Tuesdoy, October 10, 1972. UAC-DAYSTAR PRESENTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three It 's Hippie Humor time! STEVIE WONDER SAT., OCT. 28 Hill Aud. 8 p.m. $2.50-4.00-4.50-5.00 Reserved Seats now on sale Michigan Union 1 -6 p.m. Mon.-Fri., Salvation Records 11-9 p.m. Mon.-Sat. also on sale now UNION only: COMMANDER CODY AND AN OZONE REVUE FRI., OCT. 27-$2-3-3.50. Sorry no personal checks THE U-M PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM USHER APPLICATION FOR THE REPERTORY SERIES PRODUCTIONS NAME_ ADDRESS ___ __ PHONF _U-M l.D. I wish to usher for (indicate choice of series 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) Series A_ Series B_ Series C_ Series D_ SERIES A: Sat. Mat. & Fri. Eve.: Nov. 4, Feb. 9 SERIES B: Sat. Eves.: Nov. 4, Feb. 10 SERIES C: Sun. Mats.: Nov. 5, Feb. I 1 SERIES D:. Sun. Eves.: Nov. 5, Feb. 1 MOLIERE'S 'DON JUAN'-NOV. 4 (Sat. Mat. & Eve.) 'THE GREAT GOD BROWN'-NOV. 5 (Sun. Mat. & Eve.) 'SCHOOLFOR SCAN DAL'-FEB. 9-10 (Fri. & Sat. Eve.) 'LOWER DEPTHS'-FEB. 11 (Sun. Mat. & Eve.) , REPORTING TIMES: 2 p.m. matinees; 7 p.m. evenings This application MUST BE MAILED AND POSTMARKED NO EARLIER THAN October 12. U.S. MAIL ONLY. ONE APPLICA- TION PER ENVELOPE AS PLACES ARE LIMITED. YOU MUST BE A U-M STUDENT TO USHER. MAIL TO: PTP Office Mendelssohn Theatre Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to expedite notification. By PAUL TRAVIS Associate Managing Editor It was very strange walking into Hill Aud. Saturday night for the Cheech and Chong con- cert. Instead of the massive banks of electronic equipment us- ually found on the stage there were only three lonely mikes. Overhead a single row of spot- lights were suspended from the ceiling by four thin wires. The crowd was a strange com- bination of high school kids, freshmen on their first big date at the first big social event of the year, and stoned freaks. Close to 3,000 of them made this the second UAC-Daystar produc- tion to bitak even this year. Cheech and Chong received $8,600, and The Persuasions g o t $1,000. UAC-Daystar and Project Community split the rest with UAC-Daystar getting $4,000 and Project getting $3,000. At about 8:20, The Persuasions came bouncing out on stage to treat the audience to some fine a cappella singing - the first I'd heardasince high school. Al- though these gentlemen had lost the cool, clear, high tones reach- able by high school voices, their singing contained enough energy and drive to overcome that minor fault. Their set consisted of some mov- ing chain gang songs, some re- cent pop hits like "Lean On Me,'' and a few well-done politi- cal social statements. Lead singer Jerry Lawson doesn't have the range of a high schooler but his high energy, deep bluesy, rough voice was tonight 6:00 2 4 7 News, Weather, Sports 9 Eddie's Father 50 Flintstones--Children 56 Commonwealth 6:30 2 CBS News-Cronkite 4 NBC News-Chancellor 7 ABC News-Smith/Reasoner 9 Jeannie 50 Gilligan's Island (BW) 56 Origami 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 News, Weather, Sports 7 To Tell the Truth 9 Beverly Hillbillies 50 I Love Lucy 56 French Chef 7:30 2 What's My Line? 4 You Asked for It 7 Parent Game 9 Protectors 50 Hogan's Heroes strong enough to well cover everything except the very top of the scale. Jimmy Hayes real- ly deserved his self acclaimed title of "The third best bassman in the country." His booming bass supplied the rhythm to keep people hand-clapping, and foot tapping all evening. For their encore they invited the audience on stage for a ren- dition of "In the still of t h e night." As the crowd broke into "Duke of Earl," The Persuasions slipped off stage closing a very nice set. Cheech and Chong then walked on stage with their odd collec- tion of hats and coats and quick- ly showed the crowd they were in for an evening of Hippie Hu- mor. Opening line: "Don't t h r o w anything we can't smoke." Im- mediately a joint flew on stage. "You can sure tell we're in Ann Arbor." Their short sketches and dialogues centered around dope and sex and all the side trips. The audience loved it. You saw by Hashly Roachclip the rebuttle to the anti-grass TV editorial. You got the grass com- mercial "This weed is really fart, that's FAR ouT, Folks." And you got the rap on legalizing weed 'cause weed smokers get so hungry they use their r e n t money to buy munchies. "Down- er freaks buy 'only two things, Twinkies, and cough syrup." You got to see UnAmerican Bandstand with its advice to the troubled. "The best way to get rid of crabs is to shave half of your hair, start the -other half 56 Who Is 8:00 2 Maude 4 Bonanza 7 Temperatures Rising 9 News_ 56 Family Game 50 Dragnet 8:30 2 Hawaii Five-0 7 Movie "Night of Terror" (1972) Syn- dicate killer persues young wo- man. 9 Front Page Challenge 56 Dateline America 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 4 Bold Ones 9 Campaign Report 56 Common Ground 9:30 2 Movie-Drama "visions . . ." Physics pro- fessor predicts that someone is about to plant a bomb 9 Political Talk 56 Black Journal 10:00 4 NBC Reports . 7 Marcus Welby, M.D. 9 News, Weather, Sports 50 Perry Mason 56 Detroit Black Journal 10:20 9 Nightbeat-Sports 10:30 56 To Be Announced 1100 2 4 7 News, Weather, Sports 9 Cheaters 50 That Good Ole Nashville Music 11:30 2 Movie-Drama (BW) _ "Tripoli" '50 Story about 1805 American-led march across the Libyan Desert to Attack Tripoli 4 Johnny Carson 7 Dick Cavett 9 Movie "Sullivan's Empire" (1967) A dangerous jungle search. 50 Movie "The Hill" (1965) Exposing the brutality inside a British mili- tary stockade. Sean Connery. 1:00 4 7 News 1:30 2 Movie "Blonde's Big Deal." (1949) Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake. 3:00 2 News on fire and when the little bug- gers come running out stab them with an ice pick." The audience roared in agony. There was a fumbling n a r c routine, and few more downer- freak jokes, and of course, a few more obscene jokes and puns. There were almost no political jokes until towards the end they stopped and said, "We usually stay away from political humor because it is such sick humor. But this is an election year and we will do everything we can to defeat Nixon, because too much dick isn't good for anybody. Es- pecially since Dick says he'll pull out, but he keeps sticking it in somewhere else. We call him Slippery Dick." After two funny encores the audience went home still chuck- ling. It was a fiine evening and your ears weren't ringing after- wards BIitchingly gorgeous Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER Cheech and Chong -E By MIKE HARPER It was all glam and glitter at the Fisher Theatre Sunday night as English 'Starman' David Bowie made his Detroit debut. Clockwork music heralds his entrance as three perfectly lo- cated strobes flash at a fever- ish pace. His hand drops, t h e lights switch, and the band is roaring into "Hang On to Your- self." Bowie mimicks the lyrics, each phrase originating a dif- ferent pose, and yes, he's bitch- ingly gorgeous -the screwed- down orange hair, the red lip- stick and the turquoise eye sha- dow - all complimenting the utter death in his painted white face. Bowie proceeds through songs from recent albums, notably Zig- gy Stardust and Hunky Dory, in- terchanging the old with the new, building a queerly-menac- ing impression with each song, but moreover winning the aud- ience with considerable ease and grace. His every word and ac- tion is the center of all atten- tiono and Bowie makes the best of ,it,laying on the "hazy cosmic jive." "Space Oddity," his .hit Eng- lish single, is performed semi- acoustically, with just the Spid- ers' guitarist and Bowie playing, and their voices accentuated by echo; the result being strangev a feeling of joyous relief as as- tronaut 'Major Tom' just can't bring himself to return to earth -"my spaceship knows which way to go . . ." The song serves as a starting point for a short series of quieter ballads, leading to Bowie's 'tour de force,' a new piece believed to be entitled "My Death Waits . .." "Death" features the artist alone on on stage, perched high atop a stool, legs tightly crossed as one solitary spotlight bathes him in uneven light. He begins w i t h harsh images of sexual downfall, climaxing in the line "My death waits between your thighs." Bow- ie, lost in his own self-induced madness, then pleads for a sav- iour, but isn't granted one. His last shriek is cold and calcu- lating - but to no avail; 'she' waits behind every door, and he knows it. More amazing than the power of the song is Bowie's perform- ance -his guitar and voice are the only sounds heard,. as the audience plays the silent 'third party' throughout this seemingly very 'private' moment. This pressure is maintained in a surprisingly-sedate version of "Suffragette City," and then an encore about Detroit, winding the 90 minute concert to its end. Other than Bowie, the most impressive member of the David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars entourage is g'iitarist Mick Ron- son. Ronson is certainly at the top of the drone chord/riffdom league, is consistently excellent and innovative at his chosen craft: Although Ronson plays soie keyboards, the majority of that work is handled by the group's newest member Mike Dawson. Generally inaudible on the loud-r er songs, his strong piano play- ing serves as the needed filler behind the basic trio of drums, bass and guitar when the moods grow softer and more melodious. Trevor Bolder (bass) and Woody Woodmansev (d r u m s) comprise the basic rhythm sec- tion, and they are just as master- ful at their chosen trades. Their combined effort is one of sheer gut force; their sound one of sticking to the basic principle: (always be) tight. ARTS DANCE-The Beryozka Dance Company from Russia will perform tonight and tomorrow night under the auspices of the University Musical Society at the Power Center at 8. Both performances are sold out. POETRY-University professor Walter Clark reads his poetry this afternoon at 4:10 in the UGLI Multi-purpose room. FILMS-Ann Arbor Film Coop shows Creature from the Haunted Sea and Little Shop of Horrors at 7, 9:30 in Aud. A, Angell Hall; About this second film Daily reviewer Larry Lempert writes: In the field of horror parody, there is a thin line between the hilarious and the gro- tesque. For those who love to walk that line, Little Shop of Horrors is the film of the century. But there are two types of people who should definitely pass it by: a) Those who tend to pick up catch-phrases. You will go around growling "FEED ME!" for months, quoting the star of the film, that indignant, man-eating plant, and b) Those who dread each trip to the dentist. There 9.5 a sadistic dentist, played by (you won't believe it) Jack Nicholson, whose antics will make the heartiest patient squirm in his chair. Also, Cinema Guild shows Welle's Immortal Story at 7, 9:05 in Arch. Aud. About this film, Daily reviewer David Gruber writes that it presents Orson Welles as a man who, having been ruined by wealth and age, hires a sailor to beget him a son. Interesting as it may sound, the film is but a mass of dialogue with very little visual excitement to sustain it. It leaves the viewer numb. UPCOMING THEATRE TIP-George Farquahr's Restoration comedy Beaux Stratagem opens tomorrow in Lydia Men- delssohn as the first offering of this season's University Player's Playbill series. Tickets available in Mendelssohn box office. ?..n.:"l..:n trif :": :i: f : i. 3:: i::::.. SHOP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Open 11 a.m. for Lunch SHE Dancing-8 p.m. till 2 a.m. cinema Butterflies': Escape awhile Pizza and Sandwiches served after 5 p.m. 341 South Main 0 Ann Arbor 769-5960 By RICHARD GLATZER Aristotle said it best two mil- leniums ago: "A convincing im- possibilityis preferable to an un- convincing possibility." Leonard Gershe might have profited (aesthetically, not financially) from a reading of Aristotle be- fore writing his big stage hit Butterflies Are Free. Now it's not that the story of a blind boy trying to achieve independence is an impossible one. After all, look at Harold Krents, the in- spiration for Butterflies. Worked his way through Harvard Law School, married a pretty and de- voted coed, and is always wel- come on Cavett or Lou Gordon or what have you. Amazing but true. But Ripley's Believe It or Not does not high art (or low art or middle art) for that matter make. And a sort of fictionalized Ripley's is what Butterflies to a certain extent is. Look how at ease blind Don Baker (Edward Albert) is in his apartment! See how unselfconsciously he jokes about his handicap! Watch him walk to the store! Watch him walk back from the store! It's a decidedly inane premise, evenfor a slight Broadway com- edy. Yet, given .the two bad legs with which Butterflies is handicapped from its conception, the film doesn't do badly at all. For one thing, Gershe tries to humanize his hero. Don, it seems, is trying very hard to break off from his well-inten- tioned, overprotective m o t h e r (Eileen Heckart). He's had a bad love affair, yet he valiantly presses on, alone in his ,own apartment, refusing to return home to Mom and dependency. Then into Don's lonely life comes Mrs. Jill Benson (Goldie Hawn), a friendly, food-obsessed nineteen-year-old who earned name by marrying at sixteen and getting divorced six days later. Yes folks, Jill's got her problems too. She views her mo- q NEXT, LSA COFFEE HOUR ther as a rival and consequently thinks of herself as brainless and fairly worthless, just another pretty face. "I just can't be com- mitted or involved," she- tells Don. Then they go to bed to- gether. End of Act I. Devotees of psychology (not to mention non-devotees of psy- chology) might notice a slight superficiality of characterization here. No matter. Edward Albert, self-assured if unexciting in his first major film role, manages to be consistently sympathetic. And Goldie, playing a part that, thanks to Liza Minelli, has be- come very much of a contempor- ary stereotype, does surprising- ly well. True, it's the same old Goldie in her same old role; still, she turns in a funny, warm, and ingratiating performance. Act II finds Mom arriving un- expectedly next morning. Our two lovers are caught frolicking in their underwear, and the ten- sions previously implicit in the situation are brought to the fore. Mom must overcome her posses- siveness. Jill has got to gain enough self-confidence to enable her to establish a lasting rela- tionship with someone. And Don simply must assert his independ- ence. Things turn out predictably, satisfyingly, making Butterflies an entertaining, modest filming of an entertaining, modest play. Which would be something I might be more enthusiastic about were the film not just one more shiny bon-bon on the huge pile of escapism (and fifth-time- around reruns) which the local movie peddlers have decided to feed us this fall. 1 1 a. t** '- SHETLAND CREWNECK FOR TWO A classical duet imported from Scotland for him and for'her. . .full-fashioned saddle shoulder pullover sweaters for both to wear layered over shirts. Hers: scarlet, hunter green, navy, sand, gold, white. 36 to 40 sizes. $14. Misses sportswear. His: hunter green, navy, dark grey, olive, chocolate, medium brown. S,M.J,.XL. $14. M ,n's shop, MEN'S SHOF a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Chaplin's finest work. A masterpiece that epitomizes his creative genius." -Judith Crist, New York Magazine With The Psychology Dept. Tuesday, October 10 3-4:30 "I SALUTE, THE CHAPLIN GENIUS" -Bob Salmaggi, Group W Network Charlie . Chaplin in r T9 99 written.directea and produced III I