i4e Ar ian DatiI Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan After the war: Battleground America 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1972 Nixon on draft resisters PRESIDENT NIXON has pledged not to grant amnesty to draft dodgers and deserters after he has negotiated "an :honorable peace" in Southeast Asia. He repeated this promise on Monday night during a surprise appearance at the annual convention of the National League of Families of POWs and MIAs (soldiers missing in action). He told the convention that "it would be the most immoral thing I could think of to give amnesty to draft dodgers and those who deserted," and that they "would have to pay a price for their choice.', It seems a little strange for a man. who has been largely responsible for a war that has taken the lives of 700,000 people in the last four years-to be talk- ing about anyone else's morality. And for a man that has supported the unwilling conscription of persons to fight a war they consider illegal - to be talking about justice. And for a person who carrying out his campaign; three and a half years - ing of evasion. has evaded promises for to be speak- THE WHOLE- PREMISE on which his statements are based is shaky. First, the very issue of a draft system in a "free" country where people have a "voice" in their government has by no means been resolved. Second, the war he expects these peo- ple to fight he pledged to terminate when he took office. And, finally, after every past war am- nesty has been granted to American draft resisters and deserters. How can the President change this precedent without a concrete differentiation of the Vietnam conflict, going beyond an emo- tional appeal for the votes of POW fami- lies? -KATHY RICKE By ROBERT BARKIN WHEN THE war in Vietnam is finally over, a new battle should just be starting. But the battleground will not be in a jungle, and the objective will not be to kill and mutilate. The battle will take place here in the United States, and the objective will be to restore the morality and vitality of our nation. While the consequences of such a struggle may be severe, they are worthwhile, what- ever the cost. For nothing- less than the future of this country, institutionally as well as morally, will be at stake. What we have done to the Vietnamese people can never be repaid. But we must ensure for the future that such futile and brutal wars are never repeated. THE FIRST step is to make the Ameri- can people aware of what they have done. This will not be an easy task. Throughout the war, they have contin- ually refused to acknowledge that we have done our best to destroy a people and a country. No matter how much they are shown the terror and destruction wrought by our military machine, the American people still refuse to accept the truth. It is the duty of those of us now against the war to be even morefervent after itstconclusion. Extensive use of the media as well as slide shows will be necesary to tell the story. If the American people are still unim- pressed, perhaps guided tours of the de- struction should be given, similar to the toursofrthe concentration camps given the German people after Woi'ld War II. The American conscience must be awak- ened. THE RESULT may not be very pleasant. The American people, for all their fron- tier spirit and laissez-faire individualism,' might havebsome compassion. If they do, there will be a traumatic shock throughout our country. If they do not, our national soul may fall far below purgatory. The reaction of our nation, assuming there is a reaction, will be national guilt. Today in Germany there are plaques com- memorating the concentration camps. They are constant reminders of what a nation has done to innocent people. The Olympics in Munich went to extra- ordinary lengths to show how anti-militar- istic the German people are today;. Such a national guilt will be a part of America after the war. BUT TO a degree ours will be exacer- bated. We cannot say, as did the Germans, that we simply did not know; nor can we plead that we were under a totalitarian re- gime. Daily, we saw the destruction of our bomb- ing and the killing of those people. We are part of a democratic nation that has free elections that supposedly influence policy. "... The anti-war movement all but dissolved when most of our troops came home. But it must be resurrected at the end of the-war . . . We must be forced to see what we have done." Moaninlg, GOP bigwigs 0 0 . THE NIXON Administra- .tion, in its never ending struggle to prove truth is stranger than fiction, really went all out yesterday. Newspaper reports over the weekend made the allega- tion that Nixon aides had helped organize actions sabotaging Democratic can- didate George McGovern's, and earlier, Edmund Mus- .kie's campaigns. One news- paper report, for the Wash- ington Post, had interviewed one of the White House un- derlings who readily admit- ted all the gory details. So Monday three of the administration bigwigs - press secretary Ron Ziegler, Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President, Clark MacGregor, and Re- publican National Commit- tee Chairman Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) - decided that what everybody really The American people will demand to know what happened. \ The focus of their question will be direct- ed toward the President. For it was from that office which many of the lies were perpetrated. Wars that were denied, such as in Laos and Thailand. Bombs that were supposedly never dropped, such as on civilidn targets in Hanoi. Damage claimed never to have been perpetrated, to hos- pitals and schools in the North. Further questions will be asked of our legislative branch. They could not, and did not want, to stop the war. Their power eroded in the face of a firm executive. They did not accept their duty as the only branch that can declare war. The military and intelligence structure will also be challenged - on their optimis- tic reports that were blatant lies, t h e uncontrolled bombing by General John La- Velle, and methods used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to question prisoners. CHANGES IN our institutions will be de- manded, and most must be implemented through Congress. It must place limitations on the President's power to engage in mili- tary action. No funds should be allowed for engagements of more than 30 days with- out specific Congressional approval. The chain of command in the military must be placed squarely in the hands of civilians. The actions of the military must be accountable to the Congress. A thorough investigation of the workings of the CIA must be conducted. to find out what other secret wars they are conducting. The office of the presidency, finally, must not be as centralized as it is today. Surely a powerful executive is needed to contend with our diplomatic relations. But that of- fice must be counter balanced by a strong legislature and judiciary. This can pnly be done by a strong mandate from the voters of our country. THERE IS also the sinking of our inter- national prestige that must be faced. We must accept that many countries, especially those of the third world, despise what we stand for. It will not be easy to shake the image of a powerful aggressor. We have been fighting wars intermittently, ever since the end of World War II. No other large country, free or communist, can m a k e that claim. And despite our assertion that they were all for the sake of the preserva- tion of democracy, the rest of the world does not believe us. We must first stop our bullying of small nations to accept governments that we im- pose. This has continually been the case of the regimes in South Vietnam. In addi- tion, we must begin to share our wealth with other nations, and stop using 40 per- cent of the world's resources for only six percent of the population. Inotherwords, there must be a thorough restructuring of our institutions and our na- tional perspectives, in terms of international relations. Not only must we refrain from engagements like Vietnam, we must not want them. These proposals are not radical by any means. They are only the return to the principals upon which our nation was founded - a strong legislature balancing a chief executive and a military under civilian control, and restraint in our dealings with other peoples. THE ALTERNATIVE to the proposed ac- tions would be a greater tragedy than the war ever was. For, we must come to grips with our horrible mistake. If we do not, it may be repeated. This lould be the greatest tragedy of all. The anti-war movement all but dissolved when most of our troops came. home. As if to say there is nothing wrong if Amer- icans are not dying. But it must be resurrected at the end of the war. At that time it will be most crucial. The American people must not be allowed to salve their consciences by ignor- ing the remnants of Vietnam. We must be forced to see what we have done. When the full impact is made clear; when the damage is fully assessed, and when the responsibility is clearly placed; maybe they we will undertake the changes in our country to ensure that it can never happen again. Robert Barkin is a Daily night editor. "Lights! Camera! Obfuscation!" Cancer and the, morning-after pill wanted to know was not what the ad- ministration knows about the charges, but what a lousy paper the Post is. So Ziegler bemoaned the charges as "hearsay, innuendo and guilt by asso- ciation." And Dole called the accusations "dat- ed and alleged rather than recent and proven. But MacGregor gets this week's booby prize for oration. The replacement for recently resigned John Mitchell attack- ed the Post for using "unsubstantiated charges, anonymous, sources, and huge scare headlines." Indeed, if all one did is listen to this Tricky Dick Troika, one would have a very low opinion of such journalists. But the funny thing is the Republicans no- where denied the allegations. They yelled and screamed and wretched but they could not get themselves to deny the charges. In fact they didn't deal with the substance of the charges at all. Ziegler, for one, didn't want to "dig- nify" such charges by responding to them and MacGregor had an even eas- ier response, he simply walked out after reading his prepared statement. IT IS OBVIOUS that the Post has struck a sore spot, and the administration has reacted with the same smear tactics which first brought our President to power a quarter of a century ago. Admittedly the new allegations will have little effect on the outcome of the election. But the public has a right to know - they may not like it but it's the only administration we've got. -WILLIAM ALTERMAN To The Daily: CONGRATULATIONS to T h e Daily for admitting a link between the morning after pill and cancer! You've come a, long way, baby. Now that the evidence from recent medical journals has been present- ed to doctors at the Health Serv- ice, and to personnel -at The Daily, the public can finally be informed of what the original article in 'herself' newspaper stated: T h a t diethylstilboestrol (DES) is a po- tent carcinogen and women who take it in massive doses should be told of this fact. Now that T h e Daily realizes its dangers, I hope the Health Service will follow suit. told millions to the pharmaceuti- cal industry. (Science, Sept. 23, Vol. 177; Prevention, Oct. 1972). DES HAS ALSO caused leukemia in animals, sterility in heifers and milk-producing teats on steers (Prevention, Oct. 1972). A recent article in Science decrying the many uses of DES at 2 parts per billion gave no mention of its use at 22,000 parts per billion on wo- men. Thinking that the author had not known about thisparticular use of DES I informed him, only to find that he had in fact known. When Science was asked t- print information about its use on wo- men, the editors replied that they "lacked space." Maybe when men realise that they are getting estrogen everyday in their diet which may cause breast growth, loss of libido, and sexual impotency, will they be- come concerned enough to demand an FDA ban on it, and then women can benefit by coincidence. Then pregnant women will no longer have to subject their babies to a daily intake of DES in their diet, and will not have to worry so much about vaginal cancer, and maybe someday women at the Health Ser- vice will stop being administered ,DES in lieu of safer methods such as menstrual extraction (although it is more time-consuming and less profitable). - Many people have responded to this moriing-after-pill issue by say- ing that "everything is carcino- genic in massive doses." DES i% carcinogenic in small doses, and it is given in massive doses to women. Where men are concerned, hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent to lobby before Con- gress to get DES out of their diets at subtraceable levels. Yet not even one doctor in Ann Arbor will come out against serving it up to women at 11,000 times that amount! -Kay Weiss Advocates for Medical Information Oct. 15 t .. - . ,.., t .. . .. .IBM bust computed SOME 200 odd years ago our founding fathers hit upon the idea of "Free Enterprise." Not a bid system for the kind of small entrepreneurial economy we had, but one which found the going rough in the late 1800's. Some small en- trepreneurs became big entrepreneurs; and in the process wiped out the com- petition. Men like Andrew Carnegie and John Rockefeller built mammoth monopolies around the steel and oil industries. Through some devious operating meth- ods they managed to drive everyone else in their fields out of business. But along came "Trust-busting" Teddy Roosevelt to smite such "heejous month- sters", or at least so the story goes. The big corporations have had a way of ingratiating themselves with the gov- ernment in Washington - for example, the ITT connection with Nixon - and monolithic industries still exist, and flourish, in America today., All this leads up to the interesting headlines in yesterday's paper - "Break- ternational Business Machines has installed 70 per cent of all equipment in the United State per cent of the computer equipm seas. And when it comes to in itself with the government, ITT] ing over IBM. Tom Watson, of IBM's executive board, is active in the Democrats f movement. SO IF IBM and the WhiteI tight, why is the justice d( seeking a breakup. Possibly o attribute high motives to 'th ment. Maybe somebody there does believe in free enterprise fect competition? Perhaps som realize the imperialism inheren S. company doing 50 per cent o of the world's computer busin Not likely. It is more logical that the ad tion is just trying to show t people" of American that it against those big bad corporatio everybody is always linking th three-and-a-lf vears a~fte~rt] I take issue with Dr. Anderson's statement, "There is no danger to the woman who takes the morning- after-pill, so it will continue to be used." Is he unaware of what Dr. Hertz, chief of endocrinology of reputedly the National Cancer Institute has computer pointed out, that results of taking es, ad 50 DES may not be detectable for 10 s, and 50 to 20 years? Went over- THE DAILY stated that when gratiating DES was given as treatment for has noth- prostate cancer, it induced cardio- chairman vascular disease and blood clot- also very ting; but The Daily somehow fail- or Nixon ed to mention that breast cancer, a rare disease in males, was also one of the side effects in 17 men House are who took it. (Natural Resources epartment Defense Council, Washington Post, one could Oct. 24, 1971). e depart- Side effects of nausea, vomiting, actually and abdominal cramps which the antupery Health Service does not inform wo- and per- men of, are so severe that at least eone does one woman stopping the morning- it in a U. after-pill before the 5 days were If the rest up, and remained pregnant, pos- ess. sibly to bear a child who may have vaginal cancer. The Australian Drug Evaluation iministra- Committee stated on Sept. 9, 1972, he "little that "stilboestrol should be avoided really is as a post-coital contraceptive . .. ons which Australia, of course, banned stil- em to. So boestrol from Australians' diets 12 years ago. Perhaps there is some he John- n~f nne nU0"tAfktta Damn relevance? To The Daily: THIS TALK of the "relevance" of Dr. Green's slide show obscures the issue. Relevance be damned. A pro-administration slide show, e.g., illustrating the uses of engi- neering technology. by the North Vietnamese, could as easily be con- cocted. I'm sure we could make pro-Zionist, anti-Zionist, pro-abor- tion, anti-abortion, etc., slide shows "relevant" to many subjects. It.is a misuse of the power entrusted to a teacher to take up the time giv- en him to teach a given subject -and instead championing his per- sonal political views. This is simply dishonest, and does not come under the heading of "creative teaching", try as we may. --Aaron B. Corbet, '73 Oct. 12 SGC insurance To The Daily: IN THE Oct. 8 Daily a letter to the editor suggested that students on the University campus should check into the possibility of stu- dent health insurance providing coverage for abortions. The health insurance plan of- fered by Student Government Council this year does cover abor- tion in addition to miscarriage and other pregnancy - related com- plications for up to $275. Further details on the SGC health insurance plan can be ob- taned at the SGC office, Room 3X, Michigan Union or by 'calling -763-3241. -Bill Jacobs President, Student Government Council Oct. 11 Wants comics To The Daily: DURING THE past month The Daily has become a welcome ad- dition to- my morning. I also ap- preciate the quick summaries in the "today . . ." column. But one I I wIu .1