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September 28, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-28

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Thursday, September 28, 1972


,Page Seven

Thrdyetme_8 92TH IHGNDIYPg ee

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Duke Sims
lined a tie-breaking single to
left-center field with one out1
in the bottom of the ninth in-
ning last night, capping a
two run rally that powered
the Detroit Tigers to a 6-5
victory over the New York
The triumph by the Tigers, who1
overcame a 5-0 lead built by New
York in the first three innings,
kept them one-half game back of
first-place Boston in the Ameri-
can League East.









three of Baltimore's seven hits in Baltimore left runners on first American League West.
the opening inning but pitched out and third base in the opening in- Mayberry, who also cracked a
of trouble when Johnny Oates lined ning, wasted a two-out triple by pair of singles in a four-for-four
into a double play following Don Paul Blair in the fourth, and batting day was the biggest ne-
Buford's lead-off single. stranded two more runners in the mesis to Wilbur Wood, 24-16.
The ift -'paceIndins,9-7fifth.
The fifth - place Indians, 9-7 Roger Nelson, 10-6, held the Sox
against the Orioles for the season, scoreless until the ninth after Dick
scored all their runs in the first Allen doubled across Jim Lyttle in
and chased Dave McNally, 13-17, W e Sox Sfl the first inning. Lyttle doubled in
before he retired a batter. CHICAGO - J o h n Mayberry the ninth and scored on Carlos
Chris Chambliss rapped a two- slammed a two-run homer in the May's triple.
run triple, following a single by first and scored after his third-; Mayberry's 24th homer followed
Buddy Bell and a throwing error inning triple to launch the Kansa| a walk to Paul Schaal in the first.
by first baseman Boog Powell, and City Royals to a 4-2 victoryyester- With two out in the third, Mayberry
then, tallied on a single by Ray day, virtually dousing the Chicago;tripled and scored on Lou Piniella's
Fosse which finished McNally. ( White Sox' pennant hopes in the single.
TT A 1 T -r-


fice fly before Sims collected his
game-winning hit. Run - scoring
singles by Kaline and pinch-hitter
Frank Howard and Mickey Stan-
ley's sacrifice fly had brought the
Tigers back within a run at 5-4 in
the eighth.

Magic Number: 8
The Miracle Tigers did it
again last night-beating Mr.
Invincible himself. Terror is
spreading throughout the league
now as Martin's Marauders
seem to have a clear road home.
Sparky Lyle, 8-5, who had come
on in relief of Steve Kline to quell
a three-run Detroit rally in the;
eighth inning, loaded the bases
with none out in the ninth on sing-
les by Ed Brinkman, Willie Horton
and pinch hitter Tony Taylor.
Al Kaline tied it with a sacri-

AP Photo
OAKLAND CATCHER Gene Tenace clearly puts the the tag on Minnesota's Steve Byre trying to
score on a squeeze play in last night's 1-0 Athletic victory. The win moves Oakland another step
closer to the pennant in the American League's Western Division. Sal Bando knocked in Matty Alou
for the game's only run.

Green Wave envisions third upset

Two weeks ago the nere men-
tion of the Tulane-Michigan foot-
ball game evoked a mirage of,
another Virginia-Michigan farce,
a 56-0 cakewalk last year.
But the hallucinations are over.
After capsizing its first two op-
ponents, both of whom were at
least one touchdown favorites,
the Green Wave has roared from
obscurity to national prominence,
beinig rated eighteenth in this
week's poll.
Tulane is off to its best start
since 1966,and a victory over the
Wolverines w o u ld mark the
Wave's best beginning in 23
years. -
The Tulane crew wrecked Bos-
ton College 10-0 in its opener and
marooned the nationally ranked
Georgia Bulldogs 24-13 last week.
"That was a big one for us"
said Coach Bennie Ellender after
the Georgia win. "We beat a
good football team. We still have
some shortcoming, but we're im-

stacked with Randy Lee and Mike
Traux at the ends with tackles
Charles Hall and Joel Hale and
middle guard Roland Szuninski
plugging up the middle. Truax's
first cousinhplays tight end for
the world champion Dallas Cow-
boys. Lee, coming of a stellar
performance against the Bull-
dogs, was named the Southeast
lineman ofrthe week by the As-
sociated Press.
Senior linebackers Glenn Hard-
er and Mike Mullen with monster
back David Griener, a hefty and
agile three-some, have provided
abrupt stops to opponent running
plays besides outstanding cover-
age on passing plays in the Green
Wave's two victories.
The defensive secondary, sha-
dowing their assignments with
apelike agility, have frustrated
any passing attack very effective-
ly.. Lettermen George Ewing who
intrecepted a clutch pass against
Boston College besides returning
a 57 yard punt for a TD against

46 yards against Georgia in the
second half to pin them deep in
their own territory. Overall Lee
has maintained a 43.2 punting
Quarterback Mike Walker has
combined his two year varsity
experience with sophomore Steve
Foley to adequately guide the of-
Foley tossed a 16-yard scoring
pass in his college debut at B.C.
while Walker passed for a score
and pranced for another against
the Bulldogs.
The Wave's receivers have
been sure-handed but lack in
breakaway potential. Mike Foley,
Tulane's steadiest wide receiver
B les
B 0 j- g-

and brother of quarterback Steve,
has been the Wave's steadiest
end. Ends Frank Anderson and'
Basil Godwinrhave however been
steadily improving according to
The crux of the running attack
has been carried by Doug By-
num, Eddie Price, and Virgil
"Our big problem," said El-
lender, "has been to open a hole
for these boys. All they need is a
little daylight.''
The offensive front line is the
strongest the Wave has amassed
in several seasons. Senior Jeff
Hollingsworth, a candidate for
all-American honors, leads a line
that includes Ed Mikkelsen, Mike
Owens, and Mike Koesling. Steve
Wade centers the snap. I
I 1......................... e s :

Red Sox rise OpeA
iui pe ut n iug a n w a er p t
BOSTON - Reggie Smith doub-
led home two runs, Luis Aparicio
tripled in a pair and Bill Leesturn-ed l iashentetor t is C season
Boston Red Sox beat Milwaukee 7-5
yesterday in an important Ameri-
can League East baseball game. By CHUCK BLOOM' I ly improved his offense and Larry fending champions from Indiana.
The victory kept the first-place The history - making Michigan Day rounds out the senior contin- Last season, Michigan placed a
Red Sox a half-game ahead of De- water polo team will meet its gent. fine second in the conference.
troit. first opponent of the season, the Junior Paul Fairman returns as Pheney, who also coaches at
Smith doubled in the final two Kentucky Wildcats, tomorrow night the Wolverines' second leading Ann Arbor Huron High, is very
runs of a three-run fifth inning at Matt Mann Pool starting at 7:30 scorer as does sophomore Pat impressed with this year's Michi-
that put Boston ahead 5-4 and Apa- p.m. saBauer, coming off of a fine season gan squad. "They are better now
ricio clinched it with his triple in, The historical fact of this year'sj last year. than they were at the end of the,
the sixth. water pool team is that for the; season last year. We have so much
Lee took over for Lynn Mc- first time in its short four-year Michigan's first opponent Ken- depth that there is no set starting
Glothen in th ethird, after Johnny history there are recruits on the tucky, is an active recruiter in lineup. Everyone an the team is
Briggs' three-run homer gave the team. Goalie Jim Firestone and water polo and has better finan- good, there is no one who is bad.
Brewers a 4-2 lead. He held Mil- forward Rick Yawitz, both from cial backing than does Michigan.
waukee at bay until the ninth when Clayton, Mo., are attending Mich- The Wildcats were members of the
he needed help from Bob Bolin as igan for the sole purpose of play- Midwest Water Polo Conference but 1972 Schedule
the Brewers scored a run on a ing polo even though they are not decided this year to drop out, hop- 1972 Water Polo Schedule
single, walk and single. on scholarship. ing to enhance their chances of
Boston opened the scoring in the ' "They wrote to us-asking to going to the NCAAchampionships Sept. 30- KENTUCKY
second on Dwight Evans' single come to Michigan," said coach in California. Oct. 6-MICHIGAN STATE
and a groundout. The Red Sox' John Pheney. "They were very im- With the excitement and interest INDIANA
first run in the fifth was produced pressed with our program. I'm given water polo in recent Olym- 7-INDIANA
by a walk and singles Aparicio very happy to have them here, see- ' pic coverage, more universities 20-at Loyola
and Carl Yastrzemski. ing that they were both high school are fielding polo teams. Presently at Loyola-vs Wisconsin
*All-Americans."the Midwest conference has Michi- 21-at Illinois Circle
Birds bow Firestone adds strength in goal gan State, Purdue, fresh with a Nov. 3-LOYOLA
BALTIMORE - Gaylord Perry to an already strong position for coach from MSU, Loyola Univer- PURDUE
of Cleveland notched his 23rd vic- the Wolverines. First-string goalie sity of Chicago, Wisconsin, George 4-ILLINOIS CIRCLE
tory, a 3-0 decision over Baltimore junior Stu Isaac is one of the top Williams College, Western Illinois, GEORGE WILLIAMS
in a rain-delayed game last night nPeotl nferithe Midwest Water Illinois (Chicago Circle), and de-? 5-WESTERN ILLINOIS
as the Orioles moved closer toward poloConference.___
elimatioin e eric L "Seeing as that the goalie is the ...: :::..: . ..
backbone of our team, we 11 have
East race. n rbe ntenx oryas o ehn o
The Orioles, division champs for no problem in the next four years,
the past three seasons trail first- Along with new recruits, Michi
place Boston by 32 games and gan has depth due to the many is m n
can be eliminated by any com- reunig h sdenior unor t a mn
bination of Boston victories and returning senior, juniors a nd
Baltimore losses totaling three. years atack w esenior ca- nbyd yourse
The Red Sox open a three-game tain, Steve McCarthy; the team's
series in Baltimore Friday. leading goal scorer. Rick Dorney,
Perry, who has lost 16, allowed also a senor the team'soSERVICE AP
.also paenir ste tm osth
.{rr s:>w improved plyeraccordingtoPe h
neyrand assistant coach Tony Va- Sun., 7 p.m., 1 544 SAB 761-7913
e Standings Ray McCullough perhaps the : . __''',.^____}_____________'-______
Detroit (Lolich 21-13) -_____________ ______________- ____________________
D Minnesota (Woodson 14-14) at
Oakland (Odom 14-6)
i ( A UAC-Daystor Concert
National League
Pittsburgh 94 55 .631 H
Chicagor 83 66 .557 11 and
New York 77 71 .520 16z
St. Louis 72 79 .477 23
Nloiitreal 67 81i81.453 261
Philadelphia 55 94 .369 39
Cincinnati 91 58 .611 - SATURDAY, OCT. 7 $2 - $3 - $3.50.- $4.00 HILL AUD.-8 p.m.
Houston 82 66 .554 82
Los Angeles 82 68 .547 9 /% "THE PERSUASIONS are that one special group that comes in every so
Atlanta 70 79 .470 21-
San Francisco 6486.427 271/2 often that can really be a great lift out of the everyday doldrums and, since
San Diego 57 91 .385 332 they aren't yet a "name" group, wouldn't it be a shame if all that fine
Yesterday's Results singin' and struttin' and synCOpatin' that theSe guys d0 slipped by un-
Pittsburgh 3, Philadelphia 1 FUN
Chicago 8, Montreal 0 noticed? .-FUSION
Atlnta8,Cincinnati 5S
Houston 3, san Francisco 0 . . . richness and majesty with every performance . . . keeping alive a
Lo s , n Yoek 0 tradition (acapelia street corner singing) that somehow refuses to roll over
_ne , Dgand die, no matter how many advances in musical electronics are made.
vent Direct Cinema
P.M. ALSO on sale now at the Michigan Union ONLY:
II WED., OCT. 4 Commander Cody, AsleepAt The Wheel coming Oct. 27-$2-$3-$3.50
in person Stevie Wonder, coming Saturday, Oct. 28-$2.50-$4-$450-$5.00
D. A. PENNEBAKER or by mail order to UAC, Michigan Union (sorry, no personal checks)
introducing his

----------- ------- ----

Major Leagu

W L 1.


proving everyday." Georgia and Charles Moss an- .'815s i;7 .
Ellender h as constructed a char the secondary from their Coach Bo Schembechler made Detroit 81 68 .544
solid defensive unit that has come halfback posts while sophomore some final personnel, decisions yes- Bime 8 5 3'
up with the clutch defensive David Lee, Randy's brother, op- terday in preparation for Satur- New York 78 71 .54 14
up 'sbattl withtanyhgplykoutedCleveland 69 83 .4541
plays. He has now added an of- erates from safety. day's battle with the highly touted Milwaukee 62 88 .412 20
fense that is increasingly show- One of Tulane's most devastat- Green Wave. West
ing more confidence and consis- ing defensive strengths has been Team doctors determined that Oakland 88 60 .595 -
tency. . the punting of Randy Lee, who defensive back Tom Drake, who Minnesota 75 71 .514 12
The defensive front wall is boomed the pigskin 57, 54, and suffered a neck injury in the 26-9 Kansas city 74 74 .500 14
{_____victory over UCLA will definitely California 72 78 .480 17
miss Michigan's next two ball Yesterday's Results
r games. Boston 7, Milwaukee 5
G r ad d e P ock 'ng1 Barry Dotzauer will again re- Cleveland 3, Baltimore 0
place Drake at the wideside half- California 3, Texasi 1
spot Detroit 6, New York 5
M Theory back spot, while Linwood Harden Kansas City 4, Chicago 2
arxian eory .will transfer reserve roles from Oakland 1, Minnesota 0, 1st, 11 innings
Prof. Quincy Adams Wagstaff: "The trouble with this college isthe short side to the wide sie Minnesota at Oakland 2nd, inc.
that we're neglecting football for education." John Pighee, who was the third Kansas City 'Drago 12-16 at Boston
Two professors: "Exactly, the professor is right." team safety, has moved into the E (Curtis it-7)
Wagstaff: "Oh, I'm right, am I? Well, I'm not right. I'm wrong. shortside back-up spot. New York (Stottlemyre 14-17) at
Now I know what I'm dealing with. I'm dealing with a couple of snak- On offense, Larry Gustafson has.. ......
es. What I meant to say is that there's too much football and not recovered sufficiently from an el-i Unprecedented Two-Night
enough education." 'bow dislocation to be available for
nno u U i

w 3
,2 i


Two professors: "The professor is right, again."
Wagstaff: "You're wrong again. If there was a snake here, I'd
apologize. Where would this college be without football? Have we got
a stadium? Have we got a college? Well, we can't support both. To-
morrow we start tearing down the college."
Two professors: 'But professor, where will the students sleep?"
Wagstaff: "Where they always do, in the classroom."
So bring your choices to 420 Maynard and win a Mr. Pizza pizza.
And perhaps a bonus surprise. Bring your dog around and we'll give
him a bonus, too.
1. Tulane at MICHIGAN 11. Boston College at Navy
2. North Carolina at-Ohio State 12. Tennessee at Auburn
3 Mich. State at Southern Cal. 13. Bowling Green at West. Mich.
4. Purdue at Notre Dame 14. Virginia at Duke
5. Wisconsin at LSU 1S. Toledo at Ohio U.
6. Minnesota at Nebraska 16. California at Missouri
7. Indiana at Kentucky 17. N. Illinois at Marshall
8. Illinois at Washington 18. Holy Cross at Temple
9. Iowa at Penn State 19. Fresno St. at San Jose St.
10. Northwestern at Pitt 20. DAILY LIBELS at East. Echos

wingback duties. Schembechler also
said that Curtis Tucker has been
moved from offensive guard to
Last year Tucker was named to
the all-Big Ten second team at
tackle, but was 'switched to guard
when Paul Seymour moved to
tackle from tight end.
Tucker didn't become academic-
ally eligible until just two days
before the Northwestern game,
forcing his work at guard to be

1 TUES., OCT. 3
in person
with his own

Auditorium, The Detroit Institute of Arts
Tickets: $1.50 (students 60c for each evening
Art Institute, Audson's, U. of D.
Write 5200 Woodward, Detroit 48202 (Tel. 832-2730)
Co-sponsorship: Friends of Modern Art and Winkelman's Focus: USA




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