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October 27, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-27

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See Editorial Page

Ci r


:43 a t I

See today . .. for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 44

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 27, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages



Was ington,






if you see news happen cal 76-DAILY
Billfold blues again
You may find yourself digging a bit deeper into your pockets
for tuition money next year. A high Administration source says
that he would be "very surprised if there is not a fee increase"
in the 1973-74 school year. Reasons for the possible hike include
possible increased funding of equal opportunity programs and
attendant student aid. The source says he does not think theI
tuition increases have reached the point of "diminishing re-{
turns," and adds that "the University is still the greatest bargain
in the United States for out-of-state students." Comforting,
isn't it?
Visiting biggies
As election time draws near, the number of bigwigs visiting
the area is rapidly increasing. Yesterday both Leonard Wood-
cock, President of United Auto Workers (UAW) and Pierre
Salinger, former press secretary to President John Kennedy,
were on hand to campaign for the Democratic ticket. Speaking
at UAW Local 735 in Ypsilanti, Salinger called the Watergate
incident a "conspiracy by the White House- and the Republican
party to assassinate the Democrats by espionage and sabotage."
At the same rally Woodcock was equally explicit in damning
the Republican party. He said, "There has been, in the Nixon
administration, an open and obvious distortion of the economy in
favor of the rich and the powerful."
Ghost of America present
Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota thinks he has
the key to Nixon's poll popularity. Speaking in Ypsilanti yester-
day, (for those who preferred him to Salinger) in typical, low-key
style, McCarthy explained that Nixon is an "incarnation of the
faults of the country, and people don't want to vote against their
own incarnation." He described the present trend of government
as going, rather than towards socialism, "more towards cor-
porate feudalism."
Homecoming's happening...
.. . Everybody loves a parade, and the Ozone group's ver-
sion of the annual homecoming event promises to be interesting.
If you wish to be a part of all that, or even to watch, meet at
the bottom of Green St. between 2 and 2:30 p.m. From there
the procession will wend its way to Hoover, then South Division
to Washington, and next to the campus area-State St. to South
U, ending on South U near Forest. If you follow all that, find a
place to stand and watch . . . Meanwhile, back on campus, the
phone booth stuffing contest will be held from 1 to 3 on the
Diag, along with a hula-hoop competition. This part of the good
old dlays is brought to you by UAC. Bring a bunch of -friends and
come cram it up Ma Bell.
SHappenings ...
.. . Not into homecoming? Prefer more academic pursuits?
Well, President Robben- Fleming and the executive officers are
in the midst of a three-day Alumni Leadership Conference.
Among events scheduled for today are a lecture on "A Fiscal
Look at the University" at 9:30 a.m. in Rackham Amphitheater;
workshops on "Admissions and Financial Aid" and "The Aca-
demic Program" in the afternoon; and a dinner program at the
Union with a panel of students "looking at themselves and the
University" . . . For the even more academic minded, the In-
dustrial Sponsors of the Macromolecular Research Center of
the University (whoever they are) have asked us to list their
"Polymer Science Symposium (whatever that is) running all day
at the Chrysler Center for Continuing Engineering Education at
North Campus. Events on the program include such gems as
"Mutarotations of 5-Methyl Substituted Prolines," and "Polyvinyl
Pyridine Complexes: A Progress Report." It's all Greek to
today .. .
On the inside .. .
... The Daily endorses Steve Burghardt for State Rep-
resentative on the Editorial Page . . . Cinema Weekend
tells everything you wanted to know about Ann Arbor flicks
on Page 3 . . . The results of the notorious Borus Poll on
Homecoming are reported, examined and probed on the
Sports Page.
The weather picture
The beginning of Homecoming Weekend dawns for-
tuitiously fair. Temps will rise up into the low 60's and
chances of rain are a scant 5 per cent. The night won't
be had either-although precipitation chances rise to 20
per cent, it will still be a balmy 45 degrees. The only
thing the weather bureau equivocates upon is the wind for-
cast-from "12 to 22 miles per hour," which sounds like a
pretty safe guess.

N. Viets
say U.S.
PARIS (R-In disclosing the
broad outline of the peace
agreement yesterday, North
Vietnam charged the United
States had agreed to sign the
pact but had then backed out
on the grounds that South
Vietnam had refused to ac-j
cept it.
Hanoi charged this proved the
United States was "not negotiating
with a serious attitude."
Despite the harsh words the
peace delegations here agreed to
meet again next Thursday.
North Vietnam demanded that
the United States sign the agree-
ment nextsTuesday, the date it
said was settled between the two:
Asked by reporters if failure of
the United States to sign by the
deadline would jeopardize private:
negotiations, Xuan Thuy, NorthI
Vietnam's chief negotiator at the
Paris peace talks, replied:
"Wait and you will see."
IFirst reaction from the United
States was a denunciation ofHanoi
by William Porter, the U.S. peace
envoy in Paris, for making publc
the contents of secret talks with"
Henry Kissinger, the presidential
national security adviser. He made
the remark to reporters on leaving
the peace talks.
Later, in Washington, Kissinger
declared that "peace is at hand"
and said most provisions of a
settlement had been agreed on,
although one more negotiating ses-
sion was necessary.
Hanoi's announcement said that
publishing the gist of the secret
negotiations "is in the interest of
peace and will in no way affect
the negotiations."
The North Vietnamese state-
ment, broadcast by Radio Hanoi
and submitted to the Paris peace
conference, called for a cease-fire
in Vietnam within 24 hours of the
signing of a peace agreement.
Declaring that the United States
has postponed the signing because
of a lack of an agreement with
Thieu, North Vietnam's state-
ment said:
"The so-called difficulties in
Saigon represent a mere pretext to
delay the implementation of the
U. S. commitments because it is
public knowledge that the SaigonI
administration has been rigged up
and fostered by the United States."
In his talk with reporters, Xuan
Thuy emphasized that under the
See U.S., Page 12

There she is .
Homecoming Greaser Queen Jennifer McLogan, the Chi Omega entry, receives her roses after an
enthusiastic crowd stomped and screamed her to victory. "I'm Betty-Lou-the Kick-Ass Queen,"
she told them, "and if you don't vote for me there's going to be a rumble." First runner-up was
Anne Cole of Alpha Chi Omega and second runner-up was The Daily's own Diane "Angel Baby"
H1ill "concerts jeop''ardized b
rock fans' abuse of building

Optimistic Kissinger
says'peace at hand'
WASHINGTON (P--Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger
stirred a wave of speculation and peace hopes with his an-
nouncement yesterday that "peace is at hand" in Vietnam.
Kissinger told newsmen during an hour-long briefing
that the United States and North Vietnam have agreed on
most major provisions of a settlement.
But Kissinger said that one more negotiating session
"lasting no more than three or four days" is necessary.
It could still be after the first of the year before all
American troops are withdrawn from Vietnam even if a final
settlement comes quickly.
In breaking American silence on the status of the peace
efforts, Kissinger said a nine-point peace agreement outlined
earlier yesterday by North Vietnam is essentially correct.
As announced by North Vietnam,
the proposed settlement calls for
the "immediate return" of priso-
ners by both sides and withdrawal
of all American forces within 60
It also c'lls for the South Viet-
namese government and the Viet ac
Cong to "negotiate with each other
to set up elections for a national
coalition government." n ot fin al
One issue still to be resolved,
Kissinger said, is whether the
United States will sign the agree-SAIGON 0P)-The Saigon govern-
ment on behalf of South Vietnam.
He said this was not a serious ment, in an ambiguous reaction to
difficulty but that it is understand- the U.S.-North Vietnam proposed
able that the South Vietnamese peace settlement last night, said
who have suffered "should want to South Vietnam is ready to accept
sign their own peace treaty." a cease-fire but would refuse any
Last night, Saigon Official Ra- solution that doesn't "respect the
dio said that South Vietnam right of self-determination of the
would nothe bound by any agree- Soth Vietnamese people."
ment but did not indicate whether The official South Vietnamese
Saigon would oppose it. radio station broadcast the state-
"We in South Vietnam have the ment, adding "A separate agree-
right of self-determination," the ment between North Vietnam and
broadcast said. "A separate agree- the United States does not concern
ment between North Vietnam and: us in any way."
the United States does not concern "Let the Northern communists
us in any way." demand nothing from us because
In Paris, where another round any such demand will be vain un-
of formal peace discussions was less they put an end to their a-
held Wednesday, the North Viet- gression in the Republic of Viet-
namese chief delegate, Xuan Thuy nam."
was asked if Hanoi would continue The broadcast did not elaborate
the talks, privately or otherwise, on what an acceptable solution
if the Oct. 31 deadline were not would be or on what, if anything,
met. "Wait and you will see," he is specifically wrong with the
replied, present proposal.
Kissinger said South Vietnam's While American sources were
President Thien had been talking holding out hopes that the regime
about "a previous plan, not this of S o u t h Vietnam's President
version" when he expressed oppo- Nguyen Van Thieu would come
sition earlier this week to any coa- around, Hanoi yesterday charged
lition government that would in- Washington with using Saigon's re-
clude Communist elements. fusal to accept the settlement "to
postpone the realization of those
See Related Story, Page 7 matters on which the U.S. had al-
ready given its promise."
The South Vietnamese Foreign
The dramatic development of the Ministry denied this, calling it "a
day seemed certamn to have a ma-( perfidious act of the Communist
jor impact on the presidential elec- perfiosactsofithded o st
tion campaign rapidly moving to- North Vietnamese intened to sow
ward the balloting on Nov. 7. suspicion among the Republc of
Kissinger several times empha- Vietnam and her principal ally and
sized that the timing of partial ac- to try to e e pressure of public
codnwadte{c.1tre opinion for an early end of the
cord now - and the Oct. 31 targetbmbgadmingtthra-
for agreement - were Hanoi's bombing and mining to their ad-
idea. Until Oct. 8 and a major shiftIvantage."communique also quoted
then in Hanoi's bargaining posi- Tecmuiu loqoe
tion, he said, there had been no from Thieu's televised address
possibility of a settlement. Tuesday, in which he conceded a
Reminded that Nixon's Demo.. cease-fire could come soon but re-
cratic opponent, Sen. George Mc- jected the possibility of a coalition
Govern, has suggested Nixon now government with the Viet Cong.
is prepared to settle on terms he Hanoi's version of the U.S.-North
could have obtained four years ( Vietnam agreement lists such a
ago, Kissinger said "there was no coalition government among its
possibility of concluding t h i s stipulations.
agreement four years ago." Earlier yesterday, however, South
Referring to the Oct. 8 shift in Vietnamese Foreign Minister Tran
negotiating signals by Hanoi, he Van Lam called U.S. negotiator
See KISSINGER, Page 12 See THIEU, Page 12

If you enjoy going to rock
concerts at Hill Aud., you may
soon be disappointed. According
to University officials, unless
drinking, vomiting, and smok-
ing at such activities are stop-
ped, the building may no long-
er be leased for such events.
That was the word passed to
Sue Young, manager of UAC-
Daystar concerts. "The Secur-
ity Office, the Department of
Safety and the Scheduling Office
say they can't continue to rent
to groups that will wreck the
buildings," she says.
According to Young, it is only

"about 100 people that are caus-
ing the trouble." She cited gate
crashing, smoking, and the use
of drugs and alcohol as the big-
gest concerns.
A new problem, vomit on 42
seats, arose at the Cheech and
Chong concert earlier this month.
According to officials, a combi-
nation of drugs and alcohol in-
duced the nausea.
Young says that today's and
tomorrow's concerts are the
main test of the sponsoring or-
ganization and its hired security.
"At the Cheech and Chong
concert our security wasn't as
well organized as last year. But


we feel confident about our se-
curity for this weekend," she
After the last concert, Keith
Tripp, building service foreman,
reported that "over a barrel of
alcoholic beverage bottles were
collected, with the upper bal-
cony in especially terrible con-
According to Richard Ken-
nedy, secretary of the Univer-
sity, officials are concerned
about the problem. "We clearly
don't want to have to limit the
use of Hill," he says. Kennedy
adds that the concerts this week-
end will be watched especially
"Our present outlook is a wait
and see attitude," he continues.
"If things don't improve, we'll
have to take some sort of action.
Closing it down to groups who
repeatedly breach contract is a
possible course of action if there
is continuing damage to the
building and to people's safety."
Kennedy adds however, that he
is "reasonably confident we'll be
successful" in keeping the use
of Hill Aud. open to all organiz-

- -m

NrhNew peace agreement: Details
HONG KONG UP) - This is: 4. At cease-fire, the two present cognized by all parties in the Viet-'
North Vietnam's summary of the administrations in South Vietnam nam War. The United States will,
peace terms it says it and the (the South Vietnamese government end all military activities in Laosf
United States agreed to: and the Viet Cong) will negotiate and Cambodia, withdraw all troops
2. The United States will re- with each other to set up elections and not reintroduce troops or wea-
spect the independence, sovereign- for a national coalition government. pons into Laos and Cambodia.
y, unification and territorial inte- The two administrations will also 8. Ending of the war will create
grity of Vietnam. negotiate with each other on dis- conditions for establishment of re-
gr2ty The ieSta. sposition and reduction of the troops lations between the United States
S2. The United States will stop all of each side. and North Vietnam under which
Sbombing of North Vietnam and all:teUie ttswl otiue
mining of North Vietnamese wat- 5. Unification of North and South the United States will contribute
ers. Twenty-four hours after the Vietnam will be "realized grad- to reconstruction in North Vietnam
peace agreement is signed, a ually by peaceful means." and throughout all Indochina.
cease-fire will take effect in all :6.An internationalmcommittee on 9. The peace agreement will take
of South Vietnam. All American military control and supervision 'effect immediately upon being
and allied troops will be withdrawn will be formed and an interna- signed by the U.S. and N o r t h
within 60 days. tional conference on Vietnam will Vietnam.
3. After signing, steps will be be called within 30 days of the The major difference between
taken for the immediate return of signing of the peace agreement. the earlier negotiating positions of
prisoners of war held by b o t h 7. The sovereignty and neutrality the two sides rested on their vary-
sides, of Cambodia and Laos will be re- ing conceptions of the political
part of a settlement.
Whereas the United States pro-
NIVERSITIES posal-first offered by President
Nixon in a nation-wide broadcast
last January-separated a military
from a political settlement, and
s s s x sthe Provisional Revolutionary
ernment (PRG) saw a closer link
ecially in connection bachelors degree and are female, your me- b e t w e e n political and military
ployment practices, dian income will be just about the same as issues.
y a discussion on the that of a man with an eighth grade educa- The PRG plan stipulated that "as
available to combat tion," Sandier said. cease-fire will be observed . . . as
icis. t"soon as a government of national
icies. "Women workers are concentrated in concord is formed." Calling for
that things are get- lower paying jobs, earn less money than a three-segment government much

N. Y.


Special To The Daily
NEW YORK - "Sex is the last socially
acceptable prejudice," Dr. Bernice Sand-
ler said, addressing the opening session
of a two-day conference on equal oppor-

the labor force, esp
with University emj
She was followed b
various legal means
sexist employment po
"Despite the myths

P f'.U .. ..y. :::

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