14e £id$gwn Daih Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY; OCTOBER 3, 1972 I I Secrecy vs. McGovern Secret iles By ZACHARY SCHILLER AT THE END of 1970, the Defense Cen- tral Index of Investigations alone re- ported it had 25 million index cards on individuals and 760,000 cards represent- ing files on organizations and incidents.> The files of the Intelligence Command,r based in large part on surveillance con- ducted by the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation, were characterized by a Con- gressional subcommittee report as, "one of the most extraordinary chronicles of domestic political activity ever com- piled." Of course, according to the Army, this particular data bank has been dstroyed. But are we to believe that when various Army commands have been "amassing files on the political activites of civilians and soldiers for decades," they wvill throw them out the window at the slight- est murmur from a Congressional com- sen. mittee?Sen Skimming through the report of Sen. Sam Ervin's Subcommittee on Consti- Even A tutional Rights on Army Surveillance of seator fi Civilians can be fascinating as well as frightening. The in One will find, for instance, that Army drasticall files even include some generals-a case son; in s in point being one who subscribed to an sexual ac underground paper critical of the mili- address,c tary. The files include "virtually every tion. relat activist political group in America'" and represent the combined efforts of some 1200 intelligence agents working A mere in 300 offices coast to coast. the files, justify political paranoia iI "1F MR. STEVENSON or anyone else in the Truman Administration has a plan to end the war, it should be put into effect now," Sen. Nixon said. "The time for ending the Korean War should not be selected on the basis of the effect it may have on an election." The statement was issued twenty years ago. Superficially \it was in reference to a different war from a different era. But one 'more important ethical grounds, perhaps Nixon should apply his own advice to the current tragedy of Vietnam. For those who can remember beyond the embarrassment of the Eagle- ton affair, during the campaign four years ago Nixon promised to end the war with a "secret plan" to be announced aft- er the election. Four years have passed .and the plan is still a secret; Nixon has only changed the nationality of the corpses in Vietnam. It's about time Nixon revealed to the nation what his plan is. In contrast, in a few days McGovern will announce his concrete proposal to end the war in Vietnam. The proposal will give a more detailed rationale for his view that the war can be ended quickly if he is elected. Today's staff: News: Gordon Atcheson, P. E. Bauer, Meryl Gordon, Jim Kentch, Paul Travis Editorial Page: Lindsay Chaney Photo Technician: David Margolick Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BAUER ..............Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY. .............. Editorial Director MARK DILLEN ..... ......... Magazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN ........Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS .................. Managing Editor LORIN LABARDEE .............Personnel Director ARTHUR LERNER................Editorial Director JONATHAN MILLER ...............Feature Editor ROBERT SCHREINER .............Editorial Director GLORIA SMITR ......................... Arts Editor ED SUROVULL ........................ Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS ..........Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller, Ted Stein. COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles Stein, Marcia Zosiaw. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim Kentch, Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Becky Warner. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Brown, Jim' Frisinger, Matt Gerson, Nancy Hackmeier, Cindy Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal, Eric Schoch, Marty Stern, David Stoll, Doris Waltz. Sports Staff JOHN PAPANEK Sports Editor ELLIOT LEGOW Executive Sports Editor BILL ALTERMAN ..........Associate Sports Editor BOB ANDREWS ..............Assistant Sports Editor SANDI GENIS ........,........Assistant Sports Editor MICHAEL OLIN.........Contributing Sports Editor RANDY PHILLIPS .......Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Chuck Drukis, Joel Greer, George Hastings, Bob Heuer, Frank Longo, Bob McGinn, Rich Stuck. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Marc Feldman, Rob Halvaks, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo, Debbie Wissner. IT IS a credit to McGovern that he is willing to present specific proposals for the American people to consider. This openness stands as evidence for his at- tempt to run a campaign based on is- sues. It stands in direct opposition to the surreptitious tactics of Nixon's adminis- tration as evidenced in the ITT scandal, the Watergate caper, the handling of the Mayday protests and most recently the "secret plan" to solve the welfare prob- lem which will be announced "after the election." Many people, especially students, have become disillusioned with McGovern be- cause of his "equivocations" during the Eagleton affair and on his welfare reform proposals A definite stand on Vietnam will help to re-establish the support of young voters. Nor are McGovern's apparent "equivo- cations" reasons to seriously discredit the candidate. It is not reasonable to expect a candidate to offer preliminary propos- als free from contradictions on issues as complex as welfare reform. But it is im- portant that a candidate be willing to offer proposals for public scrutiny, and be willing to change and rework them in response to public evaluation. IN THIS ELECTION the ethics of run- ning a government are in the balance as well as two opposing philosophies. The openness of McGovern stands ethically in direct contrast to the clandestine tac- tics of Nixon. -JIM REUS Vietniam: The uck 'lucy winners' "U. S. REPORTS One Killed In War Ac- tion in Week," the headline in the New York Times read. Only 1 American battlefield death. No figures were released on "non-com- bat" deaths-helicopter accidents, shoot- ing accidents, grenade accidents, car ac- cidents, and illness-related deaths. The week's wheel of fortune did include, how- ever, 6- Americans reported missing, and 13 wounded. President Nixon's wound down war also accounted for 631 "official" ARVN battle- field adeaths, and 2,346 "lucky winner" wounded. Also highlighted in this week's U. S. Army Command's doublespeak-as it has been throughout the war-is carnival barker gloating over the ARVN's kill ra- tio-that it, four times as many of "them" were killed as "us" last week. The Army Command claimed a body count of 2,879 North Vietnamese and National Libera- tion Front soldiers for the week-making last week's "take" 3,512. "YOU MAY have already won," the ads say. But the whole Vietnamese con- test is rigged-"Vietnixonization" gives the Vietnamese a better chance of "win- ning." cative in its accounts. "It is difficult to imagine," the report says, "how records of an individual's religion, annual in- come, and marital status would be of use to a task force commander trying to quell a riot or contain a violent demon- stration. The implicit view of the report here is that the Army saw no long-term use for its files. However, if we think of the files more as a possible means of in- crimination, together with information possibly valuable for the purposes of blackmail or some other odious design, the implications of the files become in- finitely more dangerous. On an instant's notice, the 'arned forces would know who to put their fin- ger on, and would have at their disposal a whole history of political involvement. This is why what the committee calls "the vacuum cleaner approach" of col- lecting all possible information "resulted in great masses of information on indi- viduals which was valuable for no legi- timate (or illegitimate) military pur- pose." FURTHER, THE report states that the U.S. domestic intelligence system is not significantly used at present to stifle dissent more because of governmental intentions than because it lacks the cap- ability. What this all adds up to is a night- marish justification of political paranoia. ,I Adlai Stevenson III Sen. Sam Ervin In the files Asking questions dlai Stevenson III, the junior 'om Illinois, is included. formation in the files varies ly according to place and per- ome it purportedly documents tivities, as well as the obvious date of birth, training, occupa- ions, police record, and demon- attendance. compilation of the specifics of though terrifying, misses the point. In fact, the Ervin subcommittee concluded that, "the major impression f4rom our long study of these files is their utter uselessness." The question is: why does the commit- tee conclude what-it does, and is this in fact the right conclusion to draw? PERHAPS THE main reason for their conclusion is the fact that the Army's in- telligence was uncoordinated and dupli- it (I 1 JACK ANDERSON Lansky, extradited on. evidence trom IRS WASHINGTON - The U.S. Jus- tice Department secretly furnish- eded Israel with Internal Revenue and Immigration Service memos to help convince Israeli authorities to deport aging crime lord, Meyer Lansky.- Lansky tried to take advantage of Israel's strong refugee law, which offers a home to all Jewish refugees. But the Israeli authori- tes decided that the law was not intended to protect fugitives from , justice. Among the U.S. aocuments sup- plied to the Israelis was an Immi- gration Service memo linking Yan- sky to the notorious gangster "Bugs" Siegel. The memo quotes aA informnvr named Benjamin Baron a.; saying that Lansky "was a co-leader with Bugs Siegel of a gang employed as 'protectionist' of a bootlegging combine and . . . was involved in murder and kidnapping." A memo from the Internal Re- venue Service summed up Lansky's career"in these words: "Lansky's history shows that he has been a criminal all his adult life. Dur- ing the entire time he was closely associated, both personally and in his business rackets, with many of the leading criminals in the United States." Blacks Pressure Ali Black leaders in America and Africa are trying quietly to per- suade boxer Muhammad Ali not to go ahead with his planned exhibi- tion bout in South Africa in No- vember. Letters0. The day before Ali's recent fight against Floyd Patterson, Ali's b asi- ness manager, Herbert Muham- mad, met privately with several black African leaders at a c o z y lunch at the United Nations. In- cluded were Ambassador Farah of Somali and Ambasador Thian, the permanent representative of t h e Organization of African Unity. They argued at length that Ali's visit would be a major setback for opponents of South Africa's hated policy of apartheid. But apparent- ly their arguments were unavail- ing. Herbert finally shrugged and said Alihad signed a contract and that no one could change Ali's mind. But the black leaders haven't gi- ven up. They intend to appeal to the aging leader of the B I a c k Muslim movement. Elijah Muham- mad himself, to convince Ali not to go to South Africa. Ali is one of old Elijah's most devoted dis- ciples.- Making the appeal to Elijah Mu- hammad will be Dennis Brutus, a 47-year-old black South African poet now teaching at Northwestern University. It was Brutus who, last summer, was so successful in I elping persuade Avery Brund- age to prohibit Rhodesia from oar- ticipating in the Olympic games. Intelligence Reports War Widens - Israel apparently is planning military operations against both Iraq and Libya f o r their support of a Palestinian ter- rorists. In the past, both scountries have been immhune to Israeli re- prisals because of their distance from Israel, but now secret in- telligencs reports warn that Is- rael is preparing to retaliate against Arab nations beyond its immediate borders. Israel is said to be especially upset over re- porfts that Libya has given S25 million in oil revenues to the Pal- estinian terrorists. Gangster Playland - In t li e Bal mas, Prime Minister Lynden Pindling is following up his solid parliamentary election victory by seeking full independence f r o m Britain - a move Britain does nct oppose. But intelligence reports claim that Pinidling has reoeived strong financial support from Am- erican gangsters. Whet .the British leave, the reports warn, the. Ba- hamas may become a paradise for the American underworld. Around the U.S. Lest We Forget - President Nix- on told visitors privately the oth- er day that he was distressed over the ITT and Watergate scandals, but that he didn't think they would hurt him on election day. They were too complicated, he said, for the public to understand. The Pres- ident also commented that t h e public's memory on government scandals- was short. He suggested that the voters have already for- gottin, for example, what the ITT scandal was all about. Judging Statistics -- ' o p po- lice officials continue to lament the current state of official crime reporting in the United States. In Washington, D.C., for example, the Justice Department claims the D.C. crime rate is steadily declin- ing, but a special audit of police department crime statistics has revealed that many D.C. crimes simply have not been reported. In Philadelphia, meanwhile, official records indicate that the rate of crime is spiraling upward. . But . most knowledgeable police offic- ials say that the crime wave is an illusion caused by a uniform sys- tem of crime reporting put into effect two years . ago. As a re- sult, crimes not previously report- ed in Philadelphit are now show- ing up on the record books. Deadly Sleighs - The winter snowfall are expectd to b r i r: g out more than one million snow- mobiles, but owners are cautioned that last winter over one 'hundred people died and 6,000 were injured riding this modern version of the one-horse-open-sleigh. The safety hazards continue to worry federal regulators. Hungry hogs - A group of hog farmers have complained to us that people are getting too finicky about their garbage. Incinerators and trash compressors have re- placed garbage dumps in so many eastern cities that farmers can- not get enough loose garbage to feed their hogs. Out West, farm- ers can grow gain to fatten hogs, but on smaller eastern farms, the hog raisers complain they are go- ing out of business. They warn this will mean higher pork a n d bacon prices: Political Potpourri Our political pollster, Jimmy the Greek, recently surveyed 400 Dem- ocrats in a titanium plant in Tor- onto, Ohio, and found a whopping 62 per cent favoring Richard Nix- on in the presidential race. Ap- parently, McGovern's appeals to labor in Ohio are not catching ol In New York, friction has de- - veloped between Governor Nelson *Rockefeller and the President's campaign organization. Rockefeller has grumped privately that he is supposed to have a free hand to run the President's New York scampaign ..McGovern campaign aides in California are gloomy about their man's prospects. Or- ganizational problems have pla- gued the liberal Californians. One major problem is that too m a n y aides have become involved in lo- cal issues not directly associated with the presidential race. ,l Muhammad Ali Morn ing-afterpill and cancer To The Daily:I IN RESPONSE to the f r o n t page story (Daily, Sept. 29) which called my article in the Septem- , i 1< --------- .-t- - -~ I - \' I b-A.L. er issue of Her-self a 'cancer scare,' I would like to make the following reply: (The Daily arti- cle was based on the views of Dr. Lucille Kuchera of the Student Health Service.) My challenges against the use of the morning-af- ter pill were not based, as the Daily said, on the eight cases of vaginal cancer among daughters of women who took DES to prevent miscarriage; obviously with t h e morning-after pill there is no off- spring. They were based on facts stated in my article, and conven- iently avoided by Dr. Kuchera and the Daily that the morning-after pill is 3,500 times the dose t h a t caused cancerous tumors in cows, and 11,000 times the dose held by the National Cancer Institute to be too high for such a "spectacularly dangerous carcinogen." When fed to cattle at 2 parts per billion over a period of time, DES caused cancer. When fed to women at 22,000 parts per billion for 5 days, DES is supposed to be harm- less? I notice that Dr. Kuchera took humans. A H-rvard Medical Scho:;l study, published Sept. 28 in The New England Journal of Medicine gives still more evidence that DES causes cancer in humans. Six cas- es of a rare uterine cancer have been found in women who took DES in daily doses as low, as one mg. over an extended period of time to stimulate menstruation in the treatment of gonadal dysgene- sis. The morning-after pill is 50 times this dose. Her-self was too generous whcn it criticized the Health Service for not informing the thousands of women to whom it dispenses DES that it is a "known potent carcino- gen", but rather telling them only that it is "dangerous." Dr. Kuchera has now indicated that they are told even less: "We do tell the girls it is an emnr- gency type of treatment and that if they have a continuing need for contraception they should use oth- er means." No wonder she was able to get 1,000 women to take DES in her study! If women want to take, in a massive short-term dose, what has caused cancer in infinitesimal long- term doses, that is their right; however, they should be fully in- formed by the Health Service of the facts, and treated as intellige it human beings. Dr. Kuchera seems to! assume that massive short term doses are safe because they are rapidly ex- creted. To determine whether or not short term doses provide .)ng- term effects would pose prohibitive sampling problems since *effects which it was taken, as for exam- ple, radiation. Those women who have vaginal cancer because their mother - took DES developed the cancer, 20 or 30 years after the drug was given. I note that the Health Service is quick to add that they are search- ing for other types of syntheti.f es- trogens to use in place of DES, while contending that DES is harm- less. I hope when these are admin- istered to women they will be in- formed of the evidence implicating all exogenous synthetic estrogens as potential carcinogens; the inci- dence of 'female' cancers is rising. (New Eng. Jour. of Medicine). If Her-self is accused of )erpe- trating a cancer scare, then so must be the National Cancer In- stitute Journal (No. 33, 971), The New England Journal of Medicine, Science (Sept. 28, Vol. 177, No. 4046), and Nature (Vol. 238). We are in good company. -Kay Weiss Hier-self staff Oct. 2 Insult to women To The Daily: ON THURSDAY, Sept. 28, Dr. Peter Coyle gave the first of sev- eral lectures on neuroanatomy in Neuroscience 690 (also listed under Anatomy, Psychology, and Z o o1- ogy). This was an introductory lecture, and included a presentation of slides showing various views of the brain, a schematic representa- finn o th( - nervita,,, .,,cf-m anti n of the most blatant, unashamed examples of oppression that I have witnessed at this University. In order to make a ridiculous point, and, not incidentally, to spice up an otherwise vapid lecture, D r. Coyle decided to use material which was not only totally irrele- vant to the subject matter, b u t grossly insulting and humiliating to the women in the class and, indeed, women everywhere. ' It is difficult to be a female graduate student. With professors like Dr. Coyle, it is a mark of rare courage that women are ab e to continue at all. -Name Withheld net. 2 Vegetables To The Daily: JUDGE ELDEN should pass a law that possession of any vege- table is a crime punishable by 90 days or $100.00. This will guar- antee equal protection of the laws. Why favor one herb over another? Our criminal statutes make a mockery. of the effective administration of criminal justice, unless they are uniformly applied to all vegetables. The only exception to the law should,-be carrots, which should be available 'by prescription only, to judges, so that they might im- prove their vision. -Rose Jacobs Oct. 2 SC politics to believe that we (student in Ann Arbor) are represented by people in Detroit, Clevejand, and California! Now we are not naive enough to believe that our problems as stu- dents at Michigan set ,us ap',rt from the rest of the world, how- ever, is_ it asking too much that our "supposed representatives" ac- cord us the'honor of attending the University and residing in Ann Arbor? Suffice it to say, t is time for a change. It is apparent that the SGC doesn't care; and it is all the more apparent that SGC daesn't want to care. It was Thomas Jefferson w h o said "that government which gov- erns least governs best" I daresay that SGC has carried this idea to an extreme. -Wendell Jones and five others Sept. 27 fj ' 9 Tfj t ;I£14 i r t t_ F ,.YA great comfort from the fact that there are no offspring in w h i c h, the cancer can manifest itself - thereby assuming DES must not be cancer-causing. She also said that it was good that the FDA banned DES in poul- try and beef, citing its effect on retarding bone growth in children, as if this were the reason the FDA Get involved- write your reps! Sen. Philip Hart (Dem), Rm. 253, Old Senate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), Rm. 353 Old Senate Bldg., Cap- itol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. NMarvin Eseh (Rep), Rm. .- xidm.p- I