Friday, October '6,1197/'- THE MICHIGAN ®AILY Page Seven Friday, October 6, 1971 THE MICHIGAN OAILY - ~ Former I THERE ARE EASIER K lPLYRSws sy MANI arm UNION-LEAGUE t.Gj' Ne (Continued from Page 1) THAN THIIAR UND ..TLcople inWasingonD.C, June DIE TR!N E E the Times, he had monitored a F I N Ftelephone tap placed in the Demo- FOR INFO CALL. cratic offices earlier. a ! :Baldwin said he would put his' Mark 76-661 orAnn, 79-387 4; evesdropping h logs in anen- Mar, 73-641 r Ane,769386 loe, hic headdressed to a 12 committee official whose name hie 4. ,. .,. 1".. ... . has since forgotten and would take -- - --- - 'them to the Nixon committee of- f p y,:,,~i ," ;fices seven blocks away, the news-, fit, 1 Ii'i$l~l>paper said. "An elderly guard was on dutyj *^ in the building and he took the envelope, recogized the name on 6# it and said he would see to it 769- ktim te qotdcalrevdint"aying O A GA6 Timethattedoficalrevdwit," theng ' f* i The eavesdroppers, be told the 9' ,., ,,~ t ,."Times, apparently were interested piaril in information about Sen. George McGovern, Lawrence PIZ A 40 OBien then Democratic party' " > w ; " " k, . ; c a r a , a d about D em ocratic 1 :pliicl strategy. WE ALSO DELIVER The Times quoted Baldwin, as SUBS-CHICKEN--SHRIMP-SALADS-BURGERS-FRIES-COKE sat ing he rw as hired by the Com likepall uAdertIising Saem n""i""- """"...".... ""_""......"""--_ President as a security guard for 5 0 c-UI J I UI arh ithl, ieof former /A medium or large 50 A medium or large Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, but was item or more C 1 item or more. later assigned such task as moni- tnr~~t~n~ toring anti-Nixon demonstrations. OfOEAPZAOf OMEGA PIZZA He told the Times his boss was, r * James McCord, Jr., security co- 're nterste in wel-a n *ordinator for the Nixon committee' y/ou'r neetdi elpyg NameName~ _ _ _ part-time job, call Diane at 764-0560 Address____Address_ FOR DELIVERY ONLY FOR DELIVERY ONLY D IY Q FC ..........................................................................................................................s... 1 i y t . 3 { t f 1 i i I! ijjj7 f t I M 7 1 Kry 'RI agent for GOP' and one of seven persons indicted in the Watergate bugging case., Baldwin has not been charged in the case.. McCord- Baldwin said, assign- ed him to' monitor a phone tap onf May 25."Baldwin said he kept logs on about 200, conversations he monitored over a three-week per- iod, the newspaper said. He would not" give specifics: on the conversations after his attor- neys advised he would bie violating federal lAws, by disclosing con- tents of wiretap conversations; ac- cording to 'the Times.: ;-Baldwin 'told, the Times report- ers he never questioned his orders from' McCord.. "After all, his boss was John Mitchell, the 'committee' director and former Attorney General* of the United" States," the Timres qnoted Baldwin as saying. "And his superior was President Nixon. "If that was not enowigh to im- press me with McCord's authority and official' standing., we were suirro1unded' by formner WV hi t e Hrrlse nides McCord said were 'on loan' to the commiftte." Baldwin, told, the> Ties the squad of men ettered' the Water- gate on June 17 after they found out which,. telephone ,in the offices was O'Brien's. -Only one of two taps placed in the offices' earlier functioned 'proper'ly, he '"added. That was on , the telephone of Spencer Oliver;' "coordinator 'cof Democratic state cha'irm en.- A L .BULLETIN' {";1 Sf".~} . ( f V f JC...l" L ' :::a . ................ .. ... i 0 e S e 0 0~ i 1 ._$ , 3 . {R 7 ''.I ii i '. iI t1i I The Daily Official Bulletin is an tration required, from language sec., official publication of the Univer- Mrs. Roos. AdrnisSio'fl- to. exam only sity of Michigan. Notices should be to those registered and. who haye ad- sent in TYF..WRITTEN FORM'- to mission ticket. Bring I.D. or Soc. 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of Security card. the d'v preceding publication, and HISTORY MNAKE-UP: EXAM *will' be by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and ' held Sat., Oct. 7. 10-12 'Rm 429 Sunday. Items appear once only.; Mason Hall; please. consult- yrotr. in- Student organization notices are structor, then-sign list in History -Of-. not accepte i for publication. For s ice. 3601 Haven Hall._ more information, phone 764-9270. CAREER PLANNING &. PLACEMENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 3200 SAB The Soil Conservation Society of DAY CALENDAR America announces in Musical Society: World of Gilbert Conservation. 1973-74. .Twenty scholar- and Sullivan, Power Center, 8 pm: ships at $500 each w*ill be. awarded. Ap- International Folk Dance: Barbour' plicants. by' =award date; must have Gym, a pm. completed, 2 :yrs. of study Ain courses GENERAL NOTICES, related to nat. res, conservation. . Ap- Usher applications for Professional plics. should be submitted 'by May 15. Theatre Program's Repertory Series arej 1973. (2 appllc. - blanks: available' in now available in FTP Office, Lydia CAREER PLANNING.."& PLACEMENT Mendelssohn Theatre. OFFICE). DOCTORAL LANGUAGE TEST: Col-, Latin America-n VTeac iiig 'Fellow- lege Entrance Exam Board Test (CE- ships. Advanced level-graduate stu- EB) given in French, German, "Rus- dents teach; research; and perform in- sian and Spanish on Wed., Oct. 'h, 7 ternship duties hItf Atl -America for pm. In Rackham Lecture Hail. Regis- approx. two years., pplications for .P - 11973-74 positions- ,now ,avail. Selection rr I ' j ':1 i j i Looking for a Kosher Meal This Weekend? TRY... DELI I,- IHOUSE Best Corned Beef in Town Frns PpSUNDAY-S p.m. Hillel Social Hall will be made March, 1973.+ Check this off ice for complete info. SUMMER PLACEMENT: The -time has come 'said the walrus to--' con- sider what,-t6 do 'durin-g 4he summer of '73. Yo4 know, WHEN --let us hell you, decide WHAT and WHERE. visi~t the Sumtner Placement Office at 212 SAB .-- LAWYERS You did not need them to get Married. You do not need them to get DiVRCED in the State of Michigan in the Circuit Court of the county. in which you live. GORDON,, GRAHAM $1 , &C0.4RAMERASSOC. $ 15800 W. McNichols Suite 103--Detroit Plus costs -: 838-3650. 1429 Hill Pay at. door 10- - --- -- - --- - - - - - woomm r--"-NJPUr - -IN YOU CAN REGISTER TODAY at CITY HALL Campus Corners Vi -9 a.m.--8 p.m. lage Corners Watch Otto TitzlipiWatch Qtto invent the bra. -E}' Watch Otto invent falsies and then exclaim, "What God has forgotten, we stuff with cotton." Watch Otto in this hilarious romp th-rough ythe history of corsetry. U 4 The Uplifting Tale of OttoTitzling and the, Development of,,, the Bra by Wallace Reyburn Paper: $2.45f At your bookseller or by mail: & t Englewood CiffsN.J. 076327 - ) ) The Diag The Register To Vole Mobile will be at: .1 Gino's--11-1 P.m. Travel Knoll Apts.-1-2 p.m. Greene & Hoover- Sts.-12-2 p.m. Broadway Hills-3-4 p.m. East U. & South U.-l2p.m. Longshore Apts.-2-3 p.m. Yost Field House Arena-2-4 P.m. North Campus Co-Op---4-6 p.m. GOING TO THE GAME "TAILGATE"'.PICNIC?. , TRY OUR BOX SPECIALS Ngo. 1 2 PLUMP PIECES FRIED CHICKEN CREAMY COLE. SLAW BUTTERED ROLL CHOICE OF PIE f r