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October 15, 1972 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXI11, No34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 15, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages






Men's liberation?
GENESEO, N.Y. - You've heard of the
bearded lady? Well, Geneseo State College
has a mustachioed homecoming queen. Ro-
bert Tegart, the first man ever selected as
the weekend's queen, trounced 16 women
and two other men in campus-wide ballot-
ing this week. Bob's a little shy about the
whole thing. He'd rather be called "Home-
coming Person." What will the alumni think?
Soviet jet crashes
MOSCOW - Friday-the-13th may have
marked the worst disaster in civil aviation
history. A Soviet airliner on a flight from
Leningrad crashed near a village c a l1 e d
Black Earth, killing the estimated 172 per-
sons on board.
Dope notes
ADELAIDE, Australia - British rock star
Joe Cocker and six members of his group
were arrested and charged with possession
of marijuana yesterday after police raided
their hotel suite. Arrested with Cocker were
Alan Spenner, Christopher and Gail Stain-
ton, Neil Hubbard, Felix Falcon and James
Karstein. Cocker and the others were re-
leased on bail.
Carson threatened
LOS ANGELES - Johnny Carson, smiling
host of late-night TV, wasn't so cheerful yes-
terday. A note discovered in his home de-
tailed threats against Carson and his family
unless "a large amount" of money were
'handed over to extortionists. Police have
arrested three persons in connection with the
Bremer disciplined
BALTIMORE - Arthur Bremer, who was
convicted in the shooting of Alabama Gov.
George Wallace, has been disciplined for
instigating a scuffle at the Maryland peni-
tentiary. Bremer, serving a 53-year sentence,
will lose for 30 days certain privileges that
had been due him. Bremer said the scuffle
was ignited when another inmate made
homosexual advances and threatened to kill
him. A board of inquiry found Bremer "to
be the aggressor in the scuffle."
Happenings . .
Andrew Pulley, Vice-Presidential can-
didate of the Socialist Workers Party, wil
be speaking tomorrow at 12:30 in the UGLI
Multipurpose room on the 1972 election and
what it means for the Black Liberation move-
ment . . . check out Michigan Botanical
Club's open meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. at
the botanical gardens, featuring a talk by
Michael Mesler . . . if life is just ups and
downs for you, you might feel right at home
when the University meets Russia at a
trampoline exhibition, tomorrow at 8 p.m. at
Crisler Arena. Get your tickets there or at
the Athletic Dept.

begins probe
of Watergate

Sen. Kennedy

kills welfare
reform p
WASHINGTON OP)-Senate and House con-
ferees killed President Nixon's welfare re-
form plan for families last night in reaching
agreement on a massive $6 billion Social Se-
curity-Welfare bill.
Killed by the conferees was President Nix-
on's Family Assistance Plan (FAP) which
was in the House bill, and also a test of
various reform plans, including FAP, which
was voted by the Senate.
The agreement finalized the failure of
the President and the 92nd Congress to work
out a compromise revamping of the welfare
system during the Nixon administration's
four years.
Nixon's plan would have fixed a guaran-
teed annual income of at least $2,400 for a
family of four and for the first time provided
supplementary payments to the working
But the President opposed efforts by liberal
senators, including Sen. Abraham Ribicoff
(D-Conn.),. to increase the base annual in-
Thus a coalition of conservatives, opposed
to the guaranteed income principle, and lib-
erals, who sought a more generous plan,
blocked the Nixon proposal.
The conferees also dropped from the bill
some new Social Security and Medicare bene-
fits. They said this was essential to reduce
the chances of a Nixon veto.
In other congressional action last night, the
House voted to finance the foreign aid pro-
gram on an emergency basis until Feb. 28.
The Senate and House could come to no
agreement on a money bill for the entire fis-
cal year ending June 30.
The compromise emergency measure
would finance military and economic aid pro-
grams at an annual rate of about $4 billion.
The Senate had approved earlier only $2.8
billion, none for military aid.
Another Senate-House conference commit-
tee let a set of multibillion dollar federal
highway bills die last night - with opposing
mass transit and highway advocates blaming
each other.
Secretary of Transportation John Volpe
and the seven senators on the committee
made clear from the start they would rather
see the bills die for now and try again next
year than compromise the Senate-passed op-
tion for cities to use highway trust fund mon-
ey for mass transit if they chose.

WASHINGTON MP)-The Democratic ma-
jority of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee
has approved plans by. Sen. Edward Ken-
-nedy (D-Mass.), chairman, to subpoena wit,
nesses in an inquiry into the Watergate
bugging incident.
Later yesterday afternoon, Time magazine
said it has learned that California attorney
Donald Segretti received $35,000 from the
Committee for the Re-election of the Presi-
dent to "subvert and disrupt Democratic
candidates' campaigns" and that Segretti
was personally hired for the job by two
White House aides to President Nixon.
A letter sent by Kennedy to subcommittee
members left in doubt whether a preliminary
inquiry already under way would lead to
public hearings before the Nov. 7 election.
Sen. Edward Gurney (R-Fla.), a subcom-
mittee member, assailed Kennedy's move,
calling it "a partisan political attempt to
keep the Watergate affair alive."
He also told a reporter it is highly ques-
tionable whether the subcommittee on ad-
ministrative practice and procedure has
authority "to investigate charges and
counter-charges in a political campaign."
Kennedy's letter made clear that the
scope of the inquiry would include Demo-
cratic allegations of GOP espionage activities
generally as well as the June 17 break-in and
alleged bugging of Democratic national head-
quarters at the Watergate complex here.
Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss.), chairman
of the full Judiciary Committee, said its
subcommittee have subpoena power and can
go ahead with investigations where they
have jurisdiction.
But he told a reporter that if a subcom-
mittee's jurisdiction is challenged, it becomes
a matter for the full committee to decide.
He declined to express an opinion, saying
"I know nothing about it." Democratic presi-
dential candidate George McGovern and
other party leaders have been urging a full
airing of the Watergate affair and related
before next month's election.
Kennedy's letter was written on Oct. 12,
the same day that Rep. Wright Patman (D-
Tex), chairman of the House Banking Com-
mittee, was balked in his efforts to launch
an investigation.
A copy of the letter, made available to a
reporter, carried a notation that the Demo-
cratic members of the subcommittee had

Photo for The Daily by ANDREW SACKS
DUFFY DAUGHERTY, coach of the much-vanquished Michigan State Spartans, is consoled by Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler after yes
terday's game.

Defense shines inA

Michigan head coach Bo Schembechler
pulled a couple of aces from his sleeve yes-
terday and the element of surprise proved
to be a necessary ingredient, as the Wolver-
ines fought to a 10-0 victory over cross-state
rival Michigan State.
Employing a second quarter fake punt and
a fourth quarter end around from quarter-
back Dennis Franklin to split end Gil Chap-
man, resulting in a 58-yard TD jaunt, the
Wolverines drove for their only two scores
of the afternoon. An overflow crowd of 103,-
735 gazed upon their antics in total amaze-
Despite the excitement that was to ensue
later, the Wolverines received the opening
kickoff at their own 27 yard line and re-
sorted to their normal offensive strategy,
pounding out yard after yard against the fine
Spartan defense. Theinitial drive was high-
lighted by the rugged running of fullback Ed

Shuttlesworth, who once again exceeded the
100 yard plaetau in rushing, and sophomore
Chuck Heater, who drew his first starting
assignment of the season.
However, the Wolverine momentum in-
stantly disintegrated when Heater fumbled
the football on the Spartan 28-yardline after
being smashed by State middle guard Chris-
topher King.
On the very first play from scrimmage,
MSU quarterback Mark Neisen immediately
tested the Michigan defensive backfield as
he attempted a pass to wide receiver Mike
Jones. The aerial sailed aloft and fell in-
complete, which to all Spartan prognosti-
cators proved to be an evil omen.
For the remainder of the contest, Neisen
attempted nine more passes, but the Michi-
gan secondary, using spine-splitting tackles
and three stellar interceptions, stymied the
Spartans every time.
Throughout the first quarter, the Spartans

took possession of the ball three times but
were unable to muster a single first down.
In the last two drives, Neisen reserved his
aerial attack for third down plays, however
the crunching blows of halfbacks Roy Burks
and Barry Dotzauer turned sure receptions
for Spartan tight end Billy Joe DuPree and
wide receiver Rick Salani into incompletions
and punting situations.
The Wolverines could do little better in
that period as sure tackles by left tackle
Gary Van Elst and safety Brad Van Pelt
threw Heater and Franklin back for losses
to stall a drive at midfield.
Then the fun really started at the outset
of the second quarter. Heater, exhibiting fine
balance, chugged his way to the Michigan
44, and Shuttlesworth followed with an im-
pressive encore as he sidestepped a Spartan
blitz for 12 more to move into enemy terri-
However; the drive stalled on the Spartan
39 and Dotzauer went back into punt forma-
tion, but he never received the snap from
center. Instead, the ball went to Shuttles-
worth who bulled his way for eight yards off
right tackle, good for the first down. Duffy
must have closed his eyes in disbelief.
With this added momentum, Michigan
pounded their way to the Spartan seven,
where they had a first and goal. The defense
stiffened however, and the Wolverines were
faced with a fourth and five.
Mike Lantry then came in to try a field
goal from the Spartan 12, and with Tom Slade
holding, Schembechler pulled off no surprises
as Lantry booted it through to give Michigan
a 3-0 lead. The three-pointer was the first of
Lantry's collegiate career.
On the ensuing drive, the Spartans finally
got the ball rolling. Neisen executed the
triple option quite effectively as halfbacks
Dave Brown and Jim Bond and fullback
Clarence Bullock ran to the outside for con-
siderable yardage down to the Michigan 24.
On the next play, Neisen kept the ball and
rolled right, catching the Wolverine defense
flatfooted as he breezed in untouched for
what looked like a Spartan score. But the

Pro-life coalition holds convention

On the inside ...
. . . the Sports pages spotlight the
Wolverines' smashing victory over the
Sbartans yesterday . . . Associate Man-
aging Editor Linda Dreeben discusses
the recent release of three American
POWS from Vietnam on the Editorial
Page . . . new records are reviewed
by Harry Hammit on the Arts Page.
The weather picture
Once again, we will be blessed with
"fair" week-end weather; high near 50
today, near 60 tomorrow, northwesterly
winds 10-15 m.p.h. Better unpack your
mittens from the mothballs!

"We don't like to be called an 'anti-abor-
tion' group," according to Miles Schmidt of
the University of Michigan Students in De-
fense of Life.
"Abortion is only one phase of the pro-life
movement. We help and support the aged,
the mentally ill, the unborn child- those who
cannot stick up for themselves."
Members of Defense of Life, a subsidiary
of the National Youfh Pro-Life Coalition (N-
YPLC), met with over 30 students from
Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin NYPLC
groups in a convention here this weekend.
The group distributed 'pro-life' leaflets at
yesterday's football game and later 60 mem-
bers picketed the Zero Population Growth
(ZPG) convention in Detroit.
NYPIC charges that ZPG's support of
legalized abortions constitutes "anti-people"

The local group is currently working to de-
feat Proposal B, a referendum on the No-
vember ballot. The referendum, if approved,
would allow abortions up to the 20th week of
Later in the day, about 100 members of the
group attended a, rally in the Modern Lan-
guage Building. Speaking at the rally was
Dr. J. C. WilIke, who proclaimed his latest
book - Handbook on Abortion-is the "Bible
of anti-abortion groups."
Dr. Willke argued in his presentation that
one must, in examining the abortion issue,
move away from religion and look at ques-
tion from a medical viewpoint.
According to Willke, the fetus is a person,
and therefore deserves all of the rights ac-
corded to the adult it can become.
Except in cases where the choice is be-
tween the life of the mother and the life of
the unborn child, according to Willke, abor-
tion is entirely unjustified. He said human
life is an absolute, and the solution to social
and psychological problems should not and
cannot involve the taking of a human life.
"At the moment of conception, when sperm
joins ovum, there is created a new living
being, a being that has never before existed
in the history of the world, never again to
exist, a being that is totally unique, com-
pletely different from the body of the moth-
er, totally separate from the body of the
father, a being that contains within itself
d. ''.the totality of everything you are to-
day." he said. "That being cannot be de-

"The same thing applies to abortion. The
right of the child to live is greater than any
right a woman have have to the privacy of
her own body.",
Willke also spoke vehemently about what
he called the next step in a society which
permits abortion - euthanasia.
"If today we give a mother the right to
kill her child for a social problem, there's no
stopping the logical extension that a little
while from now we will give that child the
right to kill the mother," he said.
Willke compared persons favoring abor-
tion reform with Nazi leaders, drawing par-
allels between gas chambers and legalized
When asked by a member of the audience
whether he was imposing his own morality
on others, Willke replied "What gives you,
the right to impose your morality on an un-
born child, very terminally'so?"


.New parties born as
campus elections near

Ann Arbor bike
theft rate soars
It is about 4:00 a.m. outside of
West Quad. Two teenagers ap-

fight hassles,

the fts

Co-op cuts (town
bike repair costs
Over 150 local bicyclists are
learning to repair and maintain

A record number of candidates, according
to Student Government Council (SGC) Treas-
urer Dave Schaper, have filed for the SGC,
and other campus elections scheduled for
Oct. 31 through Nov. 2., '
Registration deadline yesterday found sev-
eral new parties added to this year's ballot,

garet Miller, '73; Stuart Weiner, '75; Elliot
Chikofsky, '76; Louis Lessem, '73; Ken New-
bury, '76; David Faye, '76; Fred Friedman,
'76; Theresa Weber, '75; Timothy Trop, '75;
Ed Lipiner, '75; Sanford Green, '75; Thom
Gillis, '75; Curt Steinhauer, '75; Jeff Lis, '76;
Betty Martin, '76; and Michelle Miller, '76.


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