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October 13, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-13

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Page Eight


Friday, October 13, 1972

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 13, 1972

UAC presents
leading nutrionist and author of best-selling LET'S EAT RIGHT
Speaking on:
TUES., OCT. 17-8 P.M.
Power'Center Box Office Eden Foods
Michigan Union Soybean Cellar
The Fishbowl Your Health & Nutrition
Applerose Natural Foods (5231r s N. Main'
(404 W. Liberty) Salvation Records

Big Eight Conference
dominates grid scene
By RICH STUCK season pick because of its sched-
In days of old when knights ule, meeting both Oklahoma and
were bold the Big Ten conference Nebraska at home. But two weeks
was THE place where college foot- ago they were ambushed by Okla-
ball was played and the caliber homa State and were soundly
was tops. Not so anymore. In re- thrashed, 31-6.
cent years the other conferences Maybe that opening day loss to
have gotten better. None so much, UCLA has made Nebraska a better,
however, as the baddies of the hungrier team. They have ripped
Midlands, the Big Eight. up their last four opponents and
Building strongly in the late! with the pressure of that 32 game
sixties the Big Eight gained prom- unbeaten streak removed, they
inence in 1970 when the Nebraska are tough to beat.
Cornhuskers grabbed the national Number-two rated Oklahoma
championship in a wild New Year's may have the toughest task of
Day scramble. But last season was the contending teams as they
the one which clearly indicated the must face both Colorado and
top league crown for the Big Eight. Nebraska awayfrom home.
With Nebraska repeating as na- ,.s
tional champs, and Oklahoma and Last year's big problem, the
Colorado winding up second and defense, appears to have been
third, respectively, many said the solved. The Sooners have yet to
feat could never again be accom- yield a touchdown in their first
plished. And it might not be; but threaBL
this year the conference's stronger Qate a rtkLongte
teams are better and the rest of leads the upstart Oklahoma State'
the league has improved to the contingent that sits atop Big Eight
point where any of five teams havestandings with a 2-0 mark. After'
a shot at theconference title upsetting Colorado they beat a
This week's college football tough Missouri squad last weekend
poll listed no fewer than five to enhance their status. How long
Big Eight teams in the topI this will last depends on how well
twenty: Oklahoma, Nebraska, they do against the big boys, Ne-
Colorado, Iowa State, and sur- braska and OU, later in the month.
prising Oklahoma State. This Nobody says much about an
year's race should be the closest undefeated Iowa State club that
in history, with all of the leaders Johnny Majors has brought from
playing each other at one time theedead with an 8-3 mark last
or another in the next six weeks. year and 3-0 so far this season.

Grid glory


Gram bling


The Astrodome, Yankee Sta-
dium, the Los Angeles Coliseum,
Washington D.C. No, it's not the
itinerary for the Shrine Circus or
Firemen's Field Day, just a rou-
tine football schedule for the
Grambling Tigers, college foot-
ball's biggest and most exciting
road show.
Coach Eddie Robinson, molder
of Grambling grid fortunes since
1941, has packaged a product
that last year played before over
350,000 fans in nearly every
major city in the United States.
And it's little wonder the fans
come out in droves to see Rob-
inson's team. At last count he
has produced 40 All-Americans,
and over 100 NFL players, 30 of
whom are currently active.
Roosevelt Taylor, Buck Buchan-
an, Clifton McNeil, W o o d y
Peoples, Willie Davis,rNehemiah
Wilson and Willie Brown head
the illistrous list of Grambling
This year, Robinson's team, de-
fendng Southwest Athletic Con-
ference champions, have gotten
off to a relatively slow start.
After an opening day win over
Morgan State in Yankee Sta-
dium, the Tigers bowed to Al-
corn A & M at home, and Long
Beach State in the L.A. Colli-
seum. They have regained their
championship form in the past
two weeks, demolishing Prairie
View 36-0, and beating 3rd rank-
ed (College Division) Tennessee
State, 27-18.
The Tigers play an exciting
pro-style brand of football and
they play it to the hilt for 60
minutes of every game. In the
Prairie View contest, starting

quarterback Matt Reed, leading
28-0, with under three minutes
left, dropped back and threw a
32-yard scoring pass.
Leading Tennessee State the
next week by a mere three points
in the closing minutes. Grambling
once again went to the air, pro-
ducing another touchdown pass
to cement the victory.
The 53-year-old mentor has
compiled a 30-year record of
204-75-11, surpassed in number
of victories only by Alabama's
Bear Bryant. He sent the first
black football player, Paul

in the late 40's, and has since
made Grambling football to black
people what Notre Dame is to the
Grambling's corner on the
market of black athletes has
been markedly reduced in recent
years. Even, former bastions of
segregation such as Alabama and
"Tank" Younger, into the NFL
Mississippi now actively recruit
black players.
According to Grambling's ath-
letic staff however, this fact is
offset by the increased national
coverage given the Tiger football

Gridde Pickiungs
Last Saturday night sitting in downtown Detroit, while playing a
few notes on my harp, an old uncle who I hadn't seen since my child-
hood in Tibet, dropped by to congratulate me for my work in the area
of mushrooms and related edibles. But to his own demise he hadn't
heard of my later works, which upset my stomach, so I gave him a
quarter and bid him adieu. But his departure only sensitized the situa-
And he will only if YOU get your picks in by midnight tonight.
His agony is directed to you. If you have compassion; if you have a
soul; if you have a pencil vote for the team of your choice. Otherwise
He, too, will one day fail to see your misgivings.
1. Michigan St. at MICHIGAN 11. Oklahoma at Texas
(pick score) 12. Florida at Alabama
2. Wisconsin at Indiana 13. Auburn at LSU
3. Iowa at Northwestern 14. Duke at Clemson
15. Texas Tech at Texas A&M
4. Purdue at Minnesota 16. Washington at Stanford
5. Illinois at Ohio State 17. Tulane at Miami (Fla)
6. Air Force at Boston College 18. Villanova at Maryland
7. Penn at Cornell 19. Harvard at Columbia
8. Navy at Syracuse 20. Drexel at Kings Point
9. Iowa St. at Colorido 22 Daily Libels at Barstow,
10. Kansas at Kansas St Alaska

Amazingly, despite national
prominence a n d recognition,
Grambling draws the vast ma-
jority ,of its players from inside
Louisiana. On this year's squad,
54 members hail from the Cajun
state, with Mississippi and Texas
donating five, Alabama two, and
one each from seven other states.
Top rated prospects are some-
times overly awed by the legend
of Grambling grid supremacy.
"Our scouts often have trouble
luring a great player to Gram-
bling," a Tiger spokesman re-
marked. "They've heard so much
about us that they don't think
they can make the grade."
For the ones who do make the
grade, the all-encompassing Rob-
inson philosophy becomes a ma-
jor part of their life. "I try to
teach what's great about this
country, to remove the chips
from shoulders," says Robinson.
"The other stuff they learn soon
Robinson, who wants to be re-
membered, not as an outstanding
black coach, but an outstanding
American coach, applies his suc-
cessful philosophy universally.
"This is a great country, the
greatest," he claims. "Why? Be-
cause we've licked everyone who
ever tried us. Once other coun-
tries get the idea we won't fight
them, they'll lose respect."
Once other teams get the idea
Grambling won't fight them,
you'll know Eddie Robinson has
moved on to the big pre-game
pep talk in the sky.


Colorado was perhaps the pre-

But t Ueyd be a power anywhere
Yes, the league title may well be
decided in Lincoln on Thanksgiving
Day, but then again it may depend
on a game in the rarified Colorado
air, or maybe, just maybe, in the
clash at Ames between the Cy-
clones and Cowboys.

English Leather.
EspeciaIly if your
roomat wears lipstick.

If you're sharing your pad with
a groovy gal who gives you
English Leather, you're well,
on your way to a liberal
Maybe she's trying to educate
you that English Leather's
fresh, clean, honest smell gets
to her. And cheap perfumy stuff'
turns her off. On the other
hand, if you're<
not so lucky,
maybe a little
English Leather
would help.
It couldn't hurt.
MEM Co., Inc., © 1972

Strock picks off 1st
Highlighting this week's national offensive statistics are two new
faces atop the rushing and total offense departments.
Don Strock, Virginia Tech's sparkling young quarterback, sup-
planted Florida State's Gary Huf as major college football's total
offense leader with an incredible performance against Houston last
After passing for 623 yards in his first three games, the 6-foot-5,
202-pound Strock completed 34 of 53 passes for an almost unbeliev-
able 527 yards, just 27 short of the nation's single-game yardage re-
cord set by Greg Cook of Cincinnati in 1968. That feat powered Tech,
now 2-2, to a 27-27 tie with highly-favored Houston and earned Strock
the country's top spot in forward passing as well.
His overall yardage average soared to 288.5 per game, 10 yards
ahead of runnerup Huff, while his pass-completion ratio rose to
21.8, compared with Huff's 21.0.
Arizona State's Woody Green became college football's fourth
rushing leader in as many weeks as last week's top man, Bob Hitchens
of Miami (Ohio), slipped to sixth with a poor showing against Mar-
shall University.
Green has averages 167.8 yards rushing in the Sun Devils' first
four games, seven yards more than Pete Van Valkenburg of Brigham
Rufus "Roadrunner" Ferguson of Wisconsin, placing fifth in rush-
ing with a 144.5 average, is the Big Ten's only top-ten representative
in any of the three departments.



Not on your life.
You see, for the last two years we've taken a certain
fiendish pride in creating clever bumper stickers for
the Michigan-OSU football conflicts. Stickers like:


Goody Goody-Bo Beat Woody
Freeze the Bucks-Devalue Ohio State.
This year we decided to let you in on the fun.
Do you have a catchy slogan about Ohio State that
you'd like to see on 10,000 bumpers all over Mich-
igan? If you do, write them down and send them to
us. Be sure they're postmarked by Oct. 15th.
lf our highly subjective judges select your bon mot,
you get a nifty fifty dollar bill and some sort of certifi-
cate acknowledging your supremacy.
A couple of hints . . . be clever, but printable . .
write legibly, crayon is acceptable.. . and keep it
down to about seven words, OK?

My platform is only six inches off
the ground-that way no one
falls off.







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