CONSUMER PROTECTION See Editorial Page 3k 43t fl til FROSTY High-4 Low-3S For details see "today ... Vol. LXXXIII, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 20, 1972 Ten Cents I WT!1t T 'W !1 !V'k WU Y 'V TT W'Y- ' 'T Ten Pages today. if you see news happeni call 76-DAILY Delhey calls. NH rSEyUTION Harvey acts illegal cites terrors,. RC buys books The Residential College's Representative Assembly yesterday voted to use its own funds to replace about $1,500-worth of books and records stolen in recent months from the college's library. The decision came after black students checked out and hid the library's 2,700 books to dramatize the need for replacement of the missing equipment. The Assembly also voted to appropriate $500 of its own funds to add a black student to the library staff-7 which now has two black employes out of a total of nine-and to designate a black lounge in East Quad. Ironic me(a)ssage The American Massage Parlor, busted in a raid Tuesday afternoon, is not without police protection. A sticker on the front door advises passersby that the parlor is registered with the Fraternal Order of Police, and anyone who gives "information leading to the arrest and conviction of burglars" will be re- warded for their efforts. Liz's money Democratic county commissioner candidate Elizabeth Taylor has a lot more going for her than her famous name. She's got $558.35 in campaign funds, she has announced. The campaign contributors rang from biggies like former city school board candidate Ruth 'Zweifler ($25), and city Councilperson Nelson Meade (D-Third Ward) ($15), to cheapskates like City Attorney Jerold Lax ($5), democratic candidate for sheriff Fred Postill ($5), local attorney Don Koster ($5), and The Daily's own books editor, Ed Surovell ($5). Green backers The number of students with enough interest in the fate of Chemistry Prof. Mark Green to attend a meeting has dwindled from 400 to a mere handful. Green was suspended last week for showing an anti-war slide presentation in one of his classes. Only thirteen students went to a meeting in the Student Activities Building last night to decide further plans, and two of those were reporters. No doubt the fact that Green has been temporarily reinstated has had a lot to do with it. Happenings . . won't bowl you over. Congressman Marvin Esch and his Democratic opponent Marvin Stempien have finally arranged to debate each other (after avoiding it throughout the campaign). They'll meet today at 8 p.m. in Rackham Aud. . . . tonight's visitors' night for the astronomy department. "Doc" Hazel Losh will be speaking on "the autumn sky" in Aud. B at 8 p.m. if you care to stay up past your bedtime. . . . Attorney David Chambers will be speaking on "the rights of prisoners and mental patients" tonight at 8 at 1502 Cambridge. The speech is part of the American Civil Liberties Union forum. . . . Huron High's mighty football team will meet Jackson Parkside tonight, 8 p.m., at Pioneer High, as Huron names its homecoming queen. No sign of Boggs ANCHORAGE, Alaska-More than 70 planes and a ground rescue team continued the search yesterday for Democratic House leader Hale Boggs and three others missing since Monday in a downed plane. The weather was the best it has been since the search began. Planes searched for fifty miles on each side of, the plane's flight path and ships continued to cruise along the coastline of the Alaskan Panhandle without finding any signs of Boggs. CIA sputters WASHINGTON-The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) stole the Soviet Sputnik to examine it while it was on world tour in 1958. According to "CIA-The Myth and the Madness," a new book by former CIA agent Patrick McGarvey, "the Sputnik was stolen for three hours by a CIA team which completely dismantled it, took samples of its structure, photographed it, reassembled it and returned it to its original place undetected." f The great pumpkin RUTLAND, Mass.-Wouldn't you know it? All the weirdos start coming out around Halloween. Five-year-old Katrina James was just sitting around minding her own business when the mailman delivered her a foot-high pumpkin. Just a pumpkin with her name and two 50-cent stamps on it. It seems that Katrina's grandmother was trying to prove that you can send anything through the mail if you put enough postage on it. The pumpkin arrived unharmed. High cost of loving? DETROIT-A middle-aged Detroit couple is still married after attempting to win a divorce on grounds that inequity in income tax laws penalized married couples. Charles Hammond and his wife Marie took the decision of Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Richard Maher philosophically yesterday and left the court smiling. "We love each other and we did this mainly as a 4 protest against income tax laws that penalize people for being married," Hammond said. "But we are going to appeal this." Their combined income of $18,000 was taxed $357 more because they were married than if they had been single and living to- gether, Hammond said. Students are truants? SNEW YORK-Letting istudents decide what they should learn and how much they should study has not produced "free and happy" students, but truants, dropouts and vandals, behaviorist and educator B. F. Skinner declared yesterday. In accepting the 1972 Award for Creative Leadership in Education from the New York University School of Education, the Harvard psychology professor said, "The alternative to punishment is not permissive- ness. We need alternative forms of control." According to Skinner, a sheer love of learning does not make for student discipline. "He plays truant as never before; he drops out of high school or takes time off during his college career; and he attacks the very teachers and vandalizes the very schools that have set him free," Skinner said. - - - Sheriff calls affair political By JONATHAN MILLER Sheriff Douglas Harvey's methods for disposing of re- covered stolen property are "illegal" but not "criminal," County Prosecutor William Delhey said yesterday. At a news conference called to announce the results of an investigation of Harvey, Delhey explained that although the sheriff and several of his officers have "not complied with the law with regard to the reporting of stolen property," they could not be prosecuted. The reason, Delhey said, was that the statutes and pro- cedures violated by, the sheriff carry no criminal sanctions. "Everything that's criminal is illegal, but not everything that's illegal is criminal;" Delhey, stated. Although Delhey said he could not prosecute-and was joined in the opinion by a- representative of the state at- torney general's office - he did make sweeping criticisms of Harvey's procedures, re- leasing in detail the intrica- cies of his month-long probe into the sheriff's department. Harvey later said that the fail- ures to complytwiththe law were "errors" and the result of over- sights and filing mistakes by an "overworked deputy." Harvev said he would take full Massage stud-io still' operating By ROBERT BARKIN Silent watchers Three South Vietnamese villagers watch as air strikes hit their village, Xom Suoi, some 22 miles north of Saigon. Governm were trying to dislodge small bands of North Vietnamese. Meanwhile, presidential advisor Henry Kissinger was conferring ye Saigon with President Nguyen Van Thieu on the prospects for peace in Indochina. (See story, Page 10). STATUES, GLASSES: Lost and found thrives in S AP Photo vent troops esterday in 4B, as detective work lds owners t By LAURA BERMAN Have you misplaced your pet armadillo? Has your unicycle wandered astray? Can't seem to find that three foot simulated- marble statue of Saint Francis of Assisi? The University Lost and Found doesn't accept pets or vehicles, but if Saint Francis is what you are looking for, he's waiting with proverbial patience in the corner of 3011 SAB along with many more ordinary but equally or- .phaned objects. Helen Sohni, presides over the scarves, books, umbrellas and 200 pairs of eyeglasses with con- cern, sorting and dating articles and, often, tracing their owners. Her principle problem now is the hundreds of eyeglasses that have accumulated since last September. "There must be a lot of blind people walking around," she says. Sightless stu- dents are going to have to hurry since the glasses will be sent to a mission in New York after Nov. 10. When dorm keys are lost, Sohni sends them back to the residence hall along with a slip that the key's owner returns as a re- ceipt. "I want to make sure the resi- dence halls don't go and charge the students for a new key," she says with the ingrained sus- picion any 27-year veteran of the University must possess. Most lost and found relics are kept for sixty days and then donated to various charities. More valuable items, such as jewelry, are kept for periods up to two years. Owners of iden- tifiable objects are notified by Science fiction: Revolutionary outlook on alternative futures mail and occasionally Sohni must turn detective to locate the owner. "Once .a nun sent a fraternity ring from Texas that she had discovered in Puerto Rico," she says. "The young man who' owned it had changed his name, but we finally traced him back to Puerto Rico only to find that he had moved to Texas in the same town where the nun lived." Sohni's hours in the lost and found are often spent poring over lists of names and checking out addresses. In the past she has resorted to handwriting analysis -comparing the letter formations on book covers with student sig- natures on their registration- naires. The lost and found also has some cashtonhand, including one mysterious envelope "containing a substantial sum" that was found last spring. Students are often reluctant to turn in cash. Students who are equally tor- 6ented and who need a helpful shove in the direction of the SAB, heed this: If the owner does not claim the object within 60 days, the person who turned it in can claim it. Sohni says, "It's a terrific way of getting rid of things." navy ,autcWV A resoonsibility for the errors. It was business as usual, at least The investigation, which was for the massage business, at the conducted with assistance from !American Massage Parlor yester- the Michigan State Police, con- I day. clded that: But Caesar's Retreat was not * Harvey shirked his legal exactly a lively place since its duty by failing to notify the Coun- door was locked and all signs that ty Board of Commissioners with- it was ever open have disappeared. in six months that he had recov- Both places were raided Tues- ered two snowmobiles and a camp- day by city police, and over a er-trailer: dozen people were arrested on * In the case of the trailer, charges of pandering and prostitu- Harvey and his officers failed to tion. make a sufficient attempt to lo-! The American Massage Parlor, cate the rightful owner (who was still welcoming customers with "do discovered by Delhey's investiga- you want a massage?" is now tors) and then stored the vehicle serving more patrons than ever in the driveway of Harvey's bro- as a result of Tuesday's brouhaha. ther-in-law; The dimly-lit establishment is of'thearve redi snowmobies o still in business, andwaccording to his daughter for $100, violating asthe reenin state law requiring that unidenti- stay open. fiable stolen property be disposed A masseuse, polishing her mani- of at public auction; cured fingernails, said that people * Harvey failed to turn in the have been coming in and saying, $100 for the snowmobile until this "Right on, I hope you stay open." week, 11 months after the sale. According to city police Capt. See HARVEY'S; Page 10 See MASSAGES, Page 10 Renner tops Bullard in party fu nds,11 By CHRIS PARKS The Republicans, on the other In the battle to take the 53rd 1hand, believe the presence of the district state representative seat Human Rights Party (HRP) in the state Republican party is out- the race gives Renner a real spending the state Democratic chance. party by 10 times. The difference *in size of the In releasing an itemized list of contributions largely reflects the contributions to his campaign yes- superior financial position of the terday, GOP hopeful Mike RennerGO sj revealed that the House Republi- Outside of HRC, the major con- can Committee (HRC) has fueled tributors to RennerD's campaign his effort with a whopping $4,000. were the Michigan Doctor's Poli- his or w aw oping , .tical Action Committee, Michigan The Democratic Legislative Cam- Trucker's Committee, and the paign Committee-the Democrat's Ripon Society. Each group gave equivalent of the HRC-gave their $100. candidate Perry Bullard $400. Roughly $1,340 came from in- The release of the figures dram- dividual contributors who gave atizes the importance both parties from $5 to $100 apiece. put on the local race. Conservative party candidate The Democrats in Lansing view Alan Harris, meanwhile, said he the liberal local district as a prize will not disclose the sources of his they must win. See GOP, Page 10 By DANIEL BLUGERMAN Dennis Livingston is a self-pro- claimed "consultant in education for alternative* world futures," but dedicated science fiction fans know him as a sci-fi proselytizer. Calling himself the "Johnny Ap- pleseed of Futurology," Livingston has been touring the country to spread the word and recently spoke here. "Science fiction is the literature of alternate social visions," he says. "It's reactionary in the cultural values it presents" and is, accord- ing to Livingston, thus well re- ceived by "third world and sub- culture peoples." Livingston feels that "sci-fi is more about the present than the McGovern, Agn-ew Meet NEW YORK (kP) - For the first time 'since the campaign began, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern shared a speak- ing platform yesterday - but they didn't debate politics. A last-minute change in plans by McGovern produced the first face-to~face campaign meeting with Agnew at a big charity din- ner here. future. It is a true mirror of our- culture that allows us to step back: and see ourselves." - The sci-fi enthusiast is a political science PhD who spends much of- his time reviewing and analyzingt science fiction. Although he hasn't written any himself, he's written many articles on sci-fi's applica- tions and implications. Livingston favors science fiction that espouses the idea that the fu- ture need not be a continuation of the present. He chides the traditional ideas of science fiction-that of the de- creasing quality of life in a global- industrial culture - as merely a "technocratic view of today, extra- polated into the future." Societies can choose "alternative mythologies" according to Living- ston, thus changing their self-con- cept'and altering their destiny. "This concept of social change," he says, "leaves history up for grabs." Peering out from behind horn' rimmed glasses that appeareddto be upside down, Livingston dis- cussed leading sci-fi authors. He contrasts Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" and many of Isaac Asi- mov's "distopias" - anti-utopias - with the traditional utopian out- look in sci-fi. Livingston says he feels that science fictionshas much to offer towards both developing the mind and increasing social awareness. -studies of possible and probable national and international futures, trends influencing theiroutcome; -Science fiction-a study of im- ages of alternative futures in fic- tion; -Utopies-the study of the re- vival of utopian social change movements in our time; and -Science, technology, and so- ciety-the study of the impact of science and technology on society. CARTOONIST SPEAKS Myers: Broom-Hilda and billions By MARTHA MINOW "Greed is one of my great motivating forces. I do all the work on the strip because then I don't have to share the money with any- one," says Russell Myers in a half- serious manner. Myers, the cartoonist of "Broom- Hilda" expounded on his life and cartoons this week with several journalism classes. creates the new, popular strip a b o u t Broom-Hilda the witch, placed in a surrealist setting. The inspiration behind the daily antics of that "n a s t y cigar-smoking witch" and her cohorts is born in a bathtub in Kansas City where the lanky cartoonist does his think- ing. "I don't like to write because I get easily distracted," Myers ex- On the inside . . Arts Editor Gloria Jane Smith reviews University Player's Showcase production of Samuel Beckett's play Endgame . . . Bob McGinn talks about football player "I want to make it as good as I can because I'm 34 and it's too late to turn back. I really like money. -Russell Myers