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October 07, 1972 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXI I, No 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 7, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages








Thanks to the Department of Postgraduate Medicine (for-
merly of 763-2459) and the nice people at the University's tele-
communications service, The Daily now has a new telephone
number: 76-DAILY. 76-DAILY is your hotline to The Daily's
news desk. Use it for news tips or just to yell at us when we
make a mistake. The Department of Postgraduate Medicine can
now be reached at 764-2287. All The Daily's other telephone num-
bers remain unchanged.
Pig talk irks Harvey
The annual battle of words between Mayor Robert Harris
and Sheriff Douglas Harvey broke out again this week, right on
schedule. Harris told City Council Monday night that the vic-
tory of the Ann Arbor Police "Goats" over the Sheriff's Dept.
"Pigs" in football last weekend proved the city police's super-
iority "in the only'category that was in doubt." Harvey retorted
yesterday with doubt that Harris' remark was meant as a joke,
adding he was "irked and angered" by the comment.
Ah, the leaves of fall,.
Well, the summer's gone and we're rapidly approaching
another one of Ann Arbor's inimitable winters, so miake the most
of the great outdoors while the going's good. For a start, try
Michigan's forests, which are now approaching the peak of their
annual light show. today . . sources in the outback report that
the blaze of color can best be viewed this weekend north of a
line from Bay City to Ludington, with a few brilliantly colored
patches south of the line.
Ferency case 'closed'
The case of HRP mogul Zolton Ferency's $100 contribution
to Democrat Perry Bullard's campaign is now closed-at least
as far as the party's state steering committee is concerned.
Ferency announced that he will not reveal on whose behalf he
donated the money. The steering committee is prepared to let
the, matter drop, but with a reprimand for Ferency's "serious
Back on the beat
City patrolman James Shantz, off duty since July for alleged-
ly beating a 17-year-old girl in a police interrogation room, re-
turned to his old job at the police department yesterday. Arbi-
trator Erwin Ellender ordered Chief Walter Krasny, who had
fired Shantz following an investigation of the beating incident,
to reinstate him. Ellender said that losing three months' pay
was penalty enough, and Shantz's actions did not warrant dis-
Happenings .. .
. . . are of course dominated by football, as the undefeated
Wolverines tackle Navy at 1:30 in the Stadium . . . but if you're
more into cycling than tackling, join the First Annual Bicycle
Tour, in which bikers plan to ride to Lansing and back. The
starting point is the Diag at'8:00 a.m., and the estimated time
of return is 5 in the afternoon. The registration fee is $10.00 .. .
and if you're tired of chess, the Go Club will meet at 2 p.m.
in the International Center to play and discuss that most inscrut-
able of games.
Lettuce boycott boost
DETROIT - The non-union lettuce boycott received an ui-
expected boost yesterday, as the Wayne County Board of Com-
missioners voted to buy only Michigan-grown lettuce or lettuce
bearing the label of the United Farm Workers. The county buys
$10,000 worth of lettuce annually.
MCRC power broadened
LANSING-The State Legislature this week empowered the
Michigan Civil Rights Commission to deal with sex bias as well
as racial discrimination. The lawmakers thus plugged a loop-
hole in the Fair Employment Practices Act, which had left the
commission powerless in cases of sexual discrimination. This
means that the commission can once again enforce laws barring
discrimination based on sex.
Keep on trekking
DETROIT-Loyal fans of the TV show Star Trek will be
"beaming down" to the Detroit Hilton, Washington Blvd. at Bag-
ley, in record numbers Oct. 19-21, for a three-day Star Trek con-
vention. Featured will be a screening of the original TV "pilot" of
Star Trek, never shown on the tube, and a talk from show's
creator, producer Gene Roddenberry. For more information on
this epic event write to Robert Brosch, 14845 Anne St., Allen
Park, 48101.
McGovern accused
WASHINGTON-The General Accounting Office yesterday
referred to the Justice Department three "apparent violations"
of the new campaign spending law by Sen. George McGovern's
fund-raisers. The GAO said it had found "many instances" of
inadequate bookkeeping by McGovern's troops.
Lavelle "encouraged"
WASHINGTON-Gen. John Lavelle said yesterday he was
encouraged by directives from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to order
unauthorized air raids over North Vietnam. He said in a letter

to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis (D-
Miss.) that the Joint Chiefs expected him to employ a "liberal
interpretation" of the ban on such raids.
Briefly noted .. .
. Tanzania and Uganda announced settlement of their dis-
pute Thursday night and said details of the agreement would be
made public later . . . East Germany announced what appeared
to be sweeping amnesty for political and criminal prisoners on
the occasion of its 23rd anniversary as a state . . . women will
enter the Coast Guard's officer candidate program next year for
the first time since World War II.

149 dead
in train
SALTILLO, Mexico ()-A train
speeding down a hill with about
1,600 religious pilgrims aboard de-
railed and caught fire, killing 149
persons and injuring 781, police
reported yesterday.
The police chief of Coahuila
state, Genaro Davila, added that
rescuers were continuing to dig
through the rubble for more vic-
tims, nearly 24 hours after the ac-
A spokesman for the Mexican
National Railways said a prelim-
inary investigation showed the
train was traveling about 75 mph,
at the time of the accident, twice
the speed permitted on a down-
hill curve such as the train was
The official said the brakes ap-
parently functioned, but could not
slow the train sufficiently because
of the speed. The drivers of the
two engines pulling the 22-car train
were only slightly injured and
were being questioned by authori-
Survivors said the train had been
approaching the Moreno Bridge
south of Saltillo about midnight
Thursday when the engine over-
turned and several cars jammed
together and caught fire. Some en-
tire families were reported killed.
A newsman who flew over the
crash site said, "It looked like at
least half the cars were off the
track, and none of them seemed
to be seated normally. "Three or
four of the cars were upside down,
some were piled on top of one' an-
other," he added. "About a dozen
ambulances were standing by with
other emergency vehicles."
A correspondent for the Laredo,
Tex., Times reported from Sal-
tillo "the whole city has been mo-
bilized. Businesses and movie the-
aters have been closed. Hundreds
of people are donating blood at
private clinics and hospitals."
Group thi
register ja
Last minute attempts to register
prison inmates to vote failed local-
ly yesterday as Washtenaw County
Jail officials claimed that none
of the eligible prisoners wished to
be registered.
The eleventh hour registration
drive stemmed from a ruling by af
Detroit judge that jail inmates
must be allowed to register. The
deadline for registration for the

by; 56-31
special To The Daily
LANSING-The State House
of Representatives yesterday,
by a 56-31 vote, added Michi-
gan to the growing list of
states that have adopted no-
fault vehicle insurance.
Gov. William Milliken's approval
of the bill, which would make it.
law, seems a certainty at this
The action came on the last day
of the legislative session before
the election recess.
Before voting on the bill, the
Representatives met in party
caucuses fortmore than 2/2 hours
to discuss its provisions, which
differ greatly from the original
no-fault bill passed by the House.
The bill was passed by the Sen-
ate Thursday.
The House did not debate the
bill on the floor, but voted almost
immediately after the caucuses.
The 56 "aye" votes cast were
the exact number needed for pass-
age. The absence of several rep-
resentatives from, the floor con-
tributed to the closeness of the
Under provisions of the bill,
which covers all vehicles except
motorcycles, claimantscancre-
-Unlimited "reasonable" medi-
cal expenses and funeral and
burial costs up to $1,000;
-Wages lost because of injury
for a period of up to three years
plus a maximum of $20 per day to
cover the cost of servicesdwhich
the injured claimants would nor-
mally perform themselves; and,
-As much as $21,900 over a
period of three years in "survivors
losses" for dependents of those
killed in accidents to replace "tan-
gible things of economic value"
which the victim would have pro-
The law, which goes into effect
April 1, 1973, will require all state
motorists to maintain personal pro-
tection coverage for medical ex-
See SENATE, Page 8

AP Photo
Bicycle built for???
This 21-seater tandem from Littlehampton, England, is claimed to be the world's longest by its owners, the members of the Littlehamp-
ton Rotary Club. The 35-foot tandem, or vagintipede, is scheduled for a 12-mile run tomorrow.
Dems to defy atergate edict

McGovern's (D - S.D.) advisors
yesterday called the court order
against public discussion of the
Watergate affair a "gag rule" on
a major campaign issue and
asked a federal judge to say it
doesn't apply to Democrats.
President Nixon's aides, mean-
while, denied a report that
memos describing Democrats'
wiretapped conversations in their

Watergate national headquar-
ters were sent directly to a
White House aide and two Nixon
re-election officials.
A story that Memos on Water-
gate wiretaps went to Nixon's
assistant for congressional rela-
tions and to two officials of the
re-election campaign committee
was published yesterday by the
Washington Post.
The Post also said, in a sepa-

rarted in attempt to
i1 inmates to vote

Nov. 8 election was yesterday, at
8 p.m.
However, members of the local
Committee for a New Understand-
ing of Justice (NUJ) claimed that
inmates were denied their right to
register, since Sheriff D o u g l a s
Harvey refused city registrars ac-
cess to the prisoners.
City Clerk Harold Saunders said
yesterday morning that he had
asked Harvey to conduct a survey

of the inmates to see if any wanted
to register. The survey, conducted
by sheriff's deputies, resulted in
no requests for registration - ac-
cording to prison officials.
However, NUJ a t t o r n e y Tom?
Bentley claimed to have heard
through less official sources that
two inmates haddaskeddto register.
EPrison officials decided these two
men could not register, according
to Bentley, since one would still
be in prison during the November
elections, and the other would be
outside the local jurisdiction.
NUJ spokespersons said such
questions should be decided by the
courts, not by the sheriff's depart-
But when Bentley and deputy
registrar Jay Hack attempted to
register the two inmates last
night, they were not allowed to
talk to the two men.
NUJ spokeswoman Gwen John-
son considers the deputies' poll in-
sufficient enforcement of the in-
mates' right to register.
"Without casting aspersions on
the deputies, I can't imagine that
the rapport between the prisoners
and their jailers is such as to
allow the prisoner to express their
feelings," Johnson said. She point-
ed out that registrars, as well as
performing registration, have a
"primary" function of "encourag-
ing people to register."
A source inside the jail said
yesterday that allowing registrars
to talk to prisoners directly would
have presented too severe a "per-
sonnel problem," since sheriff's de-
partment employes would have had
to supervise each meeting.
Johnson said the present handl-
ing of inmate registration "leaves
out people because they're poor."
Most of the county jail's approx-
imately 100 inmates are in prison
awaiting trial and unable to pay
bond. Few have- been convicted ef
a felony, which would make them
ineligible to vote.

rate story, that a $100,000 con-
tribution to Nixon's campaign
originated in the bank account of
Gulf Resources and Chemical
Corp. in Houston.
The newspaper said the con-
tribution traveled a circuitous
route through Mexico before
getting to Nixon's campaign
McGovern's campaign mana-
ger, Lawrence O'l rien, said at a
news conference that attempts to
get a no-discussion court order
were "evidence ofathe lengths to
which Mr. Nixon and his admin-
istration will go to keep a tight
lid on this unprecedented act of
political espionage."
O'Brien said he, McGovern,
and vice - presidential nominee
Sargent Shriver will continue to
talk about the Watergate case,
on advice of counsel. He an-
nounced they have asked U. S.
District Court Judge John Sirica
to confirm their stand that his
order does not apply to the Dem-
ocratic candidates or O'Brien.
Sirica on Wednesday ordered
principals in the case not to dis-
cuss it in public so that trial of
seven men indicted in the case
would not be jeopardized. The
order was requested by the law-
yer of one of the defendants, E.
Howard Hunt Jr.
O'Brien said Democrats will
challenge the order as far as the
Supreme Court if Sirica rules
they are bound by it.
But O'Brien refused to say,
under repeated questioning, whe-
ther he would go to jail if neces-
The memos mentioned in the
Post story drew a rebuttal from
White House press secretary
Ronald Ziegler, who told news-
men he had denied before that
the President's aide, William
Timmons, had received such
memos; that he was denying, it_
again, and that he had "nothing
further to say."

A spokesman, for the Presi-
dent's re-election committee al-
so denied that such memos went
to Robert Odle Jr., the commit-
tee's director ,of administration,
and to J. Glenn Sedam, general
counsel of the campaign organiz-
The Post said Alfred Baldwin
III, ansex-FBI agent who says
he transcribed the wiretapped
conversations, "is known to
have told the FBI" that the
memos were addressed to the
three officials.

RC director Robertson
reportedly leaving post

Highly reliable University sources
have told The Daily that it is like-
ly James Robertson, director of the
Residential College (RC), will
leave his post at the end of next
Robertson, however,awill stay on
in his capacity as an associate
dean of the literary college.
Robertson, was appointed RC
director in 1967, when the college
was formed. Although his appoint-
ment was set f r a four-year term,
literary c o 11l e g e Dean Frank
Rhodes extended the term one
year and that extension will be up
in April.
According to Edward Dougherty,
assistant to the LSA Dean, a search
committee will at "some point" be
set up to consider the selection of
a new director.
Dougherty said that to his knowl-
edge Robertson would be included
in the list of candidates for the
Sources indicated that the door
has been left open for Robertson to
be reappointed if he is interested,
but that "it seems unlikely politi-

cally" that this would be the case.
Robertson could not be reached
for comment.
The popular dean recently took
on added duties outside the RC,
when he was named "ombuds-
man" in the literary college,
where he will be involved in solv-
ing disputes between faculty and
Robertson has been associate
dean of the literary college since

Dean Robertson

On the inside...
. . sportswriter George Hastings takes a look at to-
day's Wolverine clash with Navy on the Sports Page, fea-
turing full lineups of both teams . . . staff writer Marcia
Zoslaw takes a look at the status of welfare reform on 'the
Editorial Page . . . and Donald Sosin reviews the recent
local performances of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
on the Arts Page.

Whiskey the wonder
steals fans' hearts
What has four legs, a curly tail, an eye for touchdowns, and
gets fan mail? Why, Whiskey the wonder dog, of course.
A seven-year-old fox terrier and the unofficial mascot of
the Wolverines, Whiskey has been making touchdowns for the
University at every home football game since her debut five
years ago at the Michigan-Michigan State game.
Since then, she has risen to nationwide fame. Especially
well-known at all the nearby Big Ten universities, she has even

When you give your ticket to the man at the
gate at today's football game, you probably think
you are just in for an afternoon of recreation.
Little do you realize that you are actually a small
cog in what amounts to a big business operation.
What eventually happens to the profits from
this enterprise is the focus of a long-standing
dispute between the athletic department and its

With all this taken into account, Canham esti-
mates that the average ticket price is somewhere
around three dollars per person. If the crowds
do reach expected levels, and barring earth-
quakes they probably will, the athletic depart-
ment will gross nearly a quarter of a million
dollars a game.
Canham adds, however, that at games like
Michigan State' where sellouts of 101,000 are

Grid take: Who gets what?

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