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October 25, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-25

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See Editorial Page


Sir igArn


See today .. for details

Vol. LXXXII1, No. 42

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 25, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

today . .- -
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Eldent under fire
District Judge Sandorf Elden has run into some opposition
* lately, much of it seemingly stemming from his candidacy for
circuit judge. The latest move against Elden-the man who
struck down the $5 pot law a month ago-comes in the form of
a law suit filed by local 'attorney Arthur Carpenter. Carpenter
charges that Elden released his decision on the pot law without
hearing the arguments of the defendants in the case and then
advertised his decision in a series of newspaper ads, allegedly
violating the judicial canon of ethics. The most bizarre accusa-
tion is that Elden himself put a local youth up to painting
marijuana leaves all over his house and driveway to gain
sympathy from voters. Elden could not be reached for comment
last night, but his wife said Carpenter "can't possibly believe"
his own accusations.
today's action reporter
The egotists who run this column ran into a golden oppor-
tunity for some self-serving prose yesterday afternoon when UAC
t Homecoming Committee Chairman John Tonkovich walked into
The Daily to complain that he could not obtain a phone booth
for Friday's Diag phone booth "stuff-in." Well, thought the
today gnomes, if Channel 7 can do it, so can we, and we did.
Swinging into action in true Action Reporter style, today con-
tacted Michigan Bell's Detroit office and soon won the promise
of a phone booth for Friday's big event. Said the man at the
phone company: "It's a genuine booth and it conforms to all
the accepted standards for booth stuffing." The only hitch: the
booth has no phone.
Art school vandalism
Art school students are upset, to say the least, at a recent
rash of vandalism directed against students' paintings. Over the
last few days, canvases have been attacked with spray paint
and slashed with razor blades. Security has been increased at
the school, but, one student claims, it means only that the
security guard is in the building for "ten minutes a night instead
of five."
Walk-a-thon scheduled
"Due to last Sunday's uncooperative environment," the
Ecology Center announced yesterday, the walk-a-thon has been
postponed until Sunday, Oct. 29 at 8:30 a.m. The walk, aimed
at raising money for the Ecology Center, starts at the Farmers
Market on Detroit St.
Happenings ..
... you can still get those flu shots you always wanted at
the Health Service. Hitting up today from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
$2 cheap. . . . eat lunch with HRP state representative candi-
date Steve Burghardt, noon at Guild House, 802 Monroe . . .
Free beach flick, 9 p.m. at the Union Ballroom. (The advance
publicity said the movie would be shown on People's Plaza-that
is incorrect.) The movie, "Beach Party," stars Frankie Avalon
and Annette Funicello.
" A clarificationi
In our report yesterday on a press conference held by Pierre
Salinger we stated that Salinger prophesized a Vietnam settle-
ment within 48-72 hours. In fact, Salinger said he foresaw a
cease-fire within that time span, going on to say later that such
a :cease-fire would only indicate the start of negotiations to-
wards a peace settlement.
McGovern returns
DETROIT Sen. George McGovern will make his sixth
campaign visit to the state today and Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D-Mass.) will be at his side for part of the trip. The Demo-
cratic presidential candidate will appear at the Oakland Mall
shopping center, accompanied by Kennedy and State Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelley, who is running for the U.S. Senate.
Campaign dollars
WASHINGTON-Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) raised more
than three times as much money up to September as did Mich-
igan Democratic Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley in their race for the
U.S. Senate, Common Cause reported today. The National "cit-
izen's lobby" said its summary of the Michigan race, part of
its Campaign Monitoring Project, revealed Griffin funds of
$671,346 as of Aug. 31, compared to Kelley's $195,443. Leading
the contribution parade for Griffin, a member of the powerful
Senate Finance Committee, were employes of Chrysler Corp.
$31,088, Ford Motor Co. $18,949 and Dow Chemical Co. $13,800,
the lobby said. He also received more than $15,000 from indi-
viduals who listed "banking" or "finance" as their occupations.
The Republican ruckus
The latest chapter in the fast-growing tale of alleged Repub-
lican-funded spying and disruption of Democratic campaigns
was announced by the Tampa Times yesterday. This part of the

story involves an aide to a Republican state legislative candi-
date who says she was hired during the Florida presidential
primary to pose as a volunteer worker for Sen. Edmund Muskie
(D-Maine) and spy on the Democrats. Patricia Griffin, 26, who
confessed to the Tampa paper, said she was hired by Robert
Benz, 25, who has been linked to Donald Segretti, the alleged
chief organizer of the alleged political sabotage. The plot thickens.
Newsman freed
NEWARK, N.J.-Newsman Peter Bridge was released from
jail yesterday after serving 21 days for refusing to answer a
grand jury's questions about a story he wrote. Bridge, the first
newsman jailed since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled journalists
may not withhold information from grand juries, was uncon-
ditionally released at 4 p.m. EDT by New Jersey Superior Court
Judge James Guiliano. Under the terms of his sentence, Bridge
was to be realeased at the expiration of the term of the Essex
County grand jury that had questioned him. Guiliano said he
would dismiss the grand jury today, but said, "Mr. Bridge is
released now, so he won't have to stay in jail overnight."
On the inside .. .
the Editorial Page introduces a new cartoonist,
Bill Sanders of the Milwaukee Journal; and condemns
the practice of passing-up unwilling women at Saturday
ball games . . . the Arts Page has a review of a reading

refuses to
From Wire Service Reports
The White House said yes-
terday "some progress" has
been made towards a nego-
tiated settlement in Indo-
china but refused to elabo-
Press Secretary Ronald Zieg-
ler cautioned reporters "against
excessive speculation" at a news
conference. The conference was
held following an hour-long meet-
ing between President Nixon, Sec-
retary of State William Rogers
and Henry Kissinger, national se-
curity advisor. Kissinger returned
Monday after a five-day meeting
with South Vietnamese President
Nguyen Van Thieu.
Ziegler repeatedly repulsed re-
porters' efforts to draw out expla-
nation of his progress statement.
He refused to comment on
Thieu's charges yesterday that
North Vietnamese peace proposals
are "dark schemes aimed at tak-
ing over South Vietnam."
Ziegler said he was "not pre-
pared to comment on the negotia-
tions that have been or are taking
Ziegler first declined to indicate
whether the progress had been
achieved in Saigon or during Kis-
singer's earlier private meetings
in Paris with chief North Vietna-
mese representatives. Later, he
suggested he was talking about
both meetings.
Kissinger remained unavailable
to reporters but might emerge
tomorrow or Friday to brief re-
porters on late developments, ac-
cording -to Ziegler.
Reporters asked Ziegler why the
White House refused to discuss the.
negotiations openly when Thieu
and North Vietnamese Premier HENR
Than Van Dong have made state- meeting
"We have an agreement with
North Vietnam not to discuss the A
negotiations," he replied, "and we e-
Meanwhile, informed sources re- FT
~ported that the United States has IU
partially limited its bombing of U
North Vietnam.
Informants confirmed t h a t By Z
American jets have been flying:
half their usual number of strikes Overt
over North Vietnam and avoiding
targets around Hanoi and Haiphong comings
on orders from President Nixon. Kisne
visor, ha
For the past two days, American pages of
tactical fighter - bombers have in the c
averaged 130 strikes a day over Most o
the North compared to a previous rent doir
daily average of 250-300 strikes. has focu
There has been no bombing cut- tions for
back in South Vietnam. Military transige
sources said B52 Stratofortresses Presiden
are flying saturation strikes to the pur
break the Communist command's attention
hold on certain areas before a pos- wards t
sible cease-fire. "settlem








States opposition to
tripartite government
By The Associated Press
South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu said last
night he has not agreed to any cease-fire in Indochina.
Thieu said a cease-fire could come "in the near future"-
but only if North Vietnam withdraws all its troops.
He said any truce must cover all Indochina and be inter-
nationally supervised.
Thieu also rejected a tripartite coalition government for
South Vietnam, as proposed by the communists. He said his
country's political future, based on free elections, could be
negotiated only between Saigon and the communist-le.
National Liberation Front, known as the Viet Cong.
"There may be a cease-fire in the near future because
the communists have request-
ed it," he said in a nationaljT

broadcast. "They agree to it,
and even beg for it, because
they are weak militarily."

IV T11

AP Photo
Y KISSINGER, national security advisor, co fers with President Nixon yesterday on his recent
g with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu.




He said the communists had im- I L avelle
cease-fire agreement in order to
keep territory they have recently ' ef1
Thieu asserted the North Viet- .is-m .1tye N
namese want the cease-fire ahead
of theNov. 7 presidential election WASHINGTON (P) - The Air
because President Nixon might be Force yesterday dismissed court-
tougher to deal with if re-elected. martial charges against Maj. Gen.
His two-hour national radio and John Lavelle.
television speech shed some light j Lavelle admitted before con-
on his five days of intensive talks'graesinllearmingstehadforeredn
with Henry Kissinger, national 28uressnauthearings he h d ordeed
security advisor. against North Vietnam.
He said his talks with Kissinger He was subsequently relieved of
had been exploratory and no for- command in April demoted two
mal agreements had been reached.o rank grades and retired with a
Thieu's speech was essentially a $27,000 annual pension.
reiteration of his long-standing In a brief statement, the Air
positions on a cease-fire and poli- Force said Secretary Robert Sea-
tical solution. mans Jr. ordered the charges dis-
Thieu emphasized four major missed "after thorough investiga-
points: tion and review of all facts and ma-
-The communist peace propos- terial in connection with the mat-
als are "dark schemes aimed at ter."
taking over Vietnam," The statement said Lavelle's re-
-The 1954 Geneva accords, lief from command of the 7th Air
which provided for international
supervision of the truce, should be " ..
used by both sides as the basis
for an agreement,
-Any cease-fire acceptable to
Saigon must encompass all Indo-
china, including Cambodia and
Laos, and must be guaranteed in- " :
ternationally. The North Viet-,.;<:r
namese must pull all troops and
equipment back to North Vietnam.
A tripartite government con-
sisting of Saigon, the Viet Cong
and a third neutral element is un-
acceptable. '> . " :.z
"How can we accept such dis-
guised coalition government after
fighting for decades?" he said.
He said a political solution, based
on free elections, can be worked
out only by the South Vietnamese
governmenttand the Viet Cong. An
unofficial translation said Thieu
rejects the existence of any third
segment' demanded by the com-
munists in their Sept. 11 proposal."
"No one has the right to sign Gen. Lavelle
any agreement, anytcease-fire pact Force in Indochina was sufficient
namese. Only the South Viet- punishment and therefore, "the Air
namese can do it for themselves," Force plans no further action in
Thieu said. this case.
Thieu declared that if a cease- The charges that Lavelle had
fire should occur, "we will always "willfully disobeyed lawful orders
respect it, but the communists and falsified official documents"
will not. We respect peace, a were, made in a complaint submit-
cease-fire." ted to Seamans by 1st Lt. Delbert
He called on South Vietnamese Terrill Jr., an Air Force Academy
political and religious groups to graduate.
cooperate with the Saigon govern- Terrill filed those charges in
ment in case a cease-fire is ef- June after the Air Force had said
fected. He said that the com- it planned no further disciplinary
munists already were making action against the general for the
plans to take over in many areas unauthorized raids carried out be-
under the guise of a truce. tween Nov. 1971 and last March.

S., N.
Daily News Analysis
the past few days, the
and goings of Henry
r, national security ad-
ye appeared on the front
fnearly every newspaper
f the analysis on the cur-
ngs in Vietnam, however,
sed on supposed prepara-
a cease-fire and the in-
nce of South Vietnamese
t Nguyen Van Thieu over
ported settlement. Little
has been directed to-
he actual content of the
ent," or the position of

Viet pea4
the North Vietnamese and the
Provisionary Revolutionary Gov-
ernment (PRG) on it.
What, then, is the settlement?
How has it come to pass that,
just two weeks before Nov. 7, an
agreement has been reached?
Has there been a breakthrough
on a key point?
To answer , these important
questions, the peace plans pro-
posed by both sides earlierpin
the war must be examined.
The standing proposal of the
United States and South Vietnam
is based on a separation of mili-
tary and political issues. Offered


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ce plans
by President Nixon in a national
address last January, the plan
specifies that:
-There will be a general cease-
fire in Indochina, which will be-
gin when an agreement is signed;
-Within six months of an
agreement, "there will be a total
withdrawal from South Vietnam
of all U:S. forces;" and
-Prisoners will be exchanged,
and a new presidential election
will be held. President Thieu will
resign a month in advance of the
election, leaving interim respon-
sibility to the Chairman of the
The proposals of the PRG and
the North Vietnamese, on the
other hand-which were present-
ed in July, 1971, and have re-
mained much the same since-
call for a resolution of political
matters before any cease-fire is
The plan says U.S. support to
the Thieu regime must come to
an end, and "the political, social
and religious forces in South Viet-
nam aspiring to peace and na-
tional concord will form in Sai-
gon a new administration de-
daring itself for peace, neutral-
ity, and democracy.''
Mostsignificantly, it says, "A
cease-fire will be observed...
as soon as a government of na-
tional concord is formed."
Whereas the U.S. plan stipu-
lates-though never openly states
-that North Vietnamese forces
must leave South Vietnam, the
opposite side has always main-
tained that Vietnam, as one coun-
try, cannot be arbitrarily divided
into two for military purposes.
All reports have come out thus
far outlining the terms of the sup-
posed agreement have included
the "withdrawal of North Viet-


Former 'U' teacher
held in Philippines

Joel Rocamura was a young,
long-haired University of Michi-
gan instructor. He was a citizen
of the Philippines. He is now a
political prisoner of Philippine
President Ferdinand Marcos.
Rocamura is one of the 500 to
1000 or more political opponents
of Marcos arrested when martial
law was imposed Sept. 23. Those
arrested include newspaper edi-
tors, internationally known Phil-

reached a point where, unless
there was reform, revolution was
inevitable." The country was
threatened by "Communist sub-
version," he said.
Rocamura was a Course Mart
instructor during Spring, 1971.
The course he taught was en-
titled "Indochina and American
Foreign Policy." Ms. Rocamura
received her MA in history of art
from the University at the same
From fall, 1964, to spring, 1968,

..... ... ..

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