroe. wcbn today 10:00 20th Century music 12:00 Progressive rock 4:00 New release 5:00 Jazz 8:00 Progressive rock 11:00 Potato show (runs until 3) SATURDAY Visual choreography: THE RED AND THE WHITE Hungarian director Miklos Jan- sco won the Prize for Best Di- rection this year at Cannes. Praised for his "mise-en scene" in the great Eastern plain, us- inghpeasants,Esoldiers, horses, naked girls. All this with just a couple of dozen camera shots makes for his unique style, MONDAY By STEVE POTTER Above all, Yes is fresh. Their music has always reminded me of spring. Even during these sober- ing October days, I can close my eyes and imagine the moist smells, the verdure, and the crisp brightness of a spring day. For spring is a time of rebirth, a rebirth of the senses; it is an impressionistic season. And so it is with Yes. When I think back over their albums, it is not a rocking beat, or lyri- cal profundity that strikes me; but rather manydsmall moments of pleasure and discovery, many impressionistic shading and nu- ances - moving, blending, flow- ing in and out, intricately woven around a general theme. Yes now hasa new album out called Close to the Edge, and it is just ano- ther step in the development of this impressionistic style. Yes's arrangements are dif- ferent from those of most pop groups because of their intricacy and innovation. As one melody becomes familiar, a new one in- tervenes - a synthesizer will whirl in the background, or a guitar will quiver into an ecstatic orgasm. It's like getting a beau- tifully-wrapped gift, and after onening it, finding inside it ano- ther box just as pretty as the first one but wrapped in differ- ent paper, and inside that one, yet another, and so on. Jon Anderson is the lead vocal- ist and has done in the past, with Steve Howe, most of the ar- rangements. In Close to the Edge, however, all members contri- bute to the arrangements. This was a little unexpected because, in their last album, Fragile, five of the tracks were individual ideas, individually arranged and produced by the five members of the band. In retrospect, how- ever, it is now evident that these individual trips were a result of the group's effort to adjust to their change in keyboard person- nel - the, addition of Rick Wake- man, keyboard freak extraordin- aire. Since that time, they have gotten it together, and they are now putting together their music as a group. There are three songs on the album - "And You and I," "Si- berian Khatru," and "Close to the Edge", which covers the en- tire first side and is divided into four subordinate themes - "The Solid Time of Change," "Total Mass Retain," "I Get Up I Get Down," and "Seasons of Man." Their lyrics are, for the most part, inane. Here's a taste from "The Solid Time of Change": A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace And rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace, And achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar Then taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour.' Since their lyrics sound great when they're sung, and they don't make any sense when writ- ten down, I really don't under- stand why Yes bothers to print them. "Close to the Edge" begins by fading in with a disjunct melange of sounds including birds scream- ing, bells tinkling, and guitars grinding. It properly sets t h e tone of the album, stimulating musically the feeling of being f r ARTS r Following the introduction, "Close to the Edge" pluses into its first theme, "The Solid Time of Change," which carries a steady repetitive beat until the chorus interjects: Down at the end Round by the corner Close to the edge With a final flourish of the synthesizer, Yes then moves in- to the second theme, "Total Maas Retain." Thematically, "Total Mass" is no different from "The Solid Time of Change." The same chorus is used and the puz- zling phrase, "I get up I get down," reappears. This one line is the nicest in the whole album because Anderson's voice flows out and over it, giving it an es- sence, . freshness, that no writ- ten word could ever adequately reflect. The next part - "I Get Up I Get Down" - is the climax of the movement. The music once again recreates the image of that mysterious precipice on the a!- bum sleeve. It is pure; the tones are misty; the notes hover. Drops of water can be heard falling over the edge. Anderson's voice reach- es its pristine apogee when sud- denly, a regal organ intervenes and guides the music back to the melody for the final theme - - "Seasons of Man." This contin- ues with cyclical whirls -f the synthesizer, and finishes with the serene "I get up I get down." "And You and I" is the second song on the album, and is di- vided into three sub-themes. It is not as universal or all-encompas- sing an effort as "Close to the people share when they are to- gether. The light guitar-strum- ming and the softness of Ander- son's voice create a happy tone, an optimistic impression of love. The music breaks in, very se- renely and quickly changes to a heavier beat and a more light- hearted tone. In the end, how- ever, serenity is restored. The last song on the album, "Siberian Khatru," is perhaps the most obscure and impressionis- tic piece gf work Yes has done, but its obscurity is not as an- noying as that of the other songs. This is because nothing in it, not While the title "Close to the even the title, makes sense. Edge," does make sense, caus- ing me to seek meaning in the song itself, not so with "Siberian Khatru." I can just sit back and listen to Anderson exude those titallating gems of illogical musi- cal perfection and enjoy it, com- pletely insouciant. At one point, he starts spieling off a whole list of unconnected, unparallel words, and it is just ecstasy. He sings: "Outboard ... River . . . Bluetail . . .' Tailfly . . . Luther . . . In time . . . Sunflower . . . Asking . . ." I mean, who cares? He could have been singing Persian and I would have loved it. After all, since I've never owned an Out board Luther for whichsthe Sunflowered Bluetail Fly flew how would I know whether the seasoned moon could tell you from the depths of your ocean maid? Huh? Commander Cody Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen performing for a receptive home-town audience at our first Homecoming concert this year. Watch for a review in tomorrow's paper. 'Close to the Edge': Fresh suspended in a totally absurd nothingness, with each new sen- sation negating the one before it. The picture on the a l b u m sleeve appropriately shows a huge, rocky, water-covered pre- cipice surrounded by mist and silhouetted against a cloudless pristine sky. The water is for- ever cascading over the edges all around the pedimeter, i n t o nothingness. Edge." It is also less obscure. It's a song about being togeth- er. Anderson sings: And you and I climb crossing the shapes of the morning And you and I reach over the sun for the river Like "Close to the Edge," nev- ertheless, most of the lyrics mean nothing, but they sound nice. They ar emeant only to give im- pressions of the love which two Sky-High HALLOWEEN Thrills! r k CONCERT-Stevie Wonder is featured in our second Home- coming concert tonight at Hill. DRAMA-University Players perform Beckett's Endgame again tonight at 8 in the Frieze Arena. FILM-Cinema Guild presents Jansco's The Red and The White in Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05. Cinema II features Polanski's Repulsion; shows at 7 and 9 in Aud. A. The Couzens Film Co-op is showing Flash Gordon and the Purple Death from Outer Space plus Popeye cartoons in Couzens cafeteria at 7 and 9. WEEKEND BARS AND MUSIC-Bimbo's, Gaslighters (Fri., Sat., Sun.) cover; Bimbo's on the Hill, Long John Silver (Fri., Sat.) cover; Blind Pig, Asleep at the Wheel (Fri., Sat.) cover, classical music (Sun.) no cover; Golden Fal- con, New Concept (Fri., Sat., Sun.) cover; Mackinac Jack's, The Means of Persuasion with Ike Noble (Fri., Sat.) cover, Okra (Sun.) cover; Mr. Flood's Party, Mill- town Blues Band (Fri., Sat.) cover; Odyssey, The Roc- kets (Fri., Sat.) cover, Jam Night (Sun.) no cover; Rubai- yat, Iris Bell Adventure (Fri., Sat., Sun.) no cover; Pret- zel Bell, RFD Boys (Fri., Sat.) cover; Del Rio, Armando's Jazz Group (Sun.) no cover. MUSIC-Ed Holstein performs at the Ark tonight. FILM SPECIAL-The Japan Arcade is sponsoring a showing of The Judo King and Samurai today and tomorrow at the Fifth Forum. The double feature begins at 1 on both days. ThA Residential oIlege Players HILLEL FOUNDATION Presents THE LAST CHAPTER Produced by BENJAMIN and LAWRENCE ROTHMAN Narrated by THEODORE BIKEL 1 uncut! original! KING KONG -and- DRACULA The Story of Jewish of 1000 Years Life in Poland I I