Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY zunday, October 1, 19 1 Arnet: Editors Note - AP Special Correspondent Peter Arnett re- turned to New York Friday night after spending 10 days in Hanoi covering the release of the three American prisoners of war. In this, the first of several articles, the Pulitzer Prize reporter dis- cusses what it is like to work as a foreign newsman in North Viet- nam. By PETER ARNETT AP Special Correspondent The North Vietnamese official I knew as Mr. Lieu waved me to a table at the corner of the Hoa Binh Hotel Lobby. He was clutch- ing in his hand the three copies of a news dispatch I had filed eight hours earlier. Normally Mr. Lieu had worn a broad smile and spoke only Viet- namese. Now he was grim-faced and spoke broken but identifiable English in short, staccato bursts. "Mr. Arnett," he began, "you know you are perfectly free to write anything yu wish about the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam. However, in this message there are some references which disturb us greatly .. ." And so began an hour-long hag- gling over yet another news dis- patch from Hanoi, North Viet- nam, during the 10 days I was there covering the release of three American pilots. . From the beginning of the visit, North Vietnamese officials made no secret of their desire to get the maximum publicity from the pilots' release. They had added the potent emotional ingredient of bringing an American mother and an American wife to Hanoi to receive them. After the release ceremony and family reunion in People's Army headquarters on the second eve- ning of our visit, the Vietnamese liaison officer between the fami- lies and the army said to me, "Do you think this event will have any real impact on Ameri- can public opinion?" As the week unfolded it was apparent to me that Hanoi was seeking impact on two levels. Firstly, the North Vietnamese wanted to show the American public that the nearly 40 prison- ers were well treated, and that release of all of them was tan- tilizingly near - just end the war. Secondly, the pilots and their families would be a vehicle to further dramatize bombing dam- age against urban centers, chur- Have a flair for artistic writing? If you are interest- ed in reviewing drama, dance, film, poetry, and music, or writing feature stories about the arts: Contact Arts Editor, c/o The Michigan Daily. DIAL 668-6416 WINNER 1972 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL JURY PRIZE AWARD Only American Film to be so Honored Getting the news from Hanoi ches and civilians, and for this purpose they were taken along the route followed by Jane Fonda and Ramsey Clark. It was this second aspect that Mr. Lieu wanted to discuss with me in the lobby of the Hoa Binh Hotel. He felt that my dispatch, a 1,500-word account of a two- day field trip by the pilots and their relatives south of Hanoi, put too much emphasis on the negative. - "You have suggested that we forced the pilots to make state- ments condemning the damage," he said. I had mentioned -in the report the constant presence of government photographers and radio reporters, and the loaded questions from province offic- ials and people who said they were civilian bombing victims, questions like, "What do you say about this destruction by your imperialistic government?" I finally narrowed down his area of concern to two passages in my dispatch. In one I had written that local officials seem- ed to be pushing the questioning too far and were upsetting the American women, the other was a quote from Navy pilot Lt. Mark Gartley that he felt the North Vietnamese were disappointed when he did not publicly con- demn the war. I finally agreed to delete the reference to pushing, one reason being that Mr. Lieu interpreted this literally as meaning forcing, another reason being that the content of the story made my comment irrelevant - the push- ing was obvious. But I insisted that the Gartley quote remain. Mr. Lieu was satisfied, appar- ently. He shook my hand and said the dispatch would be tele- graphed to Paris, and it was. All of the reports filed from Ha- noi received similar close per- sual, but they did not insist on any story changes that offend- ed my professional standards. Changes were made only in my presence and with my approval. They were minor, dealing, as in the case above, with differing interpretations of a word. The main restriction did not deal with my dispatches per se. It was the severe limitation of movement and close supervision. I was accompanied by an inter- preter or a guide at all times, except after the fifth day in the city when I was allowed occasionally to walk alone a block or so to the cable office. As the first American news service reporter to cover a run- ning news story in North Viet- nam since the French left in the mid-1950s, I knowthat I perplex- ed and sorely tested Vietnamese officials. They gathered around me in surprise when on arriving in Ha- noi airport from Vientiane, Laos, I immediately pulled out my portable typewriter and wrote a rapid dispatch to hand to another newsman flying out to the free world. With communications to the outside world limited to a few hours of transmissions daily to Paris and Hong Kong, my long dispatches tended to accumulate at the post office. A combina- tion of discussion and cable prob- lems delayed an interview with Hanoi's top newspaper editor for three days. When I complained of these delays one of the inter- preters who continually hovered around us commented, "Firstly, you send far too much. Secondly, thisis an agricultural society not an industrial one so don't expect speed." I discovered that my 10 years of covering the war from South Vietnam Ifad not passed unnotic- ed in Hanoi. I was aware that Hanoi newspapers had for years carried selective stories of mine, particularly those critical of the Saigon government. Every official we met from province chiefs to Prime Minis- ter Pham Van Dong commented on my war reporting, but few asked my comments on the war. While I insisted on sending my newstdispatches on the pilots, and the interviews, through the Hanoi/Post and Telegraph Office, I have saved my analytical and impressionistic reports until my return to the United States. I decided I didn't have the pa- tience to argue the finer points of a free press with Mr. Lieu, particularly in a dispatch such as this one that he might have taken personally. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio): $13 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or. Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Amphioxus is a small sea ani- GOOD FOOD i Rea 'oinable Prices ! FULL MENU-4:00 PIM. TILL 2:00 A M 314 S. 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Main, Ann Arbor 769-5960 4,. * AP Photo by Horst Faas PETER ARNETT (right), the author of the dispatch on this page, is shown here helping a wounded South Vietnamese soldier while on assignment recently in South Vietnam. I r ; r: Sckoolcraft College Aries Productions PRESENTS \ . ,.. ....°' .. .,y. 1 / i ( r i i I 1 Y t .,/ r r J S 4~ Y A F NOW 2 ... r f I CLARENCEVILL AUDITORIUM Middlebelt Rd. Bet. 7 & 8 Mile b 4 k ,j dMbk " - ......t i R ..-. 2 UAsAwo' "Bo dyStj ,n" I '- -,"r+"' a