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October 24, 1972 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-24

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Tuesday, October 24, 1972


Page N ne l

Tuesday, October 24, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Xat Iepecti
Isn't the Big Ten
really the Big Two?
- hn papanekr----i
YESTERDAY was the day for Bo Schembechler's weekly press
luncheon at Webers and as he does every Monday, he showed
He talked a little bit, too, but mostly to discuss some of
Sunday's pro football games and Michigan's next opponent,
Minnesota. The reporters lunching along with him asked only a
few questions about Saturday's plastering of Illinois, and as
always, Bo was pleased to answer the way he always does.
"We played the best half of offensive football that we've
played all year," he said, referring to the first half of the
game during which Michigan shut out the Illini 24-0. "If we
hadn't fumbled on the first play, I believe we would have
scored every time we had the ball. We really took it to 'em,
and put the game on ice early."
Then Bo cursed the officials, lauded some of his players,
like Chuck Heater, Ed Shuttlesworth, Dennis Franklin, and his
entire defense, and again as usual proclaimed Minnesota, who
won for the first time last week, 43-14 over a very flat Iowa
team, as "a real threat. A bigger threat than Illinois was to
us Saturday."
Someday, Bo is going to sit down at the luncheon and say,
"That Fribitz State team is a bunch of lousy stiffs. We'll
probably go for 600 yards and beat them 45-0." But he never
will. Every team is "a real threat," no matter how many
games it's lost or how bad its personnel may be.
And speaking of lousy teams, it is time for a critical look
at the Big Ten, which provides eight of Michigan's 11 opponents
this year. Michigan has quite easily beaten three of them, with
three spicy non-conference wins thrown in, too. Of all six op-
ponents, Michigan State was the toughest, but the Wolverines
really had little trouble knocking them .pff 10-0.
UCLA was highly ranked, but the Bruins crumbled under the
Michigan defense, and gave the Wolverines little resistance in
a 26-9 trouncing.
The rest of Michigan's wins were against second-rate
teams. Meanwhile Ohio State, the only other team of conse-
quence in the conference has been cruising along the same
as Michigan. Obviously, the two powers will clash undefeated
at Columbus on Nov. 25, in what could be another "Game of
the Century."
So look, how about the Big Ten admitting its talent
deficiency, and giving Michigan and Ohio State byes for the
rest of the season, and let them each practicefor four
weeks for the one game that really counts.
It sounds like a good idea. Neither team will have to worry
about injuries, and each will have time to rehabilitate players
currently on the disabled list. I know Bo, and probably Woody
Hayes too, would not mind having four weeks to work out with-
out lots of nasty sportswriters hanging around and causing
trouble. ,
Sounds like a good deal for Don Canham too. He could
acquire closed-circuit television rights and with all that time to
promote the game, he could have the Michigan Athletic Depart-
ment rolling in dough for another 20 years.
Then if the experiment is a success, next year the Big
Ten could schedule Michigan-Ohio State for the first game
rather than the last. That way the winner could play the
remaining 10 games to tune up for the Rose Bowl, and the
loser would automatically go 10-1.
That way the eight other teams can really battle it out
to see who is the best of the worst. It may help to drum up
interest in places like Illinois and Wisconsin where everyone
knows that their teams will come out as also-rans in the
Big Ten race.
In fact, the most exciting moment for the 64,000 Homecoming
fans in Memorial Stadium in Champaign Saturday was not when
George Uremovich scored the Illini's only touchdown, but rather
it was a sight never seen in Michigan Stadium that brought
instant enthusiasm to the crowd.
During the second period, a bountifully buxom blonde ap-
peared on the track surrounding the gridiron, and proceeded to
sashay around to her seat on the opposite side of the stadium.
As she walked, the fans rose, like a wave, the players, coaches
end officials looked and 50 pairs of binoculars in the press box
insta.ly jumped to their owners' eyes.
A little research revealed that the top-heavy miss carried
a 57-inch all-real bust according to one of the stadium cops
who called her "Big T" and said she was a regular and
that she always got a "big rise" from the crowd.
Apparently she enjoyed flaunting her assets, and showed up
in a heavy drizzle, outside Michigan's locker room, with the
Wolverines aboard two busses, waiting for the trip to the air-
When she got into sight range, the Michigan players piled
to one side of the bus and ogled at the lass, making typical male
chauvinist remarks. Shame on them.

Professional League Standings

CHICAGO (P)-After driving 69
R yards to the Chicago Bears' five-
L;: yard line only to be pushed back
by a penalty, Minnesota's Fred
Cox missed a 27-yard field goal in
the last 20 seconds of the game and
the Bears upset the Vikings 13-10
in a wild National Football League
encounter last night.
The loss dropped the Vikings
into the cellar of the National
Conference Central Division with
a 2-4-0 mark, while the Bears
climbed to third place with 2-3-1.
Tanner honored
NEW YORK - Chuck Tan-
ner, manager of the Chicago
r rrhr:White Sox, was voted the
American League Manager of
the Year yesterday. Tanner,
who molded the lowly White
Sox into a pennant contender
last season, outpolled Boston's
Eddie Kasko 213-140 in the As-
sociated Press poll. Detroit's
Billy Martin was third, Ralph
Houk of the Yankees came in
fourth and Dick Williams, pilot
of the World Champion A's, fin-
. ::: ..:..ished fifth.
Much of the excitement of the
nationally-televised g a me w a s
crammed into Minnesota's drive
AP Photo in the waning minutes.
CHICAGO BEARS' quarterback BobbyDouothisbell Fran Tarkenton passed 25 yards
Squarty Douglass got his to John Gilliam, 26 yards to John
rung in first quarter action against the Vikings last night, but Henderson, and, in all, completed
returned to action later in the game to lead his mates past Min- six aerials in the drive that carried
to the Bears' five. On third down,
nesota, 13-10. Fred Cox, the Vikings' fieldgoal kicker, missed a Tarkenton's pass into the end zone
last second try for a three-pointer that would have tied the game. was ruled offensive interferrence,





but this penalty was offset by a
roughing the passer infraction
against the Bears, and Minnesota
got new life.
Still on third down and five yards
from the goal, Tarkenton ran wide
trying to find a receiver, and fin-
ally hit John Beasley in the end
But an ineligible receiver down-
field penalty nullified this-play,
the Vikings drawing a 15-yard
penalty, setting them back to the
20. Tarkenton tried another pass
which was knocked down in the
end zone, and then Cox attempted
his field goal.
Tarkenton connected on a 44-
yard touchdown pass to Gilliam
with five minutes gone in the first
quarter to give the Vikings a 7-0
The play came after the Bears
had been forced to punt from their
own 11 after an opening series
which featured a fumble by Cecil
Turner which went out of bounds
on the Bears' six, and a fumble
by Jim Harrison recovered by
Minnesota's Wally Hilgenberg, and
promptly refumbled to Cyril Pin-
der on the two.
Bobby Joe Green's punt got the
Bears out of trouble temporarily,
but on third down and seven on the
Bears' 44, Tarkenton fired to Gil-
liam, who beat Charley Ford, made
a leaping catch at the Bear 15 and
raced into the end zone.
The Bears took the following
kickoff and went from their own
Michigan season basketball
tickets for the University staff
and faculty and the general
public will go on sale at the
Michigan Ticket Office, starting
today, Oct. 24.
Prices are $16.50 for staff
and $27.50 for the public. The
season ticket covers 11 home
dates, including the Michigan
Invitational Tournament.
Applications are available atk
the Michigan Ticket Office, 1000
S. State St., corner of State and
Hoover in Ann Arbor. The of-
fice is open from 8:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. daily and 8:30 to noon
on Saturdays.
The deadline for maintaining
season ticket seating priority is
Nov. 15.
Sale of student tickets will be
announced at a later date.

20 to the Minnesota 14 in 15 plays.
Most of the yardage came on
running plays by Harrison and
quarterback Bobby Douglass.
On the first play of the second.
period, Mac Percival kicked a 21-1
yard field goal for the Bears to'
make it 7-3.
Three plays after Percival's
field goal, Tarkenton, with a third-
down and one at his own 32, com-
pleted a 37-yard pass to Oscar
Reed. But Reed, hit by Ron Smith,
fumbled and Dick Butkus picked
the ball up and rambled eight
yards to his own 41. From there,
the Bears scored on a 12-yard
Most of the yardage was picketl
up on the ground by Harrison and
Douglass. But the touchdown came
on a four-yard pass from Douglass
to Harrison off a scramble with

4:47 left in the half.
Much of the period was con-
sumed by the Viking drive from
their own two to the Bear 27, but
it ended when Tarkenton, trying
a quarterback sneak, fumbled, and
Jerry Moore recovered at the Bear
Two plays later, however, Har-
rison fumbled and Minnesota's Roy
Winston plucked the ball out of
the air at the Chicago 23.
Boston 105, Philadelphia 85
Chicago 13, Minnesota 10
New England 5, Minnesota 1

Gridde Pickings
Saturday night proved cold and lonely. Suddenly, between VC
and the Bagel Factory appeared a rusting '61 Dodge. Having nothing
to do, Gun and I responded to the squeals of "Go State! Beat Mich-
igan" with "Lets Go Spartans!"
The car door squeaked open. Inside, Four Incredible Hogs beckon-
ed us into their arms. Beads of perspiration dotted our furrowed
brows. What to do?
Gunner, being of Stoic body and weak mind, jumped in. Yours
truly meekly followed. To the tune of "Tarreytown, My Tarreytown,"
our superfluous sextet rolled on.
The entrance to the TDP sweet-ass pitg-sty quickly came into
view. Should we enter, risking the chance of everlasting ragging
by the bro? Or should we send the Lansing lasses packing? Tough
Inside, room three's party was in full swing. All participants
gathered 'round Wacky Wayno's winery. O'Shefski, president of the
sinpagpore sling school of sobriety, sensed a knocking on the door.
All at once, in popped an imposing figure. The room freezed.
All eyes scrutinized the scurrilous stranger.' "Ah, Johnny Levine,
you rascal" intoned the intruder. "Here's your free Mr. Pizza pizza.
Nineteen for 20 was quite a feat."

Football powers


Top Ten action last weekend was highlighted by
number nine ranked Colorado's big upset of num-
ber-two rated Oklahoma.
Kicker Fred Lima booted in two 33-yard fourth-
quarter field goals which proved to be the margin
of victory. Earlier, halfback Gary Campbell had
ran for 43 yards for the first touchdown of the
year against Oklahoma's stingy defense. That was
followed by a ten yard TD pass from Ken Johnson
to John Keyworth for the other tally.
Overcoming a 7-0 halftime deficit, Colorado
grabbed three interceptions and recovered one
fumble to extend their record to 6-1, dropping
Oklahoma to 4-1.
Top-rated Southern California continued on their
winning ways by smacking injury-ridden Wash-
ington 34-7. Anthony Davis and Sam Cunningham
each ran for two touchdowns to send Southern Cal
to a 7-0 overall and a 4-0 conference record.

and failing to score, but got serious in the second
quarter as they unloaded four touchdowns to start
the rout.
Quarterback Dave Humm was the big star as he
launched four touchdown .passes for a new school
The Cornhuskers have now won their last five
games by a total score of 281-14, which apparently
isn't good enough for coach Bob Devaney as he
"We cannot be satisfied, we haven't really
played good teams. We're now coming into the
toughest part of our schedule and the next weeks
will tell us how good we really are."
In another big upset, Oregon squelched highly-
rated Stanford's chances for a third straight trip
to the Rose Bowl by handing them their second
straight conference defeat 15-13. Hugh Woodward
kicked three field goals and Don Reynolds gal-
loped 85 yards for a touchdown to give the Ducks
all thev needed.

1. Minnesota at MICHIGAN
(pick score)
2. Illinois at Purdue
3. Indiana at Northwestern
4. MSU at Iowa
5. OSU at Wisconsin
6. Bucknell at Davidson'
7. Yale at Cornell
8. Lehigh at Gettysburg
9. VMI at Dayton


Ohio at Western Michigan
Florida St. at Auburn
Colgate at Citadel
Tulane at Georgia Tech
Clemson at Wake Forest
VPI at William and Mary
Texas A&M at Baylor
Wichita St. at West Texas St.
New Mexico St. at Drake
Pacific at Idaho


MON.-SAT. 9 to 12
SUNDAYS 12 to 12 668-8200

Washington played without their number one
quarterback Sonny Sixkiller, who was out with In a battle of the military academies Navy shot
injuries, and was unable to generate a potent of- down Air Force 21-17 on a pitchout to Dan Howard
fense. USC coach John McKay commented, "I said which went for six points with 31 seconds left.
before the game, Washington would be the best Air Force had previously been undefeated, and the
defensive team we have faced, and I have no rea- loss dropped their record to 5-1.
son to change my mind now." In the luck-out of the week third-ranked Alabama
The victory combined with eleventh-ranked scored two touchdowns in a 36-second span of the
UCLA's 49-13 thrashing of California, sets up a No- final two minutes to squeak by tenth-rated Ten-
vember 18 confrontation between the Trojans and nessee 17-10.
the Bruins as the possible determiner for who With 1:48 left in the game Alabama marched
goes to the Rose Bowl. Both teams are undefeated 48 yards for the tying touchdown on Wilbur Jack-
in Pacific-Eight play. son's two yard dive.
In Big-Eight play, fifth-ranked Nebraska shel- Thirty-six seconds later John Mitchell fell on a
lacked Kansas 56-0 to give themselves an overall Tennessee fumble. The Crimson Tide needed only
mark of 5-I. The Cornhuskers fiddled around in one play after that as quarterback Terry Davis
the first quarter, sending in 38 different players streaked 22 yards for the winning touchdown.
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Eastern Conference


New Fork

Atlantic Division
W L Pct. G8
7 0 1.000 -
5 1 .833 1'/
2 4 .333 4%/
0 6 .000 6%
Central Division
3 2 .600 --
3 3 .500 %
2 4 .333 11/
0 6 .000 3%Y-

2 2 .500 2
2 3 .400 2f/
2 3 .400 21
Pacific Division

Golden State
Los Angeles

3 1
3 1
4 2
3 3
1 5




Western Conference
Midwest Division
Milwaukee ; 5 1 .833

Tonight's Games
Boston at Buffalo
Cleveland at New York
Los Angeles at KC-Omaha
Chicago at Phoenix
I Atlanta at Portland













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