-' Y V t Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Osteo ath people: Separate but equal I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1972 End absentee SGC ONE OF the principals of democratic representative government is easy accessibility to legislators - ideally sympathetic and responsive to their con- stituents' inquiries, problems and sug- gestions. Three members of Student Govern- ment Council are inaccessible and out of reach for the vast majority of stu- dents. One Council member lives in Califor- nia, another in Cleveland and a third in Detroit. None are students enrolled in the University. Two of them appear at some SGC meetings, but are, despite ri- diculous assertions to the contrary, ir- refutably out of touch with campus and can have no intimate contact with mat- ters that come before the body. The California Council member has not attended any meetings this term. He claims, however, that he can still com- petently represent those who elected him -while he is 2500 miles from Ann Arbor. THESE SGC members, including both an ex-SOC president and an ex-vice- president, who have publicly stated their commitment to humanization and re- form of the University and radical moves to bring government into the hands of the people, are openly mocking the stu- dent body when they retaih their seats on Council in absentia. There is no requirement in the SGC constitution as it now stands that can- didates for Council seats either be stu- dents at the University, or live in the Ann Arbor area. This loophole - which has allowed a travesty of student government -- must be eliminated. LAST WEEK SGC moved to place a con- stitutional amendment on the No- vember election ballot that would require members of SGC to either be students in the term of their election or the term directly previous. This is a welcome move, and long awaited. It is time that absentee govern- ment come to an end at the University. -DAVID BURHENN a r I ~' W I "We used to store wheat in 'em-. By KATHE RICKE THE AMERICAN MEDICAL Association is begining to eat its words on osteopaths. As the shortage of MDs deepens faster than admi;- sions to medical schools climb, American osteopaths are no longer being blackballed by the AMA. Public opinion polls show that most people who are treated by medical doctors wouldn't consider going to an osteopath unless their family doctor recommended it. And not many do - even though osteo- paths are qualified to treat almost anything medical doctors are, and perhaps more when it comes to back troubles: Osteopaths don't think much of the whole development. Even though some MDs and osteopathic doctors are practicing in the same hospitals, the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) is advising its members to remain separate. In Ann Arbor, if an osteopath has a patient who requires hospitali- zation for something the osteopath could treat himself, he must still refer the patient to an MD. No osteopaths practice at either University Hospital or St. Joseph's. Some people think that osteopaths are quacks, or place osteopaths in the same category astchiropractors(another issue entirely). Actually, osteopaths receive training comparable to that of MDs. The) same four years of pre-med courses must be completed - followed by four years at an osteopathic school that trains students to be licensed to per- form surgery and administer drugs. A year of internship must also be completed, and a term of resi- dency if the osteopath wants to specialize. A CONTINGENT of medical doctors argues that the reason osteo- paths choose osteopathic schools is that their academic admission stand- ards are lower than medical schools'. But osteopaths disagree emphat- ically. OSTEOPATHY IS no "back door to medicine". And the AMA seems to be agreeing. In any event, it now wants to use the facilities in osteo- pathic schools to train its own doctors. It is a shame that it's taken the AMA this long to realize the value of Osteopathic treatment. Because of its "discrimination" a lot of people who could benefit from osteopathic treatment don't trust osteopaths. In the future if osteopaths decide to remain separate, let's at least keep them equal. Kathy Rieke is a staff writer for The Daily. Biker's lament -d Sorry sidewalk story: 'Watching' Cable TV By JIM KENTCH THE year of the bicycle. 1972 IS CABLE TV is a revolutionary new means of communication. It offers enor- mous potential but it can be misused. The cable system being installed in Ann Arbor has the capability to carry two-way signals, to the viewer and also from the viewer. If misused, this could mean the ad- vent of Big Brother. With hidden cam- eras and microphones, the cable system could be used as a vast spying system network. Even without the ominous po- Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD -Editor PAT BAUER ..............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY ................Editorial Director MARK DIJLEN ..................Magazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN ......Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS................ Managing Editor LORIN LABARDEE ...............Personnel Director ARTHUR LERNER ................Editorial Director JONATHAN MILLER ..............Feature Editor ROBERT SCHREINER .............Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH ........ ..............Arts Editor ED SUROVEL .....................Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS ............Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller, Ted Stein. COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles Stein, Marcia Zoslaw. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim Kentch, Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Becky Warner. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Brown, Jim Frisinger, Matt Gelson, Nancy Hackmeier, Cindy Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal, Eric Schoch, Marty Stern, David Stoll, Doris Waltz. Sports Staff JOHN PAPANEK Sports Editor ELLIOT LEGOW Executive Sports Editor BILL ALTERMAN ..........Associate Sports Editor BOB ANDREWS ..............Assistant Sports Editor SANDI GENTS...............Assistant Sports Editor MICHAEL OLIN .......... Contributing Sports Editor RANDY PHILLIPS ........Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Chuck Drukis, Joel G~reer, George Hastings, Bob Heuer, Frank Longo, Bob McGinn, Rich Stuck. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Marc Feldman, Rnb Halvaks, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo, Debbie W issuer. Photography Staff TERRY McCARTHY ..............Chief Photographer ROLFE TESSEM ..................Picture Editor DENNY GAINER ...............Staff Photographer TOM GOTTLIEB ...............Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK............Staff Photographer litical overtones, it seems likely that there will be attempts to monitor when the television is on and to which chan- nel it is tuned. BUT THE two-way system isn't all bad; there are many services that could benefit elderly people and shut-ins as well as generally make things easier for the homemaker. It will be possible to shop by TV and have the cost tacked on to your monthly Cable TV bill. Increased voter turn-out would be likely if you wouldn't have to leave the comfort of your living room to vote for the candidate of your choice. A much greater variety of entertain- ment is inevitable. Besides- the obvious service to the viewer, this will hopefully encourage more amateur creative en- deavor. Educational programming is already in the works for the public access chan- nels in Ann Arbor. If you are sick and miss a day of class, just watch it on.TV. There should also be complete courses in arts and crafts, academics, homemaking, auto repairs, medicine and any number of other areas. People will also have increased access to local governmental proceedings. There is a federal regulation requiring the cable system to donate the use of a channel to City Hall. ALL OF THIS must be strictly regulated. Our government has repeatedly de- monstrated that it does not respect the privacy of the individual. Federal and local commissions are not enough. The people of the community must be aware of the possibilities and be on their guard against servicemen who might drop by to "make a minor adjustment." It would be all too easy for Cable TV to be a nightmare instead of a dream. DEBRA THAL Today's staff: News: Chris Andrews, Robert Barkin, Pat Bauer, Diane Levick, Ralph Varta- bedian Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Fred Shell Photo technician: Rolfe Tessem This two-wheeled mode of trans- portation has multiplied ferociously over the past two years, and as a re- sult the campus is glutted with bi- cycles. The plethora of bicycles on campus has caused several problems. The perennial Ann Arbor problem of find- ing a parking space for your car now applies to your bicycle. The b i k e racks outside Angell Hall, the UGLI, Mason Hall, and the Modern Language Building are filled to capacity, and the parked bicycles overflow onto nearby trees and chain fences. ANOTHER situation which causes anyone who rides a bicycle on main campus anger and frustration involves riding across a curb which has been ''scalloped out'' for the easy passage of bicycles and wheelchairs. These innovations for bicyclists, facilitate easy crossing of streets but all too often pedestrians choose to walk across the "scalloped out" area. The pedestrians narrowly escape being hit by the cyclists, and the cyclists have to swerve out of the way of the pedestrians. Yet another problem is trying to negotiate the crowded sidewalks of central campus when classes change. Cyclists are forced to maneuver the moving labyrinth of those on foot and those on bicycles. Pedestrians have to. move out of the way of speeding cy- clists, thus depriving them of one of the few opportunities for reverie and contemplation. Collisions are quite frequent. BUT THE solution to these prob- lems is simple. More bicycle racks would alleviate the parking problem. If pedestrians would not walk across the "scalloped out" curb areas they would be safer and cyclists would be less frustrated. The congested sidewalks would re- quire a more extensive Solution. Side- walks could be divided into two halv- es, one half for bicycles and one half for pedestrians. A similar project was done with the Engineering Arch last year, and an extensive system of such bicycle and pedestrian side- walk demarcations is in operation at the University of California at Santa Barbara. THE CURRENT condition traffic situation on South University from East University to South Forest bears special consideration. These three blocks are a confusing mass of mov- ing cars, parked cars, jaywalking pe- destrians and cyclists. If these three blocks were closed off to all automobile traffic the result would be a pleasant pedestrian shop- ping mall with trees and shrubs. Such action would, however, throw a huge wrench into the existing traffic pat- terns, as North University and South University are main traffic arteries. It is nice to think about, though. THE PROBLEM of riding a bicy- cle in Ann Arbor and enjoying it may not be one of the burning issues of the day, but it is an unnecessary aggra- vation to an existence already full of pitfalls. Jim Ken tch is a Daily day editor. Daily Photo Letters: Advising adoption, not abortion To The Daily: THE SPECIAL feature "Wedries- day noon, N.Y.C." (Daily, Oct. 1) desperately cries for a rebuttal. Someone has to list the alternatives to abortion. The author lists one of the :- ternatives - better birth control. When you can't risk having a tKaty use the method that takes the least chance. The pill seems the best choice for the unmarried, and for people who have absolutely all the children they want - cubal ligation or vasectomy. But being;realistic, there is ano- ther alternative - adoption. Cou- ples incapable of having children and facing many years of waiting for an infant to be placed legally in their hands must cry out in des- peration when they read the abor- tion statistics. There is not a sur- plus of babies to adopt. You are not doing the world out of in un- wanted child. Putting the child up for adoption requires the natural parents to un- dergo some heartbreak and critic- ism. The woman's plight would be readily apparent to the people around her. But people who are not thrown by pre-marital sex and abortions will not be taken aback by an unmarried mother who al- lows the child to be adoptej. Even parents have been known to be sup-, portive and accept the pregnancy as a cry of help to be answered by love and understanding. If the emotional trauma of an abortion can be handled by anderstanding and trained clinical staff so can the trauma of unwanted birth a n d adoption. Most importantly adoption allows the most humane answer. People are sickened over the useless slaughter in Vietnam, yet many see nothing wrong with aborting "tissues". Maybe people are get- ting calloused by seeing the vio- lence on the 6 o'clock news. Ily- be human life is cheap, but I don't think so. Abortions happei1 be- cause people don't realize t h a t there are understanding agenies that help people to put childre:n up for adoption as well as abort them. As the guest writer boarded the plane back to Detroit with her copy of Ms. she believed she struck a blow for women's liberation. But this time there was a fatal :wist. Her career goals were salvaged and yet the fetus becomes the hat- ed "object". This -time its not an unfulfilled individual, but a dead one. -Ms. Ruth Dixon Oct. 2 Duty to life? To The Daily: I APPRECIATE William waring's eloquent defense moral sanctity of germ (Daily, Sept. 27). M a n- of the cells i 'fOS I Pk1J -6 tATUtiJGMAtJI 1k so uoE M~vE AKJYM IN) PFRGOO)RE's AR&u NeNYAT \/E Acv P~SVoOTV, O&) T1MfU PNow .tJes+6 WV U/'('!{1'.//JE Ak)) FUF a~ Cb o . Dist. Publishers-Hail Syndicate \ I compUI 71VF AK11 CASCULATI K&. N.~O ~P~O)AU OIlk 6i~7 Ah, how tragic it would be to kill two germ cells united in bliss. But can we not go further and say that to have prevented those two original sparks of life from join- ing would have been a crime against humanity? Are not those germ cells just as much alive before conception as when the sperm penetrates t h e ovum? The morally relevant property that makes germ cells sacred must be present even before unification. Hence, all contraception and even abstinence from sexual intercourse is killing billions of potential hu- mans every second. How ca ,we, students, sit here studying, whon we are not doing our duty to life, by giving our germ cells a chance to unite? Human life is a continuum. Germ cells are just as much a part of human life before conception as after. We need to learn how to bring human reproduction and po- pulation under control, instead of trying to discover the non-exssternt "point at which life begins." We also need to promote the in- dividual freedoi of women. Are we, men, that afraid of not huving been born, if abortion had been available to our mothers. -James McConnell, Grad SeDt. 30 Marcos has ordered the arrest of Senator Aquino, secretary-general of the political party opposed to Marcos. He has ordered the arrest of Senator Diokno, an independent senator who dared "fiscalize" a number of Marcos' policies on the senate floor. Marcos closed down 40 radio sta- tions, keeping open only the Phil- ippine Air Force station. All news- papers have been closed except the Daily Express, a Marcos-controlled publication. All TV stations have been clos- ed except one channel, owned and controlled by Marcos. More than 50 other Filipinos, in- cluding the publisher of the Manila Times have been "picked up." In effect, President Marcos has in one sweep eliminated all oppo- sition and seized absolute power. Already provincial governors. have been ousted and replaced by the military. Are Filipinos to sit back and let fate fall where it may? Or can we each individually begin doing something - maybe writing to newspapers, publications, to Marcos - expressing concern, exerting pressure, saying we care. If Marcos betrays our country, we must have a start at a move- ment which can oppose him. There is fear. There is uncer- tainty. There is ignorance. But at this point in time, the biggest mis- take Filipinos can make is not to act - paralyzed by fear and un- certainty' - to remain silent. -Victor Gamboa Sept. 30 ROTC coverage To The Daily: WE WERE impressed with the ef- fective coverage you provjl led our 25th Anniversary ceremony at North Hall on Sept. 18. [ie phc o you published effectively con\ey-, ed the spirit as well as the details of the event and was cerainlv oopi- tioned to achieve maximumn Etten- tion from your readers. Your photographer and repar tng Con grats To The Daily: CONGRATULATIONS on the re- organization of the paper. T h e "today . ." column carries more useful information than the entire paper in some past years. The cultural page is organized for easy use, and there is a general feel to the entire paper of solidity a n d news judgment. -John D. Stevens Associate Professor Journalism Sept. 29 Communist To The Daily: THE DAILY'S ARTICLE on the editorial page about the Communist, Party candidate for the Senate, Thomas Dennis, unfortunately re- flected some racist and anti-Com- munist prejudices. The article failed to explore the wide gulf between Dennis and the two major party candidates, Robert Griffin and Frank Kelley, on the busing issue. While the other two have been trying to out "anti-bus" each other to attract brain-washed racist vot- es, Dennis has consistently advo- cated the principle of equal inte- grated education. While Griffin and Kelley are con- tent with maintaining the status quo in our unequal, inefficient, out- moded, underfunded and prison-like educational system, Dennis has ar- gued for a united struggle by par- ents, students, and teachers, black and white, for a restructuring of the schools to meet the people's needs. The Daily article also attempted to portray the Communist Party candidacy as in competition with the Human Rights Party for the so-called left fringe vote. Although the Griffin and Kelley campaigns would like to have it that way, this is just not the case. With their reactionary positions on segregated but "equal" edu- cational systems, Griffin and Kel- ley are the real fringe candidates ,I g(ur LUE TALK ON) N THD IhJ FOR HOURS9. T He 5C!RT OF °{RUE -O V O(S I