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October 17, 1972 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-10-17

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Tuesday, October 17, 1972


4. W4 4" I 7.E E,1.r


--fat e2pect
Still borings
. .0


. still winning


i-john papanek...I L

N THE WAKE of Michigan's most recent victory, their 10-0
pasting/squeaker (choose one) over Michigan State, con-
troversy still smolders among sportswriters, fans and other
students of the game as to whether Saturday's contest was a
thrilling barn-burner or a boring bust.
It seems that everyone I've asked about the game clings to
one or the .other extreme. I thought it was a good game, both
from a standpoint of execution and excitement. Some people,
including a well known Detroit sports columnist, thought that the
game was dull; that only a handful of plays elicited any excite-
And those cynics must have been surprised when normally
stoic Bo Schembechler spewed praise and elation after the ball
game. Well, you'll all be interested to know that after review-
ing the films and reflecting Sunday, Bo has not changed his
mind one iota.
"I was proud of that team and I don't give a damn what
anybody says. If somebody didn't think that was a good game,
I don't think he knows football."
Just how big a win was it for Schembechler? "Big," he said,
"real big."
To Bo, a good football game is one in which both teams play
up to their potential both offensively and defensively. Offensive-
ly, MSU never scored, but they were very tough, and gained
more yardage on their wishbone option than highly touted UCLA
did against Michigan.
It was no defensive ineptitude on the part of the Wolverines,
just good execution by the Spartans. "They have one hell of an
offense. They had Niesen who does a good job on that option,
and Bullock and Brown who both run real well. And they have
a real tough offensive lipe."
In fact, it's no secret that MSU had three good shots at
touchdowns; with one that was subsequently called back. Only
a crunching tackle by Dave Brown that forced a fumble at the
Michigan goal line, an interception at the goal line by Brown,
and a diving, flying interception by Barry Dotzauer saved Spar-
tan TDS.
And the Michigan offense, though it showed only one real
razzle-dazzle play (Gil Chapman's 58-yard end around TD), was
solid and adequate, despite two fumbles by tailback Chuck
"Well, our offense didn't score a lot of points," Schembech-
ler said, "but we had 27 more snaps than they did and that
helps our defense. Our offense counts on certain things from our
defense, too, like turnovers. Those are not always the other
team's mistakes, they are often created by our defense."
The critics are still yelling for more passes, but Bo is not
concerned. "They want more passes, but we call 20 pass plays
a game," he said. "I tell (Dennis) Franklin whenever he's
passing that if they drop off seven or eight men and leave a
thtree- or four-man rush, and if he gets an opening to take off.
He's the best open-field runner we have}
'I'll tell you, he's come in as a sophomore and he can
really do everything. He's got great quarterbacking sense. And
everyone who thinks that he can't pass is going to be sur-
State's defense was rugged, according to Schembechler.
"Those were two hard-hitting clubs out there. I'll tell you, Michi-
gan State has the best defense we've faced so far. They're big
and fast, and (Brad Van Pelt, (Gail) Clark and that big (Gary)
Van Elst are really tough. Our offensive line did a tremendous
job blocking. Hell, we ran for 323 yards against them. That
really says something."
And the Wolverine defense continues to reach legendary
accolades; almost amazing, considering that Michigan has lost
six defensive starters from their spring depth chart. Still sitting
out injuries are wolf back Geoff Steger, safety Dave Elliott,
cornerback Tom Drake, ends Don Eaton and Larry Johnson, and
now tackle Fred Grambau, who was injured in the Navy game
and played sparingly on Saturday.
"Considering all those injuries," Schembechler said, "Our
defensive coaches - Jim Young, George Mans, Ftank Maloney,
and Gary Moeller have done a hell of a job. There's no question
about it. I was very apprehensive about losing all those guys.
But right now, we're 5-0 and I feel pretty good about this team."
Asked to compare his current 5-0 team with last year's
Big Ten champs he pondered hard and predictably talked around
the answer. "Last year's team had lots of experience, veterans
almost everywhere but quarterback. This year we have a
senior class that provides great leadership and a lot of guys
without experience who are playing real well, particularly the
guys filling in because of the injuries."
Anyway, one thing the critics cjannot dispute. And that is
that Bo Schembechler is a winner, and a very astute, though
cautious, football coach. It looks like clear sailing from here until
Ohio State, though Bo would not bet on it. I think you can.

DETROIT (R)-Scott Hunt-'
er fired a 15-yard touchdown
pass to LeLand Glass with
1:54 left on the clock and
Chester Marcol booted the
conversion, giving Green Bay,
a 24-23 victory over the De-
troit Lions last night and
putting the Packers in sole
possession' of first place in
the National Football Con-I
ference Central Division.
Green Bay had fallen behind 23-
17 with 9:35 left, mounting their
winning drive following a booming
51-yard field goal by Errol Mann
of Detroit.
The Packers, now 4-1, consumed
7:28 to move 84 yards in 14 plays
for the final score, with wide re-
ceiver Glass catching Hunter's
touchdown aerial in the left corner
of the end zone behind 3efender
Rudy Redmond.
The Packers had trailed 17-7 at
the half, before Mann and Marcol]
traded field goals of 45 and 43
yards respectively in the third
The game was turned around
when cornerback Ken Ellis gath-,
ered in a 46-yard punt by De-
troit's Herman Weaver and zip-

daily s
ped 80 yards down the left side-'
line for a touchdown.
Detroit had jumped to a quick
lead in the nationally televised
game, scoring two first half touch-
downs after capitalizing on Packer
Quarterback Greg L a n d r y
scored on a two-yard plunge in
the first quarter for the Lions
right after cornerback Lem Bar-
ney intercepted a Hunter aerial
and returned it seven yards to
the Packer 30.
Mann kicked a 12-yard field goal
early in the second period. Then
Packer running back MacArthur
Lane fumbled on the first play
from scrimmage, following the
kickoff, and Detroit linebacker
Wayne Walker recovered and rum-
bled 14 yards to the Green Bay 11
yard line. Three plays later, Altie
Taylor bucked over from the one.
Detroit, which led throughout un-
til Glass' touchdown, fell to second

quick-footed running of MacArthur on a 36-yard attempt with 3.
Lane and John Brockington. seconds left in the first half.
Hunter scored Green Bay's first Lane finished with 89 yards rust-
touchdown when he swept the left ing and Brockington had 41, but
side of the Lion line on a one-yard Detroit's Taylor topped everyone
touchdown run in the second quar- with 90.
ter. It climaxed an 81-yard, nine- Hunter .connected on 11 of 18
play drive which featured a screen passes for 149 yards.
pass to Lane who lugged the ball Statistically the game was fair-
for a 41-yard gain. ly even with the Packers total-




Both teams' field goal kickers
missed one, Mann being wide on
a 46-yard attempt concluding De-
troit's first series of downs, and
Marcol-a native of Poland who
was raised in Michigan-missing.

ing 265 yards to 229 for Detroit.
Green Bay safety Jim Hill picked
off two Landry passes and during
the Lions' last-ditch efforts, re-
ceivers dropped two passes, includ-
ing one by Larry Walton which ap-
peared headed for a touchdown.

I .


Gridde Pickings

Slowly slithering out from under a wrinkled ruffled curtain, Steven
gradually came to his senses. His proboscis informed him that the
lower portion of his body was still soaked with stale intoxicants and
other bodily fluids.
Staggering into the bathroom, he managed to find a bottle of
buffered tablets which he hastily consumed with a dixie cup of
floridated water.
The doorbell rang. Steven gradually managed to open it but only
found a raven. "Alas, alas," spat the ayes as Steven again slumped
into a restful slumber; "You, Steven Hanzlonc, have won a free Mr.

AP Photo
DETROIT'S GREG LANDRY (11) follows Bob Kowalkowski's block
to the Green Bay Packer one-yard line in last night's NFL action.
The Lions, up as much as 17 points, blew the lead and succumbed
to the Pack, 24-23. Green Bay now leads the Central Division of the
National Conference with the nationally televised victory.

TKT VTrV1 77 U E Jk 7T77 ' TU TVWI A/ U

Y U THMn iiO(V t i i'j 'I (p]'t in the division with "a 3-2 record.
Barney's interception was the
first off Hunter in 81 passes, dat-
s can M cCa fing back to last season. But the
second-year Packer quarterback
BALTIMORE (P) - Don McCaf- grow and mature together." the Colts since 1959 and directed ame, moving his offense well can-
ferty was fired as head coach of Thomas, who took over as gen- them to a Super Bowl title as a
the Baltimore Colts yesterday and eral manager just three months rookie head coach in 1970, was told Cowardly Lions
of his dismissal yesterday, and re-
Sandusky, initiat- ago when Robert Irsay became the placed by defensive line coach San- Green Bay o 7 10 7-24
ing what General Manager Joe Colts new owner, said the youth dusky, also with the team for 14 Detroit 7 10 3 3-23
Thomas indicated would be a ma- movement also would affect 39- years. D-Landry 2 run Mann kick
D-FG Mann 12
jor shakeup of pro football's win- year-old quarterback Johnny Uni- Thomas said he decided on a D-Taylor 1 run Mann kick
jor shakeupGB-Hunter I run Marcol kick
ningest team since 1960. tas-who is in his 17th season with coaching change Sunday night af- D-FG MannM45
Baltimore. ter the Colts' record dropped to GB-FG Marcol 34
regi e wito unrt" "Mastartmaswewl-a'o.1-4 with a 21-0 loss to the Dallas GB-Ells 80 punt return Marcol kick
regime with y ou n g players," "Marty Domres will play a lot Cowboys. It was Baltimore's fourth 3~G] FaG Mann 51ar
Thoma sai, GBGlass 15 pass from Hunter Marcol
Thomas said. "If we're going to more from now on," Thomas said straight loss at home, the worst kick
lose, we may as well lose with "and he could even start." such streak since 1962 for the Na- A-54-41$
Packers Lions
young players . . . and let them McCafferty, who has been with tional Football League club.FirstDowns6
McCafferty, 51, was working un- Rushes-Yards 35-125 36-146
der a perpetual five-year contract, Passing yards 140 83
1. signed with former Colts' owner rasses yard11--101 20
. . asss 1-181 9-19-2,
jfXCarroll Rosenbloom at an esti- Punts 3-29 1-46
mated $50,000 annual salary, and Fumbles-lost 1-1 1-0,
Thomas said the team would honorPenalties-yards 4-26 2-211

Pizza pizza."
1. MICHIGAN at Illinois
(pick score)
2. Indiana at Ohio State
3. Wisconsin at Michigan State
4. Northwestern at Purdue.
S. Iowa at Minnesota
6. Stanford at Oregon
7. Washington at Southern Cal.
8. UCLA at California
9. West Virginia at Tulane
10. Texas at Arkansas


Nebraska at Kansas
Oklahoma at Colorado
Kentucky'at LSU
TCU at Texas A&M
Syracuse at Penn State
Georgia Tech at Auburn
Boston College at Pitt
Navy at Air Force
Maryland at Duke
Schenectady Schnook versus



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in poll; USC tops lis

the rPmainina nhliantinn

by AP and Wire Service
Michigan, following a hard-
fought 10-0 triumph over., Michigan
State, dropped from fifth to sixth
place in yesterday's Associated;
Press college football rankings,
while defending national champion
Nebraska continued its climb by
edging into fifth with 601 points.
The Trojans of Southern Cali-:
fornia received 28 first-place votes
and 948 of a possible 1000 points
following their 42-14 rout of Cali-
fornia to remain atop the weekly;
ratings, while Oklahoma, a 2~-0
victor over Texas, retained the1
runnerupspot with 930 points, in-
cluding 20 first-place tallies.

1 Southern California (28)
2. Oklahorma 2O)
3. Alabama
4. Ohio State (1)
5. Nebraska
7. Louisiana State
8. Notre D~ame
9. Colorado
10. Tennessee
11. UCLA
12. Penn State
13. Stanford
14. Texas
15. Auburn
16. Air Force
17. Arkansas
18. Washington
19. Arizona State
20. Iowa State
Daily Libels ('/ )

Thomas said he made the deci-
sion, and that Irsay "agreed with
6-0 948 me 100 per cent that the move#
4-0 930:should be made."
5-0 689 After 10 years as an assistant
4-0 607 coach at Kent State University and
4-1 601 11 more with Baltimore, McCaf-
5-0 545 ferty became head coach in 1970
5-0 522 when Don Shula left the Colts to
4-0 473 take over the Miami Dolphins.
5-1 268 --
4-1 258
5-1 235 Fore!
4-1 183
4-1 160 In golf, it is proper to extend the
-1 87 courtesy to faster pIiyie; replace
5-0 73 divots, rake sand traps and repair
4-1 33
5-1 25 ball marks on tne green. And it's
4-1 21 a simple game if you keep the ball
3-1 14
1-0 14 In the fairway. ,




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