Page Six rHE MICHIGAN DAILY dnesdoy, October 18 1.972 P a g e S i xE H E M I C I G A N D A I Y W d n e d o y , O c t b e r 1 8 , 1 9 7 .r..r Secret Vietnam analysis E I reveals conflicting policy I WASHINGTON (A) - An analysis study, which was sent to the Penta- singer, presidential advisor for na- of the Vietnam war, widely cir- gon in March 1971, said it receiv- tional security affairs. culated among Nixon administra- ed attention from top officials in- His analysis was prepared as an tion planners but never released, cluding Kissinger. RAND is a pub- unclassified document but was ney- said 18 months ago that peace nego- lic research corporation w h o s e er released after submitted to the tiations and Vietnamization "can- principal client is the Defense De- Pentagon for routie security re- not be pursued simultaneously, partment. with equal chance of success." The author of the analysis said view. The study said any thaw in peace that Vietnamization offered t h e Pauker's analysis said also that talks could undermine the "atmos- best opportunity for American with- Americans who demand that the phere of 'struggle for survival' on drawal under conditions that would government of President Nguyen which Vietnamization depends" and maximize the chances that a viable Van Thieu broaden its political base recommended Vietnamization as non-Communist regime would en- do not understand Vietnamese poli- the best opportunity for U.S. dis- ' dure in South Vietnam." tics. engagement from the war. Thus, he said, North Vietnam 'A truly 'broadly based' or 're- The administration is on record might soften its negotiating stance presentative' government is not as seeking a settlement of the war as a tactic to undermine Vietnain- possible in South Vietnam today," through peace talks while pursuing ization. The U.S. seeks to strength-. he wrote. "It is a fiction which a policy of Vietnamization. en the South Vietnamese govern- can only perpetuate chaos and re- The study, prepared by a senior ment to a point it can resist Com- tard the Vietnamization program RAND Corp. analyst, argued that munist pressure without direct U.S. that will permit American disen- Communist participation in South military involvement. gagement." Vietnamese government would re- The RAND analysts was written In the last six months, f a c e d suilt in an end of American a i d by Guy Pauker, who spent years with a Communist military offen- without which a Communist take- in Vietnam and Indonesia and be- sive, Thieu has moved against do-' over "would only be a matter ofV came an influentialeadviser on mestic political opposition, suspend time." Asian policies. He was a Har- ed provincial elections and closed Sources familiar with the RAND yard classmate of Dr. Henry his- several newspapers. AP Photo Explaining the accident Surviving pilot Richard Bingham, whose plane crashed into an Ice Cream Parlor and killed 22 persons, explains his take-off pro- cedure to a national safety board hearing yesterday. Witnesses charged that Bingham attempted a premature takeoff. TREATY RATIFIED: Germans agree to ease border travel I kI r I' i - I BONN, Germany (A") - East and West Germany completed action yesterday on a trafic treaty easing border restrictions. and began talks on one to normalize relations be- tween the long hostile states. The historic document, ratified Monday by East Germany's rub- ber-stamp parliament, was approv- ed by the West German Bundestag last month. The two diplomats immediately resumed efforts to negotiate a treaty normalizing relations be- tween their two countries, still sep- arated by an 816-mile border where East German guards shoot to kill defectors to the west. The traffic treaty will ease pas- sage through the border by road, rail and inland waterway. Added concessions by E a s t Germany allow Germans to visit relatives across the border for a total of 30 days a year, provide for unlimited tourist traffic via recog- nized travel bureaus, and for he first time permit East Germans below pension age to visit the west on pressing family matters. ~ h. ,." 1, . 1 . J! . Activities? "But I want friends, something to keep my diversity, action and interest, too!" Wr f i i4au aiui BUSINESS STAFF IS LOOKING FOR YOU! Come see FRAN M-F, 10-2 and M-W-F 2-4 at 420 MAYNARD Staff members needed in advertising, cr- culation, classified, and finance. To KEEP AMERICA BEAUNiFUL by IEiNRyO:EBgor Because it's my country. . ,,.. And it's getting dirty. That's why -ai "M V-I 1N *%PAN B19A F '9, MAN M-E U HEM r-1 I I N U fEW T E1 1 {v~aa E: s ~ a . It U