Local By CHRIS PARKS Though the summer's hard-foi and convention battles are candidates are already prep selves for the Nov. 7 election. Democratic and Republican c a variety of county offices asv representative, U.S. representa county commissioner, and U were chosen in a-state-wide prix Four candidates were alsoc a field of five in a non-partisan two seats on the Washtenaw C Court. The Human Rights Party se dates several weeks later in a vention which saw the dissol party's alliance with the lo People's Party (RPP). As a result of the primaries tions the November elections follows: poiticians Incumbent Republican Robert Griffin will ught primary face Democratic State Attorney General over, local Frank Kelley and HRP hopeful Barbara aring them Halpern for U.S. Senator, andidates for .-Republican incumbent Marvin Esch well as state will face Democrat Marvin Stempien, floor tive, sheriff, leader of the State House, for the U.S. U.S. senator House of Representatives seat from Ann mary Aug. 8. Arbor's second congressional district, chosen from -HRP candidate Steve Burghardt will run primary for against Democratic primary victor Perry ounty Circuit Bullard and Republican Mike Renner for state representaitve from the city, lected candi- -Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug Harvey stormy con- is seeking re-election on the American In- ution of the dependent Party ticket against Republican cal Rainbow Undersheriff Harold Owings and Democrat Fred Postill, and conven- -Shirley Burgoyne and Edward Deake of shape up as Ann Arbor, Patrick Conlin of Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor District Court Judge Sandorf prepare Elden will vie for two positions on the Washtenaw Circuit Court, -Democrat G e o r g e Sallade will run against incumbent Republican William Del- hey for Washtenaw county prosecutor, -Susan Newell of HRP will face Demo- crat Kathy Fojtik and Republican Letty Wickliffe for county commissioner from the 14th district which includes North Campus, and -Elizabeth Taylor, Democrat, will vie with Republican William Young and HRP member Susan Winning for the commission seat from the 15th district which embraces the central and southern campus areas. - While the choices of Griffin, Kelley and Halpern for U.S. Senate were largely un- contested, many of the primary and con- vention battles were protracted and hard- fought. The HRP convention was the most de- visive in the party's history. for No vember le tions Charging that there is "a large contin- gent of people in HRP who are determined to control the party rather than dealing with the needs of the people," RPP leader John Sinclair led his followers out of an alliance which began just before last April's city council elections. Sinclair and RPP contend that "freaks" are the party's basic constituency while HRP members are more concerned with broadening their base to include workers and other members of the community. Opinions vary on what effect the split will have on HRP's fortunes in the fall. Sinclair feels the party will be defeated in November. "I hope their mistakes will be exposed," he said Tuesday. Steve Nissen, HRP's fall campaign co- ordinator, however, said the departure of RPP will have a very small effect." HRP state representative candidate Bur- ghardt-a long time party member and former T e n a n t s Union organizer-was chosen over Eric Chester, a leading ideolog and party co-ordinator Bob Alexander. Considerable controversy was generated over Burghardt's nomination because he failed to announce his candidacy for the nomination until two days before the con- vention. Equally controversial was the decision not to make an entry in either the U.S. representative or county sheriff races. The Democratic primaries two weeks be- fore were also bitter contests. In the congressional race, former Daily editorial page editor Walter Shapiro ran a strong left-liberal campaign against the more moderate Stempien. Shapiro carried Washtenaw County but lost to Stempien by about five per cent. Postill won the Democratic sheriff pri- mary making a strong appeal for youth votes. He survived charges by the Ann Arbor Sun that he is "trigger-happy" and went on to handily defeat his closest opponent, bail bondsman Harold Moon. Bullard, who also ran a youth-oriented campaign, came under attack from a num- ber of local radical groups who accused him of distorting his record of, political activism. Despite last minute efforts to sink his campaign, he was successful beating his two closest opponents, law student Helen Forsyth and economics professor Peter Eckstein. In the non-partisan circuit judge's ' pri- mary City Attorney Jerold Lax was elimi- nated when he finished last in a field of five candidates. The Republican primary produced no closely contested races. Fall Supplemenit Campus Issue L SirA AOF I -AL Ash- 'Ah6 :43 Fall Su pplement campus Issue Section One-General Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 7, 1972 Fifty-Eight Pages Clark wins in ydopestatute sex bias case Virginia Nordin Register now Voter registration will be con- ducted today at Waterman Gym- nasium during registration for classes. Registration for the No- vember election is open to those who are 18 years old, U. S. citi- zens and residents of Ann Arbor for 30 days by the time of that election. Voters who are already reg- istered in Ann 'Arbor but have moved since the last time they voted must file a change of ad- A dress form with the City Clerk's office, prior to Oct. 6, to be as- sured that they will receive a new card notifying them of their polling place. In addition, City Clerk Harold Saunders will hold a class for those who wish to become dep- uty registrars tonight at City Hall. Those interested in reg- istering voters should call the clerk's office for times and fur- ther details of classes. State gi A Willow By RALPH VARTABEDIAN A $2 million loan guarantee from the state has become the first step toward the Univer- sity's avowed goal of disengag- ing itself officially from large scale classified research. Under a plan adopted in prin- ciple by the Regents in Febru- ary, the University is attempt- ing to divest itself of its Wil- low Run Laboratories, recently renamed "The Environmental Research Center of Michigan," which perform about 90 per cent of the classified research done on campus. The loan guarantee, approved by the State Legislature as part of the Higher Education Bill, will provide Willow Run with funds to weather a transitional period during which it will leave the auspices of the University to be- come a non-profit corporation. Specically, the loan will allow the labs to meet their financial commitments during the first year. This is essential because all government classified re- search work is done on a reim- bursement basis-with payment often coming following the com- pletion of the project. Previously, the University had By JAN BENEDETTI Cheryl Clark, the first woman in the nation to demand back pay f r o m a university on grounds of sex discrimination, won her request last July, in the test case of the University's new complaint appeal procedure. "This is a terrific step for- ward. It indicates that if women persist in their complaints they will be vindicated," says Vir- ginia Nordin, chairwoman of the University's C o m m i s s i o n for Women. The decision represents a ma- jor victory for women seeking to end sexism in campus em- ployment policies, according to spokeswomen of University wo- men's groups. Clark, a research associate in the- University's Highway Safety R e s e a r c h Institute, will be awarded a minimum increase of $1,320 yearly, retroactive to Jan. 26, 1971. "I'm very pleased. It was al- most anticlimatic. I thought we would lose," said Clark. "This shows that the com- plaint appeal procedure is dif- ferent than the regular proced- ure. I hope that its essential fairness will encourage more women to come forward with complaints," said Zena Zumeta, f o r m e r University Women's Representative. "If salaries are made public, that will give women a better idea of their relative salary po- sitions and they can decide whether to complain," said Zu- meta. Clark filed an original com- plaint in January, 1971, charg- - ing that she was receiving a lesser salary than a man with the same job. After this complaint, heard through the standard procedure, was denied, law Prof. Harry Ed- wards, Clark's lawyer, charged See CLARK, Page 11 aran tees ?un loan The Regents in a 7-1 vote called for the separation from Willow Run Laboratories as an alterna- tive to an out-right ban on such research. Several issues involved in what is officially termed "the orderly total separation" cloud the ulti- mate relationship between the University and the Laboratories. Specifically, five professors currently working at Willow Run might want to transfer their projects to the Engineering Col- lege labs in order to retain their University teaching appoint- ments. Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman emphatically claims such project transfers "will not be allowed if they in- volve a classified project." Norman is adamant in disa- vowing any suggestion that the separation is a symbolic gesture. "If this is to be a separation then it will have to be a real separation. Our relation to Wil- low Run will be no different than our relation with Bendix, Parke Davis or other local research corporations," he says. According to Norman, Univer- sity professors will not be al- lowed to hold major responsibili- Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER Riding high The delights of summer may be quickly slipping away for returning University students. But these young cube climbers seem happily unaware of the books, schedules, 8 o'clocks, and exams which await thousands of other "big kids." DAILY REQUEST: By PAUL TRAVIS Associate Managing Editor "This new ordinance will be a magnet for the dope culture and make Ann Arbor the dope center of the mid- west," said City Council member John McCormack (R-Fifth Ward) last May before a council meeting. Despite his objections a coali- tion of Democratic and Human Rights Party council members joined together and passed what is possibly the most radical mari- juana law in the country. The city ordinance, which went into effect in June, sets the maximum penalty for possession and sales of grass at five dollars. Four dollars will go to the state for judgment fees and court costs-as with all fines-and one dollar goes to the city. The city attorney, however, re- tains the authority to refer cases to the county for prosecution un- der the harsher state law if the circumstances warrant it. Un- der the state law penalties are a maximum of 90 days and/or $100 for "use," one year and/or a $1,000 for "possession," and four years and/or $2,000 for sales. But, as with any new law, con- fusion reigns until a legal court precedent is set. Many personsinvolved in pro- posing and passing the new law thought that violations would be handled like a parking ticket: You get busted. You get a court summons in the mail. You come into court and plead guilty. You pay a five dollar fine. You walk out. However, the current procedure used by city officials for mari- juana violations is very different. A police officer finds some al- leged grass-in joint or plant form. He then confiscates it and takes the person's name and ad- dress. The confiscated material is sent to the State Police Crime Lab to determine if it is really marijuana. The State Police, however, have assigned a "Low Priority" status to marijuana samples from Ann Arbor because of the low fine. If the samples are proven to be grass, the city attorney and the police determine whether it should come under the city or the state law. If they decide to prosecute un- der the city law a court summons is sent out to the person from whom the grass was taken. See DOPE, Page 9 legaI Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER Crater diggers sngs New 'crater dig' tactic results in 40 arrests 'U' vetoes salary release 1I By RALPH VARTABEDIAN The Regents voted 6-2 at their July meeting to reject a request by The Daily that University staff salaries be released, along with corresponding names, sex, race, length of service and title. As an alternative, The Re- gents voted to release a hereto- fore confidential booklet entitled "An Analysis of Salaries Paid to University of Michigan Teach- ing Staff, 1971-72." The booklet contains statistics on the mean and median salaries of academ- ic personnel by unit, but does not list individual salaries or names. Former Daily Editor Alan Lenhoff had requested that full salary data be made public, basing his request upon a ruling by a Bay County judge that Sag- inaw Valley College should dis- close its salary data. The case is currently under appeal. The salary disclosure had been ardently opposed by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) - the top faculty body - which maintained t h a t publicizing salaries would be a violation of the faculty's right to privacy. Lenhoff called the Regents' action "an attempt to hide the University's failure to provide equal opportunities for women and minorities." The Daily Senior Editors are considering further action, in- cluding a possible lawsuit to force disclosure of the salary in- formation. Before the Regents' vote, pended; -That affirmative a c t i o n progress is monitored by fur- nishing salary information to federal agencies; and -That the University's sala- ries are no higher than those of comparable institutions. This, he said, is ensured through an- nual review by the State Bu- reau of the Budget and various legislative committees. In the last year, two state- supported colleges in Michigan (Michigan State University and Delta College) have released full salary information. The recent ruling against Saginaw Valley College resulted from a suit filed by the Bay City Times. If upheld in high- er courts, it will likely apply to all tax-supported colleges in the state. The Regents' decision to re- lease the so-called "Brown Book" of salary data will prob- ably have little impact. The booklet includes no data on the numbers or financial sta- tus of women or blacks. Thus, it provides no clue as to whether the University's affirmative ac- tion hiring programs and salary equalization attempts are actu- ally working. Most of the information had been made public before. The booklet has been published for a number of years and has been made available to Senate As- sembly's Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. That committee makes an an- nual report which is mailed to all faculty members. The most recent report includes the me- dian salaries for professors, as- See SALARY, Page 11 By DAVID STOLL" Adding a new tactic to their fight against University 'involve- ment in war research, anti-war protesters this summer twice dug symbolic "bomb - craters" on University property. Results of the new tactic have included the arrests of 40 per- sons, most of whom have yet to stand trial. The first four craters were dug on the Diag May 19 to the sounds of rock music and anti- war speeches, as demonstrators celebrated the birthdays of Mal- colm X and Ho Chi Minh. The University had earlier re- jected plans for the dig, but had offered an alternative site for a "bomb crater" on the mall be- tween Hill Aud. and the Mich- igan League. Demonstrators dug on the Diag anyway, however, because, according to protest leader Genie Plamondon, "we want it (the hole) to be a vis- ible daily reminder of what the countryside of Vietnam looks like." During the dig, Rolland Gains- ley, the University's chief se- curity officer, informed protes- tors that they were violating the law and were subject to arrest, but it wasn't until almost two weeks later that warrants were issued for the arrest of four local anti-war activists. Charged with "malicious de- struction" of University proper- ty, the four were Genie Pla- mondon of the Rainbow People's Party, Jay Hack, former admin- istrative vice president of Stu- dent Government Council, John Goldman, '73, and Richard Eng- land, Grad. Police also sought a warrant for an unnamed juvenile. The warrants were signed by Frede'hrick 1Th-vids chief of Ilni- Four' presented District Judge Sandorf Elden with a testimonial signed by over 280 people. It asserted that "the signers of this statement acknowledge organiz- ing and digging those craters. We demand that charges be dropped and the University confess to its war crimes." Pending trial, each was released on a $50 personal bond. On June 17, the second batch of craters were dug, and this time the University called in the Ann Arbor police. Thirty-six per- sons were arrested. Most of them were charged with "malicious destruction of property" and re- leased on $25 bond. The remainder were charged with assault and battery on po- lice, throwing firecrackers and the use of firecrackers. Various 1 e g a l technicalities have held up the trials of the crater diggers, starting with a postponement of the trial date of the original 'Crater Four,' after the county prosecuter's office asked that charges be changed See DIAG, Page 11 CONTENTS FRONT SECTION: Summary of summer news. CULTURE: Films, drama, liter- ature, music, art galleries, res- taurants and bars. SPORTS: Football, basketball, wrestling, swimming, baseball, hockey, lacrosse, tennis. STUDENT LIFE: The season of the student, local housing, stu- dent organizations, health ser- vice, campus security, Student Cellar. t1hihJtvh1T' AnA r n t ,4 ite POLITICAL EXILE Soviet poet accepts 'Ui' post By JIM KENTCH Exiled poet Iosif B r o d s k y arrived in Ann Arbor last July to assume the University's posi- tion of poet-in-residence. Brodsky's journey here w a s marked by a strange sequence of events that began when So- viet officials "invited" him to leave the country, even though Brodsky had made no previous application to do so. They offer- ed to arrange t h e necessary L'. 1.-- __ ~c-~ni--,t and discussed the possibility of hiring Brodsky with University officials. Proffer then flew to V i e n n a and met Brodsky there. It was in Vienna that the pair ironed out the final plans. Brodsky had to pay the equi- valent of $1000 to leave, $500 to forfeit his Soviet citizenship and $500 to cover paperwork. He was permitted to carry only $104 and two suitcases out of the country. >?:>: