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September 30, 1972 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-30

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Page Eight.


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in gridiron

As the college football season
enters its fourth week, all the
major teams will truck into ac-
tion non-stop. College football
fans will be treated to some ex-
citing and important contests
throughout the 'entire nation to-
Presently boasting the NCAA's
longest winning streak, the fourth
ranked Tennessee Volunteers
clash with undefeated Southeast-
ern Conference rival Auburn to-

day to highlight this weekend's
college football action.
Despite narrow victories over
lowly Mississippi State a n d
Chattanooga, Auburn sports a
fiery defense that could pose
quite a problem for the Volun-
teers, who last suffered defeat in
a game with Alabama eleven
games ago.
Not since 1969 has Tennessee
beaten the stubborn Tigers, and
today's contest could well shape
up to be a classic down-to-the-

wire battle between the two SEC
Tennessee, 3-0, is a heavy fav-
orite following its 28-21 victory
over highly-touted Penn State
two weeks ago, then a 45-6 blast-
ing of Wake Forest last week-
end. Coach Bill Battle of Ten-
nessee will go with sophomore
sensation Conredge Holloway at
NationaI FootbaED~ll

Those Fabulous Sixties
Relive with us the fun-filled days of
that dizzy decade: the zany assassi-
nations, the kooky cult murders, the
colorful race riots, the amusing re-
pressions, the meaningless drug
deaths, the madcap war in Vietnam,
and the pointless pop culture. All of
it in the October Issue of the NQolud
Z 2p9n at your local newsstand.

Ha rriers' hopes high
for midwest meeting
After a two week lay-off and a chance to accumulate much needed
practice mileage the Michigan cross-country team returns to competi-
tion today in a six mile, six team meet in Toledo.
During the course of their two week lay-off, Coach Dixon Farmer's
11 man squad put in an average of 90 miles per man. This is the
most any Farmer coached team has averaged.
In the harrier's last outing Keith Brown paced the squad withr
an individual second place finish in the Eastern Michigan Open.
Brown was clocked at 25:37 over the five mile course and finished
close behind Terry Furst of the People's Track Club, who won the
Wolverine George Khouri turned in an exceptional performance,
finishing fifth, after running four miles of the course barefoot and
with a gashed foot. Khouri's foot has healed and he will compete to-
There were no team records kept but had there been EMU
would have easily won with Michigan second.
After the EMU Open, Coach Farmer was pleased with several
of the individual performances recorded, but as a whole was dis-
pleased with his squad's team effort. He is optimistic, however, for an
improved team performance this weekend.
In Toledo the Wolverines will be competing against Ohio Univer-
sity, Ashland, Cleveland State, Miami of Ohio and host Toledo.
Miami of Ohio is the pre-meet favorite after last week's convincing
upset of Michigan State, 21-37. Ohio and Michigan are both close
picks to finish second.
Freshman Jon Cros's, who is the second fastest six miler, in
Michigan history, will make his collegiate cross-country debut in
the Toledo meet with the Wolverines.

quarterback, while Auburn, 2-0,
goes with Dave Lyon.
Sixth - ranked Alabama liosts
Vanderbilt in another South-
eastern match today, with the
Crimson Tide a heavy favorite.
Coach Bear Bryant's squad has
rolled over its two previous op-
ponents, crushing Duke 35-12 and
blasting Kentucky 35-0, and
should have little trouble doing
the same to the Commodores
(1-1). Bryant used 65 players in
the Kentucky route last week-
Two important Southwestern
contests pit 12th-ranked Texas
against league rival Texas Tech
and second - rated Oklahoma
against Clemson.
victories over Utah (45-2) and
New Mexico (41-16), Texas Tech
is in good position to pull an up-
set over the Longhorns from Aus-
tin, who are seeking an unpre-
cedented fifth straight Southwes-
tern Conference title. Led by
senior fullback Doug McCutcheon
and Quarterback Joe Barnes, the
Raiders swamped New Mexico
last Saturday with a devastating
ground attack. Although not
ranked in the nation's top twen-
ty, Tech is a serious threat to
the mighty Longhorns, domina-
tors of the SWC since 1968.
Meanwhile, Texaswill attempt
to improve on its somewhat
sloppy ground game under the
direction of first-year quarter-

back Alan Lowry. Despite com-
plAting 13 of 18 aerials in last
week's 23-10 win over Miami of
Florida, Lowry was unable to
direct an effective drive ag-inst
the Hurricanes. The Longhorn's
only scores came from three
field goals by kicker Billy Schott
and a 40-yard run by tailback
Lonnie Bennett.
"I'm really concerned with
what kind of football team we're
going to have this year," Coach
Darrell Royal muttered after
last Saturday's victory. Still, the
Longhorns appear to
have enough strength to over-
come the forces of Tech.
In what should be another easy
contest for Oklahoma, Clemson
meets the highly-regarded Soon-
ers at Stillwater this afternoon.
Oklahoma, 2-0, amassed an in-
credible 609 ydrds rushing in
last week's 68-3 annihialation of
Oregon. TheSooners' powerful
defense hasn't allowed a touch-
down in either of their games
thus far, and that should pre-.
vail through this weekend.
Clemson, on the other hand,.
pulled a mild upset in its open-
ing 13-0 whitewash of Citadel,
then turned around and absorbed
a 29-10 defeat at the hands of
underdog Rice. Unless the Tig-
ers can control the likes of Heis-
man Trophy candidate Greg Pru-
itt, it should be no' contest for
Chuck Fairbanks' prodiges.
In the Northeast, upstart Navy
takes on Boston College in a bat-
tle of mediocre powers. The Mid-
shipmen manhandled Penn State
for one half in last Saturday's
clash before falling, 21-10, to the
Nittany Lions. Junior quarter-
back Fred Stuvek directs the Na-
val Academy, while Boston Col-
lege sends Gary Marangi against
the stingy Middle defense. The
Eagles sport a 1-1 record, as do
the Middies.

Other major battle this week-
e id include 19th-ranked Stanford
(2-0) against 20th - rated West
Virginia (3-0), and in the Mid-
west, Mid-American powerhouse
Bowling Green (2-0) meets
Western Michigan (2-1).
Michigan's, athletic director Don
Canham yesterday leveled a sharp
attack against the U.S. Olympic
Committee for the way it conduct-
ed the U.S. team in the 1972 Olym-
pics recently completed in Mun-
Canham called on the U.S. Con-
gress to "restructure the entire or-
ganization immediately" and urged
a complete review of public law
371 under which the United States
Olympic Committee was established
by Congress.
"There should be a public dis-
closure of the funds and expendi-
tures of the Olympic Committee,"
Canham said, "a report on what
146 Committee officials did at the
Games for 400 athletes and just
what the resources and invest-
ments of the Olympic Committee
are before it goes to the general
public for more help."
"It's imperative that c a r e e r
people in athletics be placed in
control of Olympic matters as soon
as possible," he continued. "The
whole operation is a mess and
should be cleared up right now
while the '72 games are still fresh
in our minds. I think -those now
in charge of the U.S. Olympic pro-
gam have lost complete t o u c h
with athletics in a changing world
and fail to realize the approach
most foreign countries take tow-
ard world Olympic competition.
"A catalyst is needed to re-
vamp oir Olympic organization
and the NCAA is the only group
with the equipment and personnel
to point up to Congress what needs
to be done."


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