sVe £aidtman aIL Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited Td managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1972 The abortion ruling Will bo ByTOM WIEDER BY A COMBINATION of g o o d public relations, disenchant- ment with the two major parties and quirks of state election 1 a w , the Human Rights Party has suc- cessfully promulgated a number of myths about its political purity. Chief among these myths has been the assertion that HRP has mechanisms to insure democratic, representation of its constituency and disciplined candidate adher- ence to party principles and plat- form. The first part of this as- sertion was brought into question this summer when HRP nominated candidates for fall races. Candidates were picked in a con- vention on August 24th where only 48 votes were enough to give Steve Burghardt the State Representa- tive nomination. By contrast, Democrat Perry Bullard received 2700 votes in the August 8th pri- mary. HRP counters this criticism by saying that "state law forbids the Human Rights Party from hold- ing primary elections." THIS IS not quite true. State law does not allow "minor parties" to appear on the primary ballot. But HRP could have run its own elec- tion, exactly like unions do. They have complete voter registration WAYNE COUNTY Circuit Judge Charles Kaufman gave pro-abortion activ- ists cause to rejoice Thursday with his N oiding of the state's abortion laws as unconstitutional, but he also managed to build several confusing questions into an already complex issue. While Kaufman's ruling that the abortion laws violate a woman's right to privacy is a victory for women in this state who feel the control of their bodies should be their own, it throws into doubt the status of the already pending action on abortion-the upcoming Nov. 7 abor- tion referendum. What Kaufman basically did is legal- ize any and all abortions in the state, as long as they are performed in accordance with State Board of Health regulations. The pending referendum, if passed, would broaden the present law to allow abortions by physicians on women up to their 20th week of pregnancy. BUT HOW CAN a referendum reform a law that has been struck down and therefore doesn't really exist? Legal opinions vary. Some observers hold that the referendum would replace the now non-existent laws with new standards for abortion. Pro-abortion activists, quite wisely, are urging passage of'the referendum in case Kaufman's ruling is struck down by a higher court. But perhaps right-to-lifers would also vote for the referendum, in case Kauf- man's ruling stands. Their votes would be based on arguments that the referen- dum would at least stop abortions after the fifth month, which, * in their view would be better than the present "noth- ing. THE FATE OF the abortion reform referendum is not the only question Kaufman's ruling brings up. Another is the issue of what's going to happen un- til the ruling is tested. At least one official, Wayne County Prosecutor William Cahalan, says he will appeal the ruling to the State Supreme Court and promises to enforce the old law in the meantime. Although there are questions as to whether the ruling actually is effective state-wide, as Kaufman's order stated, it seems likely that other judges will rule in accordance with his precedent, if abortion cases are brought before them. Still, the potential for harassment by public officials, such as Cahalan, who re- fuse to recognize the court's ruling, is great. At this point then, the best bet for those who believe abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doc- tor is to support Kaufman's decision, but vote for the reform referendum as a back-up. Hopefully, the conflicts will be cleared up, the ruling will stand, and the ques- tion of abortion will become a personal one, as it should be. -TAMMY JACOBS Managing Editor lists, a headquarters to serve as a polling plac and ample resources to publicize the voting. Further, if they could have come up with $500.00, they could have even mailed absentee ballots to every absent voter. The lists are a matter of public record. Instead, they selected candidates in a manner guaranteed to result in poor representation. Prospective candidates could announce t h e i r desire to run at any time, even on convention night. Burghardt him- self announced only a few days be- for. This hardly* gives voters a chance to thoroughly investigate the candidates. If you wanted to vote, you had to declare membership in the par- ty (an oath not even required to vote in the major party primaries) and sit through several hours of tedious debate. If you happen to work evenings or were busy that night, you could not be assured of any voice in candidate selection. BUT THIS will happen no more, at least not in city elections. Be- cause of city election law, HRP will be on the primary ballot for the first time in February's mayor- ality and city council elections, which raises many interesting ques- tions about HRP's procedures. HRP claims that by voting for 'ssism replace HRP's 'discipline'? its candidates, you know w h a t you're getting, because its candi- dates are bound by "party dis- cipline" to support the entire plat- form and decisions of open party meetings. HRP primaries will make such discipline impossible to guarantee. Anyone with a handful of signa- tures can get on a primary ballot whether they are party faithful or not, and sometimes "autside:s" win. Jack Garris got the Repub- lican mayorality nomination in 1971 and Perry Bullard won h i s party's nomination without t h e support of most "party regulars." There is also the prolemn of crossover voting. George Walace got huge numbers of Republican votes in his Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary win. She:iff Douglas Harvey won renomninatibn. in 1968 perhaps only because of Republican crossovers. Similar things might well happen to HRP. WHAT WILL HRP do to irsure the primary nomination of "discip- lined" candidates? Perhaps t h e party organization will oficially endorse a candidate in *he pri- mary. But, of course, when Demo- cratic and Republican organizations do this they are labelled "ma- chines" or accused of bossism. The Ann Rrbor Democratic Par- ty has for years used an o p e a primary system. No primary can- didate receives an organizatou en- dorsement. All candidates flak e equal assess to the party's regis- tration lists and voter 'files. e v e n its bulk mailing permit. Party of- ficeholders may work for any can- didate but may not, acting in their official capacities, endorse any- one. This system, of course, s o m e- times paves the way for the vac- tory of candidates who aren't sup- ported by the "regulars. It is a price that must be paid for "open politics." It is the means McGov- ern used to get the nomination without much regular party sup- port. WHICH ROUTE will HRP take? Will they choose bossism and a closed primary or will they v! e open primaries, ending the ques- tionable promise of party disci- pline? The vision of an HRP candidate going his own way, ignoring a mass meeting or differing from an ele- ment of the HRP platform contra- dicts HRP's stated rules but the possibility of it is very real. Actually, we don't have to awzit the next primary to see the fal- lacy of HRP's "party discipline ' claim. We already have a startling violation of it. Zolton Ferenc, one of HRP's founders and HRP can- didate for Michigan Supreme Court, apparently gave S!0O to Perry Bullard's campaign, violat- ing HRP's own rules. Tammy Jacobs, editorializing on this page earlier this week, said this admitted boo-boo should not be held against other HRP candi- dates. On the contrary, if a candi- date selected by the very control- led convention process can acci- dentally or deliberately ignore par- ty discipline, what guarantee does the voter have that other HRP candidates won't do the same, es- pecially those selected in regular primaries, beyond the' control of party regulars? PARTY DISCIPLINE is only as strong as the individual candidate's desire to accept it, an acceptance that is in no way insured. It is a promise that no party, including HRP, can fulfill and remain open. It is 'just one of many of the "dif- ferent" things about HRP that evaporate when the party is placed on an equal footing with the two major parties. It seems there is a very fine line between revolutionary politics and traditional bossism. Tom XVJrde? is an active local Democrat. :t Thoughts on receiving a playgirl'calendar By SARA FITZGERALD A FEW YEARS back, the President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography concluded that women could be considered "deprived" when con- sidering the amount of erotic materials designed for their tastes.' But now Evelyn Carter, a University alumna and founder of HDS (to "Heck with Double Standards") Publishing Company has given women what she calls "equal time." Her answer? "Eve's/12"-a $2 calendar graced with color pictures of 12 nude males. It includes just about everything the doctor could have ordered for female sexual fantasies-the milk- man, the athlete, the gangster and the construction worked. In fact, it even includes the doctor himself- in the form of Mr. March, a pale, graying, grinning gynecologist. They're snapped in bedrooms, living rooms, and locker rooms, smiling, leering, meditating, conjur- ing up their own image of what that next sexual en- counter with you is going to be. Mind you, the photos are all highly tasteful. Wine bottles, lassos, shovels ,and hands block the you- know-whats in every case (and enable Carter to send the thing out through the U.S. mail.) NOW WHEN THE calendar arrived in the office, I took Carter's words to heart. Having associated with a number of males who would gleefully and teasingly ogle over photos of nude or at least provocative- looking women, I brazenly hung my calendar to 'get back. Their reaction was predictable: They teasingly called me a "sexist," riffled through the pictures themselves,, then the office en masse concluded that Mr. June - the hippy motorcyclist parked by a country stream -- was the sexiest. I kept the calendar up for about a week. I'd glance up at pensive Mr. January, confetti in his hair and champagne bottle in his hand, all ready to celebrate New Year's Eve with me. I looked at him off and on for about a week, then got bored and took the calen- dar down. When I did, I noticed that there was a little "pro- mo" message on the cover, that read: "Throw off the 'tyrannous yoke of oppression.' Buy Eve's/12 and know for sure what the rest of the world is talking about." THEN I REALIZED that despite the "fun" of hav- ing a nude calendar of my own, it wasn't going to do anything to solve the problems of sexploitation-- using bodies to sell calendars, bodies to sell maga- zines, bodies to sell everything from cars to whiskey. Carter's answer is to meet the exploiter on his own ground-by exploiting the male body. But that only increases exploitation rather than re- moving it. Nor is theanswer found inta return to Victorian- ism-squelching talk and pictures of the body, in- creasing inhibition. Rather the solution is in humanism-for both men and women. For it is far healthier to think of the body as a body and the amazing creation that it is, rather than as a sexual object, symbolizing the 30 days that Sep- tember hath. Sara Fizge-ald is Editor of The Daily. Herom hotline' fails I PRESIDENT NIXON, in lauding the "success" of his anti-drug crusade, seems to have overlooked an immense failure; the Heroin Hot-Line. Launched six months ago amid a wave of great expectations, the government actually relieved they could turn the public Ito a giant "nare squad." A toll- free number was announced through which anyone in the United States could call in their "hot" tips. These tips were to subseqtiently lead to an immense round up of narcotics and heroin push- ers. Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BAUER ..............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY...............Editorial Director MARK DILLEN...........Magazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN .......Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ................... Managing Editor LORIN LABARDEE ................Personnel Director ARTHUR LERNER.............. .Editorial Director JONATHAN MILLER...............Feature Editor ROBERT SCHREINER ..............Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH .......................Arts Editor ED SUROVELL .........................Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS...........Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller, Ted Stein. COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles Stein, Marcia Zoslaw. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim Kentch, Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Becky Warner. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Brown, Jim Frisinger, Matt Gerson, Nancy Hackmeter, Cindy Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal, Eric Schoch, Marty Stern, David Stoll, Doris Waltz. Photography Staff TERRY McCARTHY.............Chief Photographer ROLFE TESSEM ..................Picture Editor DENNY GAINER...............Staff Photographer TOM GOTTLIEB ..................Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK............Staff Photographer So, 27,003 calls and hundreds of thou- sands of tederal dollars later, the pro- gram has successfully netted two grams of heroin plus a small quantity of mari- juana. Ironic, considering that anyone in Ann Arbor could, do the same with only one or two phone calls and less than twenty-five bucks. MOREOVER, this waste of government funds only serve to highlight another government fault; a displaced sense of priority. With public agencies like Con- gress becoming more and more inacces- sible, even persons willing to foot the expense of a long distance call to Wash- ington find it difficult to contact their representatives. But if they wish to turn in a junkie, their participation in govern- ment is heartily encouraged. It is also lamentable that Nixon de- lights in using this program for its cam- paign propaganda value. Again Nixon's rhetoric overtakes the reality. Seizing upon the frantic fervor of an anxious public, the President seduces them with promises of an all-out drug battle, with an "action hot-line" leading the charge. The facts say otherwise. The sad fact is that heroin usage in this country is on the increase, and no gimmick is . going to, stop it. If Nixon could only understand the realities of the drug problem, then he might be able to better handle the situation. -MARTIN STERN Today's staff: News: Sara Fitzgerald, Eric Schoch, Charles Stein, Rebecca Warner Editorial Page: Mark Dillen Photo technician: Karen Kosmauski 'Mr. June' Nixon s years of emp promise 4 By WILLIAM FULBRIGHT DURING FOUR years in office, President Nixon has been pre- occupied with summits and con- frontations, with the bombing of North Vietnam and with fear for the defeat of his protege, President Thieu. He has had little time or ener- f gy to spare for the domestic con- cerns of American society. He has allowed problems to fester and grow worse. Because of this neglect, many Americans have become disillus- ioned and have come to believe our society is in anvirreversible de- cline. My own view is that our society is basically healthy a n d capable of self-renewal. We might all be surprised to see how read- ily renewal could take place with an end to the war and with a new, more responsible national leader- ship under George McGovern. Since the end of World War II, the United States has spent more than one trillion, four hundred bil- lion dollars for military purposes. Despite the rhetoric about reduc- ing foreign commitments and alter- ing our national priorities under the "Nixon Doctrine," the Administra- tion continues to place primary em- phasis on military expenditures. Although Mr. Nixon said that his 1972 and 1973 budgets would allo- cate more for "human resources ' than for military purposes, the mil- itary budget is increasing, inflat- ed by the costs of the massive bombing campaign in Vietnam. As- suming a continuation of present policies, the Brookings Institution has forecast a continuing increase in defense spending which could reach about $100 billion in 1977. The fact that we are living be- yond our means - primarily be- cause of extravagant military costs - is obfuscated by glowing refer- ences to the GNP (gross national product) and our so-called "trillion dollar economy." Swept under the rug are such salient but uncom- fortable facts as that inflation and 'the Federal budget deficits - amounting to about $125 billion during the four Nixon years - are prime contributors to the overall GNP. Nor does the GNP take account of an international balance- of-payments deficit of more than $30 billion in 1972. The GNP is not a true measure of useful productivity; it is only a crude compilation of money spent for purposes ranging from steel production to the publication of pornography, from education to gambling. Even the increase in crime is a stimulus to the GNP, since we have to spend more on law enforcement. On the other hand, the costs of pollution and a deteriorated environment are not reflected in the GNP. The National Urban Coalition estimates air pol- lution costs at $13.5 billion an- nually and water pollution costs at $12 billion annually. These are in- cluded in the GNP only insofar as we try to combat them and then they appear as part of the "trillion dollar economy." COMING DOWN to earth, we encounter a society deficient in ed- ucation, transportation, housing, health care, and community de- velopment. During the same de- cade in which our GNP has more than doubled, our cities have de- teriorated rapidly while Federal programs designed to aid urban areas have been starved for funds. At the same time, the Nixon Administration insists we can well afford its rising military expendi- tures. It is a travesty and an out- rage that here in the land of the "trillion dollar economy" millions of our citizens cannot afford and do not receive adequate health care; millions of our children are denied adequate education; millions of Americans are forced to live blighted lives in urban and rural slums; and some Americans even go hungry. A reordering of our national priorities is long overdue. William Fulirght is a Demo- cratic senator from Arkansas and chairman of the Senate Foreign Re- la/ions Committee. 0 Sen. Fulb right Letters to The Da~ily NJ -. .,; NATE. Zr HATE. 1 :C HATE' MC1. dove: : C ? I , !!lIIL HRP responds To the Daily: THE RECENT controversy sur- rounding an alleged contribution of HRP candidate Zolton Ferency (transmitted before he was an HRP nominee) to Democratic can- d;date Perry Bullard raises ques- tions as to the integrity of HRP, Ferency, and Bullard. It is unfortunate to say the least that an office-seeker like Perry Bullard finds it somehow in his in- terest to falsely claim the personal support of Ferency. The fact that Bullard chose to distort the nature of the gratuity only points, however, to the gross mistake Ferency has made in en- gaging in this kind of act in a sys- tem that expects the worst from its politicians. Needless to say, Zolton Ferency now realizes and admits In addition, Perry Bullard should also not be excused for shielding the true donors of the funds. He knew, from a letter and a phone call from Ferency, that the money was from others. What this whole episode points up to is the genuine need for op- enness in politics, especially in its financing. It points also to the need for *a political party that is not afraid to reproach and criticize its leaders. This we have attempted to do in a fair and firm way. For criticism is essential to real sup- port in an era marked by charis- matic white-knights immune from popular questioning. Our criticism is an essential part of our support for Zolton Ferency, for he has the integrity to admit a mistake and to know that it is the role of a par- ty to criticize its candidates as it. supports them. $200 for out-of-state abortions. This benefit was hidden in the policy and students were not even aware of its existence until Student Gov- ernment officers began publicizing the fact. The reasons for such a benefit are numerous. Briefly, a girl in college could possibly forfeit her chance for an education because of an unplanned pregnancy. Where are college students suppose to find a quick $200 for an out-of-state abortion? Curiously, many administrators are in favor of an abortion provi- sion in student insurance policies. George Safford, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of University of Illinois, felt' that it was a legiti- mate medical expense. In his words, it is ". . . a just provision in a student policy." I would hope that students on J & vc-~ L~ove HtA-O& M PLACE. t ip' C AIRM~, I iakIM& O,02