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For details, see "today ..
Vol. LXXXI No. 31Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 12, 1972 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
U. S.
if yonI see news happent call 76-DAILY
GROUP vanishing act
Students voting in the SGC elections Oct. 3 through Nov. 2
should not be surprised if they do not find the name of GROUP,
one of SGC's biggest political parties, on the ballot. Instead they
may discover a slate of candidates running on a ticket called
"integrity." One of the candidates will reportedly be black stu-
dent leader Lee Gill, and the campaign will be run by GROUP
honcho John Koza. GROUP refuses to confirm or deny this
report, making it all the more plausible.
A Daily survey
Many of our readers, and some of our non-readers, will soon
be asked to complete a readership survey conducted on behalf
of The Daily by the Institute for Social Research. The purpose of
the survey is to tell us more about what you want in your
campus newspajier, and what you think may be wrong with it
now. Your cooperation is, as they say, appreciated.
Harris backs Green
Alan Harris, Conservative Party candidate for state repre-
sentative, objected yesterday to the suspension of chemistry
Prof. Mark Green from teaching Chemistry 227. Harris said that
the anti-war slide show which caused the suspension was not
appropriate, but that Gree's punishment should not have been
so severe. Green showed the slides to his three classes last
Thursday and Friday.
Renner hits Guard
The fact that Mike Renner, local state representative can-
didate, is a private in the state's National Guard didn't prevent
him from taking a slap at it yesterday. Renner told the students
of Journalism 201 that the Guard is an "inept" and out-dated
organization which probably 'should be re-examined if not
scrapped. He described Guard life as "playing cards, reading
newspapers and getting good pay for it."
Happenings .'..
..a thin day in the fat city; top of the recommended list
is a movie, Hour of the Wolf, directed by Ingmar Bergman. It's
at Aud. A, 7 and 8:45 p.m. for a buck . . . Rive Gauche, the
International Center's coffeehouse, is having another one of its
social hours, 1024 Hill, 8 p.m. . . . meet the University Regental
candidates at 8 p.m. in the West lounge of Bursley Hall . . .
help plan an election day fast to protest the Indochina war,
7:30 p.m. in the basement commons room of Lane Hall . . .
learn about, "the task of socialists in defending the working
class," at 7:30 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose room . . . and
last but not least, Human Rights Party senatorial candidate
Barbara Halpert will be in town tonight for a 7:30 p.m. women's
caucus meeting at HRP headquarters, 304 S. Thayer.
Abortions legal, for now
DETROIT-It's official: Abortions in Michigan are now legal.
Or, at least that is what Wayne County Circuit Judge Charles
Kaufman said yesterday when he signed his ruling striking down
the state's abortion laws as unconstitutional. Plans are already
afoot to open abortion clinics in the state, although Wayne
County Prosecutor William Cahalan has vowed to appeal Kauf-
man's ruling to the bitter end.
CJOM staff fired
WINDSOR-CJOM-FM, the last of the Detroit-area free form
radio stations, has gone back to being commercial. All of its staff
members have been fired by the station's management because
of "increasingly irresponsible on-the-air activity." According to
the station's general manager, George Macdonald, the station
will be starting out with a new format this weekend. CJOM is at
the bottom of the FM dial at 88.8 khz.
Dope note
JACKSONVILLE - Four "strange looking plants" growing
amidst tomatoes and beans in a senior citizens housing complex
have been uprooted by police. The plants were described by this
Florida town's narcotics squad as "four, very healthy, neatly-
kept marijuana plants over six feet tall." Senior citizens said
they had been tending their garden all summer not knowing the
plants were illegal. One 76-year-old said, "They all looked
pretty good in there with all the rest of the plants so we decided
to keep them." Police said no arrests were made because
possession could not be proved.
Smith sore at A brams
WASHINGTON-The ranking Republican on the Senate Armed
Services Committee said yesterday that Gen. Creighton Abrams
failed to do his duty in connection with unauthorized bombing
raids against North Vietnam while Abrams commanded U.S.
forces in Saigon. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine) told the
Senate that "it was his job to know what was happening and his
failure to ascertain that the rules imposed by the President were
being followed is nonfeasance by anyone's definition." The Senate
will vote today on Abram's nomination as Army chief of staff.
Death in Belfast
BELFAST-A guerrilla assassination squad pumped three
bullets into a Belfast judge at point-blank range yesterday as he
drove through the Irish Republican Army's Lower Falls strong-
hold. Dead was Judge Robert Staunton, 40, an Irish catholic with
a reputation for toughness against IRA men.
On the inside . .
.. The Arts Page introduces chess columnist Dan
Boyk . . . on the Editorial Page Kathe Ricke takes a look
at the Star Bar, Republicans, and Olga . . . and on the
Snorts Page the snrts s'taff pexmineI-howxthev mmiA1..
Nearly 200 students voted
last night to rally on the Diag
today in support of chemistry
Prof. Mark Green, suspended
last week for showing a con-
troversial anti-war slide show
to his Organic Chemistry 227
The presidents of both Student
Government Council and LSA Stu-
dent Government (LSA-SG) joined
others at last night's Markley Hall
meeting in urging students and
faculty to march at noon from the
Diag to the chemistry building.
There the group plans to confront
the- entire chemistry .department
faculty on the question.
The faculty will be meeting at
that time to elect three members
to a review committee charged
with investigating Green's teaching
record and in specific, the show-
ing of an anti-war slide show.
Green's supporters plan to make
three demands to the department
-immediate reinstatement of
Green to his teaching responsibili-
-equal student - faculty parity
on the committee charged with re-
viewing Green's teaching record;
-equal student - faculty parity
on allcommittees reviewingfac-
ulty suspension, tenure, and con-
Those at the meeting also view-
ed the slide show for which Green
was suspended. The show, pre-
pared by National Action Research
on the Military Industrial Com-E
plex (NARMAC), depicts the op-
eration of the electronic battle-
field in Indochina.
Bill Jacobs, SGC president, ask-j
ed students and faculty members
to attend the rally and march,
saying "There are three issues in-
volved here. Academic freedom,I
the University's involvement in"
war research, and the question of
what role students have in choos-
ing class material."
Jay Rising, LSA-SG president,
said, "Expanding the review to
encomnass the entire teaching re-
cord of Green is clouding the is-
sue. He was susoended because
he showed the slide show." Ris-
ing urged students to ask their
teachers to also show the slides.
As stident support for Green
mobilized, the University faculty,
See RALLY, Page 8
Govt. calls
jet attacki
By The Associated Press
U.S. Navy jets bombed the
French diplomatic mission in
Hanoi yesterday, causing
,heavy damage and wounding
its chief diplomat, according
to high French sources.
A French' government spokes-
person reported Pierre Susini,
delegate-general to Hanoi, severely
wounded and four Vietnamese em-
ployes missing.
Radio Hanoi, however, reported
that the four Vietnamese employes
and one French woman were killed
in theair raid.
U.S. Secretary of Defense'Melvin
Laird conceded yesterday that U.S.
bombs might have struck the
French diplomatic mission in
Hanoi while, planestwere attacking
military targets. But he said the
incident won't halt air raids on
the North.
For related stories, see Page a
On the basis of preliminary re-
ports, he said, it was impossible to
tell whether the damage was caus-
ed by "a faulty bomb drop" or
from North Vietnamese surface-
to-air missiles (SAMs) falling back
on the city.
Laird declared, as he has on
several occasions, that the U.S.
planes strike at only military tar-
gets and not at "downtown Hanoi."
Yesterday's targets, he noted, in-
cluded a railroad marshaling yard
and transshipment point three
miles from the French diplomatic
mission. He called them "signifi-
cant military targets."
The U.S. Command reported
Navy planes attacked military tar-
gets northeast of the French com-
pound but implied the damage
could have been caused by falling
surface to air missiles.
While not admitting that Ameri-
can bombs caused the damage to
the French mission the U.S. Com-
mand said: "We regret any per-
sonal injury or damage caused in
the area of the French delegation
building during the air strikes and
the North Vietnamese firing on
U.S. aircraft."
Canadian television correspon-
dent Michael Maclear, who wit-
nessed the bombing, said, however,
there was no doubt that U.S. planes
were responsible for the destruc-
I toin.
Gen. John Vogt, U.S. deputy
commander in Vietnam and, com-
mander of the Seventh Air Force,
I promised an investigation into the
"I can't imagine how it could
See U.S., Page 8
AP Photo
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Melvin Laird points to a chart yesterday showing the progress of the administration's Vietnamization
efforts. He conceded that hours before, American bombs may have struck the French diplomatic mission in Hanoi.
again; squeak
by Oakln
From wire service Reports two in the top of the inning.
DETROIT - Using that "ole" ' With the victory, the Tigers
magic, a little bit of luck and a ' have evened the series at two
lot of guts, the Detroit Tigers yes- games apiece and stand one game
terday eked out a 4-3 ten inning away from the American League
victory over the Oakland Athletics title.
in one of the most exciting finishes
to a baseball game in recent mem-,
Before 37,615 of the faithful, the
Tigers pouredall their aged bodies
could deliver into the bottom half
of the final frame to tally three
runs after the Athletics scored]
strength of McAuliffe's blast, a through for the score until the
shot that landed in the second deck fateful tenth.
in right field. Lolich looked sharp, The Bengals tried to capture the
fanning A's or at least keeping contest in both the eighth and
their hits on the ground. ninth, but slick A fielding and
But the A's .struck back in the poor Tiger base-running stopped
seventh. After Catfish Hunter that trick. With first and third and
kept the Tigers at bay, Mike Ep- one out, Freehan missed a bunt
stein stroked a seventh inning attempt and the runner on third
blast that knotted the score. McAuliffe was caught leaning and
The teams battled back and pegged out by A catcher Dave
forth but neither could break Duncan.
Hostages freed in
D.C. jail rebellion
WASHINGTON (/P) - Rebelling
inmates of the District of Co-
lumbia Jail early this morning
announced the release of the
12 hostages they had been
holding prisoner for almost 24
The hostages were seized yes-
terday by 30 inmates who in-
itially threatened t he m with
death unless all those inmates
Corrections Commissioner Ken-
neth Hardy was held by the in-
mates until he collapsed from
what was later termed a heart
attack. He was rushed imme-
diately to George Washington
The prisoners began negotiat-
ing with authorities more than
12 hours after seizing a cell block
in early morning hours and tak-
ing at least 10 hostages. One
correctional officer was reported
beaten by the inmates and later
was treated, authorities said.
Talks began at the jail after
relatives of the prisoners,. in-
mates of nearby Lorton Reforma-
tory, Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-
N.Y.) and others were permitted
inside to talk with the inmates.
Even as the negotiations went
on, six prisoners involved in the
rebellion were allowed to appear
before U.S. District Court Judge
William Bryant and present their
In what certainly must be de-
ant allowed the inmates to pre-
scribed as an unusual move, Bry-
sent their complaints as part of
a pending civil suit protesting
For awhile it looked liked some
classy batting had handed the A's
the championship in the first ex-
tra-inning frame.
With Gonzalo Marquez on first,
ex-Cardinal Matty Alou stroked a
shot off the left field fence. Man-
quez kept on coming and charged
into Tiger backstop Bill Freehan.
Shortstop Dick McAuliffe's re-
lay throw reached the plate at the
same time as the baserunner, but
in the ensuing collision, Freehan
couldn't hang on to the ball. Mar-
quez was injured on the play and
had to be taken from the field on
a stretcher. Alou took third on the
Ted Kubiack, who was also ac-
quired from the Cardinals, fol-
lowed with a looping single just
out of the reach of Tiger right
fielder Al Kaline and Alou romped
The A's knocked out reliever
Chuck Seelbachkbut did no fur-
ther damage. An error and an in-
field single did, however, threaten
Bengal hopes.
But the Tigers, battlers all year,
were not quite content to be elimi-
nated yesterday. McAuliffe, whose
homer in the third had put the
Tigers ahead one nothing, rapped
a single to right. Old pro Al Ka-
line duplicated the event only
placing it in left, McAuliffe hug-
ging second.
Manager Dick Williams, smell-
ing disaster for his A's, replaced
relief hurler Bob Locker with Joel
Horlen. Facing Gates Brown, Hor-
len's pitch got by catcher Dave
Duncan and the Tigers had men
on second and third with none out.
Brown took the fourth ball and the
sacks were filled with snarling
Bill Freehan shot a grounder to
Oakland third baseman Sal Bando,
who, instead of throwing home,
EDITOR'S NOTE, -- Michael Maclear is a
Canadian correspondent based in London for
Canada's independent television network, CTV.
He is now in Hanoi on assignment - his third
trip to North Vietnam. He filed the following
report Wednesday to CTV and The Associated
HANOI - I witnessed the attack which de-
stroyed the French diplomatic residence, ser-
iously injuring the delegation head, Pierre Su-
Hanoi: Eyewitness account
sini, and killing a French woman diplomat and
five of his Vietnamese staff.
We were filming one mile away when at least
three jets swooped repeatedly over the heart of
the capital. It was lunch hour. I counted at
least a dozen sorties by jets and watched as
one, defying heavy anti-aircraft fire, dived very
low, dropping two bombs.
There was no possibility of pilot error. They
were attacking very low over the center of the
capital. The area hit is the diplomatic quarter
and there are no Vietnamese
ministries or factories anywhere
I witnessed and filmed the dead
taken from rubble of the French
residence, which was shorn in
half. French Consul Christian Cal-
vy told me the attack came with-
out warning. He called it too hor-
rible for words. He said he could
not even imagine French and
world reaction.
There were at least three
bombings. There are five un-
known dead in the central area,
and probably seven.
Tonight I saw the French dele-
gation head at St. Paul's Hospital
in Hanoi. He had extreme facial
burns, and was still unconscious.
One French diplomat theorized
that the bombs were a forced
drop from a damaged jet, but this
diplomat added he was inside the
residence at the time of the at-
tack and did not see the plane.
Idid. and the low-ihttinL iet
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