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October 20, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-20

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Page Eight


Friday, October 20, 1972


Robert J. Harris
Mayor of Ann Arbor
"The Mayor Looks at
National Elections"
Following Lox and Bagels Brunch
(eat for 75c, listen free)
11 A.M. SUNDAY, OCT. 22 at HILLEL, 1429 HILL

Future of hockey falls with

fres hen

With the season opener only
two weeks- away, the Michigan
hockey team has entered its most
crucial training camp in years.
Since last May's graduation
completely decimated the de-
fensive corps, Coach Al Renfrew
has been busy preparing fresh-
men for a number of open posi-
Indeed, if this year's Wolverine
team hopes to resemble the last
one, the freshmen will be re-
Last season, a strong group
of seniors were complemented
by some heady freshmen in a
16-18 overall performance. The
Wolverines were unstoppable at

home en route to a berth in the
WCHA playoffs and a sixth place
league finish. But a dismal road
record hampered Michigan all
year and eventually spelled the
difference in the playoffs at
North Dakota. Michigan dropped
the two-game total goal series,
5-1 and 10-2.
The 1972-73 squad does not
have the balance of the last one
as only five upperclassmen re-
"We'll be a freshman-sopho-
more team," warns Renfrew who
is entering his sixteenth season
as the Michigan mentor. But he
has made no attempt to compare
this edition of the Wolverines
with the last one.

at a

on State St.


HRuggers piay Lions;o
Chicago club poised.
By CHUCK DRUKIS weeks from his hooker post. Lar-
The Michigan rugby football cluo ry Lucarelli, another experienced
will face its toughest competition hooker, will fill in during ,Lukaski's
of the season when it journeys to absence. The rest of the backrow
Chicago this weekend to battle the will remain the same, with Quint
Lions, the best city club in the mid- Lawson and Chris Penoyar at se-
west. cond row, Vern Plato and John
The Blue have faced the Windy Anderson at the wing forwards,
City contingent during the Labor and Walt Holloway at number
Day weekend in the Windsor Bor- eight.
derers Tournament, and limped The Blue's backline will have
away with a 21-3 setback. Chicago two major changes - Todd Patter-
ended up losing to Central Indiana son at fly half and John Braun at
i in the championship game while fullback. Braun will be making his,
Michigan captured third over first start for the Blue while Ross
Cleveland. Vickers is out for a week w i t h
The lineup set to, face the Lions pulled groin muscles.
Saturday will however be bigger The remainder of the backline
than the one in Windsor, but will consists of Cleland Child at scrum
be less experienced in the back- half, Rory 'Connerand John
field. Bohlke at the centers, and Brad
Mammoth John McManus will Whitmore and Ron Smitha at the
return to the Blue as prop, afterw
a verysimpressivetstint, on the Chicago enters the contest with
Gold last week, with prop Gary Cangetertegularesonwre-
Anderson. Hank Lukaski, after suf- an undefeated regular season re- i
Anfern Hankvere Lukis ats- cord of 6-0, having piled up impres-
ferinxg a severe hip bruise against sv itre vrteId es
MSU, will be out for at least three sive victories over the Indy Reds,
Wisconsin, NCAA champions Pal-

Probably Renfrew's biggest
concern is finding an adequate
replacement for Karl Bagnell in
goal. Bagnell had minded the
nets for the last three seasons
and the two returning netminders
have yet to gain a single minute
of experience.
Sophomores Roy Bolles and
Terry Lajeunesse have been
joined by freshmen Robbie Moore
of Sarnia and Henry Thon of
Trenton. "All of them have had
their moments," assesses Ren-
frew, "but right now Bolles and
Moore have the best chance at
the job."
The defense was the hardest
hit by graduation as regulars
Brian Skinner, Punch Cartier
and Jerry Lefebvre have now
But Renfrew anticipated this
problem and recruited heavily
during the off season.
Sophomore defenseman Pete
Dunbar, who played in spots last
year, suffered a broken foot dur-
ing the first week of practice and
will be unavailable to the team
when the season opens November
3 with North Dakota.
With sophomore Randy Tru-
deau the only returning defense-
man Renfrew .expects freshmen
Greg Fox, Tom Lindskog and
Gordie Cullen to step right in.
All three, incidentally, have the
credentials to do so. Fox was
an all-league selection playing
for the Kelowna (British Colum-
bia) Buckaroos, Lindskog helped
his Red Deer, Alberta team into
the Canadian finals, and Cullen
'starred for Toronto's Wexford
Injuries have also plagued the
efficiency of the forward lines.
Sophomore Gary Kardos, senior
Roy Ashworth, and freshman
Don Fardig have all lost im-
portant training time.
However Michigan lost very
little up front as only Bernie
Gagnon and Bucky Straubgrad-
Gagnon led the sometimes
weak offense with 28 goals while
Straub finally came into his own
last season with 11 league tallies.
Nonetheless, senior Michel
Jarry who was Michigan's sec-
ond leading scorer with 11 league
goals and 28 assists will be back
along with fellow seniors Rick
Mallette and Gary Connelly.
Bob Falconer, who had an ex-
plosive second half at left wing

is tne squad's only returning
junior while eight sophomores
are back.
Up front soph Paul-Andre Paris
will be joined by classmates
Randy Neal, Frank Werner and
Gary Kardos.
Moretto played with Cullen in
Toronto and was one of the
leagues top scorers.
Montreal's Pierre Sarrazin will
be counted on along with former
Detroit Junior Wing Don Fardig,
Paul Miller and Dave Wihak.
Don Dufek, who is also pur-
suing a football career should be
ready by the first of December.
Playing their largest league
schedule in history, the Wolver-
ines will battle loop foes 30
times with 16 encounters a)
home. Denver, Colorado and
Duluth will entertain Michigan
only twice this season while the
remainder of the league teams
will face the Wolverines four
times each.
Over the Christmas break,
Michigan will compete in the
highly successful Great Lakes
Invitational at Detroit. National
champion Boston University and
Ivy League power Harvard will
represent the East while Michi-
gan Tech will join the Wolver-
ines in representing the West. .
The WCHA has injected two
changes into the rulebook for the
1972-73 season. Body checking,
which previously was not allowed
in a team's offensive zone, now
becomes legal on the entire ice
surface. The only other change
enlarges the faceoff circles from
a diameter of 24 feet to 30.



AP Photo
'Dr.J is back
ABA All-Star forward Julius Erving announced yesterday that he
will play for the Virginia Squires again this season.


Badminton clubs clash

High-flying leather
SAVAGE COLT.. . A high flyer that's com-
fortably at home on the ground, fashioned of
mellow, lightweight Savage cowhide. Zipper fly
front with double ring tab closure at the neck.
Full lining and oversize collar of 100% wool
shearling pile. Turned up at cuffs and bottom.
You'll power up to a new high just by trying it on!

Hillel Foundation Presents
"The Shop On
Man Street"
Directed by Jon Kadar and
Elmer Klos
Starrina Josef Kroner and
Ida Kaminska
" . Totally without preten-
sion with two great performers
creating unforgettable portraits,
it stands as one of the finest
films of our time, for all time."
--Judith Crist
8 p.m.
SAT., SUN., Oct. 21-22
at HILLEL, 1429 Hil
50c admission

mer College, and last weekend they
came out on top in the City of,
Chicago Tournament.
If Michigan hopes to win, they
are going to have to do it by tak-
ing advantage of the Lion's virgin
backfield, which has five of its
seven starters incapacitated with


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Authorizcd Omega Agency... the Watch for a Lifetime of Proud Poaaseion
Ask for free Omega Style Brochure

Chance to mention an enthusias-
tic infatuation with the game of
badminton and observe the reac-
tions of those about you. Ah yes,
badminton the diversion of the
quaint and those otherwise in need
of counseling.
Good old badminton, an uncertain
combination of tennis and f 1 y-
swatting which numbers wind,
overhanging branches, and free-
swinging teammates among its in-
herent difficulties.
In reality, however, those who
know and avidly play badminton,
recognize that it is a valid sport
in every sense of the word, which
resembles backyard badminton
about as much as the San Diego
Padres resemble a baseball team.
Shortly, the general public will be
presented with an excellent oppor-
tunity to witness the true nature of
badminton and thereby lay to
rest their erroneous impressions.
Next Monday, October 23rd, at
7:30 p.m., in EMU's Bowen Field-
house, there will transpire a bad-
minton exhibition of the first mag-
nitude. Competing in both singles
and doubles matches will be the
United States Badminton Team and
the World Champion Indonesian'
Among the Americans are Tom
Carmichael, Mike Adams, Pam
Bristol, and Polly Bretske, all na-
tives of Michigan. Chris Kinard,
Number One rated men's singles
player,andaDon Paup, formerly an
instructor at MSU and presently
top rated in men's doubles are slat-
ed to participate.
Still, even in such company, the
principal figure of the evening will
be, without doubt, Rudi Hartono
of Surabaya, Java, a folk hero in
his homeland, who has won t h e
British badminton singles champ-
ionship for the last three years and
who is currently the top ranked
player in the entire world.
Before the initiation of the
matches, an explaination will be
offered in order to overcome the
misunderstandings which have
trouobled badminton in this coun-
try and to facilitate understanding
and appreciation of the action
which follows, for it may prove

both unfamiliar and surprising.
In badminton, the fifteenth point
is normally game point; yet, it is
only the served who can score. He
tallies a point whenever his op-
ponent makes an errant shot or
fails altogether to return. a shot.
Matches between polished play-
ers often require twenty to thirty
minutes for completion, and though
the score may be 15-2 or 15-4 and
thus appear uneven, this is as often
as not a function of the serving
system which places the server im-
mediately on defense.
Perhaps of all the unexpected
facets of badminton, the most re-
markable feature of the game is
its awesome demand on stamina
and endurance. To many minds the
pace of badminton and the lively
top-tapping rhythms of a Lawrence
Welk waltz are not easily disting-
uished. A player might even play
while popping old Larry's bubbles.
However, such is not the case.
A player may sometimes make
forty separate shots in a rally for
a single point. Unceasingly, he
must be on the move. Because of

the light structure of the shuttle-
cock, a player may hide his in-
tentions- until the last second and
then, with a subtle motion of the
wrist, may send it soaring toward
the baseline or let it die just be-
yond the net. One must constantly
protect against all such eventuali-
ties, and it is said that the game
is comparable to soccer and basket-
ball with respect to demands on
The American men players parti-
cipating in the exhibition as mem-
bers American Team were select-
ed at previously held trials, and
they will compete for the Thomas
Cup, the Davis Cup of the bad-
minton world. That world is in-
deed large. In some countries, most
notably Indonesia, Malaysia, and
Japan, badminton might justifiably
be cited as a national pastime.
Competition for the cup begins
in a short time, and the Cup will
be awarded following the final
matches in Indonesia next May.
The best of a little known world
is knocking on the door. See who's
making the racket.

( I

UAC DAYSTAR presents . .

Gridde Pickings
Once upon a time in the imaginarily real land of Bibbleworth lived
a Crappitt named Rabid. Loved by none, admired by few and scorned
by the Crappitt he loved, Rabid could stand no more, he decided to
end it all. Can no one help Rabid? Does no one care? Stop everything.
Hold the Presses. There is someone who cares. Super Tor, protector of
the innocent, champion of Crappitts, and a hell of a nice guy cares.
He'll save Rabid, but who will save Tor from the evil grubby clutches
of the Demo Prick? Tor is in desperate need of a new name for his
upcoming column (of mayonnaise). Can you help him? Send the name
of a column with the word or letters TOR in it to 420 Maynard and
win a Mr. Pizza pizza. Also keep those cards, letters and gridde
pickings coming in for some more good grease.

1. MICHIGAN at Illinois
(pick score)
2. Indiana at Ohio State
3. Wisconsin at Michigan State
4. Northwestern at Purdue
5. Iowa at Minnesota
6. Stanford at Oregon
7. Washington at Southern Ca!.
8. UCLA at California
9. West Virginia at Tulane
10. Texas at Arkansas


Nebraska at Kansas
Oklahoma at Colorado
Kentucky at LSU
TCU at Texas A&M
Syracuse at Penn State
Georgia Tech at Auburn
Boston College at Pitt
Navy at Air Force
Maryland at Duke
Schenectady Schnook versus

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