See Editorial Page
See today . .. for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 24, 1972 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
if you see news liappen call 76-DAILY
Lawyers for Nixon?
A few days ago the formation of a "Law Students for Nixon"
group was announced in a leaflet taped to the wall outside the
law library. It suggested that those interested in working for
Nixon's re-election come out of the woodwork and place their
names in a convenient envelope to their right. Upon inspection,
the names were found to include Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler,
Joseph McCarthy and President Nguyen Van Thieu, and one law
student. Nixon workers have now removed the envelope.
An end to smoke-filled rooms
President Robben Fleming has sent a memo to the faculty
urging them to observe the "No Smoking" signs in classrooms
and asking them to urge their students to do the same. Fleming
said in-class smoking was both "unfair and improper." He
concluded by stating, "For the greatest part of the University's
history both faculty and students got along very nicely without
smoking in classrooms. . . . We can stop it if we will." Good
luck Robben.
Smoke without fire
Half of Mosher-Jordan dormitory waited in the cold last
night at 7:00 for a fire that never happened to be extinguished.
Four fire trucks appeared and the dormitory was evacuated after
smoke and a few sparks were seen in the building's elevator
shaft. Students were allowed back into the building within a
half hour.
McGovern endorses Bullard
Sen. George McGovern has endorsed Democratic state repre-
sentative candidate Perry Bullard for election. In a personal
letter to the local attorney, McGovern praised Bullard for his
legal efforts towards extending the franchise in Michigan.
Undersheriff news
Democratic Sheriff's candidate Fred Postill yesterday re-
leased the name of his choice for undersheriff. He is James
Spickard, 41, of Melvindale; a 20-year police veteran and a
lieutenant on the Melvindale force. Incumbent Sheriff Douglas
Harvey says that if he is re-elected he will retain Undersheriff
Harold Owings. Owings, who is running as a Republican in the
election, has not yet named his choice for number two man, but
has ruled out Harvey.
Weirdness at Mackinac's
City police are puzzled at some of the weird goings-on at
Mackinac Jack's bar and dancehall early Sunday morning. First
there was a fight. Then there was a small fire. Then investigat-
ing cops discovered two handguns, at least one of them stolen,
in a trash can by the side of the building at 217 S. Ashley. Police
have labelled the fire arson, and say they are investigating the
fight and the guns.
You can begin your day by getting your flu shots at the Health
Service. They'll be hitting people up from 8:30 a.m. until 4
p.m. . . . to recover fros whatever insidious dope they're using
over there these days, eat some free donuts with the dean of
the Natural Resources School at 10:30 a.m., 2032 SNR . . .
moving right along to the noon hour, choose between a Demo-
cratic lunchbox forum in the Union where economics Prof.
Harvey Brazer will speaker on McGovernomics or a discussion
on the Philippine situation at the International Center . . . learn
about the Urban Problems of Ancient Rome at 2:10 p.m. in
2009 Angell .'. . sponge some free coffee at the Library Science
coffee hour in the faculty club lounge of the Union at 3 p.m.
. . .get your teeth fixed for free at the Free People's Dental
Clinic in the Union Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. . . . or, at the same
time, hear Bob Fahr of the Michigan POW committee speak
for Sen. Robert Griffin at a College Republicans meeting in
the Anderson room of the Union . . . also at 7:30 p.m. several
Army ROTC officers will speak on the Army's View of Peace in
B 116 of the MLB . . . and if all this is too much for you, relax
with David Bromberg at The Ark at 8 p.m. Have a nice day.
Dole thanks McGovern
BISMARCK, N.D.-Republican National Chairman Robert Dole
said Sunday having Sen. George McGovern on the Democratic
presidential ticket has helped end the war in Vietnam. "If Mc-
Govern were not on the ticket, we would not be ending the war,"
Dole said at a Bismarck news conference. Dole said the North
Vietnamese know they will have to deal with Nixon and there-
fore are taking the negotiating session seriously. "This is the
reason the talks are close," he said.
Italians for Nixon
ROME-Eighteen members of the Italian Parliament an-
nounced yesterday they have formed a committee to support
President Nixon's re-election. They said Nixon is pursuing a
realistic foreign policy, while the policies of Sen. George Mc-
Govern, the Democratic candidate, "could have negative re-
percussions on the life and economy of the Western world, par-
ticularly Europe."
Watergate probe re-opened
NEW YORK-President Nixon has oredered a reopening of
a White House investigation into the June 17 Watergate incident,
CBS News said last night. The report came from Washington
reporter Daniel Schorr on the CBS News with Walter Cronkite.
Schorr said the inquiry was resumed "after President Nixon was
cautioned by acting FBI Director Patrick Gray that the agency
had established more serious direct links to the White House
than the President might know about."
Hijackers surrender
VIENNA, Austria-Four leftist hijackers who held 66 hostages
for a day and a half aboard an airliner commandeered in
Turkey surrendered to Bulgarian authorities in Sofia yesterday.
Bulgaria's BTA news agency said the hostages were free and
safe. "All the necessary action has been taken to secure the afe
and rapid return of the passengers, crew and plane to Turkey,"
the agency said.
On the inside . .
The Daily endorsements for the Nov. 7 election
begin today on the Editorial Page. Today The Daily looks
at Proposition B, the abortion referendum . . . the Sports
Page takes a final look at Michigan's crushing victory over
the fragmentary Illini . . The Arts Page has the lowdown
Salier says
Pierre Salinger, co-chairman of
the National Citizens' Committee for
McGovern - Shriver, said yesterday
that he expects a Vietnam peace set-
tlement "in the next 48 to 72 hours."
Salinger, speaking during an un-
precedented telephone news confer-
ence with The Daily and 11 other
college newspapers, said he believed
the Nixon Administration has "made
an arrangement with the North Viet-
namese, and that they have convinc-
ed President Thieu to consider the
idea of a coalition government."
However, Salinger declared that
Sen. George McGovern's campaign
has "forced them belatedly to try to
bring an end to this war," and added
that McGovern should "get a great
deal of credit in forcing the Nixon
Administration to move in this area."
The former press secretary to
President John Kennedy said "we all
have a right to be cynical about an
administration that decided to con-
centrate on peace four weeks before
the election."
"Why weren't they making these
same efforts in 1969?" Salinger asked.
"The terms are ones that could have,
been organized in February or March
of 1969 as well as November of
Salinger predicted that a nego-
tiated settlement would be a "two-
stage affair: A cease-fire on the
ground, with the understanding that
the South Vietnamese government
will enter into negotiations with the
Viet Cong for the solution to the polit-
ical problems in South Vietnam."
"There fore," he declared, "I think
this administration will be able to
i e t.c
disguise the political settlement un-
til after the election. All that we will
hear before the election will be about
the cease-fire, an arrangement for
the U.S. to leave South Vietnam, for
the North Vietnamese troops to leave
South Vietnam, and some kind of ar-
rangement for the release of the pri-
soners of war, leaving the political
settlement to the South Vietnamese
and the Viet Cong themselves."
Despite his prediction of an im-
minent peace settlement, Salinger
was optimistic about his candidate's
chances. He said that Democratic-
sponsored polls s h o w McGovern
trailing the incumbent by only 10
percentage points in New York and
3 in California.
Particularly on campuses around
the nation, Salinger commented "sup-
port is coming back strong" for Mc-
Govern. A Gallup Poll conducted ear-
ly this month showed McGovern lead-
ing the President by a slim two per-
cent margin among students, while
polls just after the Democratic Con- v
vention in July gave the Democrats
a 25 per cent advantage.
However, Salinger disputed the
Gallup findings, citing recent polls
giving McGovern a strong lead on
campuses in the key states with large
electoral votes.
The long - time political activist
stressed that in order to win, Mc-
Govern "must have the support of
regular Democrats." Salinger agreed
with recent national polls showing a
return of some traditional Democra-
tic voters to McGovern.
See SALINGER, Page 10
Thieu said to reject
,,., . I
'interim governmnent'
WASHINGTON (M - Presidential aide Henry Kissinger
returned to Washington last night to report on his latest
peace negotiations in Saigon. Statements from Vietnam In-
dicated the attempts fell short of an accord.
"We made some progress," was Kissinger's only com-
ment on returning. He planned to report to President Nixon
later last night and again this morning.
There was no other comment on progress or lack of it
as a result of the latest round of meetings. In fact, there was
no official word on what was discussed. But an apparent
failure to reach agreementY --_ _
centered on a cease-fire plan
and an interim Saigon gov- ITravelers
emnment to serve until a finalT r v l s
political solution is achieved.
Kissinger headed for Washington "
to report-to President-Nixon after MIea
five days of talks with President
Nguyen Van Thieu, the most in-
tensive Indochina peace negotia-
if it had beena productive visit,
Kissinger replied: "It always is
AP Photo
Greetings from the President
President Richard Nixon and his wife Pat stump through the New York City suburb of Westchester. New York, which Nixon lost to Hum-
phrey in 1968, is a key state in his election strategy this year.
Voters to decide abortion issue,
when I'm here."
"We have made progress," the
statement said. "Talks will con-
tinue between us and the govern-
ment of Vietnam. It is no in the
interest of negotiations to be more
specific at this time."
Tin Song, a newspaper that often
reflects Thieu views, said the
general impression of observers
was that negotiations between
Thieu and Kissinger had been con-
ducted in a "very heated atmos-
phere in the face of the unyielding
Vietnamese determination to stand
pat on its position."
"Throughout the duration of the
negotiations between the U. S.
delegation and President Thieu, ob-
servers noted that the South Viet-
namese had always maintained
their clear-cut position to reject
any peace solution contrary to the
interests of the South Vietnamese
people," Tin Song continued.
A spokesman for the presidential
palace said he could not confirm
the Tin Song account, and the U.S.
Embassy would not go beyond its
29-word statement.
In Paris, Nguyen Thanh Le,
spokesman for the North Vietna-
mese delegation to the Paris peace
talks, tolds newsmen that "the Vi-
etnam problem is still not settled."
"In these circumstances," he
said, "world opinion cannot help
asking the following question:
Does the Nixon administration
really want serious negotiations or
does it still engage in maneuvers
aimed at deceiving public opin-
After Nov. 7, women may be
able to have legal abortions in the
state on demand within the first 20
weeks of pregnancy.
If it is approved by state voters,
an abortion reform referendum,
Proposal B, will replace the cur-
rent state abortion law. The pres-
ent statute, dating from 1846, per-
mits an abortion only if the
mother's life is in danger.
Both supporters and opponents of
the reform proposal are conducting
vigorous campaigns to influence
Both supporters and opponents
are confident of victory at the
Pro-reform groups are using
radio spots, newspaper ads listing
the names of supporters and speak-
ers, according to Jean King, co-
chairwoman of the Michigan Abor-
tion Referendum Committee.
"I'm very hopeful. We'd like to
see a fairly solid margin. But all
that is needed is 51 per cent," said
A number of groups are also
working to defeat the proposal.
"We're trying to educate people
on campus. We're giving our pro-
life side of the story," said Miles
Schmidt, a member of the Univer-
of People Taking Action Against The poll, released Oct. 11, re- Even if the proposal passes, the
Abortion (PTAAA). cords 56 per cent "Yes," 40 per controversy over abortion laws
PTAAA is an anti-reform group cent "No" and 4 per cent unde- may continue.
active in Wayne, Oakland and Ma- cided. The State Supreme Court voted
comb counties. A "Yes" vote indicates support last week to review lower court
"We feel if we can get our mes- for Proposal B. rulings which had voided the old
sage to the people we have a An eariler poll, released Sept. abortion law. The court's action,
chance of winning," said Klein. 21, shows 59 per cent "Yes," 36 in effect, reinstated the 1846 law.
The hierarchy of the Catholic per cent "No" and 5 per cent un- The Appeals Court, acting on a
Church is also joining the anti-re- decided. request from Wayne County Prose-
form fight. The results of the first News poll, cutor William Cahalan, had pre-
Every state parish receives a released Sept. 1, fall in between viously voted to suspend Wayne
film, "Love, and Let Live." Each the later ones, with 57 per cent County Circuit Judge C h a r 1 e s
parish is urged to conduct meet- "Yes," 37 per cent "No" and 6 Kaufman's ruling that the law is
ings, fund-raising campaigns and per cent undecided. unconstitutional.
to distribute literature. The shift in percentages, attri- Kaufman had issued an injunc-
A recent poll, conducted by buted to the influence of the anti- tion prohibiting prosecutions for
Market Opinion Research, Inc. for reform campaign, was interpreted illegal abortions.
the Detroit News, gives reform as insignificant. The results are The high court's ruling, which
supporters a 16 per cent margin "relatively stable," according to overrides the appeals court's ac-
over abortion opponents. the News analyst. See VOTERS, Page 10
The state Attorney General's of-
fice has accused a ]etroit-based
charter tour company of "false and
misleading" advertising in con-
nection with a tour to the Costa
del Sol region of Spain last May.
Vacation Travel Inc., which ad-
vertises locally under the name
"Studentours," has been advised
to refund to everyone on the tour
all money charged in excess of the
price advertised in The Daily, ac-
cording to Ed Bladen, director of
the Attorney General's Protection
The six advertisements in ques-
tion ran in The Daily last March
and April, and listed the price of
the tour as $199, "based on dou-
ble occupancy."
However, when prospective cus-
tomers contacted Vacation Tra-
vel's local representative, they
were informed that the $199 fig-
ure was for a two-beedroom suite
with a common living room and
kitchen, accommodating four peo-
ple in all. In order to obtain a pri-
vate room for two people, cus-
tomers had to pay $11 more.
According to Bladen, this is
"false and misleading" advertis-
ing, and his office "is not going to
allow the company to benefit from
Steve Zacks, vice-president of
Vacation Travel, said that "either"
arrangement could be considered
"double occupancy," since "in
each case two people occupy a
Although Bladen said a letter
telling the company to refund the
money "was posted no later than
last Monday"- - a week ago -
yesterday Steve Zacks said "we
definitely have not received any-
thing from the state Attorney Gen-
eral's office." According to Bladen,
the letter was sent through the
regular mail rather than register-
ed mail.
Asked if Vacation Travel intend-
ed to comply and refund $11 to
everyone who went on the tour,
Zacks replied that "since we
haven't received legal notification,
as far as we're concerned no ac-
tion has been taken against us."
Bladen's attention was drawn to
the ads through the complaints of
four University students who had
Groovy greaser Queen
University women - your
chance for fame is here! Bring
that teenage dream to life now.
That's right, you can be queen
of the Homecoming festivities
this week!
The University Activities Cen-
parade, comments D r e w
Sparks, a spokeswoman for the
Ozone group. "It's really a giant
mockery of other parades."
The parade will be highlighted
by return visits by former
queens dating back to 1936. But
A-, 1o +I n- "aiie n-
theme is "Those Were the
Days . . .". The 50's will be re-
constructed with beach party
flicks, phone booth stuffing, hula-
hoop competition and more fun-
filled antics.
Two concerts will be held at
Wil Aiuitnriimthi )A-kAn
awarded the title "Homecoming
Queen of 1972." Jimmy and the
Javelins, Ann Arbor's answer to
Sha Na Na, will make an ap-
pearance to assist in choosing the
"The winner will probably be
dptm inpd by hn aesv an