VOTE POSTILL FOR SHERIFF See Editorial Page Y SirPtl F~ &iitP AUTUMNAL High-S8 Low-44 See today . .. for details Vol. LXXXII, No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigun--Thursdoy, October 26, 1972 Ten Cents PLOT THICKENS Eight Pages iousy 7...I I ifyou see hews happen call 76-DAILY I Nixon aide tied to Watergate Med school blues? Freshmen medical students aren't finding their studies as boring as they might have imagined. As part of the "Sex and Reproduction" sequence of their Clinical Medicine class, the students recently viewed a film on "Normal Sexual Behavior", complete with a couple rolling around in the woods, and films on male and female masturbation. The productions note care- fully, however, that the films are to be used "for educational and research purposes only." Insanity notes The Ozone Central Committee, organizer of the Ozone Home- coming Parade tomorrow afternoon, yesterday asked us to point out that they have no connection with the UAC Homecoming festivities planned this week, especially the grease homecoming queen contest. Ozone feels that although it is up to individual women whether to participate in the homecoming queen com- petition, the queen contest can be construed as sexist. Massage parlor hearing The cases of three persons arrested during raids of local massage parlors last week have been turned over to Washtenaw County Circuit Court for trial on charges of pandering. The three, Daniel Davis, Melanie Lingoes and Deborah Green under- went pretrial examination yesterday in Judge Pieter Thomas- sen's District Court. The only testimony heard was from Police- woman Martha Parks, who posed as a job seeker at the two establishments. November trial dates were set for all three. Food co-op reopens The People's Food Co-op is open for business again. after an irritating series of moves begun when they were evicted from their State St. store. The co-op's new location is 722 Packard, about a block away from the old place. The co-op is open for business every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. except Wednesday and Sunday. Times endorses Kelley Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's campaign got a surprise boost Tuesday, when he received the endorsement of The New York Times in his race for a seat in the U.S. Senate. The Times called his opponent, Sen. Robert Griffin, a "down-the-line sup- porter of the Nixon Administration." The paper also said of Griffin: "All Michigan politicians this year have been running away from the school bussing issue but he has proposed a dan- gerous constitutional amendment on the subject." George gallups on The Gallup Poll reported yesterday that George McGovern has shown gains in the polls - particularly among manual labor- ers. However, the Democratic presidential aspirant is still 23 percentage points behind President Nixon, 59-36, with five per cent undecided or having no opinion. Happenings ... . . If you're into academics, spend the day at a conference on "New Approaches to Undergraduate Education," at Chrysler Center. Registration for students is $3 . . . Detroit Common Council President Mel Ravitz will speak on "The Contemporary Urban Condition" (in 25 words or less?) at 4 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly Hall . . . the mass meeting for the University's summer intern program in Washington, D.C. is at 7:30 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Room . . . Prof. Warren Miller's mini- course on "Voting Behavior and American Presidential Politics" starts at 3 p.m. . . . but best-of-all the Homecoming Sock Hop and Greaser Homecoming Queen contest rocks out at 9 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Jane Hart off to Hanoi Jane Hart, anti-war activist and wife of Sen. Philip Hart left last night for a trip to Hanoi, according to the senator's office. She was reportedly taking with her mail for POWs, medi- cal supplies and a list of American prisoners listed as missing in action. She said she would not comment on her trip until completion of a report on North Vietnam for the secretary of state. On the inside . .. Daily staffer Ted Stein takes a look at the committee re- viewing the case of chemistry Prof. Mark Green . . . Find out what's happening culturally on Page 3 . . . Bob Mc- Ginn tells "Everything you always wanted to know about Michigan's defensive backfield" on Page 6. The weather picture The sun shines down on Homecoming Weekend. It will be fair today with a high of 58 and a low of 43. Chances of percipitation during the day are zilch. Jumpin' Jehoso- phat! It's going up to 66 on Friday! (Or so the weather gnomes say.) -\f- N. Viets E i ntensif actiities SAIGON (R) - Communist forces intensified their at- tacks across South Vietnam yesterday while the United States continued its policy of limited bombing over the North. The communist actions come on- ly a day after South Vietnam'sI President Nguyen Van Thieu an- nounced his unwillingness to agree to a peace settlement. Radio Hanoi, in reacting to the speech yesterday laid the blame {for Thieu's rejection of peace of- fers squarely on the United States. "The United States government must bear the entire responsibility concerning the obstacles to the ne- gotiations and the prolongation of the war," the station said. BULLETIN Radio Hanoi has announced that the United States and North Vietnam "have r e a c h e d an agreement for settling of the war in South Vietnam," the United P r e s s International reported early this morning. Subsequent information from the Associated Press said the agreement was reached Oct. 8 and there is question as to whether it is binding. UPI quoted Radio Hanoi's broadcast as adding that the communists "will continue fight- ing until final victory." Earlier, around midnight, re- ports came of a communist doc- ument captured in Da Nang commanding Viet Cong there to lay down their arms at 11 a.m. Saturday, Vietnamese time. Daily Photo by UENNY GAINER SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY (D-Mass.), center, holds up a stuffed toy skunk at'a McGovern rally yesterday in the Oakland Mall in Troy, Mich. Kennedy said the skunk symbolized the corruption of the Nixon administration. Also appearing on the platform are senatorial can- didate Frank Kelley, right, and former senator Eugene McCarthy, whose head is almost completely blocked by a McGovern aide. c Govern supporters turn out in Detrootarea campaign stops Post lists aldeman in scandal WASHINGTON (R) - Presi- dent Nixon's chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, was one of five close Nixon associates who controlled a secret campaign spying and sabotage fund, The Washington Post report- ed yesterday. The sabotage fund, according to the Post, was a cache of as much as $700,000. The paper said it based the re- port on information from federal investigators plus accounts of sworn testimony given to a grand jury investigating the June 17 break-in at Democratic national headquarters in the Watergate building. The newspaper said it has been told that Haldeman, a Nixon aide for 16 years, and the four others authorized to make pay- ments from the secret fund, were identified in grand jury testimony by Hugh Sloan Jr., who quit as treasurer of the Nixon campaign organization shortly after the Wat- ergate break-in. The four were identified as: -John Mitchell, former attor- ney general and the first director of the Committee for the Re-elec- tion of the President. -Maurice Stans, former Com- merce Secretary and nowdirector of the Finance Committee to Re- elect the President. -Jeb Magruder, onetime White House aide and now deputy direc- tor of the Nixon campaign com- mittee. -Herbert Kalmbach, described by the Post as Nixon's personal jattorney. Haldeman is the only one of the five still working in the White House. The Post said it has learned that all five men have been questioned by the FBI about disbursements from the fund. Sloan, the ex-treasurer of the campaign, has told the grand jury that one who received money from the fund was G. Gordon Liddy. Liddy is one of seven men under indictment in connection with the Watergate break-in, the incident which set off the disclosures of an alleged GOP sabotage ring. The Post quoted federal investi- gators as saying that expenditures of hundreds of thousands of dol- lars - all approved by either Hal- deman, Stans, Mitchell, Magruder or Kalmbach - were made from the fund to finance an undercover operation aimed at discrediting Democratic candidates. Responding to the charge yes- terday, the White House strongly denied that Haldeman had any- thing to do with an alleged secret fund. "This is a political effort by The Washington Post, well conceived and coordinated, with the aim of discrediting this administration," said Press Secretary Ronald Zieg- ler. Emphasizing he was speaking for the White House, Ziegler flatly denied the account based on un- named sources in yesterday's edi- tions. He said its publication "is a See AIDE, Page 8 The proposals which reportedly have been agreed upon by both the United States and the North Vietnamese call for a cease-fire with both sides holding the terri- tory they now occupy. Also included in the agreement is a plan that calls for the estab- lishment of a three-party coalition government which would hold power until nation-wide elections could be held. Since Sunday, the United States has confined its bombing activity to points below the 20th parallel and has also reduced the number of total missions flown. The let-up has been interpreted as sign of good will towards the current round of negotiations. In yesterday's fighting, rocket barrages slammed into the north- ern port city of Da Nang, two pro- vince capitals and two district towns, killing one American ci- vilian and 26 Vietnamese. An American civilian and 109 Vietna- mese were wounded. North Vietnamese and Viet Cong infantry units maintained pressure on hamlets and villages along Highways 1 and 13, within 25 miles of Saigon, and on government posi- tions north and south of Pleiku in the central highlands. Although the northeast monsoons, always reduce the air attack on the North at this time of year, in- formed sources say orders fromI President Nixon have curtailed it even more. It is believed that Nix- on does not want to acknowledge the curtailment publicly because that wouldstend to inhibit his free- dom to resume heavy strikes on the Hanoi - Haiphong area should the current peace negotiations collapse. By ERIC SCHOCH Sen. George McGovern was clearly heartened by the huge Detroit area crowds he drew yes- terday as his underdog cam- paign kicked into its final two weeks. McGovern's first stop was the Oakland Mall shopping center. He later addressed an evening rally at Hazel Park High School. The understaffed Secret Serv- ice men obviously were not pre- pared for the several thousand people who jammed the Oakland Mall hoping to see the senator. After entering the mall Mc- Govern was quickly rushed into a small room adjoining the Sing- er Sewing Center to protect him from the surging mass of sup- porters, curious onlookers and unwary shoppers. McGovern reappeared in front of an adjoining shop with Sen. Edward Kennedy, (D-Mass.), former Minnesota senator Eu- gene McCarthy and state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, who is run- ning for the Senate. All spoke briefly to the crowd, which cheered loudly when Ken- nedy held up a toy stuffed skunk as a symbol of the Nixon ad- ministration. McGovern, still confident that he will win, reaffirmed his in- tention to put "Nixon and Agnew on the unemployment roles." The Oakland Mall stop was or- iginally planned to include a walking tour of the mall, but the giant crowd prevented it. Another overflow crowd show- ed up at a McGovern rally at Hazel Park High School. After viewing McGovern's televised speech on sets scattered through- dHarvey instigates $25s0,000 'defamation suit against Postill out the auditorium, the candi- date's supporters waited impa- tiently for his appearance. In his nationwide television ad- dress, McGovern charged that the Nixon re-election machine had "undermined the personal freedoms of Americans and the constitutional framework of our government." McGovern reviewed the list of corruption charges against the Nixon administration, and said the United States must return to "moral, responsible presidential leadership." McGovern promised to name a woman to the first vacancy on the Supreme Court during his administration. Noting that Nixon has said that he favors a merit system for ap- pointments, McGovern asked if the President believes "that there is not one woman, one Jew, one black, or one Polish- American who merits appoint- ment to the Supreme Court or to his cabinet?" Speaking of the problems of working women, the senator noted that such women "only share their husband's benefits." "The result," he said, "is that working women have subsidized the Social Security System to the tune of $25 billion, without re- ceiving their fair share of re- turns on that system." By DAVE BURHENN Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug- las Harvey filed a $250,000 defama- tion of charater suit yesterday against Fred Postill, his Democra- tic challenger in the November sheriff's race. In the suit, Harvey charged that Postill had accused him of the statutory rape of a 15 year-old girl.1 The alleged crime took place in 1962 when Harvey was a member of the Ypsilanti police force. Postill, who with Republican Un- dersheriff Harold Owings is oppos-z ing Harvey's try for a third term, denied ever using the allegations about the rape in his campaign. Postill contended that Charles Broderick, a lieutenant in the Sheriff's Department and a Har- vey campaign aide, attempted in a phone call to trick him into making a statement accusing Har- vey of the rape. Harvey's suit alludes to such an incident, claiming that the accusa- tions were made to persons, "who have telephoned Postill and sought information concerning thecan- didates for the office of Sheriff in Washtenaw County." The sheriff also charged in his: complaint that Postill falsely, claimed that Harvey gave a stolen camper-trailer to his brother-in- law, used $10,000 in county money to buy two expensive automobiles, sold a used sheriff's vehicle to hisj brother for a nominal sum, and im- properly gave his wife and son employment in the sheriff's de- partment. Harvey was the recent subject of an investigation by County Pros- ecutor William Delhey concerning! Sources reported that Harvey paign charge out of the rape called the Postill campaign "filthy, issue," the Democratic challenger gutter-type politics . . . the lowest says, "Harvey could not have sued. of any campaign . . . a personal I think he's opened the door on vendetta against me . . . this thing for the media." Postill called the sheriff's suit "a Postill also took exception to the last ditch attempt to save his job. procedure that was followed in Harvey is trying to hide the in- 'notifying him of the suit. He said tolerable facts that have been that the summons was served by brought out in connection with the a deputy sheriff, contrary to state operation of the sheriff's depart- law. ment." Postill said that a third party prty J C r I Postill said that there grounds for the legal action him. "Even if I had made are no should have served the document. against Harvey could not be reached for a cam- comment last night. Diag hosts queen for a day' Peace settlement hopes fade after Kissinger-Thien talks By ZACHARY SCHILLER Daily News Analysis The ebullient optimism over chances for a peace settlement in Indochina has noticeably dimmed in the past day or two. With only White House announcements of "some progress" to go on, the press' initial enthusiasm about the prospects for peace has gradually begun to fade. This pessimism has been justified from sources mentators-began to take on more important implications. United States diplomats at that time were reportedly cautioned that the North Viet- namese had an "unpleasant military surprise" for the Americans in Vietnam if agreement were not reached within a three-day period. B M E Y L GORDON ::f: r .t ...................... " .:::::::::..;t ..:. F irequenters of the D iag, have :...........................:... .:......i...................::: .::..:,,. ::..:::........ >r in recent years, gotten used to seeing almost every conceivable .k.,:::::::.:i.::.:: :::: .::::.::.:::.::r.::.: : ..:>. event take place before their.,.:,:...,.i. .:.........k.:>ii.::"..... :>. ......: :; ,.:: verye ey-cres.- Buti:. even:'$;.:;;:;?.;: :t:::::< hard-core.................". ":::::.:: IDiag= freaks had to admit that k ;:::.::;..::: :?. :; .: r .,?: :: . yesterday's happening was truly unique. The event was a press confer- ence called to preview tomor- row's Ozone homecoming parade scheduled at 3:30 p.m. And to publicize the parade, the Ozone group was able to bring to town i that great celebrity-the "Queen Mother of the Gross National Product. "i The "Queen - art school alumni Steven Cole-wore an in- triguing concoction of ribbons, beer cans, American flags, lace sequins, greeting cards and de- The opposing side remained silent at the ginning of peace speculation, apparently in hope that a settlement might be reached. In past two days, however, strong criticism of be- the the the