See Editorial Page
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For details see "today ..
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 37
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday,i
October 19, 1972
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
- -------- - - -
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Blacks hide books
Angry East Quad blacks have checked out and hidden every
book in the dorm library-a protest against quad librarian Jim
Murphy. The blacks' complaint is that Murphy has failed to re-
place a $600 collection of records on black themes stolen over
the Summer. Their next move: the presentation of a list of de-
mands to the Representative Assembly of the Residential Col-
lege. The demands include the establishment of a separate
black lounge.
McGovern- favoirtc here
Sen. George McGovern may be trailing in the national
polls, but he is still a clear favorite with students at the Uni-
versity. According to a poll released yesterday by the McGovern/
Shriver people, McGovern leads Nixon by a whopping 38 per cent
-54 to 16 per cent. But "undecideds" and "others" make up a
large 30 per cent of the students - three times the national av-
erage. The poll was conducted by Student Government Council.
Day of reckoning
It's a big day for Sheriff Douglas Harvey. County prosecu-
tor William Delhey says he will announce the result of his in-
vestigation into LIarvey's rather questionable methods of dis-
posing of recovered stolen property. Word of Harvey's fate - he
could be charged with misuse of his power - will come at a 2
p.m. press conference in Delhey's office.
Harvey 'hurt'
In other sheriff's election news comes the report that Ameri-
can Independent Sheriff Harvey is "hurt" at his Republican
opponent Undersheriff Harold Owings' assertion that, if elected,
Owings will not give Harvey a job. Harvey said yesterday that
he certainly will allow Owings to keep his job if he is elected. The
third contender, Democrat Fred Postill, is not thought likely to
keep either of them.
Tall tale
Who knows what evil lurks in Tower Plaza? Responsible
Alternative Party(RAP) honchosBrad Taylor, BillThee and Bill
Krebaum think they do. At least, they thought they did early
yesterday morning when the three of them, armed with a
camera, camped outside the monolithic apartment building con-
vinced that a top-level conspiracy against them was underway.
Well, as it turned out, GROUP leader and SGC President Bill
Jacobs, GROUP elections maestro John Koza and Credentials
and Rules Committee member Dave Schaper were within the tall
walls, but it isn't quite clear they were conspiring. Schaper ex-
plains that they had gotten together to write an article for The
Michigan Student News.
Bullard and HRP
In our little item about Perry Bullard this week - the one
that mentioned the Human Rights Party's effort to set up a
Bullard rumor control line - we neglected to mention the
"rumor" that so infuriated HRP. As we have been accused of
slandering Bullard without evidence, we print here the rumor
in question: According to an HRP member Bullard told an East
Quad resident that he (Bullard) had helped to draft the local
$5 pot ordinance. HRP says this is "obviously not true." Bul-
lard explains: "What I said was that I helped draft the Michigan
Marijuana Initiative petition."J
HRP and Bullard
When we were researching the above item we were informed
in strong, terms by Bullard and his law partner, Don Koster,
that HRP member Frank Shoichet was conducting a "smear
campaign" against Bullard. As evidence they pointed to an
anonymous leaflet circulated around campus before the primary
which attacked Bullard and concluded that Bullard was really
"Bullshit." "A vote for Bullshit is a vote for Bullshit," the leaf-
let proclaimed Shoichet yesterday admitted he was responsible
for the leaflet, and defended it as "all true."
0 More today . . . items are on Page 100
congressmen adjourned and
headed home for neglected re-
election campaigns last night
a f t e r overriding President
Nixon's veto of a $24-billion
water-cleanup bill and reject-
ing his $250--billion spending
Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
Sen. George McGovern waves to members of the Detroit Economic Club yesterday who gave him a
rousing welcome. Seated next to him is Detroit's dashing mayor, Roman Gribbs.
policies assailed
by Mc Govern in Detroit
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Sen. George Mc-
Govern' again attacked President
Nixon's economic and defense
policies yesterday in a speech to
the Economic Club of Detroit in
Cobo Hall.
Recalling f o r m e r President
Dwight Eisenhower's warning
that the United States "must
guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence by the
military-industrial complex," Mc-
Govern said that Eisenhower
"must be stirring uneasily in his
After his speech, McGovern
endorsed Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
ley, who is challenging incurn-
bent Republican Robert Griffin
in this year's Senate race. He
then quipped that he hoped the
endorsement wouldn't "be too
McGovern spent much of his
speech criticizing Nixon's pr)-
posed $250 billion budget ceiih'-g
Apparently the speech had not
been updated since yesterday's
congressional action dropping the
budget" woild not be cut, but
that "the slashing" would come
in education, health care, job.;
and training programs.
McGovern also accused :he
Nixon administration of having
"carried out a deliberate policy
The 92nd Congress finished its
business and adjourned after two
years of work highlightedrbyen-
actment of a $30.2-billion revenue
sharing bill, giving 18-year-olds the
right to vote and a standoff on the
Vietnam War.
With the elections only three
weeks away, many of the congress-
men didn't wait around for Con-
gress to quit.
Sen. Jacob Javits (R-N.Y.)
threatened at one point to snarl
the adjournment rush by demand-
ing a roll-call' vote, knowing a
quoruim of at least 51 senators
couldn't be mustered for one.
More than two-thirds of the 533-
member House had left town by
that time, leaving the House with-
out a quorum to act on the $6-
billion highway bill, which also
would have authorized $3.4 billion
for mass transit.
In other congressional action, a
bill taking the first federal steps
to muffle major sources of noise
was sent to President Nixon after
backers finally overcame the ob-
jections of one congressman.
The Senate approved the bill by
voice voteshortly after the legis-
lation cleared the House.
Rep. Durward Hall (R-Mo.) after
twice refusing to let the House give
unanimous approval to an emer-
gency maneuver rushing the noise-
control bill to the Senate, gave up
his objections when sponsors cut
back the money-authorization level
to 21 million over three years.
As the Congress rushed toward
adjournment, the Senate and House
rejected the spending ceiling de-
spite Nixon's assertions that such
action would place the blame for
inflation and a future tax increase
on Congress.
Both the Senate and House acted
by voice vote.
The House originally voted to
give the President unrestricted
authority to trim the budget by $7
billion to meet the limit. The Sen-
ate had voted to prohibitcutting
any one program more than 10
per cent.
The Nixon administration has "carried out a
deliberate policy of putting people out of work
in the name of combatting inflation."
George McGovern
........... :: ; :..................istig
The Democratic presidential
nominee labelled, the proposal "a
cynical device to-;draw public at-
tention away from the pain and
cost" of presidential economic
McGovern charged that under
the ceiling, "a bloated military
HRP backers debate
McGovern staffers
On the inside ....
. . . Herb Bowie, Daily reviewer extraordinaire, looks
at Away With Words, the Beatle extravaganza . . . staff
writer Charles Stein examines the schizophrenic reactions
to panhandling on the Editorial Page . . . the inimitible
Sports Page has the wet news of the scene in Oakland
The weather picture
BULLETIN/FLASH/URGENT. At 7:32 p.m. last night
the writer of this column was struck a not-so-violent blow
on the cheek by a snow flake at the rear of the building
at 420 Maynard St. The flake escaped but was observed to
melt on the ground seconds later. THIS SHOULD BE CON-
SIDERED A WARNING. More of this insidious stuff is
reportedly on the way. Beware. Wear your long winter
woolens and keep your head covered. That is all.
"The situation is urgent. It's
not a question of how good Mc-
Govern is, but how bad Nixon is,
said Alan Crockett, city coordina-
tor for the local McGovern cam-
"We must break the two-party,
system to bring about radical
change. McGovern is committed
to the present system," said
Eric Chester, co-chairperson of
the Human Rights Party's (HRP)
statewide campaign committee.
I Chester and Crockett typified
the two clashing sides last night
of an informal debate on the best
way to effect f u n d a m e n t a l
: change.
Much of the debate centered on
George McGovern's candidacy.
Crockett and Jacqui Hoop, an-
other McGovern worker, stressed
the "urgency" of the upcoming
presidential election to the crowd
of about 70 in Aud. B.
"McGovern represents a prom-
ise of change, through maybe
not as much as we'd like, in the
right direction," said Crockett.
"He must be elected so some-
thing canbe done.He would end
the war, diminish spending, push
for tax reform.'
While both the HRP and the
McGovern workers agreed that
American society is "sick" and
must be changed, they dis-
agreed on the methods of accom-
plishing that change.
The two participating HRP
workers emphasizedathe neces-
sity for a radical third party and
urged support for HRP.
Though they did not reject
McGovern, they said energy
shoild be directed towards the
b,>ilding of radical parties.
Crocketttobjected, saying, "It
will take ten, 20, 30 years to get
a third party strong enough. We
mu>st work now. The issues are
so real, so urgent that I don't
see how anyone can say Mc-
Govern wouldn't make a differ-
"I don't understand how a radi-
cal can't work against Nixon's
defeat." he added.
Chester however rebutted this
"'t'hisscare stuff about Nixon
dicks the real issue. The real
ouestion is whether you canare-
form the Democratic party.
Every four years we have a
new pseudo-liberal," he argued.
"In four years (assuming Nixon
wins) it will be the same, maybe
Kennedv vs. Agnew. We must
work for fundamental change
now." argued Chester.
"HRP doesn't say what to do
in the voting booth. We never
tell people to vote for McGovern
or not to vote for him," added
Nancy Burghardt, coordinator of
the Washtenaw County HRP.
of putting people out of work in
the name Hof combatting infia-
The senator promised to lower
unemployment to four per cent
by 1974 through creation of pub-
lic service jobs, manpower pro-
grams, and federal stimulation
of the economy. He added that
his welfare proposals would re-
duce the number of people re-
ceiving welfare.
"I won't offer welfare recipi-
ents a sermon on the work ethic,
I will give them a job," he said.
Reiterating his stand on tax
reform,'McGovernpromised to
close tax loopholes and tax
"money made by money the
same as money made by me1.'
The Nixon administration} re-
sponds on reflex against ordi-
nary people, McGovern chargcd.
He promised to "put the peonle
first,"ncalling it the "soundest
McGovern received a standing
ovation from the Economic Club
as he entered the hall's Grand
Ballroom. His speech was inter-
rupted several times by applause.
United Auto Workers President
Leonard Woodcock introduced
McGovern, praising the senator
for "waging a gallant campaign
under sometimes extraordinary
In response to a question aficr
his speech, McGovern said he
was puzzled by the lack of pub-
lic response to such issues a
the Watergate bugging and
charges of Republican political
AP Photo
The man from'Maine
Sen. Edmund Muskie discusses a Senate vote that overrode Presi-
dent Nixon's veto of a $24.6 billion bill aimed at ridding America's
waters of all pollution by 1985.
tate rep candidates
Earlier, the House joined the
Senate to enact thetwater-pollution reveal contributions
control bill over the President's
Nixon had vetoed the $24-billion, By CHRIS PARKS 1 Burghardt listed $1,203 in contri-
three-year anti-pollution bill after b butions, Bullard $1,196.
calling it a "staggering, budget- Republican state representative
wrecking" measure that included candidate Mike Renner said yes- Conservative P a r t y candidate
$18 billion morethan he requested. terday he has collected $4,200 in Alan Harris, who has not released
The Senate overrode the veto campaign contributions - probably a list of his contributors, said yes-
52-12 and the House 247-23. more than the combined totals of terday he is "looking into the
T h e n e w anti-pollution law his other three opponents. matter."
authorizes $18 billion over the next Renner, who has yet to produce The bulk of Burghardt's money
three years in grants to states and a complete listing, estimated his came from small contributors giv-
municipalities to pay 75 per cent campaign earnings at $5,700 -in- ing an average of $16 apiece. Such
of the cost of building sewage and cluding $1,500 collected during the contributions accounted for $803,
waste treatment plants. primary. or roughly two-thirds of the total.
It also calls for strict limits on
industrial discharges into inland Both Human Rights Party (HRP) .The rest came from four "big-
and coastal waters. By July 1, ! candidate Steve Burghardt and gies" who contributed $100 apiece.
1977, plants will have to meet Democrat Perry Bullard, however, They were Phillip Carroll, a Uni-
limits based on the "best prac- a versity highway research engineer;
ticable technology," and by 1983, released detailed lists of campaign'Zolton Ferency, HRP's state su-
limits based on the "best avail- donors and the amounts of their preme court candidate; Susan Sae-
able technology." contributions. gart, a resident of Brooklyn and a
former University student; and
* Marshall Burghardt, Steve Burg-
.U/"C1 -] - " I T hardt's brother.
T T .-,. A4-, .mmL,%
Referral agencies still
advise N.Y. abortions
reversed, says U.S. physician
Although abortions are now legal in Michigan,
local referral agencies are still sending pregnant
women to New York for abortions.
Since Wayne County Judge Charles Kaufman's
ruling striking down all abortion laws went into
effect Oct. 10, clinics have been springing up in
The Office of Religious Affairs, however, is
not yet recommending that people go to the clinics.
"We don't know enough yet about the clinics to
feel comfortable referring people there," says
Counseling Director Leonard Scott.
men have been requesting information on the De-
troit clinics. "I haven't heard from any women
who have gone into Detroit for an abortion yet,"
he comments.
Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood isn't sending
people to Detroit because they are unsure about
the legality of Kaufman's ruling.
"What with all the appeals going on, we're wait-
ing until Nov. 7 to consider Detroit clinics," says
a spokeswoman. "We want to see what happens
on the abortion referendum''
If the referendum passes, it would legalize
abortions by physicians up to the 20th week of
NEW YORK - A surgeon here reported yester-
day he has performed operations which have re-
versed vasectomies in 18 out of 19 men he has
A vasectomy cuts the tubes in the penis, the
vas deferens, through which sperm cells pass.
Once performed, it has been considered to make
men sterile forever.
But the tubescan be rejoined in surgery
performed under a microscope, Dr. Julius Jacob-
son of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York
told a conference in Vienna, Austria.
The microscope vision makes the tiny severed
tubes appear 25 times larger than they actually
are, so the surgeon can sew the ends together
again and make sure the tubes are open once
on whom he operated. More may have been born,
he said in an interview before leaving for Au-
In 1970, some 750,000 American men had vasec-
tomies, and there now ate about 350 clinics
or hospital facilities where vasectomies are being
performed, says the Association for Voluntary
Vasectomy does not interfere with ability to
haxe sexual relations. It simply means no sperm
are ejaculated.
But some men may wish to have fertility re-
stored if they decide they want more children,
if their existing family is lost or if they remarry,
Dr. Jacobson said.
More men might have vasectomies, a relatively
A r o u n d $443 of Burghardt's
money came from donors outside
the district. Of that, $260 came
from out of state.
The lion's share of Bullard's
funds came from various Demo-
cratic Party and union organiza-
The largest of these contributions
was from the Lansing-based Demo-
cratic Legislative Campaign Com-
mittee which gave $400.
Stan Fedeway of the committee
said yesterday the organization is
giving contributions of between
$200 and $400 to candidates' "in
what we consider tough races."
Speaking about the 53rd district
race he said, "with HRP siphon-
ing off normally Democratic stu-
dent votes, people in Lansing fear
the Republican might get in."
The Michigan AFL-CIO gave Bul-