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October 15, 1972 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-15

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Rat0 TWO


Sunday, October 15,

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 15, 1972

Chilean emergency
caused by walkout



Auto strikes

may end

SANTIAGO, Chile (A') - Chile's
leftist government placed four
more provinces under a state of
emergency yesterday as truckers,7
small businessmen and shopkeep-
ers continued a crippling nation-
wide strike.
President Salvadore Allende
warned Friday that if the strike
continued another 48 hours: "We
could face an extraordinarily grave
supply problem."
The truckers are demanding in-
creased freight rates and are pro-
testing the proposed creation of a
state-owned truck fleet.
The businessmen accuse the gov-.
ernment of entrusting business ac-
tivities to nonprofessional organiza-
tions and of discriminating in the
supply of goods produced by state
Shopkeepers and small business-
men are striking in sympathy with
the truckers.
The number of provinces affected
by the state of emergency now
totals 17, including the capital pro-
vince, Santiago.I
Santiago and another 12 Chilean
provinces were ordered into a
"state of emergency" Thursday
due' to the truckers'. strike. This
placed law enforcement duties in
the hands of the military.
The president ordered all radio
stations to suspend the broadcast
of music and news programs Fri-
day and to transmit only govern-
ment programming.
He said "some radio stations in-
cited the public to adhere to the
illegal strike of the truckers."
The "national network" was end-
ed.Friday night, however.
Allende, in his speech, estimated
the shopkeepers walkout was 65
per cent effective. He saidwan ac-
ceptable level of foodstuffs, in-
cluding milk, flour and vegetables,
was being delivered, despite the
truck strike.
But Allende, speaking to the na-
tion at midnight Friday, warned
shopkeepers to open for business as
usual yesterday and asked for
truckers to agree to mediation of
their differences with his govern-
The truck owners issued a state-

DETROIT (P) - Negotiators for ville, Ga., the latter two being cal union,N
ment yesterday spurning Allende's General Motors (GM) and the Unit- General Motors Assembly Division the UAW in
mediation offer. ed Auto Workers (UAW) s t r o v e (GMAD) plants. All the plants were tives, is w
He had issued an ultimatum ear- yesterday to resolve a rash of dis- struck Friday. tiations. M
lier saying their trucks would be putes over production standards at Next Friday is the strike deadline at each l
confiscated and turned over to the local plants which have closed for UAW members at GM plants in weekend an
state if they did not accept media- three GM units and threatened Arlington, Texas, Janesville, Wis. made to ac
tion. more walkouts next week. and Fairfax, Kansas, while 16,000 earliest pos
As for the shopkeepers, the presi- Top GM and UAW officials ex- at Buick's main plant at F Ii n t, UAW officia
dent said he would take severe ac- pressed confidence that the troub- Mich., were poised for a possible of the strike
tion against Chilean nationals and les would be ironed out quickly. walkout Monday morning. of the St. Lo
that foreign shopkeepers would be UAW President Leonard W o o d- Irving Bluestone, UAW v i c e now has 8
expelled from the country if they cock predicted the local shutdowns president and director of its GM thousand le
kept their doors shut. would be held to "less than a department, said the local strikes They esti
Stores and shops in Chile norm- week's duration." "involve plant level production grievances
ally are open only half a day on GM officials reacted quickly to standard issues." Louis plant
Saturdays and about half of them Woodcock's statement, with GM Bluestone added, "The problems fringements
in Santiago had opened before noon Vice President George Morris say- at St. Louis, however, are compli- UAW-GM c
closing. A number of employe ing, "It is gratifying to k n o w, cated by the same circumstances to comment
groups, belonging to Marxist led according to press reports, t h a t which resulted in earlier strikes at GM andt
unions, forced some store manag- Mr. Woodcock has pledged that the Lordstown, Ohio and Norwood, strike at thl
ers to open up. UAW will no longer conduct long namely the takeover of the facili- especially s
Outside other stores, employes strikes anywhere at GM." ties last year by the GMAD. makes som
opposing the government maintain- The disputes centered on assem- "The shop committee of each lo- every GM c
ed vigil. bly line production standards -
Police were reinforced in the the number of workers on a car
business district and quickly dis- building line and how fast it oper- News: Pat Bauer Cindy Hill Jim
persed opposing groups without us- ates. Nw:PtBur id il i
isd foe g rAs of yesterday, 2,300 workers Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner
Byg forid3 i were off the job at the Mansfield, Photo Technician: Karen Kasmauski
n oOhio, Fisher plant;8,500 at St.
stations in Santiago, with a popula- oiM. n ,0 tDr -______________
tion o. of three million, remained open ad380a oa
to serve the public and emergency Subscribe to The Daily-Phone 764-0558
vehicles and public transport.
There were long lines outside: fr, .,L
bakeries as flour for bread ran ou . '

with the assistance of
international representa-
working hard in nego-
eetings are scheduled'
ocation throughout theI
nd every effort will be
hieve settlements at the
ssible time," he said.
als, explaining their side-
e picture, cited the case
ouis plant which it says
,500 workers, about a
ss than a year ggo.
mated 12,000 individual
are on file at the St.
, charging various in-,
upon terms of the
contract. GH declined
t on the figures.
the UAW agreed t h e
he Mansfield plant was
serious since the plant
ne parts for virtually

A recent film by Robert
Bresson, w h os e intense
filmic style is known for
near - perfect integration
of sound & image with-
out neglecting meaning-
ful content.'
La Femme Douce
1969-In color
With an interesting short:
Un Chant D Amour
By Jean Genet

Sunday and Monday: Quarter Nights
STuesday: All drinks '/ Price
HE Wednesday: Singles. Night
free admission and all drinks
12 price for women
341 So. Main, Ann Arbor 769-5960

Benefit for HRP
Charlie Chaplin





7 & 9p.m.




The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-;
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by,
carrier (campus area); $11 local mail
(in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail
(other states and foreign).
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or
Ohio): $7.50 non-local mail (other
states and foreign).

Introduction to World Religions:
Near East
MWF 2-3
Tues., Fri. 10-1 :30
MWF 10-1 1
(to be arranged)
(these courses are not listed in time schedule)


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Discount Records
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Salvation Records
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The Diag





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Classes limited in size to 6 people. Register now to assure your spot. Classes
meet 1 nite a week for 6 weeks. Classes begin week of Oct. 23.
BEGINNERS learn to use your equipment right. You will learn to expose
film properly and develop it the first session. Then you will learn to make
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FIELD TRIP. Classes meet on Monday or Tuesday nite from 7-10 p.m.
Total Cost $50.
ADVANCED classes are on either Wednesday or Thursday nites from 7-10
p.m. Also 6 darkrom sessions and 1 field trip. Learn to shoot under lights.
Print for proper contrast. Also included are kodalithing-toning-solariza-
tion-mural making. Total Cost $60.
Ann Arbor Photography Workshops
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7155 JACKSON RD., ANN ARBOR, MICH.-665-3316




If somebody tells you drug laws
overseas are relaxed, that somebody
is talking through his hat.
If somebody tells you the system
of justice gives you all the rights of a
United States citizen in the United
States. that's a bunch of baloney.
You should get the facts straight.
The truth is their drug laws are tough.
And they enforce them to the letter.
There's a girl from the United
States sitting in a Rome jail right now.
She'll be there for six to ten months
awaiting trial. With no bail. Not even
a chance for it. If she's convicted. it's
a minimum of three years. Carrying
stuff across a border, from one
country to another, is asking for
trouble. And you'll get it.
That's their law. And there's no
way around it.
Over 900 United States ciizens
are doing time on drug charges in
foreign jails right now. And nobody
can get them out. Not family. Or
friends. Or the smartest lawyer in town.
Not the United States government.
If you're planning a visit to
Europe, the Middle East or south of
our own border, check out the
countries. Get the facts. And get them
straight before you leave.
One fact will come through.
Loud and clear.
When you're busted for drugs
over there, you're in for the hassle of
your life.
Sweden P ssession or
up to 19 months andprmanentsla
expulsion from the country.
U,.S. Embassy:
Strandvagen 101
Stockholm. Sweden
Tel. 63/05/20
Moroccon Possession. 3
months to 5 years and fine.
U.S. Embassy:
43 Ave. Allal Ben Abdellab3
Rabat, Morocco
Tel. 30361/62

MeXico. Possession. 2 to 9
years plus fine. Trafficking. 3 to 10
years plus fine. Illegal import or
export of drugs, 60to 15 years plus
fine. Persons arrested on drug charges
can expect a minimum of 6 to 12
months pre-trial confinement.
U.S. Embassy:
Cor. Danubio and Paseo dela
305 Colonia Cuauhtemoc
Mexico City. Mexico
Tel 511-7991 a
Sp~if* Penalty depends on
quantity of drugs involved.
Less than 500 grams cannabis: fine
and expulsion. More than 500 gram,
minimum of 6 years in jaiL.
U, S. Embassy:
Serrano 75
Madrid. Spain
Tel. 276-3400
Italy. Possession: Minimum:I
years and 30,000 lire fine. Maximum
8 years and 4,000,000 lire fine.
U.S. Embassy:
Via V. Veneto
119 Rome Italy
Tel. 4674
United Kingdm.
Possession, use trafficking: maximum
10 years and heavy fine. Possession of
small amount for personal use usually
punished by a fine or light
imprisonment and expulsion.
U.S. Embassy:
24/31 Grosvenor Square
. L, London, England
Tel. 499-9000
Netherlands. Possession,
fine or 6 months in prison. Trafficking,
maximum 4 years.
U.S. Embassy:
102 Lange Voorhout
The.Hague. Netherlands
TId. 62-49-11

Gre ce Possession, minimum
2 years in jail. Trafficking. maximum
10 years plus fine.
U.S. Embassy:
91 Vasilissis Sophia's Blvd.'
Athens, Greece
Tel 712951
Germany. Possession. jail
sentence or fine. Trafficking,
maximum 3 years plus fine.
U.S. Embassy:
Mehlemer Avenue
53 Bonn-Bad Godeberg
Bonn. Germany .
Japan. Possession. pre-trial
detention, suspended sentence and
expulsion. Trafficking, maximum
5 years.
U.S. Embassy:
10-5 Akasaka 1-Chrome
Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Lebanon. Possession, I)to 3
years in prison. Trafficking3 to
15 years.
U.S. Embassy.
Corniche at kue Aiv
Mreisseh. Beirut, Lebanon
Jamaica. Possession.prison
sentcnce and fine. Trafficking.
maximum 3 years at hard labor.
U.S. Embassy:
43 Duke Street
Kingston. Jamaica
Tel. 26341

d Possession,
maximum 2 years or fine up to 30,000
francs. Trafficking, maximum 5 years.
U.S. Embassy:
Bern, Switzerlan4
Tel. 43 00 II
Bahamas. Possession.)
snonths to I year.
U.S. Embassy:
Adderly Building
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel. 21181
Canada. Possession, jail
sentence and expulsion. Traffickin,
minimum 7 years, maximum life.
U.S. Embassy:
100 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Canada
Tel. 236-2341
Denmark. Possession, in,
and detention up to 2 years.
U.S. Embassy:
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24
Copenhagen. Denmark
Tel. TR 4505
Turkey. Possession, 3 to S
dears. Trafficking, 10 years to life.
U.S. Embassy:
E1f)Ataturk Blvd.
Ankara, Turkey
ian Possession.6 months to
3 years. Trafficking, 5 years to death
and line of 3.000 rials per gram.
U.S. Embassy:
250 Ave.Takti Jamshid
Tehran I2
Tle1. 82009lI.825091



His R oyal Highness!
The legendary Duke of Ellington and his dazzling orchestra will present a
special Gala Benefit Concert toward support of the University Musical
Society. All the excitement and vitality of big-band jazz will be on the stage
of Hill Auditorium, Saturday, November 11, promising an unforgettable
evening of jazz devotees.
Admission prices are $4, $6, $7, $10, $15, $25, and $50, with top-price
ticket-holders invited to an after-concert supper party and more jazz!
Now on sale at our Burton Tower offices.

France. Possession, use or
Ira 'eking; Prison term of 3 month$
to 5 years and fine. Customs Court
will also levy heavy fine. Minimum
3 to 4 months pre-trial confinement.
U.S. Embassy:
19. Rue de Franquevillo

National (karinghouse tot
pr)' ieAbuse Inflormation.

-.. ,



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