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October 03, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-03

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": 1 .1J A 1! I A ' 1

Tuesday, October 3, 19 7


P~age Thiree

Add that old German atmosphere to your bar with this
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EMU Players
George Bernard Shaw's
delicious comedy
... ...
Tes. thru Sun., Oct. 3-8 at 8 p.M.
For Reserved Seats at $2.00, dial 487-1221 between
12:45 and 4:30 p.m. weekdays and 7:00 p.m. on
performance nights
Use Daily Classifieds
- W
i..FREE --

DRAMA-George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman pro-
duced by EMU Players opens tonight in Quirk Auditor-
ium. Also, the Richard Rodgers musical Two by Two
opens tonight at Western Michigan University.
MUSIC-Piano Chamber Music featured in School of Music
Recital Hall this afternoon at 12:30.
FILM-"Film Makers Confront Reality," a two-evening event,
opens tonight at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Tonight's
program will feature Willard Van Dyke, director of the
department of film at the Museum of Modern Art, New
York at 8 p.m. in the museum auditorium. Tickets $1.50.
FILMS--The Women's Studies Film Series shows Images of
Women in Film tonight in the UGLI Multi-purpose room
at 7 while Ann Arbor Film Co-op shows A Night of the
Opera in Aud. "A" Angell Hall at 7, 8:45. Also tonight,
Cinema Guild features Bunuel's Viridiana in Arch. Aud.
at 7, 9:05. Daily reviewer Richard Glatzer comments on
this film: Pretty young novice Viridiana leaves the con-
vent to visit her uncle-through-marriage. Turns out
the uncle's got the hots for his pretty niece-she re-
minds him of his dead wife. So what does he de? Drug
her so as to be able to make love to her, naturally. And
that's just the beginning of Viridiana, a bit of quint-
essential Bunuel replet with facile cynicism, Anti-Cleri-
calism, perversion, and heavy-handed symbolism. The
grotesquely inspired mockery of the Last Supper, though,
makes this one of the overrated director's best. About
A Night At the Opera, Daily reviewer Herb Malinoff
writes: Marx Brothers rascality against a backdrop of
opera singers-or is it vice versa? Sometimes the opera
singers get in the way of the rascality, but nothing can
stop the. Marx Brothers, not even a plot. This is the movie
with the famous stateroom scene.



8:30 2


The Family Game Debut
Hawaii Five-O
ABC Movie "Playmates," Two
divorced friends become sec-
retly involved with each oth-
er's ex-wives. Barbara Folden.
Doug McClure.
Free Time
Merv Griffin Show
Dateline America

Tuesdays-7 p.m.


UGLI Multipurpose Room

toni ght
6:00 2,4,7 News
9 Courtship of Eddie's Father
56 Commonwealth
6 10 News
6:30 2,4,7 News
9 Jeannie
50 Giligan's Island
56 Origami
10 News
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy (B)
56 French Chef
6 Jeannie
10 Dick Van Dyke (B)
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked For It
7 The Parent Game
9 The Protectors
50 Hogan's Heroes
56 Who Is
6 Dragnet
10 It's Your Bet
8:00 2 Maude
4 Bonanza
7 Temperatures Rising
9 News
50 Dragnet
Register To Vote
SGC Voter Registration Comm.


Those who were adventurous
enough to attend the University
music school's Contemporary Di-
rections free concert last Sa-
turday evening, at Rackham
Auditorium were treated to a
preview of the uncontesrble
trend in modern music's future:
electronics. The concert's seven
selections were an excellent ex-
position of the varied aspects
and uses of electronic music;
by itself (performed live and on
tape recordings), in combina on
with traditional music forms,
and in conjunction with different
types of film.
The performance was of such
high quality that your personal
prejudices about electronic mu-
sic being purely mechanical, in-
coherent, assaulting to the eanr
and mind, strictly serious, or
"weird" sounding would most
likely have been completely dis-
pelled. The moods and emotional
effects of the music encompas-
sed qualities from cosmivy awe-
some to childishly humorous as
well as representing diverse
scenarios of Chaplin and Mary
The central portion of the con-
cert consisted of four strictly mu-
sical works. Two of these, David
Bates' SST and Peter Klaysmay-
er's Teddy Bear's Picnic were
created at the University's elec-
tronic music studio. Bates him-
self said that his piece w a s an
effort to create nuances of
sound texture, timbre, and struc-
ture without the repetition and
slow movement of many elec-
tronic works 'while also avoiding
excessive engineering complex-
ity in its recording. This is what
the work achieved in an ever-
changing stereophonic dialogue
of metallic animal-like voies,
thunderous resonances and oer-
cusion, and scentillating frag-
ments of sound. The work pos-
sessed both a free form for its
aedial exploration and a transi-
tional coherence.
Teddy Bear's Picnic was sheer
childish delight, a collage of hi-
1l!rios cartoonesque sounds (pre-
viously used in dance pieces).
These sounds included a variety
of percussions, crunching, Don-
ald Duck lisps, nasal snorts,
burs, Porkv PiQ stutters, a n d
crinkling cellophane.
In a more serious vein w a s
Robert Morris' Phases for Two
Pihnos with Photo-Cell Mixers.
This work consisted of two tech-
nically complex and varied piano
parts which were amplified
through the use of the photo-cell
mixers which are controlled by
the amount of light they a r e
exposed to. The resultant ef-
fect was unlike anything I had
ever experienced. The pianos
sounds were mimicked simul-
taneously or after a slight delay.
Resonances not normally heard
from the pianos were then pro-
duced as a third voice in t h e
piece; and the reverberated qual-
ity of this voice contrasted high-
ly with the clear piano parts.
George Burt's Improvisation No.
2 was a dark and foroidding
work for tape, electric piano, and
synthesizer. The performance
was effective in its expression of
numerous moods although ham-
pered by a malfunctioning tape

recorder (which produced only
one track of its dual-tracked
sound). Through most of the
pieces, the electric piano provid-
ed the atonal foundation of bell-
like tones over which the syn-
thesizer and tape added various
ear-assaulting sounds of a semi-
viscous quality (wind effects,
howls, brassy outbursts . . . Of-
ten, the synthesizer's s ou n d
merged with that of the tape.
Electronicmusic's capacity to
portray human actions and emo-
tions was clearly evidenced by
the three silent films shown with
electronic, soundtracks. Thomas
Clarke's Space Hold was produc-
ed by students in advanced cine-
atography in the University's
Speech Department. It was an

OCT. 3:

Images of Women in Films

abstract film dealing with t h e
emotional interaction of a man
and a woman separated by an
insurmountable rope barrier
against a cosmic void. Thl- music
complemented the film well, and
gave the listener an acute feel-
ing of special vastness, isolation,
and frustration intensifying those
same feelings induced by t l ie
film itself. It was an electronic
ballet of human response to ex-
tra-terrestrial metallic resonanc-
es of the void. Two other films,
Chaplin's The Rink and The New
York Hat (directed by D. W.
Griffith) starring Mary, Pick-
ford and Lionel Barrymoi , pro-
vided a sharp contrast of zany
comedy and heart-rending melo-

The New York Hat is a melo-
drama with considerable social
commentary on life in the early
1900's, complete with a hilar-
iously inane plot and rich char-
acter expression: Pickford's- win
some expressions, the v il11a g e
gossips' cackling, the father's
outrage, and the minister's a-
The Rink was a sequence of
high-action comedy situations
concerning Chaplin's wayward
work as a waiter and pseudo-so-
cialite partygoer.
The superimposing of futuris-
tic electronic music upon these
old . films was a shocking time
contrast and cultural transplant.

future in elcrnc

OCT. 10: Award Winning Documentary
on Gertrude Stein
OCT. 17: Women on the Other
Side of the Easel
OCT. 24: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
of Women's Lives
OCT. 31: The Abortion Question

9:00 4 The Bold Ones
9 Tuesday Night
56 Common Ground
10 Bold Ones
9:30 2 CBS Movie "Footsteps," Based
on Hamildon Maule's novel
Paddy, the story of a football
coach's attempts to whip a
small college team into shape.
56 Black Journal
6 CBS Movie
10:00 4 First Tuesday
7 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 News
50 Perry Mason
10 First Tuesday
56 Detroit Black Journal
10:30 9 News-National; Local
56 To Be Announced
11:00 2,4,7 News
9 The Cheaters
50 That Good Old Nashville
6 10 News
11:30 2 Movie "The caddy," (B) '53.
Story about aspiring golf pros.
Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin.
4 Tonight-Johnny Carson
7 Dick Cavett
9 Movie
"Shadow Over Elveron," '68,
Sheriff keeps an entire town
in fear. James Franciscus.
50 CBS Movie
"The Stratton Story,"(B) '49,
Life story of Monty Stratton,
Chicago White Sox pitcher.
JamesgStewart, June Allyson.
6 CBS Movie
10 Tonight-Johnny Carson
1:30 2 Movie
"Little Big Horn," (B) '51,
Historic story of attempted
rescue of Custer. L 1 a y d
Bridges, John Ireland.
3:00 2 Death Valley Days
Register To Vole
SGC Voter Registration Comm.

Pianist in Contemporary Directions program


...effective for women?

UNTIL 9:00 P.M.

Whether or not films will soon
become an effective means of
communication for women is a
question currently undergoing a
rigorous test, evidenced by the
local showings of three separate
women's film series this semes-
The Women's Studies Film
Series, currently being presented
every Tuesday evening at 7 in
the UGLI Multi-purpose Room,
will include films concerning the


lives of individual women,- cur-
rent women's issues, and the por-
trayal of women by the media.
The series, which is open to
the public, is being shown in
conjunction wit}' a new Pilot
Program course "Introduction to
Women's Studies." The course is
being taught by women faculty
members and graduate students
from various University depart-
ments who have volunteered their
According to history Prof.
Kitty Sklar, one of the course
lecturers, the major purpose of
the course is to offer "an inter-
disciplinary place where students
can come together to create new
approaches to the experiences of
women, free from the constraints
now operative in most disci-
Not only do students in the
course view women's films, but
they also have the opportunity to
make their own. The University
Television Center has donated
$500 to the course to support
those students who are interested

in working with films for their
course project.
Another women's film festival
is being presented by Cinema
Guild Nov. 7-13. The series will
include Three Lives directed by
Kate Millett, Ingmar Bergman's
The Silence and UneFemme est
une Femme directed by Jean-
Luc Godard.
The inclusion of women's films
in Cinema Guild's fall schedule
was initiated by the 15 member
Cinema Guild Board. The Board
voted to present a women's film
series after considering seven
other suggestions for a series
which would be of current in-
terest to the community.
According to Karen Sayer Hig-
gins, Consultant at the Audio-
Visual Center, there is a great
deal of interest in bringing new
women's films into the commun-
ity. She and Lydia Kleiner, Act-
ing Coordinator of the women's
studies course, plan to screen
international women's films for
possible University distribution.

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