! Tuesday; October 24, 1972"
Page Three
Tusdy Otoe 2,_92.I ICIGNDAL
Sunday and Monday: Quarter Nights
Tuesday: All drinks 1,72 Price
Wednesday: Singles Night
free admission and all drinks
12 price for women
341 So. Main, Ann Arbor 769-5960
Senator Mike Gravel
(Democrat, Alaska)
will be giving a
free discussion on the
Pentagon Papers
and related topics
Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 2:00 p.m.
in the UGL Multipurpose Room
David Brom berg!
One of the most amazing things
about David Bromberg is the
casual way he lays down a riff
that leaves half the audience
Performing at the Ark Sun-
day night, David walked on with
his two back up men and did
some of the cleanest picking
I've heard. He sang a mixture
of songs he's been doing for
years and some that were new
since his last visit here.
Opening with a song easily
recognized by Ann Arbor audi-
She's got eyes like crystal
waters, lips like sherry wine,
A body like fine brandy, and
a soul like turpentine.
Oh. mama, you treat your
daddy so damn mean,
When I ask for water she gives
me gasoline.
He continued to play his way
through a high-powered, humor-
ous set.
Humor, in fact, has to be one
of the key words in any descrip-
tion of David Bromberg. He ex-
plained to the audience why he
doesn't sing the traditional verses
of "Sitting on Top of the World":
"I like mine better. They're nas-
tier." He's right.
Hear the train going down the
.rWouldn't spit on a nickle if that
would bring her back.
Wish she'd call me just one
more time.
I'd tear out the receiver and
let her waste her god-damn dime.
He also had the audience
laughing with his versions of old
pop and country songs like "Call
me Mr. Blue."
But humor isn't the sole fea-
ture of his performance. His
sensitivity comes out again and
again, both in the songs he's
written and in his singing. Two
outstanding e x a m p1e s were
"Lonesome Roving Wolves," a
traditional song he sang a capella
after explaining that he liked it
because it made some of the
things he'd read about in history
books become real for him, and
his own song "Diamond Lil,"
about a gambler with some re-
Bromberg's repertoire seems
to lean more and more toward
country music. His series of
fiddle tunes was one of the high-
lights of the first set, and "T for
Texas," a Jimmy Rodgers song,
contained the first yodel I've
ever heard him do. Paul Mason
played bass for him, and Kenny
Kosak did some tasteful fiddle
and mandolin back-up.
David's second set was looser
than his first; he interrupted
himself to talk with the audi-
ence on several songs. He ex-
plained that he wasn't in a gig-
mood, that he didn't feel the
tension of having an audience
with the attitude of you'd better
entertain us and you'd better be
He did several songs without
his back up men, which was re-
freshing and probably nostalgic
for many of the people in the
audience who remember his solo
performances of several years
Those of you who can should
catch Bromberg at the Ark to-
night; those who can't should
pick up his second album, due
to be released next month.
7 Dick Cavett
9 Movie
"Escape to Mindanao" (68) Two
WWII soldiers escape from
prison camp.
50 Movie
"Torch Song" (53) Broadway
star falls in love with blind
1:00 4 7 News
1:30 2 Movie
"El Paso" (49) Frontier town
ordered by young lawyer.
3:00 2 News
Korean Music
Members of the Ah Ahk, Music and Dance troupe in their Sunday evening performance sponsored by
the University Musical Society.
Gosh (blush) gee... but
mother never told me about .
Doily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
David Bromberg (left) and friends
O o .~~cln ~~e
...-:5 5 :ii::t... ........... .. -
ki +s
6:00 2 4 7 News, Weather, Sports
9 Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones
56 How Do Your Children Grow?
6:30 2 4 7 News
9 Jeannie
50 Gilligan's Island
56 Your Right To Say It
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News, Weather, Sports
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 United Nations Day
Concert, 1972
7:30 2 What's My Line?,
4 You Asked for It
7 Parent Game
9 Protectors
50 Hogan's Heroes
8:00 2 Maude
4 Bonanza
7 Temperatures Rising
9 News
50 Dragnet
8:30 2 Hawaii Five-O
7 Movie
"Short Walk to Daylight" (72)
Earthquake victims fight for
survival in New York subway.
9 Front Page Challenge
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 4 Bold Ones
9 Campaign Report
56 Common Ground
9:30 2 Of Thee I Sing
Hove o flair for
artistic writing.?
Ifyu are interest-
drama, dance, film,
poetryrand music.
or writing feature
stories a b o u t the
arts: Contact Arts
Michigan aly.
9 Interview
Robert Stanfield
56 To Be Announced
10:00 4 NBC News Special
7 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 News, weather, Sports
50 Perry Mason
56 Detroit Black Journal
10:20 9 Nightbeat-Cports
10:30 56 Artists in America
11:00 2 4 7 News, Weather, Sports
9 Cheaters
50 That Good Ole Nashville Music
11:30 2 Movie
"That Certain Feeling" (56)
Bob Hope becomes ghost-comic-
strip writer.
4 Johnny Carson
UPCOMING CONCERT TIP-The first concert of the 1972
Contemporary Music Festival will be performed tomor-
row at 8 in Rackham Lecture Hall, featuring the Univer-
sity Stanley Quartet, the Contemporary Directions En-
semble and a silent film classic with accompaniment on
an Arp synthesizer and electronic piano.
POETRY-Thomas Transtromer, will read his works this
afternoon at 4:10 in the UGLI multi-purpose room.
DRAMA-the University - Players production of Beckett's
Endgame continues tonight at 8 in the Frieze Arena
FILM-Women's Studies Film Series shows Cross-Cultural
Perspectives of Women's Lives tonight at 7 in the UGLI
Multipurpose room. AA Film Coop shows A Man and a
Woman tonight at 7, 9:30, Aud. A. Cinema Guild shows
Fellini's 8% tonight at 7, 9:30, Arch. Aud. About this film,
Daily reviewer Larry Lempert comments:
In this renowned, autobiographical study of per-
sonal chaos, Federico Fellini conveys confusion by infus-
ing the viewer with that emotion. A director sets out to
make a film-but he lives in a world where dream and
reality melt together. The struggle to make the film
becomes the film; the movie that the director is about to
make is the 8t/ we see-and those are braintwisters for
any movie-goer.
The screen lights up and we
see a round-faced, wide-eyed
young lady speaking in a little-
girl voice. "Just another tooth-
paste commercial" you might
think, until you see her fondling
the product-an erect penis.
She coos . . . "I like to feel it
in my mouth and run my tongue
just around the edge, and bite
the tip very lightly, like this,"
all the while suiting word to
She explains that she is am-
bivalent about orgasms because
while "the come feels so good,
all smooth and creamy," when
he comes "I have to start all
over again."
"But that's part of the fun"
she concludes, rubbing the throb-
bing, spurting member over her
lips and checks, drooling a mix-
ture of semen and spittle.
Suddenly, you realize that this
is the whole point of T.V. ad-
vertising, and it seems much
more appropriate that the actress
is fondling a penis instead of a
tooth-paste tube surrogate (the
product aspect is heightened by
the fact that we never see any-
thing but the pubic region of
the man to whom the member
presumably belongs).
It's too bad that the rest of
Teenage Fantasies, r ec ent1y
shown at the Art 1 theatre in
Ypsilanti, is less inspired. It's
true that after every couple of
fantasy sequences they do cut
back to this youngster's dream of
marathon fellatio (though her
insane' comments on the bene-
fits of this practice are often
cut short by its execution). And
there are other moments of dis-
arming interview parody, such
as the gentle lass, who, after
several groaning,spanting min-
utes of vigorous intercourse,
turns to the camera in midstroke
of rear-entry bliss, composes her-
self, and calmly announces,
"Sure, I like to fuck, and I like
to suck, but most of all (with
feeling) I like to get it in the
ass." Most of the movie, how-
ever, is well produced, although
typical fuck-suck flick fare.
For those of you unfamiliar
with the genre, it consists of
getting men and women to-
gether on flimsy pretenses to per-
form on the spur-of-the-moment
various acts of sexual congress
to a background chorus of
groans, sighs, heavy breathing,
and exhortations to "Fuck me
faster, harder."
Mandatory shots include close-
ups of tongue and lip on breast
and genital, close ups of couples
engaged in the variations of the
basic top, bottom, side, and back
positions of sex. And close up
shots of the man withdrawing at
the moment of orgasm, presum-
ably to convince the audience
who paid to see orgasms that
they are indeed seeing orgasms..
Occasionally there are three
people of mixed gender perform-
ing any combination of the above.
In Teenage Fantasies, the pre-.
tense comes in the form of the
mock documentary. The credits
list a consulting psychiatrist, and
the. introductory notes cite the
film's purpose as allowing the
audience to "discharge" its ten-
sions in a natural, healthy way.
The fantasies portrayed include a
girl who wants to be treated like.
a lady during sex, a young boy
who wants to be seduced, a- horny
old coot who likes doing it to
kids, a girl who makes it with
sex offenders, with the char-
acters John and Mary drowning
the burden of impossible social
pressures in what sounds like
impossible sexual acrobatics.
The maid, caught up in this
melodramatic claptrap, is busy
diddling herself first with a cu-
cumber, and then a zuchinni
squash (which, incidentally; she
serves up in a salad at the end
of the flic).
On the other hand, however,
there are those long scenes of
mechanical sex, which though
sexually stimulating, are as
aesthetically appealing as watch-
ing a twelve-hour movie of the
Empire State Building.
The Supreme Court really knew
what it was doing when it set up
redeeming social importance as
the determining criterion of ob-
scenity; thrusting organs have
little significance to the viewer-
certainly less than they have to
the participants.
ii ,
! '
her girl friend and the friend'.s
boyfriend, and the young lady
mentioned above, whose prefer-
ences are Greek.
Sometimes the contrast be-
tween the serious documentary
style and the blatantly porno-
graphic presentation makes for
dynamite parody, and self-
parody. Too often, however, the
documentary style falls by the
wayside after it is used to set up
an encounter. A few words of
plot-explanation is followed by
several minutes of grinding
At its best, this art form is
great satire of a society which
refuses to admit a healthy in-
terest in sex, thereby making
"it" the object of a morbid na-
tional preoccupation.
A good example of this is found
in the short accompanying Fran-
tasies. The Nooner, one sequence
of which shows a saucy scullery
maid watching her favorite soap
opera in the kitchen at lunch
time. The sound track of this
program is like Secret Storm for
The emphasis on that mystical
act of sex itself, rather than its
relation to the lives of individual
human beings shows a rather
warped perspective. While such
movies may facilitate masturba-
tion, they have no lasting impact
on the viewer.
I'm no prude, mind you, and
I would even recommend that
anyone who has never seen a
technically well-done sex movie
go to the Art-1 theater in Ypsilan-
ti, just for the educational experi-
You don't have to be embar-
rased; the Art-1 is just an old
movie house in downtown Ypsi,
no more decrepit or seedy than
the State in- Ann Arbor. The
clientele is not a. bunch of old
winos with supiciously-stained
overcoats either; on the weekend
its mostly young, single men, and
respectable couples of all ages.
The movies may not be classics
of the motion picture art, but the
subject matter is of interest to
practically everybody. Even us
FRIDAY, OCT. 27-8:00 P.M.
RESERVED SEATS $2.00-3.00-4.00