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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 14, 1972 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Kenneth Klinge, Super Sleuth
What were Ann Arbor Police Captain Kenneth Klinge and
friend doing in Room 435 Mason Hall yesterday noon, peering
out over the Diag with a concerned look on their faces? Well,
it seems that Klinge and his buddy were the only people who
showed up for the marijuana smoke-in to protest Judge Sandorf
Elden's ruling striking down the city's $5 pot fine. Ann Arbor,
5-0, you goofed.
A man for all voices
If the recorded voice of University News Briefs (763-1300)
sounds like the narrator of the notorious NARMIC anti-war
slide show, it's because they're the same person. Both voices
belong to Tom Riecke, assistant director of University informa-
tion services. The female voice in the slide show is Patty Riecke,
Tom's wife. Riecke says he did the show last spring on his
own time, not the University's.
Watch out during the National Anthem at today's game. A
formation of U.S. Air Force jets will zoom over the stadium
as a reminder of the servicemen held captive or missing in
action in Indochina. One of the jets will pull out of the group
to form the "missing man" formation. Lucky there aren't any
embassies in Ann Arbor.
Fuller Street Bridge open
The North Campus buses won't have to take a detour any-
more. The Fuller Street Bridge opened for traffic last night
for the first time since July. The pedestrian walkway on the
bridge, however, will not be open until the middle of next
Quote of the day
A quote for today's game with Michigan State: "Politics is
like coaching football. You have to be smart enough to under-
stand the game and dumb enough to think it is important." The
author? Eugene McCarthy, in an October, 1971, issue of News-
... are diversified today and tonight. Jean Luc Godard and
Jean Pierre Gorin will be at Power Center at 8 p.m. to discuss
their film "Tout Va Bien" . . . the North Central Pro-Life Work-
shop and Regional Conference will meet today and tomorrow all
day at the Modern Languages Bldg. . . . It's Alumni Days for the
School of Public Health . . . Go biking with the Ann Arbor
Bicycle League to Hayes State Park in the Irish Hills. Meet
at Ann Arbor Pioneer High with bike and if possible other trans-
portation at 8:00 a.m. Call 663-1150 for further information.
What's in a name?
LOS ANGELES - Some students at James Monroe High
School are concerned about lagging school spirit. So they're
trying to change the school's name to Marilyn Monroe High.
"We have no way of relating to James Monroe," a student
leader explained, "while Marilyn is constantly on the cover
of magazines. And now with the nostalgia coming back in, we
think the kids would really be proud to have the school named
after her."
Senate passes revenue sharing
WASHINGTON - The Senate sent to President Nixon
yesterday the landmark $30.2 billion revenue sharing bill, clear-
ing away another piece of major legislation before final adjourn-
ment. The bill will inaugurate - within days of the President's
signing - a program of grants to states, cities and counties.
Pravda endorses Nixon
Right on the heels of The Detroit News, Pravda, the Com-
munist Party's newspaper, yesterday praised President Nixon's
foreign policy and said he looked like a sure bet for re-election.
At the same time, it pictured Sen. George McGovern as a man
who constantly shifted his positions. With friends like this,
Dick, who needs enemies?
Vietnam ship fight
HONOLULU-A fight involving black and white sailors aboard
the attack carrier Kitty Hawk off Vietnam Thursday left 33 men
injured, three seriously, the Pacific Fleet Command reported
yesterday. The Navy said "order has been fully restored" but
would give no further details on the incident.
Dope note
HUNTINGTON, W. Va. -- A drug raid near the Marshall
University campus touched off a rock and bottle throwing
demonstration late, Thursday night during which five persons
were arrested. Limited property damage was reported, but a
police officer was slightly injured. Twenty-nine persons had been
arrested in the drug raid.
On the inside ...
. More football madness on Page 2 . . . Conservative
State Representative Candidate Alan Harris will have a
piece on the Editorial Page today (in case you missed him
yesterday) . . . Don Sosin comments on the Stanley -nn-r nn tha Artc Pr L nt of fnn Ttme 'S
Acting Chemistry Department Chairman Thomas Dunn
yesterday reversed his own order and reinstated Prof. Mark
Green to teaching Chemistry 227 "effective immediately."
Although Dunn indicated Thursday to The Daily that
it was "purely speculative" whether or not Green might be
reinstated soon, he said last night he had intended all along
to reinstate him when the student-faculty committee had
been formed.
AP Photo
What me worry?
Is it Duffy Daugherty? Is it Brad Van Pelt? No, it's Old Bob, patriarch of the orangutans at the San Diego Zoo. He's just settled down
with a little Boone's Farm to listen on the radio to another boring Aichigan victory today.
Filing for
races closes
Dunn informed Green of his sur-
prise decision in a letter late yes-.
terday afternoon. He stated in the
letter that since the chemistry de-
partment faculty had established
a committee to "review the cir-'
cumstances" under which Green
was relieved, it was "only proper"
that Green resume his normal
teaching responsibilities.
Green was relieved of his teach-
ing duties on Oct. 9 after showing
an anti-war slide show to his or-
ganic chemistry class.
Meanwhile, the hopes of students
for parity on the review committee
received a blow yesterday, as that
committee announced that a fourth
faculty member would be added-
probably to act as chairman.
When asked if the addition of
another faculty member destroyed
the concept of student parity on
the committee, Chemistry Prof.
David Curtis - who along with
Chemistry Profs. Peter Smith and
John Groves make up the commit-
tee-asserted that parity was an
"idea of The Daily."
. "We never used the word parity
m our discussions," said Curtis.
"We just wanted good representa-
tion on the committee."
Curtis added that the committee
was looking for an "experienced
professor who knows his way
around the University."
The committee has not decided
yet whether the fourth member
will have a vote on the committee.
The suspension of Green has
stirred considerable comment and
- protest on campus.
t Ninety per cent of Green's class-
es have signed a strongly-worded
- petition condemning the suspension.
- Calling the action "an arbitrary
and misguided use of power," the
petition describes the suspension
as "a blatant violation of academic
s See GREEN, Page 10
Nix Nixon
to be held
An "Emergency Elections Con-
ference to Dump Nixon" will be
held in the Union Ballroom tomor-
row at 2:00 p.m. Various local
groups opposed to the policies of
the President are sponsoring the
A rally at 2:00 p.m. featuring
several speakers will be followed
by two-hour workshops at 3:30
p.m. andl at 7:00 p.m.
Speakers at the rally will in-
clude chemistry Prof. Mark Green,
who was suspended last week and
reinstated yesterday after show-
ing an anti-war slide show to his
classes, Barbara Halpert, Human
Rights Party candidate for the U.
S. Senate, and Dave Martinez, a
United Farm Workers lettuce boy-
cott organizer.
The workshops will cover such
topics as "The Fight to Free All
Political Prisoners", "McGovern
'72: A Public Plan for Peace",
"Nixon and the Environment:
Politics of Devastation" and "So-
cialist Response to Nixon's Rout of
Spokespersons' for the confer-
ence said that the idea was to al-
low various groups involved to
choose their own methods for
"fighting Nixon."
They can then teach those meth-
ods in the workshops, the organi-
zers said.
The spokespersons estimate that
six to eight hundred people will at-
tend the conference.
Student Government C o u n c i l
(SGC) election campaigns opened
last night amid fighting, threatened
suits, challenges to the authority
of the SGC election code and new
campus political parties that vir-
tually "emerged from the wood-
work," according to one member.
Candidate Robert Black spon-
sored two appeals to Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) last night
for what he termed "unfair" prac-
Both Black, an Action Mandate,
member, and Dave Hornstein, can-
didate, chairperson, and so far;
only member of the Bullshit Party,
claimed discriminatory treatment
in the election code stipulation re-
quiring two members of a party
to run in an election before theyj
can register as a party ticket.
Both claim their parties are
registered student organizations:
and that the rule "denied rights to
use the names of respective party
Black, who claims he has per-'
mission from the party's president now for a case they already know
to run under the Action Mandate about," said Black. "It's against
name, said he was "using a party their own rules and it's not fair."
name that has appeared in the "They change their rules so often
last three elections." nobody knows what they are. It's
Hornstein added, "The platform Byzantine."
I'm running on could only be sym-
bolized by the name "Bullshit Responsible Alternative Party
Party." (RAP) Member Howard Victor hit
BlackHornstein and other can- the late committee selection as a
Blac, Hrnsein andothr cn- blatant violation o tdn
didates protested an SGC announce- .of studen
-a~ttha a (raiantik ad Rrlacrights-.
ment that a C.redentias ana NRes
Committee (C&R) had not yet been
selected for the election.
"They are going to pick a C & R
A look at the ol' football daze
Listen my children, and you
::shall hear
Of the rivalry of yesteryear.
T'was way, way back in nine-
That "U"tfirst trounced Michi-
gan State.
Michigan still regularly trounces
Michigan State, but snake dances,
street riots and panty raids just
aren't what they used to be in the
good ol' days.
The golden era of such hijinks
f was the late thirties. In 1938, the
night before the State game, 5,000
zcrazed University students "ter-
rorized" Ann Arbor.
After the traditional pep rally,
the students charged up State St.,
demanding a free show at the
- ::Michigan Theater. The manage-
ment anticipated the request and
- had locked the theater and split.
Undaunted, the students de-
cided to quench their collective
thirsts by descending on the Pret-
'zel Bell in search of free brew.
The reception was no warmer
there than the one they received
at the Michigan.
The students suddenly became
an unruly mob and started a large
bonfire on the corner of Main and
Soon, from out of nowhere,
came the resounding cry, "Here
come the cops!"
Several dozen constables using
tear gas and fire hoses forced the
:: . _>rinters dAwn State St tn Ferrv
Victor blamed SGC Election Di-
rector Victor Gutman, President
Bill Jacobs and Council for an
action that would be "very unfor-
tunate for the independent candi-
Later in the evening, Black and
Community Coalition candidates
Sanford Green andThom Gillis
again filed suit against C & R
"having a judicial function in this
Black cited SGC Treasurer Dave
Schaper and Jacobs as "having an
interest in keeping us out of their
Jacobs defended the delay in
making committee appointments
saying that the election code
amended Sept. 27, was approve
too late to provide the required 5(
days between appointments an
"As a general rule, we want th
committee to be appointed wel
before the election," Jacobs said.
The CSJ hearing is scheduled for
7 p.m. Sunday, according to Black,
a half-hour before the rescheduled
regular SGC meeting when C & R
appointments are expected to be
T h e Responsible Alternative
Party, whomever the party name
may now be considered to repre
sent, is also having problems o
its own.
RAP founder Bill Thee and in
cumbent RAP Council membe
Matt Dunaskiss, presently listed a
an independent candidate, hav
challenged the right of Curt Stein
hauer, another incumbent candi
date, to use the RAP party name
Thee c l a i m s Steinhauer wa
unanimously voted out of the RAP
party after the spring election
-1-l ..- = . 4. A
Slides not the only
issue in chem case,
Earlier this week, chemistry
Prof. Mark Green was relieved
from his teaching duties after
presenting to his class a slide
show on the uses of technology
in Indochina.
But while Green has been re-
instated for the time being, his
conflict with the chemistry de-
partment is likely to linger on.
For it did not stem merely from
the slide show presentation, but
from a very basic conflict in
academic outlook.
By the standards of most
chemistry department members,
Green is a highly unorthodox
He makes no secret of his dis-
dain for traditional grading sys-
tems or teaching "by the book."
"It's not just this slide-show
thing," chemistry teaching fel-
low Roman Davis says. "There
is a feeling in the department
... that Green has not been dis-
charging his duties. His sections
meet and discuss things that are
not pertinent. This is done to the
exclusion of the chemistry he
was supposed to teach."
"I think he could have gotten
more across," says William
Mesbergen, one of Green's
teaching fellows.
The complaint is echoed by
some of Green's former students
who say he expected them to ab-
sorb too much of the material
by themselves, while spending
class time to discuss broad
topics which lacked direct rele-
James Samanen - another of
Green's teaching fellows-views
him from a slightly different
'Dr. Green has a style of
teaching that is different - a
more relaxed approach. He gets
across the things he intends to
get across. He feels it is more
important to arouse his student's
momi .__.. _