Tigers lose, one & one-half games out "ee Story. Page 9 A DESECRATION OF JUSTICE See Editorial Page C, r Siri 14)a.tt'n SOAKED High-63 Low-42 For details, see today .,, Vol. LXXXII, No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 29, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages today... McCracken doubts Nixonomics University Economics Prof. Paul McCracken, who retired earlier this year as chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, doesn't think that Nixon can keep his election promise not to ask for a tax hike over the next four years. Speaking before a news conference in Washington this week, McCracken said that on the basis of the programs suggested by Nixon, a tax increase of 11 per cent would be needed by 1974, whereas McGovern's plans would mean an increase of only eight per cent. Fire in county jail Two deputies and a prisoner were rushed to University Hospital last night suffering from smoke inhalation after a small fire broke out in the county jail. Initial reports said the fire was started by inmate Donald Norris, who earlier this year filed suit against Sheriff Douglas Harvey after he was allegedly raped in the jail. Happenings . . . .. today include a mass meeting to work for abortion law reform, noon in room 3524 SAB : . . today is the last day of drop-adds. Check at. your counseling office . . . if you like eat- ing lunch, but don't have much bread, try Guild House at 802 Monroe. They'll be serving a noon hour meal at the almost unbeatable price of 35 cents . . . and for dinner, Guild House offers another bargain, a meal for $1.15. It's at 6 pm. Call 662- 5189 for a reservation . . . also in the food line, but with a more political focus, is a Human Rights Party picnic. Meet at the Geddes gate to the Arb at 6 p.m. . . . at 8 p.m., chess nuts from all over town will meet at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 306 N.~Division, for an evening of what Bobby Fisher calls, "crush- ing the opponent's mind" . . . if you are holding an event you want publicized in this space, bring a news release into The Daily and leave it with Mary Rafferty in the Business Office. Ms. Bell's wires crossed Ms. Bell contracted a slight case of indigestion yesterday as her cables came unspliced all over the, county. Lines to Huron High School, Concordia College and Green Hills Ele- metary School were all knocked-out when a contractor cut through telephone company lines on the city's northeast side. In Ypsilanti, another cable was cut during construction of a sewer. The phones still worked, but only for local calls. Ms. Bell hopes to have things back together by this morning. Briefly noted... . ..Fred Postill, Democratic contender for sheriff, claimed the endorsement of the Washtenaw County AFL-CIO . . . The" New York 'Times endorsed George McGovern for President . . . The Rippon Society, liberal wing of the Republican Party, en- dorsed President Nixon for re-election . . . The U.S. chapter of P.E.N., the international writer's organization, officially protested the threatened deportation of John and Yoko Lennon . . . Sen. Robert Griffin launched a $250,000 television advertising cam- paign billing himself as Michigan's "Muscle Man in Washington." Bremer free in 53 years- UPPER MARLBORO-A three-judge appeals court yesterday cut 10 years from the 63-year prison term of Arthur Bremer, the 22-year-old former Milwaukee busboy who was convicted Aug. 4th of shooting Alabama Gov. George Wallace. The judges gave no reason for the reduction, which came after Bremer pleaded in his own defense that his term was "severe and harsh." Shriver calls Nixon slumlord DETROIT-Sargent Shriver yesterday criticized the Nixon administration as "the nation's biggest slumlord" as he walked the streets of a poor neighborhood on the city's near east side. Shriver said a McGovern-Shriver administration would "not only make the neighborhoods liveable, but put them back into the hands of the people who live here." New violence hits Belfast BELFAST-New violence struck this troubled city yesterday. Bombs exploded in a downtown furniture store; at least five men died, four the victims of political assassinations, and two others were claimed shot by British Army troops. Chicago cops on ticket spree CHICAGO-Windy City cops yesterday ignored the pleas of Mayor Richard Daley and continued a massive ticket-writing spree. Included in their purge was the car of an alderman, and most newspaper delivery trucks. The cops are unhappy with the Police Department's reluctance to engage in collective bar- gaining. Ladies better than men LONDON-A lot of the prose and art work of gents' lava- tory walls is high-grade stuff, but it's even better in the ladies' room, says a report by people who should know. The Council of British Ceramic and Sanitaryware Manufacturers said: "Much of the written matter must have taken some time to execute" and "some drawings are done with drafts- man's skill." The council report quotes the Duke of Bedford as saying: "It is peculiar that as soon as women get into loos"-toilets-"they all go berserk. Men are not half so bad." Gov PNY t holds, Wfs after arrival NEW YORK (R}-Three American prisoners of war came home from Hanoi in full uniform last night, dramatically displaying the decorations they had won as combat pilots in North Vietnam. They landed at Kennedy Airport at 6:54 p.m. and 30 minutes later voluntarily entered defense department cars to be driven away. By so doing, they submitted to a reunion with the government whose overtures they had spurned dur- ing the long trip from Hanoi. However, the three POWs were represented as having voted among themselves and AP PtfoS RETURNING AMERICAN POWS are greeted by relatives as they arrive last night at New York's Kennedy Airport. The reunion was brief one, however, as the men were quickly taken away by military officials. agreed to don the uniforms while enroute from Copen- i. hagen aboard a Scandinavian Airlines System transatlantic jetliner. Behind them they left a quartet of American antiwar activists, into whose hands the POWs were de- livered 12 days ago in North Viet- nam. "We have just witnessed a re- capture scene," said one of their, former chaperones, - Cora Weiss, a "one incarceration replacing an- other.''f Defense Department officials said that the men would be sent to military hospitals near theirt homes.t Secretary of Defense, Melvin7 Laird, announced earlier that the department plans no punitive ac- tion against the three men. It is not clear whether the returned POWsl will face any interrogations. Besides Pentagon officials, thet POWs were greeted by more than a score of relatives,tclustered in a little knot. Above them was dis- played a placard reading: "Re- lease all prisoners of war on both ACCORD REACHED: Jap anO re la tio China f s with normalhze SGC asks vole on ROTC ai By CINDY HILL, and DAVE BURHENN Student Government Council vot- ed last night to put on the next SGC ballot a referendum question asking students to decide whether they want the University to con- tinue its compulsory funding of ROTC. The measure was passed by con- sent, and will thus automatically be placed' on the November SGC ballot. A student decision on this ques- tion would not be binding, however, as it would take a Regental deci- sion to cut the.ROTC funds. Currently, three dollars from each student's tuition payment is given to ROTC every semester. In- cluding money allocated in the form of free land and labor, the University gives ROTC and the defense department nearly $400,000 a year. SGC also voted 8-2 to support public meetings of both the Board of Regents and the Office of Stu- dent Services Policy Board. Dave Schaper, SGC treasurer, voiced the general opinion of the Council, saying "If they can't get themselves together on a public meeting - they shouldn't be on the board." See SGC, Page 2 new By JOHN RODERICK Associated Press Writer PEKING-China and Japan sign- ed an agreement today to establish diplomatic relations opening the door to a new era and ending 78 years of hostility between East' Asia's most populous nations. The agreement was signed in Peking's Great Hall of the People by Premier Chou En-lai of China, and Japan's Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka. In a six-point joint communique, Japan recognized the People's Re- public as "the sole, legal govern- ment of China. The Chinese reaffirmed that Taiwan, seat of Nationalist China, is an "inalienable part" of their territory. Japan said it "fully un- derstands and respects this stand of the government of China." Animosity between the two coun- tries stems from Japan's victoryI over China in a war fought in 1895. Since that time Japan has occupied Chinese territory on sev- eral occasions, most significantly during the period just before and during World War II. Agreements byPeking and Tokyo' end their state of war and go. treaty beyond the relationship of< 'sultation set up by Chou President Nixon last February There are still no formal d matic relations between Wash ton and Peking, because of tinuing American support Chiang Kai-shek's Taiwan gov ment. The issue of Taiwan was cru to a Tokyo-Peking understand Japan ruled the island ror m years beginning in 1894. The anese have about $4 billion vested there and are the isla major trading partner. The success of the Chou-Tan negotiations had been forecast V nesday when Mao Tse-tung rec ed the Japanese leader for hour-long -meeting. con and iplo- ing- con- for' fern- ucial ding. nany: Jap- in- nd's naka Wed- ceiv- an sides in all Vietnam." In Copenhagen, the prisoners created a minor political storm, as one of the three men, Navy Lieutenant Norris. Charles, said that "the responsibilityfor freeing the other 400 prisoners rested with the American people." Charles" remarks, coupled with the fact that the release of prison- ers had been handled by anti-war activists, did not sit well with Administration officials. "The North Vietnamese are ex- ploiting these people for their own propaganda aims," charged Vice- President Spiro Agnew. Supporters of lettuce boycott picket meeting of Farm. Bureau i By REBECCA WARNER Yesterday's schedule for the meeting of the local district Farm Bureau included a luncheon, a talk by a Dow Chemical representative on ecology, and workshops on "Egg Carton Flowers," and "What, Why' and How with Cones.' Unscheduled .were the 40 local supporters of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) picketing, chanting, carrying signs criticiz- ing the Farm Bureau, and urging support for the UFW iceberg let- tuce boycott. Yesterday's protest was part of; a UFW informational campaign launched in May against the Farm Bureau, a powerful national lobby of farm owners. The specific issue of the demon- stration was an anti-union film shown at the Bureau meeting for area women. The movie disclaim- ed UFW descriptions of substand- ard working conditions for farm laborers. The film, according to viewers, blamed the union for hardships s u f f e r e d by lettuce pickers. Demonstrators gathered at the driveways of the Pittsfield Town- ship Grange Hall, site of the meet- ing, and discouraged women From Chou said his four summit talks entering the hall's parking lot. with Tanaka were earnest, frank' Chants of "Boycott Lettuce!" and and friendly, and that mutual un- "Viva la huelga!" greeted the derstandings have been reached1 farmers wives as they entered the "by seeking a common ground-on building, and the demonstrators major points while reserving dif- Black frats: Fewer TG's, more activism circled the hall, shouting in an attempt to disrupt the showing of the film. However, shortly after the begin- ning of the film two county sher- iff's deputies arrived with a police dog and the demonstrators moved back to the roadside. Present on the picket line were Michigan UFW coordinator Bill Masterson and three representa- tives of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Em- ployes (AFSCME) local 369, in- cluding its president. Masterson said he was "very happy" at the derhonstration's turnout. "There are almost as See UFW, Page 2 ferences on minor poinnts."v As a consequence, Chou went on, agreement had been reached "on a series of important questions about the normalization of Sino- Japanese relations." What the new Tokyo-Peking re- lationship may portend from Japan's relations with the United States remains to be seen. Japan remains under the wing of a de- fense agreement with the United States, and Tanaka said two weeks ago that relations with Washington "remain most fundamental and important" and were not to be changed by any developments af- fecting China and the Soviet Union. By HOWIE BRICK - For as long as anyone can remember, the primary goal of campus fraternities has been simply to have a good time. But according to their mem- bers, the four black fraternities on campus are considerably dif- ferent than their white counter- parts, as they are interested largely in political activity. Comparing his organization to white fraternities, Allen Brown, president of the local chapter of Omega Psi Phi, one of the four black houses, says, "The only thing white frats do is give 'Thank God it's Friday' parties.. At least, we don't hear of them doing anything else." In contrast, Brown's fraternity last year raised money for Thanksgiving dinners for' some 300 poor people, and collected $1,300 for the Ann Arbor Com- munity Center's free breakfast program, through a campus bucket drive. Other black fraternities have been involved in such projects as the Black Students Union, the CULS program, and voter regis- tration drives. "Most of the active blacks on campus are in fraternities," said Alex Hawkins, University Direc- tor of Off-campus Housing. "And once you join a black frat," Hawkins continues, "you're a See BLACK, Page 2 On the inside .. . . ..the sports page tells of the latest exploits of Team Canada, which beat the Russians yesterday and captured the series . . . the Arts Page has the low- down on every movie in town this weekend . . . the Editorial Page has a column by Dr. Richard Kunnes, radical psychiatrist, and a reprint of the New York Times endorsement of George McGovern . .. Page 10 has reports from Vietnam and national and world news. The weather picture Morning-a By LOIS EITZEN Daily Science Writer Long a favorite feature of Health Service, the morning-after pill was recently attacked as a potential cause of cancer. Experts at Health Service claim this can- cer scare is a false alarm. Challenges against use of the pill appear- ed in the September issue of her-self a local women 's newsnianer. Thev are based on NO CANCER LINK fter 'pil' "Of all the national reports and outcries that have been published recently on DES, 'her-self' concludes, "not one of thgem has even mentioned its most unscrupulous use of all, as a morning-after pill." Dr. Lucile Kuchera, author of a recent study on the morning-after pill at Health Service, refutes these charges on a number of points. First, she said, the danger of called safe in which the mothers never took DES or any estrogen, but simply were high-risk preg- nancy cases who threatened to abort." Women using DES to prevent miscarriage took 125 milligrams a day until the 35th week of pregnancy. "This cannot possibly be compared to the morning-after pill which is 50 milligrams a day for five days only," Kuchera added.