I 2 days left to register to vote, change a ddress BOOING TIGER MANAGEMENT See Editorial Page 5k A :4Aa it4 NIFTY High-70 Law-sO For details, see today. Vol. LXXXIII, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 5, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages today... VYBell burns The Village Bell Restaurant, 1321 S. University, was exten- sively damaged yesterday morning by a blaze which apparently started when a cooking kettle boiled dry. Damage was too extensive to estimate, and the popular night spot will be closed indefinitely. Owner Clint Castor can't seem to win: His other main property, the Pretzel Bell, burned two years ago. Leaflet tampering There's an extra added touch to those HRP open meeting leaflets floating around campus today. Someone has stamped r "Perry Bullard for State Representative-Vote Bullard, Vote Often" on the HRP leaflets. HRP spokespersons termed the hunorous plug for the Democratic candidate "petty political deception." Mayday reparations Two men arrested under false pretenses during the 1971 Mayday demonstrations in Washington have been awarded $7,000 in civil damages. The two were en route to work when police hauled them in along with a score of protesters. Their case could possibly set a precedent for several similar pending civil suits. The Hot Lakes The U.S. Corps of Engineers, in what must be an unpre- cedented action, will conduct a study on the feasibility of using water discharged from installations such as power plants to heat the Great Lakes. Such heating, the Corps hopes, would keep shipping lanes ice-free longer during winter months. Happenings .. . . are rather slim. The Israel Philharmonic will perform at Hill Aud. tonight at 8. Tickets are $3.50 - $8.50 . . . An Ann Arbor Human Rights Commission meeting is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. at City Hall... that's all folks. Dope note "Cannibis Nemesis" and City Coun'cilman John McCor- mick (R-Fourth Ward) refuses to say die, even though he's won. Apparently the conservative McCormick has put the heat on State Rep. Ray Smit to get an opinion from State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley on the city's now defunct $5 pot fine law, even though. most of the ordinance has already been struck down. McGovern's campaignI Campaign aides report that Sen. George McGovern will announce next Tuesday a plan to end the Indochina war, as part of an intensive antiwar effort during the Columbus Day week- end . . . but. other things are not going so well for the Democratic nominee. It seems the Federal Aviation Agency is extremely displeased over reports that McGovern, an ex-pilot, was recently allowed to take over the controls of his chartered commercial jet airliner in flight for a publicity photo. Dare to be loved CLEARWATER, Fla. - Tycoon Glenn W. Turner, on trial for violation of state security laws with his "Dare to be Great" motivational program, was sentenced to 150 days in the pokey for contempt of court yesterday. The contempt charges arose when 606 women spontaneously "demonstrated their love" for him in court. Turner claimed he had nothing to do with the women. Colossal purchase The slow trend toward relocating Europe in America, begun by the purchases of the Queen Mary and London Bridge, plods on. Thomas Merrick of Laguna Beach, Calif. has offered to pay $1 million for the Roman Colosseum and will spend up to $2 million more repairing it. Maybe Laguna Beach will soon have a National Gladiator League franchise. Daylight shines Market Opinion Research has taken time to poll Michigan voters on the sun shaking issue of the yearly summer time shift, observed by most of the rest of the country. The first poll this year, taken Aug. 28 - Sept. 1 in Detroit, showed 44 per cent favoring Daylight Savings and 52 per cent opposed, with the + remaining four per cent still in the dark. Briefly noted .. . . . . the government reported yesterday that F-111 swing + jets are back in action in Indochina, after being withdrawn last week because of the loss of one of the planes . . . a federal judge in Montgomery reported yesterday that conditions in Alabama prison hospitals are so bad that convicts sometimes perform surgery on each other.! On the inside .. . two Daily sportswriters take opposing views of the Detroit Tigers' victory on the Editorial Page . . . the Arts Pae feature a revinw of Eastern Michihnn Thea- TIGER GAME AFTERMATH Media protest police beatings Photographers hit, camera,1 ht brokenH By JONATHAN MILLER The Daily, The Detroit News, and WXYZ-TV yesterday filed official protests with the Detroit police, charging that staff members were beaten and equipment damaged by police in Detroit's Kennedy Square early yesterday morning. The complaints were filed with Detroit Police Commis- sioner John Nichols, who subsequently ordered a full investi- gation of the incidents, according to Police Inspector Richard Boutin, commander of the police department's public infor- mation section. The beatings allegedly occured shortly after midnight, while police were clearing rowdy celebrators from the down- town square after the Detroit Tigers captured the Eastern Division title of the American Bye-bye, Mr. Eskimo Pie Daily Photo by DAVID MARGOLICK Amid the falling leaves, another sign of the passing of summer from the city was the departure of our Good Humor man, Jerry Poquette yesterday. The last day's menu was limited to vanilla and malt Good Humors and toasted almond Super Humors which, according to Poquette, are the biggest sellers. "I did it because Michigan students deserve the best," he said. Alas, no more tinkling bells and sweet goodies until the ice cream man cometh back, April 1. Baseball League. Phil Nye, news director of WXYZ, an ABC-owned-and-operated station, said a television light valued at $350 was smashed by a policeman's nightstick. Detroit News photographer Gary Porter said an officer struck him on the head and smashed his camera. The News' preliminary complaint was forwarded to Detroit Mayor Roman Gribbs and Commissioner Nichols by Editor Martin Hayden. The newspaper said it is still in- vestigating the incident. Daily Chief Photographer Terry McCarthy said in a sworn state- ment that he was seized after taking pictures of Detroit police officers slamming a young black man into a wall. He was then pinned against a car and beaten with nightsticks suffering several bruises, accord- ing to the statement. McCarthy said he was ordered to surrender* his film under the threat of further beatings and the destruction of his cameras. Police ignored the Michigan State Police and Ann Arbor police department press cards he showed them, Mc- Carthy said. A reporter for United Press In- ternational reported that he was threatened by officers, but was not physically assaulted. The alleged attacks on newsmen came after police moved in on thousands of Tiger fans who were in Kennedy Square celebrating the team's victory. .Bottles and trash were hurled at police and some looting of store- fronts occured, police said. At least eight arrests were made, most of them for assaulting police- men. The police, for their part, used little restraint, according to Mc- Carthy and another Daily staffer See MEDIA, Page 8 Welfare reform shelved WASHINGTON (A) - The Sen- ate yesterday voted to shelve wel- fare reform for an indefinite per- iod and instead test all the various proposals designed to deal with problems of welfare families. It adopted 46-40 an amendment by Sen. William Roth (R-Del.) to rip out of the bill the tough Work- fare plan written in the Senate Finance Committee and substitute a test of it and all the rival plans. Others to be tested would in- clude President Nixon's Family Assistance Plan, passed twice by the House, and a liberalized ver- sion sponsored by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.) . but rejected Tuesday by the Senate. If the Roth amendment becomes law, the effect could be a five to eight year delay on any action to reform the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program. Meanwhile, the aid program, which has tripled in size in the last decade, would continue essen- tially as it operates now. The vote was a defeat for the conservative majority in the Sen- ate Finance Committee, which de- vised Workfare and hoped to see it enacted into law. It also was a defeat for the ad- ministration which strongly op- posed the test plan. Elliot Richardson, secretary of health, education and welfare, said it would take a year to devise the tests, at least two years to con- See WELFARE, Page 8 COMMISSION DIRECTIVE: Cable1 By DEBRA THAL The Ann A r b o r Cablecasting Commission last night directed City Attorney Jerold Lax to seek a rul-' ing from the Federal Communica- tions Commission (FCC) as to whether Michigan Cable TV must apply for a certificate of compli- ance with FCC regulations. Thej Cablecasting Commission also dis-' cussed revoking part of the com- pany's franchise for alleged with- holding of information. House unil U.S. tortur WASHINGTON (A')-A House sub- committee report says the Penta- gon refused to investigate reports that Americans engaged in politi- cal assassination and torture as part of a South Vietnamese "paci- fication" program. The report, prepared by the for-' eign operations and government' information subcommittee, w a s scheduled for a vote on approval' Tuesday by the House Government Operations Committee but the vote was cancelled because of a lack of" a quorum. It said the South Vietnamese-run Phoenix program, which the U.S., funds and advises, used "highly questionable intelligence gathering procedures" and raised moral con- siderations of U.S. support "for a program that has allegedly in- cluded torture, murder and in- humane treatment of South Viet- namese civilians." The report prepared for full com- mittee approval called "upon the sepretary of defense to fully in- vestigate these allegations of war crimes committed by U.S. military personnel . . Last vear. thev were unofficially rV to seek FC( "'I -A ruling Michigan Cable TV - a private FCC regulations for up to five a system with more than 50 sub- firm-holds the cable TV franchise years. scribers in an area larger than for the city. By Abte terms of the "We don't intend to file for certi- one apartment complex. franchise, they operate under the fication because we believe we Michigan Cable TV claims that supervision of the Cablecasting have complied with the FCC they are "grandfathered" because Commission-a five-member board rules," said Ray Clevinger, attor- they had a system installed in composed of area citizens. ney for Michigan Cable TV. Tower Plaza before the cut-off The commission action followed FCC regulations provide that a date. weeks of debate as to whether the cablecasting system may not go in- "The company appears to be sup- unter te to operaton without a certificate of porting itself on what seems to be Ann Arbor system falls under a compliance unless it was in opera- a thin piece of legal ice," said "grandfather clause" which would tion before March 31, 1972. Being Sidney Winter, commission chair- exempt them from compliance with in operation is defined as having man. The vote to seek an FCC ruling was unanimous. Many commission sa seenta onmbers expressed exasperation saysPenagon hidwith Michigan Cable TV's reluc- tance to seek the certification. "The' FCC doesn't say it's up to s V Ithe cable company to determine if e tactics in Vietnaml it is grandfathered' and then not file for certification," said commis- sione Davd Sinclar Osborn told the subcommittee he Osborn also said the names of sioThe c missin c also directed had passed on names of alleged some of the Vietnamese people Lax to ascertain the penalties for Viet Cong supporters to an Army his agents reported were Viet Cong noaly inteCperatio major who was coordinating the supporters were turned over to the The most heated debate of the Phoenix operation from CIA head- South Vietnamese by Americans eve masn hen Winte charge quarters in Da Nang, South Viet- who did not want to question them. the company with supplying "in- nam. These civilians, he said, often were adequa y iormt ion o n j latr eecued y SuthViena-adequate information on just He testified that torture and in- later executed by South Vietna- what they are doing terrogation operations were carried mese army squads. I Various sanctions were discuss- out by "Americans only . . . not Osborn said there was no cross- ed, including the possibility of tak- in coordination or with the knowl- checking to determine if the indi- ing part of the franchise away edge of the South Vietnamese gov- vidual actually was a Viet Cong from Michigan Cable TV. ernment." supporter. See CABLE, Page 8 City destroys 'trash fish' in Huron River By MARILYN RILEY Hundreds of fish freaks took to the Huron River Tuesday, scoops in hand, in search of a free carp dinner. There wasn't much sport in it, however, as the dead carp very obligingly floated to the sur- face to meet their hungry captors. Sound sinister? Not really - it's all part of a master plan to im- prove Ann Arbor's parks and re- creation program. One part of this plan is the re- I i! I E LOCAL STORES HAVEN'T ACTED HCP still sold despite FDA ban. stocking of the Huron River with game fish to create a "good urban fishery," according to Mike Schechtman, director of the Edol- ogy Center. ,In order to accomplish this, how- ever, ,the river must first be- rid of the pesky carp which currently predominate, making it difficult for other more desirable species of fish to gain a fin-hold. To kill the fish safely and effic- iently, fish biologists from the De- partment of Natural Resources used a chemical known as rote- none. According to Schechtman, rote- none suffocates the fish by inter- fering with its ability to absorb oxygen through its gills. The chemical was sprayed on the river and dripped into the river at se- lected points to insure maximum effect. Schechtman is quick to point out however "there's nothing irrever- sible that's being done to the eco- system, since rotenone will not harm the fish's predators. Rotenone has no direct long-term effect on the ecosystem, since it breaks down within 24 hours. Once the carp are gone, plans ral nr the tnrlin. f , rier By CINDY HILL "Let the buyer beware" appears to be the policy of many local drugstores which continue to stock products containing hexa- cholorophene (HCP) despite a government ban on the chemical. On Sept. 22 the Food and Drug Adminis- tration (FDA) announced a ban on all pro- ducts containing more than three per cent hexacholoronhene. as the chemical has been lage Corners, says his store does not plan to discontinue the product on the basis of their present information. "It's not illegal," says Harry Lipsitz, manager of the VIP Drugstore, when asked why pHisoHex had not been removed from over-the-counter sales. Ier I . - a stopped carrying pHisoHex a year ago, when the HCP warnings began, and re- placed it with a similar product which he reported "didn't sell." He has since renewed sales with the as- surance of his wholesaler that it was "okay to sell over-the-counter." "If somebody wants to buy it, I'm not responsible," he says. He comments, how- eer. that "it's not worth taking the chance