I I e * JACK ANDERSON hit MWiM an Dai Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or theeditors. This must be noted in oil reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1972 No-fault welcomed WITH THE passage of no-fault insur- ance by the State Legislature, con- sumers in 'this state have finally gained victory in the auto insurance field. No longer will accident victims have to wait. months, or even years, to collect damages 'for accident losses. And no long- er will those who were found to be at fault after arduous and wasteful court proceedings find that they cannot collect any money for losses at all. Not only will all accident victims re- ceive benefits without delay, but the benefits available are probably the most extensive in the country. THEBILL sets no limit on payment of medical expenses for "reasonably necessary products, services and accom- modations for an injured person's care, recovery or rehabilitation." Victims will also be entitled to receive all of their lost wages for up to three years, and survivors of those killed in au- tomobile accidents will be able to receive as much as $21,900 in three years to help ease the economic problems they face. Gov. William Milliken has called it the best no-fault bill in the country, and so have some -consumer advocates. As an added dividend to Michigan mo- torists, it seems probable now that, auto insurance rates will go down for many drivers, especially those who are young, single, drive less expensive cars, or are in lower income groups. People who are in high income brack- ets may pay more under the new system, but they, like everyone else, will get far better coverage than they did under the old system. DESPITE THE success of no-fault plans in other states, it did not pass the Legislature easily. Months of open de- bate was exceeded. only by the private haggling in committee and behind clos- ed doors. Consumer advocates and insur- ance companies battled over the provi- sions and lawyers groups had opposed the bill altogether. It is comforting to know that the "good guys" win occasionally. -ERIC SCHOCH II . . T hieu m ore years ! .. .Tkieu m ore years ! . u s in o r o i i s Space vs. welfare giveaway' D.C. budget bungling IT IS INDEED frightening that Congress came close to giving up a large seg- ment of its power to President Nixon. Nixon's recent request to Congress, while setting a budget ceiling of $250 billion, would have given the President unlimited authority to cut funds from any pro- grams he wished. Congress would have been left with no voice in the matter. Shades of Thiei! Fortunately, a reasonable compromise was worked out, and Congress is to be praised' for this. The compromise, agreed upon over the weekend, by House and Senate conferees, agreed with President Nixon on the spending ceiling, but voted to allows cuts of not more than 20 per cent in any one program. Furthermore, certain programs, such as Social Security, Today's staff: News: Beth Egnater, Tammy Jacobs, Jim O'Brien, Sue Stephenson, David Stoll Editorial Page: Linda Rosenthal, Mo r ty Stern Photo Technician: Dave Margolick Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BAUER............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY...............Editorial Director MARK DILLEN..................EMagazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN ........Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ................... Managing Editor LORIN LABARDEE...............Personnel Director ARTHUR LERNER .................Editorial Director JONATHAN MILLER .............. .Feature Editor ROBERT SCHREINER............Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH ........................ Arts Editor ED SUROVELL ......................Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS .....Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Chris Park~s, Gene' Robinson, Zachary Schiller, Ted steim. COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles Stein, Marcia Zoslaw. DAY EDITORS: Dave .Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim Kentch, Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Becky warner. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Brown, Jim Frisnget, Matt Gerson, Nancy Hackmeier, Cindy Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal, Eric Schoch, Marty Stern, David Stoll, Doris Waltz. Photography Staff TERRY' MCCARTHY ............. Chief Photographer ROLVE TESSEM..................Picture Editor DENNY GAINER .......... .. Staff Photographer TOM GOT TLIEB. ...........Staff Photographer DAVID MAROOLICK...........Staff Photographer veterans benefits, and unemployment compensation would be left untouched and uncut. It was argued that if Congress had okayed the president's request, it would be surrendering its "constitutional man- date to control the government purse strings." Nixon would thus have had more power than any president in our history. The Congress, anxious to adjourn in time for the elections, has been rushing legislation through, almost blindly in some cases, to insure a quick adjourn- ment. That they acted wisely in this case is much to their credit. But, remember, with election pressure and Nader pressure on them, they have little choice but to act wisely. -MARTIN STERN A campaign WE ALL HOPE in this room that there's a chance that current nego- tiations may bring an honorable end to (the) war. And we will say nothing dur- ing this campaign that might destroy that chance. But if the war is not ended when the people choose in November, the choice will be clear. Here it is: For four years this Administration has had at its dis- pgsal the greatest military and economic advantage that one nation has ever had over another in a war in history. FOR FOUR year's America's fighting men have set a record for courage and sacrifice unsurpassed in our history. For four years this Administration has had the support of the loyal opposition for the objective of seeking an honorable end to the struggle. Never has so much military and eco- nomic and diplomatic power been used so ineffectively. -RICHARD NIXON Aug. 8, 1968 By DAVID FRADIN "MAN MUST 3XPLORE", ex- claimed Astronaut David Scott just last year in Rackham Lecture Hall. "Because from exploration comes discovery and from discov- ery comes knowledge and under- standing." A survey just completed at the University of Michigan shows that the space program is important to U-M's students because it "advanc- es and -expands the frontiers of scientific knowledge." Knowledge is what is important about t h e space program. Rated first in the survey is "in- creasing knowledge about - t h e Earth's environment." The newly launched Earth Resources Technol-y ogy Satellite (ERTS) - much of which was developed here at Ben- dix, Ann Arbor and the Willow Run Labs - is being used today to help man understand how to us and preserve the Earth's environ- ment. Next year's Skylab program - a manned orbiting laboratory - will also increase the knowledge of the Earth's environment. But perhaps the most important program as far as increasing our knowledge - the Apollo m o o n langing program - will be coming to a close this December 6th when the last moon mission blasts-off. Apollo 17 will be the ,last time Americans will explore the moon for at least the next 15-20 years. All because of those who would like to :take the puny three billion for space knowledge and give it away as welfare. David Fradin, '73 Engineering, is chairman of the Federation of Americans Supporting Science and Technology. Dr. Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, pointed out in the January 1972 issue of Playboy: "In another generation it will seem incredible that intelli- gent men ever questioned the val- ue of the'space program. Anybody who can't see the value of it is a fool." THE PROGRAM has already paid for itself in terms of lives saved alone, the most dramatic example being the use of satellites to track Hurrican Camille of the Gulf Coast in 1969. On the basis of what storms did 30 or 40 years ago the death toll from Camille could have been over 45,000 ple." Consider the fact that the country of India is spending percent of its Gross National duct or $400 million per yea the next ten years on a nation space program. The American ple, however, spend only one- of one percent of its GNP o space program. Perhaps we Americans 'do know a good thing when we s With America's moon explor comingtoea close in Decembe may indeed, as Dr. Clarke be "fools." Big Brother in action: Checking your garbage FOR SOME time now, Uncle Sam has been developing a Big Brother complex. We have documentary evidence that federal agencies have almost unlimited access to confidential information of citizens. Income tax returns, social security files and confidential bank records are all open to federal snoops. Not even the mails are inviolate. Almost any government agency can ask the post office for a mail check to find out who is writing to whom. Government agents have even resorted to poking Into people's garbage. For a while, garbage collectors in the District of Columbia had a list of 50 persons whose trash was set' aside and delivered in burlap bags to a special room in a government building. There, unidenti- fied men would some at night to spirit away the bags for scrutiny. So, it came as no surprise the other day when we spotted two gov- ernment agents, dressed as civilians, lugging large plastic bags filled with trash aboard an airliner in New York City. The plane was bound for Washington. One of my reporters asked the men about the bags, but they only made glib remarks about helping New York's Mayor Lindsay get rid of the city's tl'ash. How widespread the garbage game is nobody knows. But two res- taurant owners from Bowie, Md., had a different encounter with Uncle Sam on a train recently. The travelers, Kenneth Gill and Donald Rem- bert, discussed the Watergate bugging incident. They merely talked about what they had read in the newspapers. A few days later, however, a Secret Service agent knocked on Gill' door and proceeded to question him about his knowledge of the Water- gate affair. It's only 1972; 1984 is still twelve years away. But, apparently, Big Brother is 'already watching. -A Temporary Lift- The Nixon Administration is rushing to complete a report before election day which shows that U.S. prestige abroad received a big-if only temporary-lift from President Nixon's trips to Peking and Moscow. The United States Information Agency is now analyzing the results of surveys conducted last spring and summer in 15 countries. According to sources inside USIA, the preliminary results show that U.S. prestige rose in 12 countries surveyed following the President's trip to Peking last February. At the same time, we are told, U.S. prestige dropped In Japan, Mexico and Lebanon.: The White House is expected to leak favorable statistics from the peo- surveys before November 7. But the White House will probably keep under wraps another section of the USIA study which indicates Amer- poor ican prestige is on a downward trend. ten The upward move generated by the President's historic trips is Pro- only a temporary prenomenon, say our USIA sources. The general down- r for ward drift of American prestige abroad can be expected to continue nwide into the 1980s. -t hid -Computerized Congress- - the In the 91st Congress, 435 representatives wasted 190 hours - or five work weeks - while their names were read slowly aloud to record 'their vote. With push buttons on their desks, the congressmen could have e not voted and been recorded in five seconds each time. ,ee it. ation It now appears that Congress will at last get voting buttons. An r, we electronic voting system has been installed and House computer czar says, Frank Ryan says the system will soon be in operation. However, initial tests of the system have backfired and Rep. Wayne Hays, D-Ohio, who oversees the operation, has told us he doesn't plan to sign any of Ryan's vouchers until the system proves A-Okay. -Pentagon Pipeline- Routine Briefing - Several months before the Cambodian invasion, a ranking general trooped up to the New York offices of C h a s e Manhattan to brief a roomful of bankers on the latest developments in the Vietnam War. One former Chase Manhattan official who was present told us that the general stilongly intimated that something big was about to develop in the war. He advised the bankers to keep their eyes on-the supply lines in Cambodia and Laos. We asked ow friend at Chase Manhattan whether he thought it proper for the Penta- gon to brief dozens of bankers on sensitive military matters. "Whether it's right or wrong," he told us, "it's certainly routine." Luxurious Living - The Navy is spending over $100,000 a year to house off-duty sailors in plush apartments while their ships are being overhauled at the Newport News,. Va., shipyard. The offduty sailors re- lax in furnished, fully carpeted two-bedroom apartments in town. Most of the ,apartments have color TVs and access to swimming pools. Mean- while, on-call sailors working in the dockyards continue to sleep in bunk beds on crowded barges. Avid Reader - The Army's post in the Canal Zone is a long way from Washington. But.General George V. Underwood and his top brass down Panama way keep informed. The general is not only an avid reader of the New York times, which is available locally, but he also receives each day, by ;airplane, four copies of the Washington Post. The public shells out more than $2,000 a year so the general and his staff can keep up-to-the-minute with the latest goings-on in Washington. nts support Geen juncil Phyllis Vine Erenberg ing shown, both ethically and ad- iw as John Whitmore 'ministratively, it was by Mr. Dunn. ation, Thomas Trautman Shame on Mr., Dunn and shame Prof. D. J. Guth on the University for' exhibiting venrs Leslie Owens such a low standard. rther- Jehuda Reinharz' -Seymour H. Mandell, en as Robin Jacoby A.I.A., J.D. is ap- Judith Silver Frandzel Class of1'53 ly 227 Ernest Young' Oct. 11 eating William Rosenberg al de- John Broomfield Error cited meth- G. N. UzoigweEro cie Oliver Holmes To The Daily: John Fine Jr. REGARDING a statement by h our John Eadie Bill Thee in Saturday's articleEby Robert Mattoon Jr. Cindy Hill, neither I nor a n y e im- CharlesfGibson GROUP member, nor GROUP as pro- William Hauser a whole, has been charted in court Gerald Linderman with the serious offense of bal- lot-box stuffing. I resent the in- -History department faculty sinuation by Bill Thee' that GROUP Oct. 13 is a party to any election c o d e To The Daily: violation because he- chooses to o con- WITH REGARDS to the suspen- "remember" events that never oc- rt as sion of Prof. Mark M. Green, I curred. I also demand a public nitar- cannot be in support of or against apology. dents, the subject matter of the teaching -David W. Smith ension methods of Prof. Green. However, Chairman, GROUP g the under the facts presented in the Oct. 16 Detroit Free Press, I certainly re- ion to gard his suspension as unwarranted Scared objec- and rash in nature. ro The Daily: ficial First, the right to teach matters I GET HALF scared to d e a t h nsists of "educational quality" in a n y whenever I think of that abrtion study classroom should be reserved to bill proposed by Senator Bursley. a n d the judgment of the teacher. If the How would he, or how could he, -t h e university disagrees with the sub- respond to me if I were to ask i- ject matter, then the university him what he would do if they found JI .I Letters: Faculty, studei To The Daily: WE, THE undersigned students enrolled in Chemistry 227, do here- by protest the arbitrary suspension of our instructor, Prof. Green. Without prior notice or consulta- tion, without regard to our right to participate in the decisions which affect our education, a n d without due process we have been summarily severed from contact with our professor. We condemn, this action by chairman Dunn as an arbitrary and misguided use of power contrary to our interests as students. We condemn the suspension of Prof. Green as a blatant violation of academic freedom infringing on the basic rights of free inquiry and discussion. We defend Prof. Green's action i 6NOTIOMA 'TAL3ITW~il BOMBIN ~c A2OPPR)Q(5MORS "OM X35C4 V(GTh)AM TMAt) lO6 tRPXP I LOAR 7-W OLMKPEA MY4 CAtS of showing the Interfaith C for Peace anti-war slide sho being relevant to our educ and assert our right with Greensto determine the e, within our classroom. Fu more, we support Prof. Gre a teacher. We have found hi, proach to teaching Chemistr dynamic and interesting, cre an appreciation of- and a rea sire to learn the laboratoryr ods of organic chemistry. As injured parties along wit instructor we demand an er this injustice and call for th mediate reinstatement of our Fessor, Prof. Green. -233 students, Chem. 227 'To The Daily: AS FACULTY members who ceive of our function in pa the development of an huma ian consciousness in our stud we are outraged at the suspe of Mark Green for showing NARMIC slides. We call the College's attent: the statement of educationalo tives in the 1971-72 LSA 0' Bulletin: ". . . the College i that the proper subjects for are not merely techniques skills, but the liberal arts: 4 f/I rIIO) AH/+T, PER: Wc 2 t- . t I-' v . ........ n tS